This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014
I belong to a wonderful blogging community called The Biz Blogging Buzz (B3) group. It is headed by Kim Castleberry and honestly, I really don’t know where I would be without that woman!
While I was recently doing some syndication with these Awesome Bloggers in the industry, I realized that I’ve known them for some years now. And years on the internet is like a different time zone.
Because I’ve been blogging buddies for such a long time with these Awesome folks, I wanted to post a shout out to them and thank them all for being part of this wonderful community in which we all love to help one another.
If you don’t know anyone on this list, just click and see why they are such Awesome Bloggers.
Kim Castleberry:
Nile Flores:
Chery Schmidt:
Raena Lynn:
Leslie Denning:
Patricia Gozlan:
Jupiter Jim:
Clint Butler:
Dr. Erica Goodstone:
Julieanne van Zyl:
William Earl Amis, Jr. III:
Oh, and by the way, if you are interested in joining this group, you can click on the link below. Now remember, our main purpose is Reciprocity. We go on an alternating point system. This way, each week, you are paired up with new people.
AGAIN….I want to thank all these bloggers that I’ve known over the years for their dedication, reciprocity, and most of all, being great friends.
B3 is a really awesome and cool community of amazing people. I am glad to be a part of it. I just wish I could personally meet you guys someday.
Cherrie Bautista recently posted..Inspiring Kids to be Happy
Hi Cherrie.
That would be a blast wouldn’t it? If we all met one day! Hey, lots of Network Marketers do it, why shouldn’t we?
Imagine a weekend full of inspiration!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Making Your Business Bloom
Hello Donna,
I just have read your message on FB Fanpage inbox. Anyways, It’s nice to see you mentioning B3 on your blog. There is no doubt all the members are doing well with their blogs and other social activities.
I hope this will continue as long as we live. 😉
Hi Amrik!
It is so good to see you here! We kind of lost track of one another. I think that is the other great part of B3. We watch out for one another too.
If I notice one of the people in the group has been quiet for a while I like to send them a message just to say “Hey..what’s up? Need any help?”
The “caring” for one another is the best of all. I do appreciate you coming over.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Making Your Business Bloom
So true donna, That’s what I like about you and your friendly nature.
Awww, Thank you so much Amrik!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Making Your Business Bloom
I just joined and already feel extremely fortunate to have stumbled my way into this group! I think my blogging career would have been so much easier if I had found B3 earlier! I am really looking forward to getting to know everyone and drinking in all your wisdom! Thank you so much!

Kathy Sprinkle recently posted..When Hapfull Runneth Over
Hi Kathy and Welcome!
B3 is the place to be! Especially when you are a new blogger and need people to connect with. I’ve been meaning to get to you since I “welcomed” you on our FB group.
Now we are connected
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Making Your Business Bloom
I love this article for so many reasons! The funny thing is that I have been around almost everyone on your list for almost three years…but I have been such an on-again/off-again blogger that it’s not even funny. Thankfully, I am finally back to my love of writing and of marketing my business online the way that I need to do it.
I am so grateful for Kim and B3 as well!! Its such an active, consistent, high-quality community…and it’s nice to have somewhere to lay my writing hat. Great article, pretty lady!

Christi Johnson recently posted..The Power Of Your Life’s Filter – Gaining Opportunistic Eyes – ILN U. Training Mark Hoverson
Thanks Christi!
I am so glad you are back to blogging and to B3. I remember when you were with this “gang” above years back. Looks like we are all coming “home.”
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Making Your Business Bloom
Donna thank you so very much!!! Its feels great to be recognized by your peers for your hard work. Especially from someone as awesome as you!
Clint Butler recently posted..Potluck Joining The New Social Media Network
You are most welcome Clint!
You have been the backbone of B3 with all the changes we have gone through last year.
I appreciate your input in this community.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Twitter: WillenaRose
July 28, 2013 at 12:55 am #
Donna, I’ve been part of this group since December 2010, and I have to agree — a great list of awesome blogs, and awesome people writing them! I’ve learned so much, and enjoy reading and gleaning each week. Happy Birthday to us, and may we see many more years together!
Willena Flewelling recently posted..Success and The Man Who Thought His Way into Partnership with Thomas A. Edison
My goodness Willena,
I didn’t realize you were there so long! It has been such a pleasure to visit your enlightening blog.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
I got in because of Kim and how the group was so friendly with each other. I also joined because I knew it was a community that was interested in building their business and online presence, with is what I do and have done for more than a decade.
The group being free… well, that is a bonus. I host the site on my server that Kim became a partner of last year.
I have my own B3 posts to do, but I have a strategy that I am coordinating with Kim so when the time is ready, I will put it out to my fans, followers, subscribers, and readers. It is a group that is well worth connecting with. I’ve actually designed and consulted for some even though that was not my goal in joining the B3 community.
I had my own comment exchange community back in 2005-2007 and back then, people weren’t as into social networking or using forums to their advantage… in a non-spammy manner. The emphasis on syndication in B3 and prior as TSA was definitely a big step in the right direction. 🙂
Nile recently posted..Why A Website Review is Important
Hi Nile!
I knew you were around for a while but 2005? Wow! You certainly have so much knowledge in many aspects of on line marketing and design.
By the way, I just love the design on your blog!
Can’t wait for the strategy you and Kim are coordinating to be unveiled.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Twitter: DrErica
July 27, 2013 at 6:16 pm #
I want to commend you for sharing our wonderful blogging group with the world and thank you so much for including me in your list.
This group of dedicated bloggers has taught me the true meaning of community and relationship marketing. Nobody in this group has pushed their business opportunity, courses, programs, offers or products on me or anyone else. Instead, each one is dedicated to making a difference, educating others about their own area of expertise in their own unique niche. Over time, members of the group know that this person is the diet and nutrition pro, this person is the psychic and healer, this person is the techy one, and this person is the marketing expert. Without pressure and with a real sense of community building, we take the time every week to read, comment and share each others’ blogs. This helps all of us to expand our knowledge and our businesses.
Dr. Erica
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..Relationship Healing Question – Ask … What Matters to You?
Thank you so much Erica!
Your comment has added the benefits of our group B3. The fact that people do not push their business opportunity on one another makes this a plus in my book!
I love the sense of community with various bloggers we get to know. Although they may not be in our niche, we do need to learn from one another.
I’m not a tech person, but as a blogger I do need to know about that niche, even if I want something fixed. I have to learn the lingo to reach out and say “hey, can you help me with my C panel!”
Thanks again!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
It’s awesome to see bloggers supporting each other. I just started blogging about a month ago and before that I was involved with affiliate marketing. There was no support when I was involved with affiliate marketing.
It seemed like everyone was always out for their own. I love that the blogging community is based on building relationships. I have never taken the time to build a relationship online.
I hope to meet some awesome people online as I continue my blogging journey.
Susan Velez recently posted..Discount Godaddy Coupons With Honey
Hi Susan,
Once you build relationships on line you will be fascinated. Just think, people from all over the world communicating with you. Not only for business, but for support and learning curves.
Most of all the friendships built can lead to mastermind groups, Joint Ventures, and who knows? A great vacation lol.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Hi Donna,
This is what I love about internet marketing, sharing and caring.
I know Clint Butler and he does have an awesome blog!
Thanks for introducing me to the other wonderful bloggers in this group.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Tonya!
I love to share some “great ones” once in a while. Oh Clint Butler is amazing isn’t he!
The others here are fantastic dedicated bloggers and I wanted to share them with people that haven’t met them yet.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Twitter: GarSpecialties
July 24, 2013 at 8:06 pm #
Hi Donna,
I am happy you provided the link to your group. It is great that you are willing to share. You mentioned in one of my blogs several months ago that you were a member of an awesome group. Please explain how the alternating point system works. Of the names you posted I am only familiar with Jupiter Jim. I am so glad I come to your blog or I would have never been able to reach out to this group.
Arleen recently posted..Koozies: So Much More Than Just Can Holders
Hi Arleen,
You can find out how the alternating system works by pressing the link to B3 above and on that page you will see “how it works” Pretty simple and there is a video by Kim explaining it all.
It doesn’t take much more time in your syndication part of the day. If you have any questions at all, let me know.
Hope you like it. There are some fabulous bloggers here.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Twitter: marquitaherald
July 24, 2013 at 6:27 pm #
Ah familiar names – I took the opportunity to jump over and visit Niles because lately I’ve only interacted with her on FB – wow, I didn’t know she’s redesigned her site – stunning! I think I saw that this is the one year anniversary of B3 so congrats to you all Donna!
marquita herald recently posted..When Life Challenges You in Uncommon Ways
Hi Marty,
Oh yes, very familiar faces aren’t they? Yes Nile has re-designed her blog and it is fantastic!
It’s funny I did this post and the next day found out it was B3’s one year anniversary. Gee I must be Psychic lol.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Twitter: FollowNateLeung
July 24, 2013 at 5:38 pm #
Hi Donna,
What a great list. I’ve probably come across half of the people on your list and will be checking out B3. Sounds like an awesome community for everyone to support each other’s blogs and walk together on the same path for success. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Nate Leung recently posted..5 Reasons Why It’s A Good Time to Own A Home Based Business
Hi Nate,
Glad you found this interesting. These are but a handful of great bloggers I have known for years!
B3 is an awesome community. Check it out and see. We would love to have you there!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Hi Donna,
Thank you so much for sharing. The idea of syndication was introduced to me a while ago but I have never really given much thoughts to it.
It seems like this is a great next step for me to take. Could I ask how many involvement is needed? As you can imagine, a lot of business people are time- poor. Also, are there many technological hurdles to go through? Is there monthly fee involved?
With GREAT appreciation, Donna!
PS: I will have a busy time visiting those awesome bloggers!
Viola Tam – The Business Mum
Viola Tam recently posted..Stay-at-Home Mums – Prosperity Mindset
Hi Viola.
It is a free group and you can learn all about it by clicking the link. It is a “point system” if you want to earn double or triple points to have more people reach your blog post.
Otherwise all you need is a few “points” which means you go to some blogs and syndicate them. You will have a group each week so new people will rotate to your blog and you won’t have the same old people there every time.
It doesn’t take much time at all. If you did one blog a day, you will probably have it all done. Not bad. But the details are on the link. Also there is a Facebook Group to join if you have any questions. Or…you can ask me.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Twitter: deeannrice
July 23, 2013 at 8:40 pm #
It is always nice to see posts that give shouts out to other bloggers.
I have been to Kim’s blog in the past but have never been to the rest. I will have to go and see who some of these bloggers are.
I was also interested in the B3 group. I went and read Kim’s description the group.
Thank you for bringing B3 and the people involved to our attention.
Dee Ann
Dee Ann Rice recently posted..Does Your Blog Have Google Authorship?
Hi Dee Ann,
It is a great group that stands the test of time! It was under another name for years, but the group changed. Kim took charge and with help of other members, we made it through all changes necessary.
The Facebook group is great too. All one has to do is ask a question and everyone that can answer it is willing to help.
I’ve never seen such dedication online. It is not only great to have people come to your blog and comment, but the community itself is a tightly knit one.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Hi Donna,
yes, the B3 is an awesome community with awesome bloggers.
I am so glad to have been part of the B3 group and also for having found you because of it.
Thanks to you and the other members I have learned a lot and also had more comments on my posts and more exposure because of it.
Thank you for sharing this!
Best wishes!
Yorinda recently posted..Recipes using Coconut oil
Hi Yorinda,
Did you know that at the time of this writing it is B3’s one year anniversary? We all weathered the storm when changes came about last year.
Clint Butler was especially helpful with the spreadsheets and ironing out problems. But everyone involved did pull their weight.
And of course, if it wasn’t for Kim, we would be babes lost in the woods.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Twitter: adetechblog
July 23, 2013 at 3:36 pm #
Hi Donna,
Thank you so much for this great list, must of these bloggers I knew them and they were very great indeed but I haven’t heard of bizbloggingbuzz before but thank God I have come across it this day and am going to jion the group straight away.
Adesanmi Adedotun recently posted..6 reasons why newbie blogger may not succeed in blog-o-sphere!
Well that is great news Adesanmi!
You will be such a great addition to this group. Like you, we are serious bloggers. The reciprocity you have shown me and the great content on your blog will be an asset to the group.
Just follow the instructions, and I and others will be there to help you get on board. There is no charge, only commitment.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
July 23, 2013 at 1:26 pm #
Hey Donna,
We haven’t heard of this group you are in and sounds like it was started a long time ago. Is it?
You are always generous enough and motivates everyone around you 🙂 I read how grateful they are for your post, as I read through few comments.
I’ve been to the blogs of Kim, Chery and Raena, but none of others. I’ve just pocketed other links to pay a visit later on. They must be wonderful, especially as the recommendation comes from you 🙂
You have a lovely and cool week Donna 🙂
Mayura recently posted..Search Engine Optimization Basics for Bloggers
Yes indeedy they are wonderful Mayura!
As you visit them, you will know what I mean. And this group is a lively bunch.
Reciprocity is the key as you know, and helping one another on line. I’ve been blogging buddies with the above for years now.
This group is a fantastic one because we all follow the “rules and guidelines” set up each week. B3 people are comprised of many seasoned bloggers and others that are quite new.
The newbies learn so quickly here of how to be ethical bloggers. I just love this group!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Twitter: Barbara Charles
July 23, 2013 at 11:14 am #
I’ve heard about this group and even joined at one point, but never got to know anyone in it. Glad it is working out for you. That’s wonderful.! Continued success with it.
Hope you are well.
Barbara Charles recently posted..Are You Afraid of The Big Bad Windows 8?
Hi Barbara,
This group went through so many changes but we are celebrating our one year anniversary.
All is good now. And the bloggers I’ve mentioned are but a few of my buddies that have been with me for years!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Hi Donna,
It is nice to share your community so other people know. Noble intention. I know about Kim Castleberry, Raena Lynn and Dr. Erica Goodstone.
What I would like to know is the type of this community. Is it blogging? Is it internet marketing? Is it a network marketing community?
I think this is useful to know, at least for me. I am constantly looking for a community and I always want to inform myself first.
I want to be part of a community with like minded people. For example, I don’t want to join a group that says “internet marketing” just to find out people who write about dogs or relationships. It happened to me and it was not pleasant.
Have a nice day
Silviu recently posted..Bye bye Pinterest Account. It was Nice to Meet You
Hi Silviu,
This is a blogging community. We have been together a long time and went through many changes.
There ae great bloggers out there that are eager to build relationships, more than just a comment on your blog.
Although there are a few different niches there, it intertwines with blogging.
You can check us out by joining and if you have any questions,there is a link in the Facebook Community too.
For me, this is the best community I am in because each week we are set up on a spreadsheet with different people on a rotation basis. So new people come to your blog each week. And if you want to go the extra mile, you are free to connect with anyone in the group. The more you do, the higher the point system.
It is all explained in the B3 link and if you have any questions, contact me.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Hi Donna,
Thanks for the explanation. I’ll try.
I usually don’t add a link when I reply to a comment so if you see one here, please delete it.
Thank you
Twitter: nkeriakos
July 23, 2013 at 10:12 am #
Hi Donna,
Great List of Awesome Bloggers. Thanks for sharing Donna and for acknowledging them. Very nice of you. You are Awesome too Donna.
Honestly, I heard about Kim but none of the rest on the list. But I guess now I have some new bloggers to go check out and get to know them.
Thanks again Donna for sharing these group of awesome bloggers with us all. Have a great week ahead.
Be Blessed,
Hi Neamat,
These are but a few of the long time bloggers I know. I’m sure you will find them all interesting.
The best thing is if you go to their blog and comment, they will reciprocate and get to know you.
And of course, if you ever want to join B3, just click the link and you will get started.
It is a wonderful group of people and the learning curves are awesome. Plus it’s free!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Thanks for introducing us to these awesome bloggers Donna.
I’m already a fan of Kim and I’m looking forward to stopping by a paying a visit to the others on your list. I took a peek at Patricia’s blog and her video about Weight Loss Plateau grabbed my attention :).
I think it’s awesome that you’ve maintained these friendships over the years. I’m looking forward to that myself :).
Well, I’m off to watch the video! Hope you had a wonderful day Donna! Wishing you a fabulous week 🙂
Corina Ramos recently posted..Monday Work from Home Job Lead Madness 07-22-13
Hi Corina,
I am sure glad that you have met some of these great peeps of mine. If you ever want to join B3…it is a free group and you will fit right in.
You are an awesome blogger yourself and will get to meet some great people.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
July 22, 2013 at 6:55 pm #
I’ve heard you speak of this group before Donna but I think that’s so nice of you to introduce them all to us.
I only know Kim, Chery, Raena, Leslie, Patricia and Jim. I’m always interested in meeting new bloggers but I don’t have the time right now to join another group when I know I have to accomplish certain tasks. I think you know what my work load looks like at the moment. BUT, I’d love to come back and revisit this at another time. I love connecting with people and getting to know them. I think forming that bond is the best thing we can do as bloggers.
Thanks again for the introduction and they must be awesome if you’re naming them on your blog. 😉
Have a great week Donna.
Adrienne recently posted..11 Simple Ways To Improve Your Bounce Rate [Infographic]
Hi Adrienne,
Wow…you know many of my peeps. These are just a handful of people I started blogging with years ago. It’s always great to acknowledge those who work with you.
A while back I did a similar post with our Facebook Group. I know for myself as a blogger, it’s great when I meet new people that someone I know recommends.
I also know that you are focused on your business right now and with your following, it must be difficult just to keep up with them!
Keep focused and I’ll see you soon.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Hi Donna,
I am extremely happy to read Kim’s blog about an hour ago before I stop by your blog. I must say that you are very fast with your action and can read what Kim is going to say in her post:-)
You are very kind and very true to this lovely community, Donna 🙂 Without so many of the names mentioned especially Kim and yourself, we won’t be celebrating B3 birthday. You also remind me that I need to bring in new members too.
Thanking you and every members for the support to keep everyone moving forward.
Pearly Quah
Pearly Quah recently posted..Kangen Water Malaysia Brings Interesting News On Control Of The Sex Of A Baby
Hi Pearly!
So happy you cam back to our group. And I like the blog post you have written for B3.
After I posted this on I seen yours he he he….
We must be on the same vibration! You are one of the old friends of mine too. I wish I could have put all of you here, but you know I’ll feature you in the future!
Yes, I like your idea of bringing in new members. So we will start that process in September!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
July 22, 2013 at 1:49 pm #
Hi Donna,
I know a few of those bloggers, but not all. I love when people give me new names of bloggers that I can check out and get to know.
I’m sure they are all wealth worth to know better and will try to do that 🙂
Have a great week!
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..CPU Over Usage And How Mayura Came To My Rescue
Hi Sylviane,
These few are my friends for years! They are great bloggers and if you went to their blog, they would immediately return the favor.
And of course, their content is great…like yours!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
I like Kim too, she always makes things so simple, but asks great questions. I have heard of a few on this list, but not the others. Some new bloggers to go check out. Thanks Donna and I will check out the group too!
Sonia recently posted..Do Looks Matter: Attracting Customers with Infographics – Infographic
Hi Sonia,
These are old buddies of mine and worth checking out. So is our group! Reliable, accountable and Reciprocity is in our veins.
I’m sure you would LOVE this group of bloggers. There are so many more in this group that are great. These are but a few that I’ve known a long time.
It would be a great place for a Super Blogger like you!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
This sounds like a great group. I have seen Kim’s blog. It is great that you have bloggers to rely on.
As much as we would like to believe it, we can not do this alone. Thanks Donna.
Michael Belk recently posted..The “friendly skies” are pet friendly.
No Michael,
We cannot be successful doing it alone. There are many groups out there and I’ve been to lots of them. But the Reciprocity wasn’t there. There was no structure and it only was those spammy Face Book Groups. I didn’t last long there!
This is a strong group that has been around through thick and thin.
These Amazing Bloggers are but a few in this group.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Thank you Donna for mentioning my blog and the blog of our awesome friends from B£ in your post today.
Having friends,colleagues and sustaining each other makes the journey more fun and more productive.
and having you as a friend makes things even more exciting for all of us!!!
Thank you and blessings Donna,
Looking forward to have all our b3 friends on a offline event some day to celebrate our success!
Patricia Gozlan recently posted..Weight Loss Plateau? Balance Your Emotions And Set Yourself Free
Hi Patricia,
OMG…just imagine us all together in one room. It would be amazing! When I realized how long we have known one another, it just made me think to shout it out.
I am so appreciative to you and your wonderful blog. I love being in B3 because you and the bloggers above have been around for years!
I also like the fact of having our Facebook group just in case we need a helping hand.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Twitter: suejprice
July 22, 2013 at 4:32 am #
Hi Donna
Well there you go I did not know of this group but I know about half of the bloggers.
A nice thing to do in knowledgeable them Donna.
Now I started out my blog with a course Kim was teaching with Jodie Thompson and we had our little syndication groups back then.
I hope the packing is going well.
Sue Price recently posted..How’s Your Work Ethic?
Hi Sue,
Well you were one of the first of the “tribbers” way back when. Yes, this group stuck together through thick and thin.
I remember Kim and Jodie when I first came on to the internet. I figured you knew most of these great Amazing Bloggers in B3 from years ago.
The group has so many more members and they are all great. Reciprocity is still the key here and we rotate like the old days, so you are never in the same group each week. This causes great back links. But most importantly, solid friendships.
Still packing lol.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Hi Donna,
What a terrific list of awesome bloggers and most important, friends! As I read each name, I realized many of us started in the tribe quite a long time ago before it became B3. I too can say I’ve known most of them for years. I’ve grown, I’ve been inspired, and I’ve learned so much from this community. The talent overflows! Most of the time I feel we were like a family.
B3 has gone through many transitions and there are key people who have prevailed through it all! I know there are others who might qualify, but I would say this is the core. I’ve always been amazed by the support shown by this group and all B3 members. I love the way we help each other and how all of us are transparent and givers. Value and commitment is what has held this community together.
We’ve all been through so much, mostly positive, and I am honored to be on the list among some very dedicated, special people. I’m assuming this list includes you and David. Wow time sure flies! Thanks again Donna!
Raena Lynn
Raena Lynn recently posted..Skype Basics Showing How To Get Started
That says it all Raena!
We are more than a group of bloggers, but friends. True friends that hold one another up. When things go wrong, there is always a first responder from the group.
Yes, we have came a long long way with many challenges. But with the support of so many great people…including YOU….we managed to hold this group together.
The best thing I love about our group is that we are dedicated to one another.
I am so glad that we have went from blogging buddies to dear friends through the years.
I just love watching people grow and you came a long way baby!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Looks like I’m the first to comment on this! It’s an honor to be on this list! And it’s and honor to be following you and your husband, David, as well.
I’ve loved reading all your posts and watching your videos over the last couple of years I guess it is now!
Definitely added to my life and to my knowledge as an entrepreneur and blogger!
Thanks again!
~ Jupiter Jim
Jupiter Jim recently posted..Don’t Get Hacked! WordPress Security Infographic
Hey Jim!
It was just time to give a shout out to you and others. I know we have known each other for years and I’ve always enjoyed following you.
It is amazing to me when I think of it how time is so different on the internet. It is like light speed and when we know one another for years, that is a long time.
Bravo to all that you do and I am honored to be your blogging buddy!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3
Thanks so much Donna, for listing my blog as “awesome”. We HAVE known each other for a long time now haven’t we? Hopefully, we can all meet one day and have a real party!
Julieanne van Zyl recently posted..How do MLM Business Entrepreneurs Find a Niche?
I only wish we could meet in person Julieane! I know we are on different sides of the planet, but who knows? One day we might lol.
It has been a pleasure blogging with you for such a long time.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers On B3