This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014
A Blogger’s Rolodex should be the main pillar of support for your entire blogging enterprise.
As a blogger, professional intuitive consultant and online business coach, it would be easy for me to tell you who I am, what I have accomplished and what I can do for you.
But it’s bigger than that.
I mean, my blog is not just me.
It’s really a composite of my entire team… all those folks who I’ve included along the way into what I call my Blogger’s Rolodex.
Why Do I Need A Rolodex?
Because I need to build and maintain a team.
There’s no way I could do all of this alone. I don’t even think I’d want to.
My Blogger’s Rolodex includes people like IT (information technology) specialists, writers and bloggers in my niche, experts and authorities in specific skill-set areas that I rely on… areas like social media, email marketing, video marketing.
I have built close relationships with blogging peers and mastermind group members. I’ve gained a working relationship with product creators, promotional marketers and software developers whose services and assistance have helped me grow my online business.
I’ve built a team of professionals that I need to refer to regularly, including my accountant, attorney and several web developers.
All these contacts go straight into my Rolodex along with many others.
The Power of the Rolodex
Neither my Personal Growth Rolodex nor my Blogger’s Rolodex are of much use to me, of course, until I put them to use.
When I have a problem, a question, when I need professional advice or even just some personal support for something I’m going through or a task I’m trying to accomplish… I immediately reach for my Rolodex and reach out for help.
A phone call, Skype contact, Facebook notification or email puts my mind at ease, solves an immediate problem and gets me on the right track. That way, I can focus on the creative aspects of building my business, not by myself, but with the help of my whole team.
I never have to “go it alone”, you see, since each member of my “rolodex team” is always at my fingertip.
Do you have a rolodex in your life and in your business? I would like you to share your views on this…-Donna
Twitter: Amis Interactive Communities
September 25, 2013 at 1:06 pm #
WOW! Donna this is what I and most of our Global members were speaking about and making it a point to update everyone’s information. I believe in keeping a Rolodex all my life and have. I still have my paper one.
You never forget those you place in it. One may want to keep in touch with everyone and never forget them on special days. Hey, just to say thanks for being in my life is what I do daily.
Love this article Donna and one that hits our life. Well done!
Thank you William!
Remember that paper one that spun around in a circle? Everyone had one on their desk in every office.
Now with so many bells and whistles on our PC’s it is a snap to keep notes and notifications.
Whomever is in our business, we must treat with kid gloves (oh my another old expression lol)
We must show our gratefulness because without them, where the heck would we be?
Donna.Merrill recently posted..EMDR Therapy
Twitter: saraharrow
August 11, 2013 at 12:49 pm #
Hi Donna, I also have an online Rolodex of people that I use for certain jobs on a regular basis. If I don’t know someone, I always ask my subscribers to recommend someone, I’ve had some great introductions that way.
Sarah Arrow recently posted..Creating an effective link post #blogging
Hi Sarah,
It is such a smart way to do business isn’t it? Whenever I recommend someone, people are always so appreciative.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Making Your Business Bloom
Twitter: martydia
August 11, 2013 at 12:36 am #
You’re so right – I’ve been gradually switching over to Evernote to keep my rolladex. Still have the original on my desk – ever so handy for picking up the phone and just calling someone – but more and more I’m doing skype or hangouts and Evernote keeps all of that organized for me and I can look at it anywhere (phone, desktop or tablet)
Marty Diamond recently posted..Help! My Testing Strategy Isn’t Working!
Hi Marty,
Oh so you have one of those old ones too? So do I because that’s my back up in case my Evernote goes down lol.
It is easier to just copy paste, and put it on Evernote though. I do that all the time.
It sure is a time saver when I in a pickle!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Making Your Business Bloom
Twitter: hollyfulfordjef.
August 10, 2013 at 3:13 pm #
Can’t say as I have a Blogger’s Rolodex yet!! But you make is sound like it really is a wonderful thing to have. I know I run into issues sometimes and would really like to know what to do instead of having to figure it out myself or wait for the person I know can help me… if they are too busy!! I’d better start working on my Rolodex!!
Holly recently posted..You Can Lengthen Your Health Span Summary
It does come in handy Holly!
I started this by opening a note pad on my computer. Then every time I visited a blog, I would include their name, and contacts and a sentence or two of what they do.
It has helped me out of many situations quickly. And more importantly, as a coach, I can quickly find an answer to someones question at my fingertips when I need to.
We cannot specialize in everything, but when we refer others they sure do appreciate us.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Making Your Business Bloom
I used to try and go it alone until I found I was less omnipotent that I’d believed! That was in my mid 20’s and from that day forth I’ve kept a list of people I trust and can turn to and ask for input – they may not be able to do something personally but will know who can. My list is dynamic and changes regularly, though there are some people who stay on it through thick and thin.
Hi Jackie,
You are a gal after my own heart! We cannot go it alone! Keeping a list of contacts that can help us or others we may encounter is so important.
When we try to think of someone from the top of our head,we may not be so efficient.
I too have my regulars that never leave my rolodex and some that I have to change.
Thanks for stopping by and giving your input to the conversation,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Summertime Psychic Fun
Thanks Donna, I am reading through your blog. I just started building a network of blogging peers, mentors and tutors. I also read on another blog that you should have a list of top 200 blogs in your market with whom you should be building a relationship. I am currently building this list and you sure are on my list 🙂
Dems recently posted..Good Friends are priceless
Hi Dems,
I appreciate that I’m on your list of bloggers. Means a lot to me and I thank you!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Making Your Business Bloom
Hi Donna,
Nobody should be alone. Nobody can succeed alone. Success is group work. When you begin you are alone, indeed. Later you become a member of a group. Then you create a team. Then … success.
However, as you say, success depends very much on the quality of your team.You need to gather the best you can. I think it depends on the money, too. But my main concern is “the beginning”.
In the beginning you don’t have money to pay for a team. So you need to work with friends, colleagues etc. This is the romantic period.
How can you gather a team when money is your weak point? This is a question for you.
Have a nice day
Silviu recently posted..Creative Bloggers Series: Tim Bonner
Good Question Silviu!
If money is low an you need a “team” there are many ways to find them. Mind you that not all groups work well, so you have to do some footwork.
1. Facebook groups – There are many out there, but one needs to be in a group that follows Reciprocity. In the group rules, there should be something that states Comment on 1 or more blogs, then post yours.
I’ve seen some good ones and have seen some that do not follow the rules and I’m out!
2. Google+ Communities: There are so many out there that are catching on. Just go to the “community” section on the left hand of your G+ and browse through. See what’s going on in those communities. May I point out here that the smaller the group, the better your chances. Too large of a group can be mis-managed or you can get lost in the shuffle.
3. LinkedIn: Although I personally have been away from there for a while, working on getting back into the swing of things. The groups there are more serious and business minded. Yes, you will find spammers everywhere, but looking through your niche groups you will find some good business minded people out there.
These are just three suggestions. I hope they helped!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Making Your Business Bloom
Hi Donna,
What a clever way of organizing your support system! We cannot do it alone and having a Rolodex for help and support is important. Having a Rolodex at hand is also a great resource to refer people to when you don’t know how to help, or you don’t know the answer. Helping each other is the key and everyone in your circles has a talent or specialty to offer. Great idea. Thanks Donna!
Raena Lynn
Raena Lynn recently posted..Skype Basics Showing How To Get Started
Hi Raena,
I love my rolodex because it not only helps me in a bind, but rather it is a great reference to help others.
As a “coach” many people are looking to get into network marketing, or affiliate marketing. My rolodex is filled with people (like YOU) so I can refer them to the journey they desire.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Hmmm…Donna…I have to really go back to my foundations with this one. Over the past year, I have let so many great relationships kind of flounder because of what has been happening in my personal life. I really appreciate your writing this because I need to get back to basics and rebuild my Rolodex. I have a lot of contacts, but I have done a great job of staying in touch and remaining in the loop with them. Great article. I needed to read this today!
Christi Johnson recently posted..Motivational Audio – Think And Do Better!!
Hi Christi,
Life gets in our way from time to time and it is easy to just hold everything up.
I wish you blessings in your personal life and keep on growing in your business!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Twitter: WillenaRose
August 4, 2013 at 1:28 am #
You are so right — we can’t do this alone. And we need a way of organizing all of our contacts. Another practical tip, Donna! Thanks for sharing.
Willena Flewelling recently posted..Success and The Man Who Thought His Way into Partnership with Thomas A. Edison
Hi Willena,
I just love to organize my blogging buddies because we cannot do it all on our own.
Whenever I have something go wrong, I can ALWAYS count on my rolodex to find someone who can help.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Twitter: LeslieLDenning
August 3, 2013 at 9:21 pm #
This is an interesting concept, Donna. I have people that I run to to yell “help”, but I never thought of them as part of a Rolodex. This will give me a different way of looking at some of the folks I know.
It is sometimes a very small thing for someone to help you with something that is a huge deal for you. Until you ask people to help you, you don’t give them a chance to be of service.
Thanks for giving me a new way to look at something.
All the best,
Leslie Denning recently posted..Why Branding Yourself is Essential
Awww You are welcome Leslie!
It is important to keep a list of our trusted friends and what they do. It is not only good for ourselves when we are in a jam, but also for people we work with.
We can have a customer or client that asks us a question that we are not experienced in. Sending them over to a specialist, will gain more trust in our business than ever!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
I love the idea of Rolodex, a powerful team with whom to share.
As a coach I have 2 coaches so it never occurred to me to orhanize a team of people to offer and receive help from.
Something to think about Donna.
Thanks for sharing this great idea.
Patricia Gozlan recently posted..The Price of Being Nice: Chewing vs Swallowing
Hi Patricia!
As a coach myself, I always had a rolodex of others that I like to refer people to. If someone I coach couldn’t pass a “growth” stage, I would say “Hey, I know this gal that is great with NLP. This method could help you break through” And then of course, I would refer them to you my friend!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Hi Donna,
I’m with you. I use contacts on my mac and also something called splashID that syncs with all my devices. I couldn’t live without either. I need to be organized.:) Thanks for sharing. Lisa
Lisa Magoulas recently posted..Eat Healthy While Dining Out
Hi Lisa!
Well I can see that you have all your ducks in a row! I have to look into splashID!
THANKS for that tip!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Twitter: marquitaherald
August 2, 2013 at 3:17 pm #
Great point Donna – though I must tell you the term caught my eye because I haven’t actually seen a “rolodex” in years. Still, metaphor aside you are so right about the value of cultivating and nurturing a support system.
marquita herald recently posted..Turning Point: Author Spotlight with Charlotte Abel
Hi Marty,
I wonder how many people do remember what a “rolodex” is lol?
Yes, it is important that we share with one another so we can have a strong support system.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Hi Donna,
You’re absolutely right, we can’t do it alone. I tried that when I first started online, sat in my own little bubble for years trying and trying but never really getting anywhere.
Since starting to blog it has really opened my eyes to the fact that we can’t do it alone and there’s always someone willing to help….
….Once we’ve built relationships with them.
I never really thought of it as a Rolodex but, yes I do get the point. Great term to apply 😉
I don’t class myself as any kind of techi but will get in and have a go if and when I need to, but recently I’ve had a problem with a security plugin, so….
… I turned to those contacts I have and selected a top man from it to ask his advice. For 3 days we went back and forth, changing settings, testing, changing more and testing again until BINGO, my issue was resolved.
If it hadn’t of been for Mayura I’d have had to have deleted the plugin and gone with another.
I’ll be posting about that next week 😉
Thanks Donna, have a great weekend.
Barry Wells recently posted..Is This The Most Important Factor Of Working Online
Hi Barry!
As a non techi myself, I do have to depend on my friends that I can trust to give them my password to my blog. Just imagine going out to a stranger and doing that?
We are fortunate to know Mayura aren’t we? Every week I learn something new on his blog because he always gives us that step-by-step learning curve.
But when a problem arises, he is one guy I can trust! I’m glad you fixed your problem with him.
No, we cannot go it alone!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
That’s a great concept! Kimberly Castleberry (for Facebook and WordPress) and Nile Flores for WordPress are two people on my Blogging Rolodex. I don’t have a formal list of people that I can turn to written down anywhere, but they are in my mind and I know where to contact them.
I consider this WordPress Group by Nile Flores as a key component to my WordPress Rolodex:
And I encourage everyone to join and contribute! It is well moderated and there’s no spam or topics Other than WordPress!
Thanks for the post and the idea, Donna!
p.s. You’re on my Personal Development Rolodex!
~ Jupiter Jim
Jupiter Jim recently posted..Don’t Get Hacked! WordPress Security Infographic
Hi Jim!
Oh yea…. Kimberly and Nile do have that wonderful facebook group. No doubt about it…that is a place to be! I do encourage people to go there too.
You my friend are in my Rolodex also, and so are the many that come to my blog.
Sometimes we forget who does what besides our noted trusted friends (Kim and Nile of course) This way it makes it so easy to scan down others that we are not so close to when a problem for us or anyone else arises.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Twitter: RyanBiddulph
August 2, 2013 at 2:43 am #
Oh what a great idea Donna!
Rolodexing for bloggers makes sense. I tend to go to Facebook for solving my issues, asking all my friends tech questions which befuddle me…lol….but having a rolodex in place can save me time and energy….and stress 😉
Thanks for sharing the neat idea!
Ryan Biddulph recently posted..Make Money Online: How Pure Is Your Intent?
We know so many people Ryan,
All we have to do is put their expertise on a notepad. When we run into “trouble” voila…the connection is made.
It is also great for referrals. We cannot answer every question, but can refer a customer or client to one of our trusted friends.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Hi Donna,
Thank you for sharing this ‘Blogger’s Rolodex’ concept. It makes total sense to me that the Rolodex has power! It is wonderful that when you need some expert advice or tips in other areas, you have trusted friends to turn to.
You are right, no-one has to go alone. There are plenty of GREAT mentors and givers out there. We just have to recognise the, They give and help without expecting anything in return.Isn’t this beautiful?
Wonderful sharing, Donna! With great appreciations!
Viola Tam – The Business Mum
Viola Tam recently posted..Stay-at-Home Mums – R for Relationship. Respect. Referral.
Hi Viola!
It is a beautiful thing that there are so many great mentors we know that will give you advice asking nothing in return.
If we have a list of people in our Rolodex it is powerful!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Twitter: GarSpecialties
July 31, 2013 at 9:01 pm #
I never thought about it but a wonderful idea. I plan to make a roledex for all the people that leave comments on my site and I leave comments on their sites. I have to say I don’t have the best organization skills so this is a wonderful idea. In fact I am starting it now and your name is now at the top of the list
Arleen recently posted..What does it mean to Pay It Forward?
Thanks Arleen!
I like to be number one! lol
It is important to do and it’s a great way to start. All the people you encounter as blogging buddies is a good way to start that list.
When you run into a problem you will immediately know who to contact.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
July 31, 2013 at 8:02 pm #
Hey Donna,
Oh blimey! Go alone? No, I don’t think that would be possible as we need help of others time to time instead of messing things up by trying to do all by ourselves 😀 lol…
My rolodox has been filled by wonderful friends I’ve met online 😉 Indeed, they are experts in different areas. Mind you, I don’t wanna ask for help sometimes ’cause they always educating me on things that I wasn’t aware of and which directly guide me through the pending decisions to make the right call. Plus, they are very supportive and like-minded people 🙂
Don’t we all experience this awesomeness? 😉 I’m grateful indeed!
You have a wonderful week and hope you are busy all the way Donna 🙂
Mayura recently posted..How to Embed Instagram Photos or Videos on Your Website
Hey Mayura,
Well, talking about a rolodex YOU are on the top of my list my friend. When people ask me a Technical question that I cannot answer, I dig into one of your blogs and refer them to you.
I usually tell them to follow your blog because you break things down in a step-by-step fashion that is pretty easy to follow.
For me, as a coach, I do need to have an extensive list of people to help others. I can only give them trusted individuals because my reputation is at steak.
Have a great week!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Twitter: Barbara Charles
July 30, 2013 at 9:44 pm #
Hi Donna,
I love this post. It is true we have a wealth of information and people at our fingertips as we develop relationships in the ‘internet’ world we live in. I wonder if anyone ever thought of calling it a roladex before since that is such a old-school term and manual reference.
I love it! Yes I have a rolodex in my business and in my life. There are plenty of people I can call on and businesses I can reach out to.
Thanks for the thought. Love it – Rolodex. Takes me back! 🙂
Barbara Charles recently posted..How To Renew Your Business Like A Rampaging Zombie
Hey Barbara,
Well you know me and my mid century passions. Yes that term rolodex is old school, but we can re-invent it with a notepad on our computer.
It is like the old telephone address book, remember that before we kept contacts in our Smartphones? lol
It is important to keep that “rolodex” with names and contacts that we encounter online.
It is good for when we are in a pinch and our usual contacts cannot answer a question and also good for referrals.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Hi Donna!
I love your title… 🙂
I definitely have a “rolodex” of folks I turn to for help and I don’t think I could have come this far had it not been for their help and encouragement. I will be forever grateful to them!
I was reading through the other comments and I agree with Adrienne. It crucial every blogger has their own rolodex because one never knows when we will need them one day.
Hope you’re having a great week!
Corina Ramos recently posted..Monday Work from Home Job Lead Madness 07-29-13
Hi Corina!
Yes it is crucial to keep a list not only for ourselves, but others. One of your friends may ask you a question you do not have an answer to.
All you have to do is go to your rolodex (a notepad on your computer) and quickly retrieve a contact.
Thanks for coming by and have a wonderful week.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
My rolodex is mostly to refer people to articles or recommending other sites that have great information. I’m pretty picky with my list as there are a lot of newcomers in blogging that are not quite at that point that I can honestly refer people to.
Nile recently posted..Why A Website Review is Important
Sounds like my list Nile!
And I do have to keep a list so if someone needs a service – like yours – I can quickly retrieve your name and contact to pass it along.
What’s in it for me? EVERYTHING! People appreciate referrals that are good.
It is wise to recommend others out of our niche for the benefit of all.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
I consider this WordPress Group by Nile Flores as a key component to my WordPress Rolodex:
And I encourage everyone to join and contribute! It is well moderated and there’s no spam or topics Other than WordPress!
~ Jupiter Jim
Jupiter Jim recently posted..Don’t Get Hacked! WordPress Security Infographic
I second that one Jim!
Thank you for mentioning this to enhance this post!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
July 29, 2013 at 6:02 pm #
Amen to that Donna and it’s why we harp all the time about building those relationships with your readers and other bloggers.
My post today is about a relationship I built with Ashvini and how he’s come to my rescue so many times. Bless his heart for always being there for me but had I not reached out and made that connection I might not be blogging today.
I’ve met some amazing people since I started blogging and not only do they help me but I count a good bit of them as friends now including you. We support one another and go to them for advice. They have helped me understand things and shown me areas I’ve even needed to improve upon.
I think it’s crucial that everyone start that blogging Rolodex because trust me, they’re going to need it bad some day.
Adrienne recently posted..Behind The Scenes Of My Hosting Service Fiasco
Well said Adrienne!
There is never enough to learn and we cannot do it all alone. Believe me I’ve met some that want to do it all alone and Boom…they are still sitting in their chair learning for years.
We do make so many relationships on line. And you my dear friend have taught and helped me so much.
We have our close knit peeps, and then others that we know that are great at what they do. It comes in handy to keep a record of people we encounter.
I even have Network Marketers in my rolodex although I not one because someone may ask me about a company and I can send them along to a friend.
This keeps things moving!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
July 29, 2013 at 10:57 am #
Hi Donna,
You’re right, no one can do it totally alone, or if they can, well, they are very fortunate to have all such skills that they are sufficient to themselves, so to speak.
As for me, for example, when it comes to technical support, I’d rather count of someone who knows what he’s doing. I would do more damage to my blogs if I tried to it myself.
We don’t have to be good at everything, and we don’t have to do it all alone. Thanks for this great reminder, Donna.
Have a great week!
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..5 Vital Ingredients To Make People Love What You Write
I’m with you here Sylvianne!
I never touch anything when it comes to technical support, but I do have a list of people who do certain technical things. There is a wide variety of services out there and I like to know who does the best with each technical problem I or friends of mine encounter.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Hey Donna,
Have to echo the other posts here – as we struggle along, learning as we go (thanks School of Hard Knocks), we eventually pull together the resources we need to help us.
Never considered this as a Rolodex – and I really like that take on it!
Jon Patrick recently posted..My Fun LIFE!
Absolutely Jon,
Hey I’m a member of the School of Hard Knocks also…the best School ever!
As we go along and meet people, we get to know who does what. Who is a trusted individual that we can count on or refer others to.
This is why I put together my “rolodex” because I know so many people and do run with a close few, but there are others out there that I have met that have done wonderful work.
I just set up a note pad on my computer put their name and contact down and write a little of what they are great at.
This comes in handy when I’m in a bind, or need some one to refer to my friends or clients.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Twitter: Lisapatb
July 29, 2013 at 7:19 am #
Donna, most definately! We can’t always do it alone, right? I have many folks I can turn to for help either with my blog, social media, day job, life in general, etc. I love the analogy of a rolodex.I try not to overuse those in my Rolodex either or they may vanish 🙂 Great topic Donna, have a great week!
Lisa recently posted..5 Lazy Social Media Moves to Avoid Today
Thanks Lisa,
Yes I call it a Rolodex because sometimes I may forget a person’s expertise, so I like to keep it all in one place to contact them when I run into trouble.
I do have my “regulars” but I like to write little notes about the person’s services so I can do things quickly.
I don’t like to keep all those “post its” in my head! he he
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Twitter: harleenas
July 29, 2013 at 4:02 am #
Hi Donna,
Ah…I loved the term you used so apt, and so well here – Rolodex 🙂
I wouldn’t say I have such a team to speak of, but yes, I do have lots of friends and supporters, whom I’ve come to know and connect with through my blog. And I know for sure they are always beside me, or perhaps with time you develop the trust and build the relationships with them.
I don’t think I could’ve ever reached this far had it not been for them and their constant support and encouragement, that all of us need.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..Alcoholic Parents: Family Problems and Solutions
Absolutely Harleena,
We cannot do it alone. It is helpful however to write down all those people and their expertise in a note pad on your computer.
You never know when a friend of yours may ask for help and then you can refer them to a trusted individual.
This helps us connect all around!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Twitter: suejprice
July 29, 2013 at 2:54 am #
Hi Donna
Like Dr. Erica I have never thought of the people I know who offer support as being part of a Rolodex but it is a great word to use to describe it.
I definitely have people I turn to for support in both business and in my personal life.
I could never have gone it alone in business online as I am so not a techie. I also enjoy bouncing ideas off others.
With social media now it makes it so much easier. You can just ask a question and get heaps of responses. Someone will know someone.
Great post Donna.
Have a great week.
Hi Sue.
No, we cannot do it alone! This is why I have made my little “rolodex” on a note pad.
There are people that I need to contact that specialize in a problem I may have. Or…even better a problem someone I am coaching has that I cannot answer.
It’s become more quick and efficient in my business.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Twitter: DrErica
July 29, 2013 at 12:11 am #
I have a large group of individuals with whom I have made some deep connections over the years, but I have not thought of them as being aprt of my Rolodex. It is not so well organized. Yet each becomes top of mind when I run into some problem and I know what their expertise is.
Thanks for putting this into a perspective I can adopt.
Dr. Erica
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..Relationship Healing Question – Ask … What Matters to You?
I know how that is Dr. Erica!
I used to do the same thing. People would immediately come to my mind. But as I build more relationships on line, there is too much for my mind to handle.
When someone has a problem I cannot fix, I do have my “rolodex” of people I can refer them to. I may have 5 people for one question, but I send them all 5 contacts to see which one would fit.
It is working out so well because people do appreciate when we are honest enough to say “I don’t know…but here are some of my trusted friends who do”
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex