I enjoyed an incredible Google+ Hangout with Patricia Gozlan this week. I’ve really been having a lot of fun with the Google+
Hangouts that my husband, David, and I have been conducting since we started our new fan page about a month ago.
It’s amazing how many people I’ve met online that cross paths we me in so many ways.
Patricia and I are both consider personal development to be our niches. And we both rely heavily on intuition in reaching and helping our clients.
I’ve actually had a private practice as an intuitive consultant for many years. And Patricia, as an NLP facilitator, uses intuition as a cornerstone of her personal development sessions.
Here’s the recording of our Google+ hangout.
Now, just a quick word about NLP facilitating.
The greatest power of your mind manifests through your subconscious. It has been programmed through your past experiences which are typically so subtle that you hardly know where your reactions, behaviors and habits come from. For instance, while one person believes they deserve to be successful, another is full of self doubt. Even though the doubter may truly “want” success, she doesn’t believe… in her soul… in her DNA… She just doesn’t believe she’ll ever be able to see it happen.
That’s why it’s so important that you learn to master your subconscious mind to the extent that you can actually “re-program” it to match your intentions… your active “envisioning”. Only when you sincerely believe that you deserve and are fully capable of the success you envision, will you bring it to fruition. That kind of belief can only occur at the intuitive level.
That’s the level an NLP facilitator seeks to help you reach.
So it was a pretty interesting chat we had with Patricia, to hear how she integrates NLP into her consults.
You can find Patrica Gozlan’s recorded Google+ Hangout on our new Fan Page. Love to have you visit there, give it a “like” and look
around a bit.
You can learn more about Patricia on her blog: PatriciaGozlan.com.
Love to have your social shares of this post, and, of course, your comments below.
Let me know what sorts of issues you’ve had that you think NLP facilitating could help with.
And tell me what you thought of the Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan.
Twitter: WillenaRose
October 6, 2012 at 2:43 pm #
This looks like fun! AND it makes me want to learn more about NLP. I have some friends and resources here at home that I’m going to revisit, because it sounds promising.
Willena Flewelling
Thnaks Willena,
What makes the hang outs fun is the poeple one chooses to hang out with LOL
If you need advice or hlep on NLP which is huge ( too big of a chunk)
I’ll be happy to guide you or give you tips;)
I am sure Donna has some good ones too especially on hypnosis!
Patricia Gozlan recently posted..2 Big Secrets on How Intuition can Catapult your Success
That was pretty cool, Donna. I haven’t used Google hangout yet, but it seems like a lot of fun. I loved the interview with Patricia too. I read her blog often, and I find it very inspiring.
Mariella Lombardi recently posted..So Did You Splurge on Your Summer Vacation? How to Whip Your Body Back In Shape
Thank you Mariella,
Nice to see you here again on Donna’s site!
Best wishes!
Patricia Gozlan recently posted..7 Practical Steps to Create Measurable Results In Less Than 5 minutes Using 1 Easy Tool of NLP
Hi Donna this is a great report on the Google Hangouts and I am glad you and Patricia are finding them so supportive. They are amazing.
Angus J McEwan recently posted..Why it’s the RIGHT TIME NOW to join Networking Superstars
Thank you Angus Hang out are amazing, I still want to learn how to record them and have them on You tube!
@Kim Thank you Kin for your kind comment sharing the same passion and several common tools makes things even more fun during a hang out!
Patricia Gozlan recently posted..Creating Prosperity in Sluggish Economy Using your Mind in a New Way
It’s beautiful to see two other intutives come together to share and discuss so many topics that don’t necessarily get discussed among those in the industry. I gotta say, David sporting the reverse ballcap look gave me a giggle. Thank you, to both of you dear hearts, for continuing to help always raise people up. I’m delighted you were able to interview Patricia this week and it was fun to get to know her better.
Kimberly Castleberry recently posted..Easily Bring Any RSS Feed Into Facebook With RSS Graffiti
Thanks so much Kim,
Yea…David does make me giggle too with his cap. You would really have a laugh when he wears his 1940 wool hat. I’ll have to take a pic of that one day!
Glad you got to know Patricia a little better. She rocks!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Living Gratitude
I have been doing some work recently with regards to ’emptying my stress-bucket’ I was told that I’d collected a lot of fear triggers in it and needed to get them out. I’m progressing well and was thrilled to read your reference of this subject in your article.
Thanks for the insight.
Anne recently posted..Confidence To Take Risks
Thanks Anne
Good to hear that this helped you out
Donna Merrill recently posted..Living Gratitude
Twitter: marquitaherald
September 28, 2012 at 12:10 am #
Great post Donna and I can easily see what a terrific duo you and Patricia make. I will confess that I personally run for the hills whenever I come across phrases like “manifest your destiny” or “law of attraction” but I also respect the process and understand it’s all about personal preferences. Thanks for the inspiration!
marquita herald recently posted..The Suprisingly Underrated Virtue That Opens Doors To Infinite Possibilities
I know what you mean. The phrase “law of attraction” is so overdone, but it is one that the masses can relate to lol!
Thanks for calling us the terrific duo…we do bounce off from each other. It thing we both resonate with intuition.
Thanks for dropping by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
Thank you Marty !
I think that all the people that share the same passion and live in joy seem immediately as a great couple;)
I know what you mean about LOA … people can relate to it, understand it too!
Thank you for your sweet comment Marty!
Patricia Gozlan recently posted..If You Forget To Breathe, Smile or Drink See What Happens to Your Prosperity!
Hi Donna,
Thank you for sharing ideas about intuitive consultation and NLP. I am fascinated at how mind matters can affect so much of what we decide to do! I also heard the saying that selling is aboout marketing our energy!
I am in Google+ but have not really been hanging out with others. I can see the value of consistent relationship building, whether online or off line 🙂
I appreciate your insights, Donna and Patricia
Viola Tam
Viola Tam recently posted..The Art of Fulfillment in MLM Success
Hi Donna. Love this hangout! NLP has fascinated me for a long time, so it was great to learn more from you and Patricia. The remote control story is great and something I might try 🙂 Whilst I have no knowledge of NLP, I have still learnt to trust my intuition and go with my gut feeling over the years. I love to ‘go with the flow’ and like you, love to just explore when I go travelling, without a plan.
Louise recently posted..How To Get Traffic To Your Blog With Blog Commenting-Part1
Awesome Louise!
Glad you enjoyed it. I love NLP and am an intuitive also. So this stuff comes very natural to me.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
Thank you Donna;)
we could do a real hang out with all European folks when David and you decide to visit Italy!
Too much fun is never enough as my friend Nancy says!
Patricia Gozlan recently posted..15 Ways to Savor Life beyond your Business
I would love to Patricia….
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
Ciao Carissima! Molto buono o molto bello?lol
Buono is for food which of course could be a greater compliment LOL wish we had more time to give all of o you some real tips to use right away, we might do other hang outs with Donna and David if some of you are interested!
Nice to see you here Sylviane, e bonne journée!
Patricia Gozlan recently posted..15 Ways to Savor Life beyond your Business
Twitter: suejprice
September 24, 2012 at 10:34 pm #
Hi Donna
Oh great interview and I agree technology is so cool that we can hook up like we do. I could listen to Patricia’s accent all day 🙂
I love the work your guys do. Too many people have got out of touch with their intuition. So many times in my life I have gone against my intuition and it always has backfired at me.
Thanks also to Patricia and David.
Thanks Sue,
I do think that Patricia and I do compliment each other when it comes to intuition lol
I am in love with her accent also!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
September 24, 2012 at 10:02 pm #
Hi Donna,
Wonderful interview and really enjoyed watching all discussion and actions in it. It’s kinda long but very interesting Donna 🙂 Patricia and you made it more clear about the reprogramming of subconscious mind using NLP techniques 🙂 Glad David asked “What is NLP” 😉 I had no idea at first though. After all, I’m glad I follow my intuition which helps me all the time. Hope to learn more about improving it using NLP 🙂
You are rocking with Google+ Hangouts and YouTube Donna 🙂 Always love watching videos of D & D 😉 Keep ’em coming…
Have a great week dear 😉

Mayura recently posted..How to Edit Uploaded Videos on YouTube
Thanks Mayura for your kind comment!
I love these little smiles (emoticons) I am sure you would enjoy an hang out too sharing your knowledge;)
You said you follow your intuition nice to hear this few men do as they believe they do not have it or it is useless.
Hope to read more about you on Donna’s site!
Patricia Gozlan recently posted..15 Ways to Savor Life beyond your Business
Hi Mayura,
Yes, it was quite long! I usually keep it short, but this interview was so fantastic that I had to put it up!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
I agree Donna that it really is very important to be able to reprogram your mind. We might not be able to choose what we are trained with when we are little, but as adults it is our duty to fix the things that need to be fixed. So that we can pursue the lives we know we deserve and we want to pursue.
Gen recently posted..Meet Loreen!
Hi Gen!
Yes it is! There has been so much fixing in this second part of my life. NLP has turned out great for me!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
Hi Donna. Enjoyed the interview. I know a little about NLP and know it is a powerful tool….I once had a real estate coach in what seems like a previous life…who was well trained in NLP and taught a lot of the techniques for use in sales situations.
This is a fun and informative interview. Thanks for sharing it.
Celeste Smucker recently posted..Brain Supplements to Keep You Young and Active
Wow Celeste,
That’s a great story!!! I use it myself and Love it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
Twitter: usmile
September 24, 2012 at 3:36 pm #
Hey Donna!
LOVED the interview with Patricia on Google+. Google+ is really a lot of fun as you and I have experienced, right? I liked hearing Patricia’s description of what she does. I liked her discussion on listening to your “gut” – which holds inner truth. So important to listen to. I listen to my heart often and it’s been very guiding. Nice seeing you guys working together 🙂
Lesly Federici recently posted..Lymph Love
Hey Lesly,
Thanks! Patricia works so well as a NLP facilitator. David is having a session with her soon. He is taking the plunge lol
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
Ooooh, sounds like you guys had fun Donna!
Let me know when you have another one. I’d love to join you in “person” 🙂
Kesha Brown recently posted..How to Be Happy Every Day
Hey Kesha,
It would be AWESOME to hang out with you. I will message you later!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
September 24, 2012 at 3:16 pm #
Hey Donna,
Another great hangout indeed. I enjoyed learning more about Patricia and hearing about NLP. I’ve always found this stuff fascinating myself and have learned so much just within the last two years about how we need to reprogram our minds so that our subconscious really does believe that what we think is real.
I bet you two ladies have a wonderful time just chatting it up and David can hold his own as well.
Hey, have fun on your trip. Sounds like a fun time!
Enjoyed the hangout.
Adrienne recently posted..How To Get Extra Posts In Your Buffer Feed
Hey Adrienne,
Yes we did have a good time chatting. NLP is one of my passions because I have been through it to overcome phobias years ago. IT WORKED!
One of my phobias was lightning. Now, instead of running into the basement like a silly fool, I can sit on the couch as my safe place. If the storm really gets rolling, I automatically tap myself through.
Try it, you will love it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
September 24, 2012 at 2:00 pm #
Hi Donna and great to see Patricia here, which I know a little bit, but feel like I’ll known more now.
Now I think that I know just a little bit about what you are talking about when you are talking about reprogramming your subconscious mind and people who seem to have a belief issue 🙂
Thank you for reinforcing this point, Donna, and I will be sure to listen in the all interview when things quiet down later today!
What the great idea you had with those hangout. Mine ranks pretty well on Google by the way 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..What Are The Chains That Are Holding You Down?
I am so glad to hear that your hangout with us is ranking pretty high on Google!
As for our interview, I know it is a bit long, but we just couldn’t shut up. We enjoyed it so much because Patricia had so many interesting methods she shared that she uses.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
Thank you both of you for this easy, fun and great experience!
I love hang outs and it is a new way to communicate with the world.
From Italy to the US it is a pleasure to share with you great tips on how to use the tools we already know of to create a better life
I hope to have the opportunity to interview you together on our next hang out, on a how to have fun and prosperity while growing a successful online business!
Patricia Gozlan recently posted..15 Ways to Savor Life beyond your Business
We had so much fun Patricia!
Of course we will be on YOUR hangout! You can pick our brains anytime
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
September 24, 2012 at 8:58 pm #
Ciao bella,
era molto buono e mi e piaciuto! How was my Italian? La lingua de mio padre!
I really loved it and it was great, Patricia. I loved the fact that you emphasis that diseases come from emotions, feelings and other mental issues in a lot of cases.
Thank you for this great interview Donna and David!
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..What Are The Chains That Are Holding You Down?
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
September 24, 2012 at 9:03 pm #
Ciao bella!
Era molto buono e mi e piaciuto… How’s my Italian? la lingua de mio padre!
I really enjoyed this interview and your knowledge about energy and the laws of the universe.
Bravo Patricia and thanks to Donna and David!
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..Why Do You Procrastinate And What Can You Do About It?
Thank you Sylviane,
I don’t know how your Italian is lol!!!! Funny, I used to speak some Italian when I was little. My grandmother from Italy used to teach me. But now, I’ve lost the language 🙁
Patrica is great!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan