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Quick guide to blogging consistently

Blogging ConsistentlyBlogging consistently is one of the keys to having a successful blog.

You might want to start making money with your blog.

Or attract more traffic to it.

Maybe you want to climb in the Google rankings so people actually find you in the search engines.

But none of these things are going to happen until you commit to blogging consistently.

So how do you do it?

Well here’s a quick guide to blogging consistently so you can reach whatever your goals are.

What is consistency in blogging?

How often are you blogging now?

And how many words do your blog posts average?

Are you solving problems for your readers?

And are you improving their lives in any way?

You need to answer all of these questions.

They are key elements of blogging.

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But beyond answering them, you must do them with consistency.

So, let’s say you’re blogging once a week, for example.

Are you doing that pretty much all the time?

Or do you blog twice a week for a while, then twice a month, then once a week for a spell?

That would be inconsistent.

The same for your word count, although, you could be more flexible with that.

If you’re used to blogging 500 words per post, then jump to 2,000, back to 300 and up to 1,200… you’re not establishing any consistency in your blogging.

You see, people like to see familiar patterns.

When you jump all over the place, they never know where you’re coming from.

So they get uncomfortable.

Google gets uncomfortable, too, so they don’t rank you as high if you fail to put some consistency into your blogging.

So try to establish a pattern that works for you, and stick with it for the most part.

That’s consistency.

Make your blog a habit

Blogging consistently means to make your blog a habit.

It’s something that has to get done just like you pay your bills at the end of the month or brush your teeth at night.

You don’t have to think about it, you just do it.

One good way to make your blog a habit is to dedicate a space to work in.

Another is to have specific times of the day earmarked for working on your blog.

Too many bloggers think that blogging is a spontaneous, inspired activity.

It’s not.

Blogging is work.

And you need keep at it consistently, and make it a daily habit.

Blogging without distraction

Develop good work habits.

It’s hard to develop blogging consistency when you’re working in front of television one minute, on the train another, or here and there while you’re at your day job.

How to become a distraction free blogger

To be blogging consistently, it’s best to find a quiet place and time.

Let people know you’re “at work” and don’t want to be disturbed for a stated amount of time.

Set very clear boundaries that will give you the distraction-free space you need to work.

That’s not always easy to do, but if you want to stay consistent with your blog, you need to find ways to work without distractions.

Blog every day

Do you blog every day?

Or do you go back and forth with other things in your life.

To be blogging consistently, you really need to do it every day.

And I’m not talking about just “writing” every day.

You need to work other aspects of you blogging business just as consistently.

techniques for blogging consistentlyYou can learn the 6 best techniques for blogging consistently from Shamsudeen at Cybernaira.

Social media posting

You need to post to social media channels every day.

Just like you develop a blog following, you also develop a social media following.

Take advantage of that.

Each day, you need to interact with people in your network.

It doesn’t always have to be linking or referring to your blog or to specific blog posts you’ve written.

But that’s certainly a big part of it.

Otherwise, spend time being social and helpful.

Send out your emails

Blogging consistently is not just about writing articles and sharing them on social media, though.

It’s also about attracting a following.

More specifically, it’s about building an email list and writing to them regularly.

Sending out emails to your list is key activity that brings you loyal subscribers.

And subscribers who actually open your emails.

What does that have to do with blogging?

Well, one of the main reasons bloggers build an email list is to share their blog posts with their readers.

Every time you publish a blog post, you should send an email to your list and let them know.

That will increase the traffic to your blog, and improve the engagement level with your readers.

Emailing each time you publish motivates you to keep blogging consistently.

Read other blogs

One of the big problems you could experience when trying to maintain your blogging consistency, is with creating content.

Sure, you could get through a lot of blog posts when you’re just starting out and have tons of ideas.

But that starts to get harder the longer you blog.

You could find yourself running up against the problem of what to blog about.

There are many things you can do to come up with blog post ideas.

How To Write Blog Posts Like Crazy

But one of the very best ways to keep those ideas rolling, and keep yourself blogging consistently, is to read other blogs in your niche.

You see, each time you read somebody’s blog post, you learn more about running your own blogging business.

But even more, you get fresh ideas.

I don’t care if the topic is something you’ve read about 100 times.

You’ll always learn something new.

And you’ll always come away with ideas you can spin into your own blog post.

It doesn’t need to be on the same topic, but on some aspect of it.

Maybe you read a blog that just barely mentions something that you could run with, and develop into your next blog post.

Keep reading.

Even blog comments.

Sometimes you get more ideas from them than you might from the blog post itself.

Always approach everything you read with an open mind.

And keep your eye focused toward developing your own content,

Keep a notebook

Now, as you get ideas for blog posts, you need to store them somewhere until you’re ready to use them.

The best place to store them is in a notebook.

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Sure, you could write them in a physical notebook.

Remember what it’s like to use pen and paper?

But that’s not really the most efficient way to keep notes.

It takes a longer time to write than to type.

Especially when all you have to do is a quick copy and paste.

If one paragraph in something you’re reading gets your creative juices flowing… just copy it from the source, and paste it into your notebook.

Then jot down an idea you have for using it in your own blog poat.

Now, you won’t use the actual text you copied and pasted.

But you can keep it to remind yourself of the ideas you had, and also as a resource you might like to quote or reference.

Some good digital notebooks

Okay, so what can you use for a notebook?

There are really so many good choices, you just need to do some research to see what suits your taste and budget best.

For myself, I use two different notebooks… Evernote and Trello.

I use the free version of both because paid upgrades to notebooks seem to be mainly for teams.

If you have a team of people who all want to share things you add to your notebook, that’s fine.

But otherwise, a free plan should be just fine.

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This is a good program for organizing your ideas, so you can keep blogging consistently.

Evernote allows you to copy and paste whole articles, images and even videos into your notes.

You can classify them according to topics, so you can easily access them.

Also, you can use a general search to find exactly what you’re looking for.


I actually rely far more on Trello.

To me, the layout is much more visual than Evernote.

That makes it easier to use.

It’s so simple to add notes (called “cards,” ie., files) anywhere you want.

Rearrange them by simply dragging and dropping them wherever you want.

You can even copy and paste them to other “boards,” which are like folders containing the various cards, or files..

But what I like most about Trello is it’s search function.

If you want to find an article you’ve saved written by Ryan Biddulph or Lisa , for instance, all you have to do is search for “Ryan” or “Lisa.”

With one click it will take you directly to the card containing that information.

This is a real time saver over any other notebook I’ve ever used.

And believe me, blogging consistently becomes way easier with a good notebook like Trello.

Maintain a production schedule

Finally, to develop the kind of blogging consistency you’re looking for, you need a production schedule.

This is something you can organize in your notebook.

Make a list of all the blog posts you intend to write for, say, the next 3 months.

List them in categories to be sure you’re developing a full range of content for your niche.

Then just write them as they come due to continue blogging consistently for your followers.

It’s not a bad idea, also, to keep a library of backup posts.

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These are articles you’ll need to grab quickly when things come up like holidays, family events, travel and the like.

Just because your life gets busy, it’s no reason to let your blogging slack off.

A library of backup blog posts will make it easy to keep blogging consistently at times when it might otherwise be difficult to keep up.

Blogging consistently

This is just a short guide to help you run your blogging business smoothly.

I think the most important thing to is to keep reading, keep networking and always jot down your ideas.

Even when you’re reading social media threads or blog comments, ideas will pop in your mind.

You should always stop for a moment, and think of how that brief idea, or a question from somebody, might be spun into a blog post that will help others.

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What do you think?

Leave me a comment below and tell me how you keep up with the demands of blogging consistently.


PS: Please share this article on your favorite social sites!

Donna Merrill
Donna is a well known blogger and creator of "Blogging Magic" - an intensive guide to blogging. "Blogging Magic" is for beginners who are trying to figure out how to bring their blogs to life with tons of visits, comments and social media interaction. It's even for advanced bloggers looking to reach new levels of authority and engagement with their audience.

12 Responses to Quick guide to blogging consistently

  1. Erik Emanuelli
    December 6, 2021 at 8:56 am #

    Hi Donna,

    you’re right! Having a blog means having a website with constantly updated content.

    I’m trying to publish one guide per month. It’s hard because it takes research, analysis, and efforts to create 3/4000 words guide with useful content, but I’m trying to keep it up!

    Thanks for sharing this nice post!

    Erik Emanuelli recently posted.. Blogger Outreach: The Actionable Guide

    • Donna Merrill December 6, 2021 at 3:02 pm #

      Hi Erik,

      Indeed, we have to update our content all the time. What you are doing to publish a guide of 3 to 4K words is a huge undertaking. Research and analysis takes time, but it sure does pay off in the end.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Best strategies to promote your blog postsMy Profile

  2. John Ravi December 5, 2021 at 12:39 am #

    Hi Donna,

    I really loved this article! I think blogging consistently is much harder than setting up a new blog. I struggled with this problem for a while. I started my blog but was too busy with work that I did not post on it for a long time. Thankfully, I have gotten out of that phase, I am still bookmarking your article to refer to it later. I will be implementing this time if I face issues with consistency ever again. Thanks a lot for talking about this issue and sharing ways to correct them.

    • Donna Merrill December 5, 2021 at 11:14 pm #

      Hi John

      Like you’ve said, people put a lot of work into setting up a new blog.

      But even though that seems like a lot of work, it’s really just the beginning of build a successful blogging business.

      You need to add good content consistently.

      And you need to market that content just as consistently.

      That’s the way this business is.

      So you need to love doing these things enough that you can keep doing them consistently.

      That’s the formula for success in blogging.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to attract online customers & clientsMy Profile

  3. SharlaAnn Matyjanka
    November 30, 2021 at 8:59 pm #

    Hello Donna,

    I haven’t really thought about the consistency of the length of your blog posts before. That is an interesting perspective. I always follow the “it’s as long as it needs to be” rule myself.
    I will have to try out Trello, even though I am a hard core, old fashioned, notebook and pen girl. I currently have 3 notebooks open on my desk. They all serve a different purpose and 1 is for blog post ideas.

    Thanks for the great tips.


    SharlaAnn Matyjanka recently posted.. Does Cutting Corners Help or Hinder Your Success?

    • Donna Merrill December 2, 2021 at 5:25 pm #

      Hi SharlaAnn,

      I’m a pen and paper gal myself…but since I got Trello, it made my life so much easier. I like the feature of the search bar because I have so much different kinds of content loaded up. Juggling two businesses, it works out so great.

      And yes, consistently is key when you are a blogger.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Your blog needs evergreen contentMy Profile

  4. Ryan Biddulph
    November 30, 2021 at 8:57 pm #

    The thing that most bloggers never get Donna that you mentioned is doing things other than writing and publishing posts on a daily basis. So much of my time is spent commenting on blogs, reading posts other than my own, and sharing tons of old blog posts and backlinks pointing to my blog through Twitter along with a few through other sites.

    Blogging is so much more than writing and publishing posts and we need to be doing that other stuff, tossing in increasing our blogging education, on a daily basis. Blogging is a skill set consisting of many different skills. Learning and mastering these skills takes plenty of time and unless someone plans to live to 500 years old, this means doing blogging work every single day in some way shape or form.

    Most of the bloggers I know never publish posts on a daily basis but you better believe they are working every single day on various aspects of their blogging campaigns.


    Ryan Biddulph recently posted.. Blog Monetizing for Beginners: Start Early But Avoid Being Greedy or Desperate

    • Donna Merrill December 2, 2021 at 5:40 pm #

      Hi Ryan,

      So true. Blogging is so much more than writing content and publishing your posts. We have to work it by sharing it on social sites. There are endless ways to be consistently spreading it around. The best way that works for me is to do a short video on the topic then lead people to the blog post I just wrote. Like a “teaser” of sorts. Works like a charm.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Your blog needs evergreen contentMy Profile

  5. Shamsudeen Adeshokan
    November 30, 2021 at 6:06 pm #

    Hi, Donna,

    First, thanks for the mention, It means a lot to me…

    Back to the post, you’ve shared lots of helpful tips here. I love the point of making your blog a habit. When something becomes a habit, it’s hard to do away without it.

    Thanks, Donna, I sincerely appreciate this.

    Shamsudeen Adeshokan recently posted.. How to Come up With a Blog Name

    • Donna Merrill December 2, 2021 at 6:57 pm #

      Hi Shamsudeen,

      Indeed, once we make our blog a habit, we don’t have to think that much about it. Rather, we know is such in such a day and time that we decided to choose and just sit and do it.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Your blog needs evergreen contentMy Profile

  6. Mark Newsome
    November 30, 2021 at 4:36 pm #

    Thanks for sharing yet another excellent ‘how to” blog post Donna!

    And while you’ve freely shared so many awesome tips, strategies and resources.

    I absolutely love where you shared, “if content is king. Consistency is queen.”

    That’s so true. Great job as usual and thanks for sharing such keen insights.

    Mark Newsome recently posted.. Entrepreneur What About A Really Simple Marketing Strategy To Create A Ton Of Goodwill!

    • Donna Merrill December 5, 2021 at 11:10 pm #

      Hi Mark

      Yes, content is still the most important part of your blog.

      But without consistency in both creating that content and marketing it, your blog won’t be able to get far.

      Good to hear from you my friend.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..The amazing story of your blogging journeyMy Profile

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