This post was most recently updated on March 27th, 2014
Can organizing your office space actually clear your mind? Are you ready to De-Clutter?
There are so many ways you can improve your focus and be more productive without any distractions. One way is to organize the space in your physical environment. This will go a long way toward helping your clear your mind and sharpen your focus.
Look around where you are sitting right now. What do you notice? Is there a bunch of paper work you need to tend to in your sight? Are there things you need to put away? And how long have those things been there?
Do you see empty glasses or dishes crowding your space?
How about in other rooms? Beds unmade? Laundry piling so high it is over your head?
How’s the kitchen? Dishes need tending? Food around? Is your table cluttered so much, you need to swish stuff to the side just to eat?
Do you know where your phone is right now… without looking?
These are but a few things that might indicate that your space is filled with Clutter.
Now I’m not here telling you how to clean your house. The main focus here is clutter and what it can do to distract you. If you identify in any way with the above scenarios
Some people say they are comfortable with things not in order. But are they really?
You see, when you have all these things around you they become dangling “to-do’s”. I can take a wild guess that you already have too many to-do’s in your business. So why complicate things?
When you surround yourself with clutter, the to-do process can make you anxious, tired, and begin to burden your subconscious mind. Reflect a moment on your ordinary thought processes: “I have to do laundry, I need to make that bed before I get into it” and so on.
You can see how quickly external clutter will un-focus your mind. When clutter is all around you it stops your ability to focus because it distract you. You cannot process information as you would in an uncluttered and organized environment.
When your environment is cluttered it distracts your brain. When there are too many objects around they shout out to your brain that they to be attended to.
Yet, when you are in a clear environment, you can focus better and actually start to feel better. You can even process new information more clearly and quickly when we are in an organized space. So here are some tips to un-clutter your environment so you can un-clutter your mind and become more productive.
Even though you are working hard at your business, I challenge you to turn off your computer and phone, dig in and create a simple, new environment. Create a home office that will help you think clearly increase productivity.
1. Take time out and re-do your office space. Make sure there are no papers around. Put them in attractive containers or baskets, or better yet, a filing cabinet. Don’t worry, they don’t go away, they are just organized better.
2. Make sure your work space is a private place where there will be no distractions from others. Have a door that you can close to the rest of the world, or at least position your desk so only your back faces the world around you.
3. Make a list of what needs to be changed. You may need a new desk with drawers to keep random things hidden from your immediate view. Are you getting natural light, or do cumbersome curtains or shutters keep you in the dark? If you spend a lot of time in your home office, you want to be exposed to as much natural light as possible. If it is in the South corner, you will get your vitamin D all day! Simple changes like these can really help keep your mind focused on your work, and undeterred by your surroundings.
4. Don’t put things in the middle of the room. I cannot tell you how many offices I’ve been in where center of the room workspaces are major obstacles to the clear flow of energy. In fact, while they are initially created as “work space”, they almost always decay into clutter stations that nobody could actually work at even if they tried.
5. Have enough empty space? This will help clear your mind. A nice empty room does the trick with just the simplicity of what you need in it. Don’t try to “take advantage” of every little space by filling it with tables, counters and other things that simply function as repositories of clutter.
6. Please have no knick knacks around. The more “things” you have the more likely it will distract you. Many people like a bunch of photos. That’s fine, but not in your office space. Choose with mindfulness what you want to decorate your walls with. Remember, less is more! Art is great, but make sure it is something that makes you feel peaceful.
7. Replace dusty bookshelves in your workspace with plants or fresh flowers . This brings in “Living Energy” into a space, and clears out stagnant objects that are seldom needed. Living things also represent growth and dynamic flow of ideas and action.
8. Sound is important! Some soothing sounds, or a small fountain with the sound of water will help you have a serene atmosphere. Don’t clutter your sound space with ticking clocks, whirring office machinery and annoying telephones that never stop ringing. Put phones on soft rings, and if you must have music, make it gentle background music, not distracting foreground “noise”.
9. Lighting also has an effect. Fluorescent lighting is too stark. If you need bright lights, try full spectrum lights, it is softer. The best is natural light. Relieve your windows of clutter. Keep them bare during the day to get as much natural light as possible. Just keep in mind how you feel in different lighting settings. It does change your mood.
10. Your desk position is important. Position it in the opposite corner of the entrance to give you a sense of “command” which will make you feel powerful. It is a good position when you want to expand your business. But don’t let it face spaces where people are clustered, or walking around. Don’t face a living room, for instance, where your spouse or kids are always about. This clutters your visual and auditory space, and makes productive work almost impossible.
11. Even the color of your home office can clutter your subconscious mind. Red, for instance, is an energetic color, but distracting when you need calm and focus. Green is a great color because it represents growth, development and a natural sense of order. Hey, it is also the color of money… lol. There are many shades of green you can chose from. Look at some color charts and see which one resonates with you.
Choosing to reflect on re-doing your home office or workspace will help you de-clutter your mind. Your ideas will flow better and your business can flourish!
I’d love to hear some of your ideas about how you structure your workspace to keep it organized and free of clutter.
Image credit: klotz/123RF Stock
As a chronic pack-rat prone to clutter I’d LOVE to be able to deny that it affects me. However, I know that after having gotten the space cleared, I feel lighter and more focused. Now I just need to get rich and hire a maid to clean it for me!
Kimberly Castleberry recently posted..Facebook Blocking Friend Requests
Hey Kim,
Clearing your space is a wonderful feeling. I’m sure that you will “get rich” to have someone clean for you.
Gosh, with all you do, you deserve it!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Internet Marketing Bashing
Hi Donna:
I agree with you on the clutter. It is so easy for your work area to be a catchall, for example when the mail comes in just drop it on an area of your desk and you will get to it later. Well, in my case the later never comes and it keeps piling up. Receipts are another bad thing that are a problem for me. I keep receipts when I go to lunch, or gas, or about anything for taxes, but putting them in their proper place is always a challenge. Thank you for waking us all up with your great post about how to declutter your space to be more productive.
Julia Wojdacz recently posted..Increase Your Online Visibility and Traffic by being a Guest Blogger
Hi Julia,
Oh those darn receipts! I have a little drawer where I plunk them in. Each month I go through them and put it in my computer. We need to do all that stuff for taxes!
As for the mail, I handle that every day. I have a recycle bin for my junk mail. The bills and every thing else goes into a file. These are also kept on my computer to check monthly.
So, I know where that paper work is but keep a monthly status on it all.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
Twitter: marquitaherald
March 2, 2013 at 1:00 pm #
Great tips Donna! You are so right about the effects of clutter. A look on / around my desk at the moment and you won’t see a single piece of paper. I’d love to brag about that, but for a different reason. The last company I worked for was shamefully wasteful – I threw so much paper (reports/outdated brochures, etc.) that I used to have to make a trip to the local landfill to dump it all! That bothered me so much that when I left and went on my own – I chose to go as paper-less as possible. In fact I recently had to throw away a ream of paper because with all the humidity we have in the islands it had warped – I can’t remember the last time I printed something! That alone has helped me to be SO much more organized. I encourage everyone to give paper-less a try 🙂
marquita herald recently posted..Exploring the Value of a Creative Pause
Oh that paper thing!
I too am paperless! We do save our junk mail and use the back side of the paper for notes. We do collect a few and then cut and staple them for our “scrap paper” and when it is all used up…into the recycle bin it goes!
Oh it is horrible when the humidity ruins our paper products isn’t it? But that is what our recycle people are for. We recycle EVERYTHING!
I don’t like a single piece of paper on my desk.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Strengths and Weaknesses
Donna, I have always found this to be true, at least for me. If I would allow my desk or room to get a bit cluttered I found that I would feel unproductive and unmotivated.
I would start to organize and clean the clutter and I would become more motivated and it would become easier to focus on the challenge at hand.
Thank you for writing a post that shares my experience and belief.
Hi Michael,
So true! I felt this way all my life! Some people kid around and say I have OCD, but what the heck.
All I know is that when things are clean and neat, I can breath better, think better and feel better!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Strengths and Weaknesses
Hello Donna, I think having a clean area helps to work in helps things to move along smoothly.
My office stays very clean seeing I’m the only one that use it. I clean it every week but mainly dusting because you know out here in Florida it’s every were.
I think if you’re going to be using your work space every day like I do have it clean can surely help you focus better.
Thanks so much for a great read my friend. have a wonderful day
RobG recently posted..How-to Use Popchrom Text Expander For Google Chrome
Hi Ron.
Hey I never knew it got so dusty in Florida hmmmm Here in New York the dust is terrible during the cold winters with the heat on all the time.
My swifer duster is at my side all the time lol.
Yes, once thing are in order and clean we can obtain more focus.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Strengths and Weaknesses
Twitter: nkeriakos
February 27, 2013 at 1:54 pm #
Hi Donna,
I don’t know how people can work in a messy surroundings let alone your office area. I have to say that I am an organized person to the point that drives my hubby nuts. I absolutely can’t function in a messy area.
I have my little office in a corner in my bed room. It is a very quiet area and I love working mostly at night when everyone is sleeping. During the day when my kids get home from school, it is distracting and they just push the door open and ask whatever they want. So, I decided to keep that time for doing other things around the house other than working on the business. My most productive time is at night.
Thank you Donna for such a great list of tips. Those who have issues with clutter, need to listen to these tips. Awesome post.
Be Blessed,
So you are a neat freak too Neamat!
Many of us are. I cannot function with a mess. My husband can. Sometimes I ask him where something is in his office and it is right in front of me but I cannot even see it because he has so much clutter.
Even though I don’t have kids, I also enjoy working at night. It is like the entire world is sleeping and there will be nothing to bother me. It is a peaceful time.
I do work on and off all day long. Life is great when we can stay home and work especially for you with kids. I worked in my own office only 2 city blocks away from my home when my daughter was young. It was great!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Strengths and Weaknesses
Donna, the minute you said “where’s your phone?” I had to look in fourteen places! (Oddly, it’s in the charger where it belongs!)
At the moment everything is a big cluttered mess because I have been so busy I just drop everything where I’m standing. I know for a fact that I work better when my environment is organized and clear. It’s even distracting to me if I know there’s clutter somewhere else. So when I start losing my mind I have a whole cleaning episode.
It’s interesting what you said about knick knacks… I actually go back and forth on that. I went through a “stuff” period and I liked having all my collections of things. Then it got on my nerves and I went through a minimalist phase where I got rid of everything. Then THAT started to bug me so I started collecting again. I guess it depends on what I’m doing. If I want to be inspired and feel creative, I like to have stuff that inspires me. If I want to get things done I like to have a calm space. Maybe I need 2 offices?
Anyway I think this is a really important topic and you made great points. I think we don’t realize how much external factors can influence our thinking and productivity. Now I have to go clean my desk!
Carol Lynn recently posted..Money Can’t Buy (Brand) Love
You always make me laugh. Thank goodness your phone was on the receiver where it belongs.
I went through that collecting phase also, but I re-sold them at a good price he he.
I do have some fun stuff in my office: A retro Snow white box, where you pull the string and the music plays Hi Ho Hi Ho ….It’s off to work I go. I like playing with that. I also use odd things: my pen holder is a retro planter with a little boy skipping. I smile when I look at him.
So, we can have some toys in our office.
Actually I do have two. One for my work on the computer, then the Purple room where I do Psychic Readings on the phone. That has many icons of religious stuff in it. When people come over they are a bit intimidated to go in that room: They call it the Jesus room and no one else feels good there except my husband and my mom when she visits.
Maybe you do need two offices!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
Twitter: rachellavern
February 26, 2013 at 11:51 pm #
Hi Donna,
Funny, I am working on a post about the effects of clutter. I must admit that there are some rooms in my house that need de-cluttering; however, I keep my office very organized..even pretty. When my environment is cluttered, my mind is also cluttered.
We will experience abundance when we become diligent and disciplined with the details and cleaning/clearing clutter is one of the details. Abundance will only come in where there is room for it. For example, if the closets are crammed full, we need to make way for MORE! MORE more room for the good things that are coming your way.
Rachel Lavern recently posted..Is Pure Leverage All Hype?
Absolutely Rachel.
I think it was on an Opera show a while back where someone mentioned to keep one third of your closet free to allow things to come in. My daughter had mentioned that to me.
We cannot have abundance unless we make room for it. I am glad you understand,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
Hi Donna,
I’m with you 100% I don’t like clutter at all and I know it has a negative impact on the subconscious. I’m already hyper, so I don’t need a bunch of stuff to distract me more! I know I mentioned that I participated in The Ultimate Game of Life and one of the things that we did was a huge declutter undertaking. It took a lot of effort to clear rooms out. We learned how to throw away, donate, and delegate. Once I had that experience, I have a different perspective about clutter.
Your tips are excellent. Distractions are all around and by following your guidelines, anyone can change a cluttered mess to a wonderful and relaxing place to work. Thanks Donna!
Raena Lynn
Raena Lynn recently posted..The Prosperity Game Journal Part 4
Hey Raena,
Wow..That game even covered clutter? How wonderful. It is an important component to our success. We don’t think about it, but the energy needs to be clear, so we can clear our minds.
I like the way you de cluttered and learned how to throw away, donate and delegate!
I had donated so much stuff a few months ago, the mission I was at was shocked as we took box after box into it. It is a great feeling to free ourselves of those objects.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
I sure needed this post… my desk is so cluttered. I do good for a few weeks, but then I find myself becoming unorganized and my desk becoming cluttered again. I can’t seem to stay clutter-free. I have been working on it, though and am improving. 🙂 I love your tips, and will be incorporating them into my life. Thanks for sharing them!

Donna recently posted..Preserving Family Memories with Saving Memories Forever Review
Hi Donna,
Welcome!!! Once you get it all organized, I’m sure you will keep it that way. Why? Because you will notice that your mind is uncluttered.
You will get more done in a day! Good luck with this,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
Hi Donna,
Timely post here….my office is a disaster…it’s also my art studio but I’m not persuing my art career at the moment…This space needs a major dejunking…and that’s exactly what I’ve been thinking of doing.
I love Feng Shui…and truly believe your surroundings have a major influence on your sub consiouse mind.
If your surrounded my clutter you will not be able to perform up to your potential. I agree…de clutter.
Thanks for this post…it couldn’t come at a better time.
Hi Tonya,
It does come down to Feng Shui and you have caught the essence of the post!
Clutter clutters the mind. So you seem to be doing your “Spring Cleaning” a little early this year! Once you dejunk you will feel clear!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
Twitter: maryjstephenson
February 26, 2013 at 5:09 pm #
Hi Donna
There is paper clutter on my desk, but it is an organized clutter. If I had more house space things would be different, but there is a pile for this and a pile for that. I know exactly where it is, but I should probably look at a different solution for a few things. Don’t like to work with music, find it to distracting. Maybe that was from my upbringing that I could not listened to anything unless my homework was done. Don’t do water fountains, makes me want to trot down the hall too often! Just like I hate windchimes. I like to open the curtain up when I work in front of the computer.
The place can’t be too disorganized as I can find things in the dark without knocking anything over. lol
Mary Stephenson recently posted..Do You Ever Wonder?
Hi Mary,
You sound like my husband and his organized clutter lol! Some people just work better that way.
It is always good to open that curtain to get your natural light. Hey, if you can find things in the dark without knocking things down, you must be organized!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
Twitter: cudjoe1991
February 26, 2013 at 1:51 pm #
Hmm! The question I kept asking myself whilst going through this post was that, so am I organized? And of course, the answer was simple, NO.
This is one great post and very straight to the point.
Hi Kabeniah,
Thank you for visiting. Time to re-asses your organizational skills Ehh?
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Strengths and Weaknesses
So many things to think about, so many things to do right now, all at the same time; when in fact, we can only think about one thing at a time and do one thing at a time.
OK, true enough, we can do 2 things at once, but only if they do not require the same level of cognitive thinking. Otherwise, its like your computer an dhow it slows down when you have too many programs open at once.
Clearing the clutter, and making a priority list of things to be done, is so useful. Keeping our spaces clean and neat really does translate into a happier and more fulfilling life. Could there be excess in doing? Sure. But what you are advocating in this excellent article can work wonders for us. Thank you Donna. 🙂
Michael Shook recently posted..Positive Thinking Made Simple
Thank you Michael!
I find that when my space is tidy, my mind is clear. Then I can focus on that to-do list and start crossing things off…oh what a great feeling!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
Twitter: Lisapatb
February 26, 2013 at 5:32 am #
Donna, did you peak at my work space on the kitchen table? I really think you did 🙂 I must work on this. I never even thought about #10 – interesting take on desk position. The only one I’m good with is #6, I’m not a big knick knack person, who wants to have to dust them all?
I’ve been thinking of moving my space to another room, this really makes me think about it more Donna, thanks!
Lisa recently posted..eBook Rough and High Waves to Completion
Hi Lisa,
Glad I gave you a nudge! Oh those nasty knick knacks! They are dust collectors aren’t they? lol
Yes, that desk position is important. When we face the wall our energy is blocked. But, when we position it as I stated above, it is the “command” position. You will feel more in control. I tried it myself and it worked!
I once had my desk facing the wall, and found myself leaning against it facing toward the window with laptop on my lap. Hmmm There is much to say about positioning isn’t there?
He He many of us will work from our kitchen table, I did once, but paid more attention to cooking and what was going on outside than I did to my computer screen!
Have fun moving your space!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
Twitter: suejprice
February 25, 2013 at 11:31 pm #
Hi Donna
Oh I needed to read this post. I am a neat person but need to clean out my office. My desk has more stuff on it than I need right now.
I am typically a “stuffer”. I get things out of sight by stuffing them in drawers and I can assure you my undies drawers would not look like Adrienne’s.
I can find thing though 🙂
Great tips Donna.
Sue Price recently posted..Do What You Love
Hi Sue,
I would have thought you were a neat freak lol! Oh stuffing wouldn’t work for me. I am OCD about where I put things and they have to be in perfect order otherwise I cannot find anything.
But as long as you can find things…good for you!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
Twitter: gregsmokeybowen
February 25, 2013 at 9:44 pm #
Wow ….I never thought of any of this before!…Thank You Donna for such good advice!…. I am going to work on these things right away….easy stuff first…hard stuff this weekend!…..Even if it doesn\’t help me un-clutter my mind…..The wife will sure be happier!….Everyone knows if mom is happy The whole house is happy!…lol…..good post!
Great Gregory!
You will notice a difference once you “clean up” your space. You won’t be so distracted.
It is funny, but objects around us need attention and do distract us. When things are clear, your mind is clear.
Plus your wife will give you extra kisses lol
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
February 25, 2013 at 8:02 pm #
Hi Donna,
I have to say that I am a pretty neat person, because I absolutely can’t function well in a messy environment. I’ve always been that way since I can remember.
As you said I am questioning people who are saying that they don’t mind or worse even “like” mess and clutter. I can’t understand that.
I used to work for a lawyer and he hated it when I cleaned his mess. I never understood that and I remember thinking “if he’s the same in his head as he is with his desk, oh my God”!
Thank you for you great list of tips for those who have issues with clutter 🙂 Lost of people need this!
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..My 5 Most Frequently Asked Writing Questions
Hi Sylviane,
You thought correctly when you worked for that man. Yes, that clutter around him was a manifestation of what was in his head.
I mentioned before that my husband has a cluttered, messy office. Once I tried to tidy up but he couldn’t find anything for a week. So I back off but keep those doors closed!!!
If I go into his space and see all that stuff, I cannot find anything. Once I left my bag in there. I went back in to retrieve it and couldn’t find it. It was right in front of me but I just couldn’t see it until he found it for me.
Guess I was born a neat freak!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
Twitter: BarbaraCharles
February 25, 2013 at 7:33 pm #
Boy Donna. You hit the nail on the head for me. I’ve been trying to organize things for a while. My work space is organized chaos although I know exactly where everything is. This blog is perfect and gives me all the ideas I need to get it started and get organized. Thanks so much.
Barbara Charles recently posted..Journey To My 7 Successes – Working To Live
Hey Barbara,
It is funny when people work in chaos and know exactly where things are. I would have a breakdown lol.
The more organized your work space is, the more organized your mind.
Glad I could give you a little push,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
HI Donna Great Organization Tips! When I first got started online I didn’t have an office set up, I used the kitchen counter. Talk about clutter of course my computer, speakers, books, papers besides everything that belongs in the kitchen. Well I read a blog post it was clutter on your desk is clutter in your mind!
Wow this woke me up! I didn’t even have a desk. So the very next day I set up my office and this the time when I started to actually get a few things accomplished..
Now as I was reading your article I did look around and Yes I do have a few papers scattered so this was a good reminder to me. I used to straighten everything up every night when I first set up my office this is a great reminder Thanks for sharing Chery 🙂
Chery Schmidt recently posted..Living a Life Without Regrets As An Online Entrepreneur
Hi Chery,
I first started in my kitchen also. I figured I could multi-task. I can work and cook at the same time. Well that one was short lived! I found myself stepping away from my computer and tending to my stove.
That is when I made my first office upstairs. We have 2 extra rooms collecting dust, as guest rooms. Well the heck with the guests. I made it into my office and if I do get a house load of people coming over for an occasion, there is a futon in there that they could use.
All my paper work and “stuff” is in cabinets and drawers. I only like to have my laptop on my desk. And yes that futon comes in handy when I want to kick my feet up and work in a different position.
Thanks for sharing your story,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
Hello Donna,
You are right in every way relating to the post. But at times one can be so darn lazy to do those chores. laziness is my hobby 😉 but what put me and my environment in order is my scheduling of my work. that’s how i make thing work till now. Thanks
Babanature recently posted..8 Killer Ways Of Getting More Comments To Your Blog Post
Hi Babanature,
I know how difficult it is when we are working and can get “lazy.” But it only takes a chunk of time to organize and if you did, you work load will enhance.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
February 25, 2013 at 2:36 pm #
Hey Donna,
Okay, I cannot relate to this post at all because I’m very organized. My friends make fun of me and have throughout my entire life.
I remember one time my high school friend brought her husband over to my house to introduce me to him. She immediately went to my dresser and started opening my drawers to show him now darn neat I am. I was so embarrassed, he saw my undies. She did the same thing to my pantry.
Everything has it’s place in my house so I wouldn’t know any differently. I’ve always been this way. I hate disorder.
My Dad use to kid me all the time. He said you don’t know what it feels like to find that piece of paper that you misplaced under all those other papers thrown all over the top of the desk. I would tell him I would have gotten three tasks done during the time frame it took him to find that one piece of paper. He always laughed about that and told his friends how organized I was. Heck, that’s why I was hired for the majority of the jobs I got because of that particular skill.
Okay, enough about that but you’re probably right. I’m just glad I’ll never know.
Adrienne recently posted..Some Anniversaries Are Not Worth Celebrating
I hear ya girl!
I’ve always been that way too. Someone once asked me that if he came in my house and asked me where the mustard was, I would tell him it is on the second shelf behind the …..” Yes I am that way too. Even as a child I would play with one toy at a time, put it back and take the next one.
I even got in trouble in Kindergarten because I was too neat and wouldn’t kneel on the floor. The teacher called in my mom to see if there was anything going on with me. My mom explained that it was just how I was he he.
I can only have one thing on my desk…my laptop. If there are other things on it, I freak out. Now you have to understand that my hubby is the opposite of me. He gets all confused if things are in order. So his office is a place where I never go! It actually gets me dizzy! But, I shut the door and pretend it’s not there.
Thanks Adrienne
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
As I’m reading your post I’m looking around my desk and see all kinds of things on my desk and this exactly describes all the stuff going on, some of which I do at the same time!
I normally keep my desk neat and tidy but with tax season underway I have tons of receipts all over the place and even thought I know where everything is, I can’t work in there because of the clutter so I work in my bedroom.
My home-office has my favorite scented candle going and I keep music playing to keep me going through the day. And I have a picture of Jesus so when I need to be reminded of who’s in control I give it a glance and I get back on track 🙂
I love the idea of painting my room a shade of green. I have a dark grey right now so I might be doing some painting soon or my hubby will 😉
Thanks for sharing these great suggestions! Have a wonderful week.
Hi Corina!
A scented candle does wonders and keeping your music playing helps that uplifting spirit. Most of all your picture of Jesus is a great inspiration. It’s important to know who really is in control.
My home office has Jesus in it too! Being Catholic, I have pictures of Icons of Mary. That inspires me so much.
Grey is a great color, but somehow leaves us “blank” with emotion. When the spring comes get hubby to paint it for you. lol!
As for tax season, yes this is the time where we must make an exception because of that darn paperwork! I have that going on too.
Thanks for sharing,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
February 25, 2013 at 9:58 am #
Hi Donna,
Wonderful list of tips dear 🙂 I wish if I could implement all of ’em but I can’t right now.
I hate when it’s cluttered 🙂 I know many folks do work with all that and claim it’s only about keep your mind calm and uncluttered. But when it comes to me, I’m not that person. Just seeing a cluttered desktop of a friend is tempt me to go and reorganize it 😀 lol…
I can exactly remember where my stuff are and I place ’em where they need to be all the time. It’s really easy on me, but sometimes my father and bros don’t follow it. So I got some work and at least keep my stuff organized 😉 I always get rid of what I don’t need and only pay attention on what I need the most. It has been helping me to save money too 🙂
Unfortunately I have to deal with lot of distractions Donna 🙂 Not much though. My PC is at father’s room and rooms are shared here. Home phone is right next to the PC. My folks walk around and my sister is mostly there with me talking and playing 😀 It’s not her fault as she has no idea. That’s why I mostly love working overnight (with lights off) than in the day as everyone is sleeping.
Sounds… You know how it is as you work overnight too, right Donna? 🙂 Very calm and quiet and some music make it a lovely environment. I like the colors light colors such as light green and sky blue. But here we having yellow though I see black most of the time 😀 lol…
Mayura recently posted..Download All Your Tweets and Information on Twitter
Hi Mayura,
Looks like you have many distractions around, but you do a great job ignoring them!
Sometimes we just need a little corner of a room and work there, blocking out all disturbances.
It is difficult when we have a family around because of distractions, but there is always late night! You know how I just love working when everyone is asleep!
Even though I have privacy, somehow I do my best work when I feel the world is sleeping.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind
Twitter: harleenas
February 25, 2013 at 12:23 am #
This is such an important topic Donna!
Yes indeed, all of us need to keep our homes and work areas clean and clutter-free – there are just NO excuses that work here. But yes, there are many who just wouldn’t bother and live with dirt around – and kind of feel comfortable with things cluttered around 🙂
It’s also said in the Vastu studies that clutter brings in the negative energy around, which as you mentioned affects your working and the peace as well. It just makes me wonder too as to how people can live and work in such a state.
I for one am a very finicky person, and if things around aren’t clean – they DO keep working on my mind all the time! You are so-so right when you mentioned that they are added to the to-do list, and if you don’t get those things done – the list just keeps getting longer and longer all the time.
Yes, there are times when I am busy with writing projects and fall short of time to do up my kids rooms or cupboards and they take a back seat. But it always plays on my mind till I get it done. Thankfully, all other areas of the house, especially my work area are always spic and span, or else I don’t think I could’ve worked at all!
Loved the tips you shared challenging us to get things done. I agree, if there’s a will you WILL do it – no matter what. It’s more of a habit and for those who haven’t yet got into one, it’s never too late to start – isn’t it? Yes, it does take time, effort, and patience – but the end result is wonderful.
Thanks for sharing and reminding all of us to keep our work areas and homes clutter free. 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..10 Reasons Your Kids Don’t Listen to You
Hi Harleena,
I just cannot understand how people could work around clutter either. Yes, there are those days where we have to let things go because of our projects, but our office space needs to be well organized and simple.
So many people give me such great excuses of how they have no room to create an office space in their home. I actually turned my dining room into a large office. These days, no one eats in the dining room any more. Plus it is just the two of us living here.
I had my office upstairs where the bedrooms are but found myself getting tired all the time. Guess it was my subconscious telling me this is where I sleep lol.
Creating a larger space with minimal things in it, enhanced my productivity.
I am happy that you enjoyed this post!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind