One of the biggest reasons to blog is to build your email list.
That’s because you want to keep in touch with your readers and prospects on a regular basis.
And because you want to deepen your relationship with them.
In this article I’ll show you how to build an email list that will deliver:
- On-demand traffic to your blog
- Repeat customers for your products, services and affiliate offers
So let’s dig in and see how this can happen for you.
You know I don’t like giving you a bunch of abstract theory, or techie babble.
I just want to show you how easy this can be to set up, and how it can really change your entire blogging business.
The best WordPress plugin to build your blog
First of all, you will want to use some kind of software to build and display opt-in forms on your blog.
Opt-ins are the forms that people need to fill out to subscribe to your email list.
Typically, they offer something for free (a “lead magnet”) when someone subscribes.
The one I recommend is Thrive Leads.

Disclaimer: I am an affiliate and user of Thrive Leads.
If you make a purchase from my above affiliate link,
I may earn a commission.
This has no effect whatsoever on your one-time cost.
I recommend Thrive Leads to my readers, students and clients because it is so simple and versatile.
It really gives your blog or website a professional look and feel.
You build instant credibility with your blog visitors when your site has compelling visual appeal.
And Thrive Leads helps you accomplish this at the same time that it helps you build your email list.
How to use your blog to build an email list
Now, one of the things you’ll want is different types of opt-ins.
And you’ll want them to display in different locations, at various times.
Time-based forms
So, for instance, some might be time-based pop-ups.
Time-based means that you get to set a specific amount of time that visitors need to be on your blog before they see your opt-in form pop up.
So, maybe someone is on your site, reading your blog post.
30 seconds after they start their session, they see your opt-in form pop up.
Now this is important because people will usually leave your site after a short time.
So you can time this to appear after 10 seconds in order to capture their interest before they leave.
You can see how long people usually spend on your blog to determine when you might want them to first see the pop-up.
If your average viewer is spending 2 minutes on your blog, you could time your pop-up for 60 seconds.
The idea is to try to show people your free offer before they leave your blog.
If people get your offer, there is a much better chance that they’ll join your email list.
This is far more effective than, say, a widget form on your sidebar that they may never even see.
Scroll-depth pop-ups
As an alternative, you could set up your blog so that opt-in forms don’t appear until your reader scrolls to a certain depth in your article.
Maybe you want them to see a pop-up when they scroll through 50% of your blog post.
Or perhaps you want to catch their interest earlier, at 25% or 10% depth, or whatever you want.
You could even coordinate the settings so that the form pops up at just about the time your reader is at a point in your article that they might be especially interested in your lead magnet.
So play with it a bit and find what works best on your blog post.
Exit pops
Many bloggers don’t like the idea of interrupting the user experience of their readers.
They don’t want them to be bothered with pop-ups and offers and opt-in opportunities until they’re done reading the blog post.
Or until they’re ready to leave your blog.
So, in this case, you could have your pop-up form appear only when your reader scrolls over the exit button.
Then, just before they leave, they will see your offer.
It could say something like “Wait… before you leave, why not grab my free ebook.”
Or it can even be tied more specifically to the content of your blog post.
Something like this… “Now that you know how to create a YouTube video, you’re going to want to read my free guide on how to get more YouTube viewers.”
Exit pops have been shown to be extremely effective at converting readers into email subscribers.
So if you really want to build your email list from your blog visitors… give it a try 🙂
How to rapidly increase your list building efforts
Okay, so now we’re moving into an advanced strategy that you can use to really shake things up.
Once you find something you think is really cool, you can work to make it make it even better.
That’s right.
You don’t have to settle for good enough.
This is how the real pros operate.
They always strive to take things up a notch.
Good is good.
But you have to agree that better is even better.
So here’s how you can make your list building campaigns even better than good.
A/B splits
I’m sure you’ve heard the term “A/B splits.”
Now I won’t give you the analytical jargon behind this concept.
That’s because I don’t understand it, and I don’t have the patience to try to figure it out.
All I know is that it works.
And it’s so simple with the Thrive Leads plugin.
You simply create an opt-in form (easy to do from the templates).
Then clone it and create another one that’s a bit different.
Like maybe one is green, the other is red.
One is set to pop-up at 30 seconds, the other at 15 seconds.
Get it?
Just test one again the other until your results get better and better.
This is how pro bloggers build such big lists so successfully.
Aren’t you ready to try it out for yourself?
Making your email list hyper targeted and extremely profitable
Now here’s the biggest thing I can share about building a great email list.
Make sure you get the right people to subscribe.
The “right people” are the ones who are really interested in what you do.
Because otherwise, they won’t be clicking on the links in your emails.
You know, like links to your current blog post.
Or to your sales pages or affiliate links.
So you won’t be building a profitable list.
Really, unless your subscribers are “hyper targeted” … in other words, really into what you do as a blogger or internet marketer…
they probably won’t even open your emails.
So the most important thing to do is make sure everything you do is relevant to your core message.
What is it that you really promote on your blog?
Is it your business or profession?
Maybe a niche topic like photography, or arts and crafts?
Whatever your big thing to promote is, you need to tell people about it in many different ways.
That’s what your blog posts do.
But when you write those blog posts, you also need to capture your readers for your email list.
After all, MOST people who read your blog for the first time will NEVER come back.
So you’ve got one chance to get them to join your email list.
And once they do, you can keep in touch with them regularly.
Let them know when you write new blog posts.
Remind them about your products and services.
Connect with them when there’s a big affiliate launch in your niche.
So make sure that your content is relevant to the core message of your business and niche.
And make sure your opt-in offers are highly relevant to the subject matter of your content.
That way, you will build an email list filled with hyper targeted subscribers.
Do this right and your email list can turn out to be extremely profitable.
Growing your blogging business
When you use the strategies I’ve shown you to build your email list, you will benefit in 2 main ways.
On-demand traffic to your blog
When you have a list of people who are interested in what you do, then they will be interested in your blog posts.
But if they don’t know about them, then what good is it to create great content for them?
If they’re on your email list, though, you can let them know each time you publish a new post.
And you can even use your email messages to pique their interest in reading it.
In other words, don’t just tell them you wrote a new blog post.
Promote it.
Tell them how they’ll benefit from reading it, what they’ll learn from it, etc.
That way, every time you publish a blog post, you will have the capacity to drive on-demand traffic to it.
Just send them an email, and watch your blog traffic surge.
And not only traffic, but repeat traffic.
Not to mention traffic from a loyal audience that is likely to share it among their friends and associates, and on social media.
Repeat customers
But you won’t just be driving traffic to your blog.
You’ll also be able to tap into a database of repeat customers for your products, services and affiliate offers.
That database is your email list.
And the better you bond with them, via email, the more likely they are to be repeat customers and clients.
How to build a hyper targeted email list with your blog
By now, I’m sure you’re all excited about building your list with your blog.
So, where do you begin?
Well, let me remind you of something I suggested right from the beginning of this article.
The best WordPress plugin to build your blog into a list-building machine is Thrive Themes.
It’s simple to use.
You don’t need to know coding or anything technical.
And it’s not only affordable, but comes with a one-time only cost instead of monthly subscription like most of the others I’ve investigated.
Finally, it does eveything… everything that I’ve mentioned in this article.
And even a lot more.
So I recommend…
1. use your blog to build your email list
2. get the right technology to help you do it
3. check out Thrive Leads now =>

Disclaimer: I am an affiliate and user of Thrive Leads.
If you make a purchase from my above affiliate link,
I may earn a commission.
This has no effect whatsoever on your one-time cost.
Do you use your blog to build an email list?
How is that working for you?
Do you think you now have a better idea of “How to build a hyper targeted email list with your blog?”
Leave me a comment below and join the discussion!
PS: And hey, make sure to share this article on your social sites 🙂
Hey Donna,
Your blog provides a great way to build a personal relationship with customers and prospects and to gather their email addresses.
Consistently end blogs with a call to action that encourages readers to sign up for your email messages.
Building an email list takes time and is critical to marketing success in the digital age. Eventually, thanks for sharing your informative thought with us.
With best wishes,
Amar Kumar
That was a great article thank you so much.
Twitter: lesliezengler
March 17, 2019 at 11:07 am #
Hey Donna,
Great post! I hadn’t heard about a couple of those exit pop strategies. I’ll have to give them a try.
What are your thoughts on placing clickable buttons throughout your text directing your reader to a related destination or free giveaway?
As usual, thanks for the great content
Leslie Zengler recently posted..How To Achieve A Goal Successfully by Taking Action
Twitter: ProfitChampion
March 16, 2019 at 2:44 am #
Hi Donna,
I haven’t yet had much success with building a list from my blog. I’ll consider some of these tips in the near future and maybe I’ll see more subscribers.
However, what has worked very well for me is list building from my online products. Getting customers on an email list is SO rewarding. They already know you (as they have invested money in your product) and so the list is very responsive.
Thank you for the post.
Mathias recently posted..326,963 Visitors Using Online Forums and Communities
Hi Donna!
Thrive Leads looks like an excellent plugin. I remember looking into it pretty deeply when choosing a solution for my website.
Although, I ended up ultimately going with one of their competitors, OptinMonster. I can’t remember why exactly, although I believe I’m grandfathered into a much lower rate (I don’t remember it being THAT much more expensive than Thrive Leads, like it is now.)
Both options are seriously great and honestly Thrive Leads is probably the better value for most people, especially since it’s a one time fee.
Certainly as you point out one of the main goals of a blog should be to nurture that relationship further through an email list, so this is definitely an area worth investing in.
Thanks Donna!
– James McAllister
James McAllister recently posted..These Are The 10 Skills All Solopreneurs Need To Master
Hi James,
I love using Thrive because it makes things simple to do and it sure does a lot! Since I’ve been using Thrive Leads I have seen an increase in conversion and sales.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How to build a hyper targeted email list with your blog
Twitter: marquitaherald
March 12, 2019 at 7:16 pm #
This is terrific Donna! I’ve been using Thrive Architect for my landing pages and I just LOVE it. Recently I purchased the Lightbox plug-in so now I’ll be able to take advantage of the recommendations you have here. I think Thrive is wonderful overall, especially their training and videos, so rather than to continue buying bits and pieces I think I’ll become a member. Thanks so much for your advice here, I can hardly wait to start experimenting.
Marquita Herald recently posted..You Set the Standard for How People Treat You
Hi Marquita,
It’s nice to know someone who is using Thrive and get some feedback. I too love their trainings…always something new to learn. Indeed, instead of purchasing little bits and pieces of it, it is wise to be a member. It has made my life easier lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How to build a hyper targeted email list with your blog
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
March 12, 2019 at 5:13 pm #
These are definitely some spot on tips and strategies Coach!
And I really like the strategy you shared, with regards to, setting up
the pre- determined amount of time, before your visitors will initially see
your market tested popup.
Based on, how far they have scrolled into your content. That’s a bran new, potential
strategy, I have not heard publicly shared before!
Thank you! I always learn and discover so many practical
strategies and in depth insights, when I study at your blog Donna!
And this particular blog post, is certainly no exception!
Mark Newsome recently posted.. You Do More Of This And Increasing Visibility Just Got A Whole Lot More Potentially Profitable!
Hi Mark,
Setting up a pre-determined time before a visitor would see a pop up is important. If it is too soon, they may just jump off with frustration. But if they are reading the article, somewhere in the middle won’t usually stop them. They could click the x and continue, or be interrupted and be inquisitive. My personal favorite is the exit pop up.
It takes a while to play around with it and keep track of stats, but it sure is worth it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How to build a hyper targeted email list with your blog
Twitter: bloggerspassion
March 27, 2019 at 9:38 am #
“One of the biggest reasons to blog is to build your email list.” There you said it in the first line itself, amazing stuff as always Donna.
If someone’s not building an email list while blogging, they are making a huge mistake. An email list is not just for the sake of making more money but it’s worth even more than that. People like Pat Flynn uses an email list to build trust which is powerful than making more money.
When you’ve trust, you can literally do anything online from making sales to building powerful online businesses and so on. An email list offers you exactly that: the ability to build trust with your audience.
The key here is to focus on building a targeted email list instead of focusing on increasing the number of subscribers. There’s no point of building a HUGE email list that don’t even open your emails.
As you said, A/B split test work like a charm (I tried them and I still perform split testing using tools like Crazy Egg) when it comes to increasing your email list. Make sure to use different offers including call to actions to see different results. Try a lot and you’ll find what works best for you.
I personally think, providing excellent content to your audience through your blog and then using content upgrades can help you immensely to build and grow a massive list. Besides that, you can always build a faster email list by offering freebies such as eBooks, weekly newsletters and so on.
Great insights Donna, keep posting more. Thanks for the wonderful tips.
Anil Agarwal recently posted.. How Much Money Do YouTubers Make In 2019? The Definitive Guide
Twitter: MosClement
March 12, 2019 at 1:20 pm #
Hi Donna,
Email marketing is the most vital digital marketing component every marketer must put to use. And to use it effectively, you need to grow your list-build your numbers to have a community of recipients who will always come back to your blog and click your offers. In view of this, itis a great concept to be relevant and to make your list hyper-targeted.
Moss Clement recently posted.. 12 EASY HACKS TO GET MORE INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS
Hi Moss,
Thanks for the input here because we do need to have a community that will always come back. Once we make our list hyper-targeted, the chances are higher.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How to build a hyper targeted email list with your blog
Twitter: ravishingravism
March 11, 2019 at 11:17 am #
Hi Donna,
When it comes to create a sales funnel, email list plays an important role. Targeted email lists will help you boost affiliate sales as you understand the interest of your subscribers.
Glad you have shared this.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..Like, Share, Comment, Follow: Why (Bonus tips: Uncovering Why Brands Want them.)
Hi Gaurav,
To boost our sales it is so important to know the interest of our subscribers. This is why our email lists are imperative. Thanks so much for your input,
Donna Merrill recently posted..How to build a hyper targeted email list with your blog
Twitter: ryanbiddulph
March 11, 2019 at 10:46 am #
Super tips Donna. Relevance is incredibly important, with both the type of content you create and the specific nature of your offering. Cover 1 topic only for all blog posts. Offer a free giveaway aligned with that one topic. People will join your email list if you master one trade, versus being a Jack of all trades type.
Ryan Biddulph recently posted.. Have You Asked Yourself this Blogging Question?
Hi Ryan,
Indeed, people will join your email list if we master one trade. This is why we can’t be jack of all trades when we are blogging. Great point!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How to build a hyper targeted email list with your blog