This post was most recently updated on August 1st, 2017
I write a lot about various aspects of blogging and internet marketing on this site.
I don’t often take the time, though, to give you sort of a birds-eye view of blogging as a business.
So I asked my guest writer, Gaurav Kumar of eAskme, to show you some of the main things you’ll need to know for running your blogging business.
And he’s done a wonderful job for you.
So let’s get to it.
Here’s Gaurav….
How To Run A Successful Blogging Business
by Guarav Kumar
A dream which has taken birth in the mind of mankind with the beginning of 21st century, is the dream of running your own successful business and living the boss free life, where no one is yelling at you for work and still you can make piles of money every month with a perfectly optimized system.
In 21st century, you are living in the era of internet and technology which is continuously evolving.
Internet is not here to make you an online chatter or social media freak, but it is serving a very wide purpose.
You can not only learn from the internet but you can also earn from the internet.
There are thousands of methods that help you make money online.
The best thing is that the internet has given you the right to work for yourself and start your own online business.
You can create a website to
- sell products,
- provide services, or
- create a social media presence.
Or, you can create a blog to
- help people learn new things, and
- make money.
As a professional blogger, I understand the importance of making money online.
That’s why I show people how to start a blog and monetize it.
Many times, you may have heard me say that blogging is the best and most effective way to make money online.
Why I am saying this? Because it has not only changed my life for good but also proved to be the best way to online money making for thousands of professionals around the world.
I am running blog on various niche and it took me some time to become a professional blogger who lives with time freedom, money freedom and location freedom. Today I am sharing how you can work like me and start your own blogging journey.
Let`s see how you can start and run a blogging business for the successful career.
Start a Professional Blog
The very first thing you must do when starting a professional career is to take things seriously.
Same thing applies to blogging.
You should understand what you should do and what not to do when starting a blog.
There are certain things that you should take care of before starting a blog.
Let`s see what these things are.
1) Choose A Profitable Niche
Your earnings depends upon the niche your blog is in.
Choosing a profitable niche is the most important thing to do.
Always choose to blog within your passion.
For example: If you are passionate about cars, then your blog should be related to the car niche.
Because you never get bored reading and writing about the topic of your interest.
I love to talk about blogging and that is why my blog is dedicated to it.
I have written more than thousand articles.
If you choose a blog different than your passion, then you may find it hard to write.
You will not be able to add quality and attractiveness in your content if you are not writing about your passion.
Just make sure that your passion is monetizeable.
Remember: Always follow your passion and work with dedication.
2) Choose a Domain Name Using Keywords
The domain name is the name of your blog.
It is really important that you should add flavor in your domain name for search engines and common readers also.
In simple words, to add value according to the search engine perspective, you should add keywords in your domain name.
To add value according to the reader’s perspective, you have to make sure that your domain name is easy to type, easy to remember, short and simple.
Avoid hyphens and numbers, and make it brandable.
Considering these factors will help you to find a domain name which not only helps your blog rank higher in search engines, but also helps you to attract more readers and build followership with your blog.
Remember: Your domain name should reflect the name of your blogging business.
3) Choose A Premium Theme
Do you know what makes a blogging business eye-catching?
Have you checked the blogs of professional bloggers?
If you have visited professionals blogs like and others, then you already know that every professional blogger uses a premium theme.
Now you may ask why you need to buy a theme when there are so many free themes available online.
Here are the reasons:
Free themes are widely used for spamming purposes.
They also lack uniqueness, which is not good for any online business.
Free templates have hidden codes which can damage the reputation of your blog and pass link juice to the site of designer of that theme.
There is no support for free blog themes.
In the case of any error or issue, you have to rectify it yourself or you have to change the whole theme.
But with a premium theme, you will never face such issues.
Special: Start Your Blog Today: 3 Easy Steps
Premium themes give you a unique design.
Also, you will get complete support from the developers of the premium blog theme whenever you need it.
The most themes I most highly recommend are:
- Genesis
- Divi
4) Choose Reliable Web Hosting
Now that you have decided on a niche, domain and premium theme for your blog, the next important thing is to choose a reliable web hosting service.
When I say reliable web hosting I mean a hosting with 99.99% uptime and fast hosting service with cPanel.
You should also look for:
- Storage Space
- Amount of Bandwidth
- Number of domain and subdomains
- Support
- Email Account
- .htaccess Files
- language support
- Site Backup feature
Only premium web hosting can promise you all of the above features.
There are free hosting platforms like Blogger and also.
But I always recommend that you start a self-hosted blog.
Tip: Always start a professional blog on a self-hosted blogging platform:
Why Self Hosted Blogging
Because on self-hosted or premium hosting, you have full control over your blog and content.
But with free hosting, you never know when the free platform might delete your website or blog.
So, now you know how you can start a blogging business.
Promotion of Your Successful Blogging Business
We are living in a world of competition.
It is not easy to survive without promotion.
Same thing applies to blogging.
As a professional blogger, I understand the importance of promotion.
That is why I share my posts not only with the reader, but also…
- on various social media profiles,
- with email subscribers,
- on content syndication sites,
- etc.
The more you promote your content – the more readers your blog will attract.
When it comes to promotion, you can follow the 80/20 rule.
That means to spend 20% of your time on writing and publishing. 80% of your time on promotion.
Promotion always takes much more time.
You should promote your blog posts on:
- Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and other social networks
- Share on content syndication sites like Medium
- Update old posts and share with email subscribers
- Run Roundups
- Internal linking also helps to bring traffic to old posts
In the beginning, you may not find it easy.
But you know it was not easy for me either till I have learned to dedicate my time to my passion.
But till now I have not talked about the reason why most of the people want to run a blogging business.
The reason is “MONEY”.
We all work for money and 99% bloggers do blogging for money.
There are many things that can help you to monetize your blog.
Now let`s see how you can make money blogging to make blogging your full-time career.
1) Contextual Ad Network
When it comes to makes money blogging, every newbie blogger falls in love with Google’s Adsense.
AdSense is one of the most popular contextual ad networks.
When I say contextual that means it shows the ads on your blog related to the content of your blog.
These ads grab the attention of the reader and when he/she visits the ad – you earn money.
There is no doubt that Adsense is the most popular ad network.
But there are many alternatives also available for those who want to make money using more than one Ad network, or for those who are not getting approval from AdSense.
Bing Ads is the best example of an alternative to the AdSense contextual ad network.
You can also use Infolinks with Google AdSense.
2) Selling Ad Space/Direct Ads
Direct Ads or selling ad space on your blog is also a great way to make money with your blogging business.
You can run direct ads by creating an advertisement page for your blog.
This is where you talk about the cost of how much you can charge for the ad.
You can also join popular ad networks such as
Direct ad networks help you to easily grab the attention of advertisers and bring ads on your blog for a fixed price.
Remember: BuySellAds only accept high traffic blogs on self-hosted platforms.
3) Native Ads
Native ads are the latest trend of the advertising industry.
On many blogs, you may have seen the recommendation ads at the end of the article.
These recommendation ads are the native ads.
They actually look like the part of the website and increases the CTR (Click Through Rate).
Native ads help you to make good money if you are receiving the huge amount of traffic.
4) Affiliate Marketing
Do you think that I forgot about the most powerful technique, that helps me to make dreamable amount of money every month?
How can I forget affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is one of the best, major sources of income in professional blogging.
There is no limit on how much money you can make with your blogging business by monetizing it with affiliate marketing.
In affiliate marketing, you promote services or products of other businesses.
When your efforts generate a sale, you will earn a handsome commission.
Remember: Always choose the products and services which are related to your blog topic and which your readers find interesting. It will help to boost your conversion rate.
5) Sponsored Posts/Reviews
If you are a famous blogger, or your blog has good authority in your niche, then you can easily attract the clients who want you to publish sponsored posts or sponsored reviews on your own blog.
Sponsored posts/reviews are an easy way to make money online.
Tip: Always make sure that the post or review you are publishing is honest, and helpful to your readers.
6) Run Courses Or Sell Services
You may have seen many professional bloggers like me, Donna Merrill, Ryan Biddulph and others, selling services or running professional courses.
It actually helps you make huge money.
Not just money, though.
You also gain loyal readers and boost your blogger outreach.
When you become a professional blogger, then you can also start selling your own ebooks or services to your readers.
Special: Start Your Blog Today: 3 Easy Steps
These are the steps and factors that I consider in my blogging journey.
If you want to run a blogging business, make sure that blogging is your passion and that you have passion about reading and writing about your niche.
Also, never settle for lesser quality things like free domains or free hosting, because free makes you pay in the long run.
Blogging is for everyone.
It is fun, yet serious.
It is work yet, passion.
It can possibly be your ticket to financial freedom.
So grab it, love it and enjoy it.
If you still have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments section below.
About The Author
Gaurav Kumar is a top blogging pro.
He is the founder of EASKME and also manages multiple blogs within his professional network.
You can connect with Gaurav on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Twitter: ravishingravism
June 2, 2017 at 1:37 pm #
Hi Joy,
We should not make such mistakes, which will hurt us in long run. It is always good to invest and grow blogging business.
Thanks 🙂
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..Analyzing The Top Benefits of Using YouTube For Your Business
Twitter: joyhealey
May 21, 2017 at 5:38 pm #
Hi Donna and Gaurav,
What a wonderful article with all the things I WISH I had known when I started blogging.
Of course I tried to do everything “on the cheap” and ended up making a real mess of it – which just meant I had to start over again (and again).
For anyone who finds this article early enough in their blogging career, i recommend that you follow it to the letter.
Joy – Blogging After Dark
Hi Gaurav Sir,
It is always good to learn how to start and run a successful blogging business. I really like to learn more from you. I will follow all your tips.
Twitter: ravishingravism
June 2, 2017 at 1:34 pm #
Learning is the very first step that every blogger should take very seriously. Keep learning 🙂
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..Contentmart: A Place That Fulfils All Your Content Needs
Twitter: jitendrablogger
May 6, 2017 at 9:20 pm #
This guide is really Amazing and covered almost all things one should know to make a successful blogging business.
Understanding the readers is the ultimate part after which the standard of your blog jumps from moderate to pro.
Thanks again.
Twitter: ravishingravism
June 2, 2017 at 1:32 pm #
Hi Jitendra,
That`s right. Understanding the readers is most important. Noone can deliver the best results, until he/she understand whom he/sshe is serving.
Thanks for the valuable comment 🙂
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..Analyzing The Top Benefits of Using YouTube For Your Business
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 27, 2017 at 1:42 am #
Hi Cori,
Blogging is all about passion and dedication, learning and sharing. A blogger should always understand what he/she really wants and that will help his readers.
Thanks for your valuable comment
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..The Importance and Benefits of Mobile CRM
Twitter: notnowmomsbusy
April 20, 2017 at 12:39 pm #
Hi Donna and Gaurav,
It’s nice to meet you Gaurav. Congratulations on being featured here on Donna’s blog!
You have definitely provided some valuable tips for anyone who want to start a blogging business. I agree with everything you said here – especially your closing remarks. You’re right in that it is a serious business and it is work but when you have a passion for it it won’t feel like work.
Thanks for the additional resources as well! Have a great rest of the week!
Cori Ramos recently posted..Home-Office Decoration Tips To Improve Productivity
That’s a very nice and comprehensive guide to blogging success. Especially the part about choosing a niche. Lots of bloggers write about all kinds of things, and it doesn’t help attract the kind of audience you want. Focusing on a niche is the best way to start getting targeted traffic that will convert at a higher rate.
Also like the tips for successful bloggers, about offering ad space and selling courses. Good post, Gaurav, and enjoyed reading it, Donna.
Anand recently posted..A Quick Lead Notification App For Your Sales Team
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 27, 2017 at 1:40 am #
Hi Anand,
There is no doubt that a blogger should always focus on what his readers actually wants from his blog. This helps a blogger to understand and offer better solution. It also helps to gain authority.
Thanks for your valueable comment 🙂
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..Best Ways to Improve a Website or a Blog
Twitter: moumitablogger
April 19, 2017 at 12:08 am #
Hello Donna,
After a long time I am visiting your blog, hope you are doing well. Nowadays many people are taking blogging as their full time profession, me too. At the beginning of my blogging career, I thought that Google Adsense is the only way to earn money from a blog, but day by day, I have got to know many ways to make money from a blog.
Here you have discussed some ways to earn money from a blog. The important part of this blog is you have pen down some tips to run a successful blogging business and these ways are really useful. Thanks so much for presenting such a useful content.
Thanks & regards,
Moumita Ghosh
Moumita Ghosh recently posted..Sothink DHTML Menu: Perfect JavaScript Menu Builder for Your Website
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 27, 2017 at 1:25 am #
Hi Moumita,
It is good to see how bloggers are becoming more professional every day. You are right, Adsense is not the only way to make money blogging. Blogging open the thousand of ways to make money blogging.
Thanks for your valuable comment
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..What Are Verifone Credit Card Terminals?
Hey Gaurav,
Being a successfully entrepreneur or blogger, passion is very important, So I believe whenever we are finding a niche for our blog or website or we are planning to launch a product, our interest is important, if we work on a topic we love, it will be easy to promote and of course we will be able to help users & readers, the better way.
So, i will always advice all the people, that focus on what you love while starting a business online, it will be very profitable.
What you say Gaurav?
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 24, 2017 at 4:43 am #
Hi Jelina,
you are right!
No business can even think about the success if there is boredom or frustration. Passion or interest about the work makes the person delivers the best results.
Thanks for your valuable comment.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..How Bloggers Make Money Without Caring Alexa Ranking Anymore
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
April 17, 2017 at 7:22 pm #
Thanks so much for sharing your insider knowledge
And while I definitely appreciate all of the extremely valuable knowledge
you shared i your excellent post!
I especially appreciate the little known insiders knowledge you shared
in concept # three.
Warning us about why we definitely want to avoid using free themes, because of the hidden codes, and the developers receiving free link juice!
Plus, very rarely, if at all, do the free themes offer ongoing support!
All excellent points, which I previously had not realized could easily become
ongoing issues! Thanks so much!
And thanks so much for featuring him Donna!
Mark recently posted..How Extremely Savvy Entrepreneurs Generate New Customers For Pennies On The Dollar!Part Eight
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 24, 2017 at 4:38 am #
Hi Mark,
Every blogger should know do`s and dont`s of blogging and SEO. thank you for your valuable comment.
Glad that you liked it!
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..How to Improve Your Blog Layout
Twitter: awsmgagan
April 17, 2017 at 1:38 pm #
Yeah After adsense selling courses and affiliate marking is best for blogging business. m also thinking to start a amazon affiliate site.
thanks for the nice article keep sharing.
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 21, 2017 at 1:33 am #
Hi Gagan,
It is really good idea to start with amazon affiliates, Just make sure that the products you promote should grab interest of your readers.
Thanks for your valuable comment.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..How to Make Your Brand a Star on Instagram
Twitter: cheryschmidt
April 17, 2017 at 11:51 am #
Hey Donna! it was nice to meet Guarav here on your blog this morning! He did an awesome job here laying out the steps to a successful blogging business. I also liked the way he shared the different ways that we can monetize our blogs.
Awesome Share! Thank You Both!
Chery :))
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 21, 2017 at 1:31 am #
Hi Cherry,
Every blogger should try to monetize every possible way without overdoing it. Ads only work great if they boost the user engagement.
Glad that you liked it. Thanks for your valuable comment.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..How to Acquire More Instagram Followers and Make Your Business Sustainable
Twitter: lydiajbrown
April 16, 2017 at 2:17 pm #
Hi Donna, selling courses has been on my mind. Some of my associates have been encouraging me to do it. Thanks for the awesome tips.
Lydia Brown recently posted..Female Aging Issues in Recovery
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 18, 2017 at 11:25 am #
Hi Lydia,
It is a good idea to start online course. Just focus on your target.
Thanks for your valuable comment
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..Gaurav Kumar : My Blogging Journey So Far
Twitter: sueken
April 16, 2017 at 5:49 am #
Thank you for such a comprehensive post on ways to monetize through blogging. Whichever money making methods you choose, I think it important to join with like-minded bloggers for support, motivation and ideas. Getting to know other bloggers through groups or commenting on their blogs really helps you get known.
Sue Bride recently posted..I Made a Basic Blogging Mistake and Results Suffered
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 18, 2017 at 11:00 am #
Hi Sue,
There is no doubt that a good blogger outreach or blogger relationship helps to develop a feeling of professional family . It is not only good for the growth of blogging business but also good for self-improvement.
Thanks for your valuable comment.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..How to Build Strong Brand Image For Blog in 2017
Twitter: vashishthakk
April 15, 2017 at 6:15 am #
Hi Donna
You’re correct that one can definitely choose a domain name consisting of the main keyword. Like someone has a niche health and if the keyword comes in the domain name, it is good for him. What I like about blogging is – “anyone can start online publishing business using a free blogging platform”.
I am able to chase my dreams and that too because of blogging only. I don’t think any other profession could get me that closer to my ambitions.
Thanks for sharing
Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted..Best Ads Optimized Blogger Templates 2017 [Adsense Friendly]
Twitter: ruthieisms
April 14, 2017 at 7:32 pm #
I agree that affiliate marketing is the best way to monetize your blog. But the other streams of income you mentioned also serve their purpose, especially for new bloggers who maybe aren’t sure of their audience yet. Using ad networks allow you to test, and maybe make some money while you’re getting started.
Ruth Bowers recently posted..5 Uncomplicated Productivity Tips for Getting More Done Every Day
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 18, 2017 at 8:27 am #
Hi Ruth.
You are right. Every blogger should monetize every single monetizable opportunity available online. Adsense, infolinks and sponsored posts help every newbie blogger to make good money.
Thanks for your valuable comment 🙂
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..Business Debt: Just How much is Too Much
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 14, 2017 at 2:46 pm #
Hi Sherman,
You are right. Finding profitable niche which is also your passion is the key to be a successful blogger.
Thank you for valuable input 🙂
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..6 Ways to Keep Your Content Readers Engaged and Active
Hey Gustav,
Finding a profitable niche is very important when it comes to running a selective blogging business!
You must know if the products or services are catching the eye of people before you drive into promoting them.
But above all, as you mentioned, it’s wise to have passion for what you’re. It makes it easier for you to come up with great content and your target audience will be able to feel your passion which makes you believable.
Thanks for the share ! Have a good one!
Sherman Smith recently posted..How To Build Trust And A Loyal Following With Your Blog
Twitter: KathieMac
April 13, 2017 at 6:40 am #
Hello Gaurav,
Such a well-crafted article on the subject of blogging successfully as a business. I see why Donna included your article. She has an eye for a good article.
You covered about every aspect of blogging from the domain name to affiliate marketing. I agree the focus should be on being an internet entrepreneur. I picked up some great ideas from your tips that I want to check out.
Visited your site and bookmarked it. Will share this article!
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 14, 2017 at 1:42 pm #
Hi Kathryn,
It is always good to learn something new. I stil believe in learning from professionals and it is alsogoot to know that you found thisarticle helpful
Thanks for your valuable comment 🙂
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..11 Sure Fire Ways to get Traffic to your Blog
Twitter: BAMoneyBlogger
April 13, 2017 at 1:40 am #
Hi Gaurav
Good to see you here at Donna’s blog.
Now blogging fraternity is much clear that the best way to blog is to take it as business if you want to earn money with it.
No one buys anything in courtesy and must judge its quality and compare it with its price. In blogging business same rule applies where quality is the only criteria to succeed.
I like the way you described step by step creating a successful blog and take it as business at its each step of establishing.
Thanks for sharing
Mi Muba recently posted..Free website traffic vs paid traffic; which one brings more money
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 14, 2017 at 9:42 am #
Hi Mi,
You are right, blogging is the best way to make money online. Learning, analyzing, filtering and then producing the content which is valuable in current time, is the thing which every blogger should follow to become a successful blogger.
Glad you liked it, thanks for your valuable comment 🙂

Gaurav Kumar recently posted..5 Ways To Monetize Your Blog
Twitter: dannyguillermo
April 12, 2017 at 9:23 am #
This was such a thorough and well thought out article. It really covers lots of ground and does not sugar coat the blogging business.
While it can be very enjoyable it still is a business and involves work.
By the way, you are so right about free making you pay in the long run. You cannot skimp out on some things and you must be willing to invest in your business and yourself.
Thanks for this useful information.
Dan Guillermo recently posted..Which Social Media Platform is for Me?
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 14, 2017 at 9:39 am #
Hi Dan,
Blogging is all about learning, analyzing and sharing. The more I learn the more I share, it not just improve the engagement skills but also make people ask me more questions, which actually help me to find more relevant topics to write.
Thanks for your valuable comment.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..45 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a SEO Freelancer
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 12, 2017 at 6:27 am #
Hey Amar,
Focus is what is needed to achieve the blogging goals. Not just the money but branding is the key to call a blogger, a successful blogger.
A good subscriber base and social followers tell how popular a site is and how valuable it is for the readers.
Thank you for your valuable comment.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..How To Create Discussion Forum in WordPress With Free Plugin
Twitter: AmarTemok
April 12, 2017 at 6:03 am #
Hey Donna,
Serious nature to work is absolutely great key to start professional career in order to maximize revenue online. From my experience niche must be like that in which you have deep interest, because your interest and passion will surely make profitable.
A premium theme has potential to improve website performance and people should be conscious regarding visualization of website because it is top of the notch. Eventually, thanks for sharing your best tips with us.
With best wishes,
Amar kumar
Amar kumar recently posted..12 Things You Need to Know About SEO Hosting
Twitter: harleenas
April 12, 2017 at 4:21 am #
Hi Gaurav, and welcome to Donna’s blog 🙂
Good to see you here! Yes, you are right about all that you mentioned – all that one needs to make blogging a successful business. It reminded me of the time when I started off, and of course, it was on the free platform (blogger), and once I knew I wanted to take up blogging as a profession, did I switch to the premium one (WordPress), and there has been no looking back after that.
Choosing the apt domain name is essential, though a lot comes with experience over time, isn’t it? What’s most essential is that we as bloggers learn to connect with the readers, and write for them – that is how they connect best with us.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead, both of you 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted..13 Ways to Live a Better Life: Bring More Happiness and Success
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 12, 2017 at 6:22 am #
Hi Harleena,
Blogging is the great thing which happens in the life of a common person. It not only teaches use many things but also helps us to make money online.
When a newbie plans about becoming a professional blogger, the focus should be on being an internet entrepreneur. Choosing things which are premium such as Domain name, web hosting, premium and user friendly theme plays an important role.
Thank you for your valuable comment.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..Why Google AdSense Offers Low CPC in India and Other Asian Countries
Twitter: nishantoommen
April 12, 2017 at 2:51 am #
Hello Gaurav, It’s an informed vertical post.
I readily agree with the fact that blogging is an activity that needs passion and long-term commitment before we saw some results. Selecting a domain name that addresses our niche and hosting with a reliable web host paly’s an important role. With Google giving higher importance to quality content, bloggers should invest enough time to create a compelling article that keeps the visitors informed. Visitors needs to see the value in the blog post, they are investing their precious time on our blog.
Promotion plays a lofty impact on the article reach. Marketing is the key to success and it help reach a wider audience.
Thanks for the great share Gaurav.
Nishant recently posted..Blogging Tips From Professional Blogger Kulwant Nagi
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 12, 2017 at 6:12 am #
Hello Nishant,
Blogging is all about passions, commitment and engagement. The more we focus on the quality and readers engagament, the more readers will like the content. It also boosts the social engagement of a blog post.
A blogger should not hurry in things. Take time, do research, collect information, analyze it and then produce a highly engaging content.
Thanks for your valuable input 🙂
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..How Bloggers Make Money Without Caring Alexa Ranking Anymore
Twitter: leadingedgeadv
April 11, 2017 at 9:32 pm #
Great tips here to get someone started in setting up a blogging business.
Finding a niche that is profitable is important if you plan on turning your blog into a business. Starting a blog with not focus point or talking about everything and then expecting people to care is unrealistic, especially if you plan on making money from it.
Always good to get startup advice from a pro 🙂
Lea Bullen recently posted..5 Simple Ways to Get a Jumpstart on the Summer Body You’ve Always Wanted
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 12, 2017 at 2:12 am #
Hi Lea,
It is always an effective advice for any newbie blogger that he/she should work for passion and always keep the focus on what is the ultimate goal.
Passion brings focus and the focus brings new opprtunities.
Glad you like it. thanks for your comment. 🙂
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..12 Amazing WordPress Plugins You Should Install on Your Blog
Twitter: brpraveen
April 11, 2017 at 9:19 am #
Hello Gaurav,
It is a wonderful article and you have explained everything from starting up a blog to how to monetize and make money from it. A very concise and precise article and I will definitely share this with my group.
However, I think for a new blogger, the main purpose and intention should be about content and establishing oneself among the circles. Money will come by itself later. If from the day you setup your blog you are thinking of monetizing, you may get side-tracked and lose the actual passion in blogging. Just my 2 cents.
Great content. Keep writing.
Praveen Rajarao recently posted..Top 10 Kid Bloggers Under 20 years
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 12, 2017 at 2:04 am #
Hi Parveen,
It is always good for a blogger to write the high-quality content not just fo search engines but for readers also.
Most of the bloggers fail because they focus too much on making money and lose the enthusiasm to create quality content.
Thanks for your valuable input 🙂
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..How to Make Money Online with Affiliate Sites
Twitter: SusanWPTutorial
April 11, 2017 at 6:49 am #
Hi Gaurav,
These are definitely some great tips for anyone who wants to get started with their own blog. I definitely agree that you have to have a passion for the niche you choose.
It takes time to build up the traction for a new blog. If you don’t enjoy what you’re writing about, it will be impossible to come up with new content.
I think affiliate marketing is the best way for a new blogger. However, I do believe that it’s important to diversify and eventually create your own products.
Your main goal should be to create multiple streams of income. You’ve definitely shared several options for a new blogger. Now they’ll know how to start monetizing their income.
After all, who wants to blog everyday without monetizing their blogs 🙂
Have a great day!
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 12, 2017 at 2:01 am #
Hi Susan,
There is no doubt that affiliate marketing is the best way to monetize a blog content. As a blogger, I understand how it helps to make more money than any other monetization option.
Glad that you liked it. Thanks for your valuable input.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..Irresistible Blogging for Money Guide in 2017
Twitter: ryanbiddulph
April 10, 2017 at 11:18 pm #
Hi Gaurav,
Great to see you here bro 🙂
I like the practical tips for setting up your blog then you dive into the monetizing streams. Way cool.
I nabbed a sweet domain name and ran with it. It can help to find a keyword rich but not spammy domain to reel in readers through search engines and social media sites.
Gotta have that passion! True true, you never bore of your niche and all profits and traffic will just be the cherry on top, or extra, or a bonus. Taking this attitude helps me to enjoy the ride versus worrying where I am headed, like the old dingbat me did LOL.
Thanks for sharing Gaurav 🙂
Signing off from Thailand.
Ryan Biddulph recently posted..5 Off the Beaten Path Ways to Promote Your Blog
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 11, 2017 at 5:20 am #
Hi Ryan,
Passion is the key to keeps the blogger motivated throughout his blogging journey. It is always good to use keyword in domain name, but same time keyword stuffing is serious issue.
Glad you liked it. Thanks to you for your valuable input.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..Complete Domain Name Guide : How to Choose a Domain (5600 Words)
Hi Guarav,
What a wonderful article you have written. I thank you so much for contributing to my blog. I know my readers will get enlightened by your clear overview of the pro blogging process. It’s great to have so much diverse information all in one place.
Thanks again!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Awesome List Building With Your Perfect Blog Post
Twitter: ravishingravism
April 11, 2017 at 5:12 am #
Hi Donna,
I always love to share what I have learned through my blogging journey. Blogging is for everyone, still most of the newbie`s fail just because they do not care about their passion and do most common mistakes.
It is also a great opprtunity to publish on your blog.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..Top Budgeting Tips for SEO