This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014
In my last post, I wrote about not being a social media wallflower. In essence it described social media as a slow motion party.
As I read my comments, I had noticed that many of my peeps were either shy or not spending the time they wanted to on social media platforms. So here it is my friends – a little lesson on how to get out of your box.
Here’s 10 things you can do pretty comfortably to start some conversation, even if it does mean getting out of “your box” or comfort zone, just a tad.
1. Post a picture of your pet – Most people “oooh” and “awww” when they see a dog, cat, bird, or whatever your pet might be. You can just say something like “Look at what my dog did today”. Be original! After all, you are unique, and so is your pet!
2. Go to one of your niche sites. Subscribe to Mashable, Huff Post, or anything that has up to date information. Find something that interests you and share it. As long as your finding information relevant to your niche, it will be interesting to your like-minded friends and followers, too.
3. Share a thought or something that may have happened during the day that is common to everyone. I recently did my laundry and left a tissue in there.
I posted on Facebook about how annoying it is when that happens. Who hasn’t experience that? The conversation went wild. People chimed in with their own stories.
One guy said he accidentally put his cell phone in the laundry once. We have all done this sort of thing from time to time, so it encourages conversation. Everyone wants to tell their own little story. You’re just setting the stage for them.
4. Tweet an inspiring quote. We can use quotes from other people and that may be fine, but I feel it is overdone. Now here’s what I found really works. So, my creative friends, pull up a notepad on your computer.
Make your own, personal quotes whenever you think of one. I did that once and came up with about 50 of my own quotes. I used “future tweets” to schedule them for once a day. Oh boy, did I get some great responses and condos. You can do this on other social platforms, too!
5. For the really shy: Change your cover photo and it will be updated on Facebook. “Jane just changed her cover photo.” Use your own photo and people will start pressing that “like” button and sometimes even ask you where you shot the picture?
6. You don’t have to be a shutterbug to take your own pictures. Your iPhone (or other mobile phone) will work well if you have one, or just use a camera. I have been posting my own pictures in social media for a long time.
I am not a photographer, but if I see something interesting, I’ll take a shot of it, then share it. An accompanying funny saying or question can really get the conversation going.
7. Scroll down your homepage and see what your friends are saying. Don’t be afraid to press “like” and, better, just add a comment. If you are really shy, put a smiley face on the comment section.
But it is always better to engage. If there is a saying or a Youtube video you like, say something about it. Or just say “thanks…that made my day”… only if you really mean it, though.
8. Be Positive! If there is something you don’t like, just ignore it. Remember that golden rule: no politics, no religion, and especially no rants! Nobody wants your anger, frustration and negativity.
9. Funny sayings are OK sometimes, but please don’t overdue it.
I once wrote on my Facebook timeline: “What’s the deal with all these Facebook messages of pretty girls telling me they like me and please do not reply on Facebook, but rather on email?”
Now, I know that’s a spammer. So when I mentioned it on a status update, I got lots of engagement because it happens to all of us.
10. Don’t give up! Post two things a day. If you don’t get any likes, don’t worry about it. Especially if you haven’t been active on Social Media. Give it a little time and people will respond to you.
Stay positive, Be respectful, Never get into an argument, and keep away from anything that is negative… You will find that before you know it, friendships will be made.
I hope this helps all you “wallflowers” out there. Give yourself a gentle push. Experiment a bit and see what happens. Getting out of your box is a great feeling. Just take baby steps and you will become a new you!
Twitter: cheryschmidt
November 24, 2013 at 4:07 pm #
Hey Donna! Thanks for all the Great Idea’s! Love them! I am going to start implemtning a few of them. Worth sharing. Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..8 Tips To Help You Start Living The Lifestyle Of Your Dreams
I’m glad you found this helpful Chery!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: deeannrice
October 19, 2013 at 3:33 pm #
A great list of things so say on social media for those who have trouble figuring out just what to say and how to engage other people.
I don’t think I have that issue so much as I can come up with plenty of things to say. I just seem to run out of time to say them. I am always running behind it seems. I think I just need to make the time to socialize a little.
Thanks for all of the suggestions.
Dee Ann
Dee Ann Rice recently posted..Virus and Phishing Warnings on Blogs
Hi Dee Ann,
I find that if I make a DMO…(Daily method of operation) and stick to it (the hard part lol) I can make the time on the social sites.
Lets face it, we are all busy and marketing is where we need to put most of our efforts for business.
But…If you follow that 10 minute plan, you will go a long way. And of course you have a lot to say.
How about this: open a notepad on your computer or jot it down with that thing called paper and pen. A quote, A thought. Then go to it during the day and post it. Check it a few hours later and see what comments you received. Just a thought….
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Learn From Reading Blogs
I think engaging in social network is the best way to get popularity. I sometime add pictures, quotes. I love to be different in social network. I love to get comment, like from others in my status. I also reciprocate immediately.
Thanks for sharing some excellent tips
Ahsan recently posted..Check Your Gmail Account Easily With Chrome Extension
Hi Ashan,
Social media is so important these days. Not only to connect with others, but Google considers our social activities too.
I love getting comments and talking on the social networks also!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Learn From Reading Blogs
Twitter: amitirothstein
October 14, 2013 at 9:07 am #
These are all really good tips, although the one worry from all of this is “over-doing” social media which can also annoy a lot of followers. These tips should be followed, I will try a few myself, but in moderation.
Amiti recently posted..What to do With Feedback?
Moderation is the key Amiti!
We cannot possibly spend all our time on social media. Just set up some time where you can and voila… will meet some new and interesting people.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Learn From Reading Blogs
Twitter: Amis Interactive Communities
October 13, 2013 at 10:53 am #
Donna, you are right on point with just start interacting with others. You be amazed at if you just be yourself and stop coping (Badly) others online. You will spake interest at so many locations it will be mind blowing. Not to say join hundreds of location to get your word out.
I like to keep it simple with fundamentals and adjust on the way. I watch groups interacting and once I can give meaningful stuff I say it or guide people to the answer to questions. That is all just as if we met at a bowling alley. We are at side by side lanes. We can not help but to interact without over thinking of what one should say. There is not difference at say Facebook or any place else. Just be yourself and complete some due diligence on each person before you open that mouth. Or before you type anything. No interaction until you find out about that person.
I find that using two locations for all these years never let me down with due diligence basics. LinkedIn and Google Search. That is the only two locations you should use just to get basic intelligence on a person or business. It is simple free and remarkable what you will find.
Thanks Donna for making us get out and just take positive actions in personal growth and expanding our brands.
William Earl Amis, Jr. III recently posted..Mirage of a business
Being unique and creative is always the best way to reach out to the people visibility. And that too Social Media is place where we can influence many people with out thoughts and happenings. So to be a star in it, we need to be unique and as you said, need to think out of box to get attraction.
Thanks for sharing out some of the best ways to get to be unique in social media.

Shathyan Raja recently posted..Top 5 Instant Google Keyword Search Tools
Hi Shathyan,
Yes indeed. The more unique we are and real, the better. People have a funny way of just knowing this.
We are transparent and have to remember that. If we don’t come from the place of our own heart and soul, people will know that.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Learn From Reading Blogs
Twitter: martydia
October 13, 2013 at 2:10 am #
I also think it helps to watch and listen for a while – people feel that they “must” contribute immediately – and that’s not true – if you spend a while just figuring who you really want to follow – not because they have a lot of followers – but because you really resonate to what they’re posting – and if you keep reading their posts one will come along that you can respond to – and that’s the first step – after that responding comes easier – and as you’re reading other people’s posts, you’re learning and thinking about what makes sense to you to post on your own channel – and then you do.
For some folks – throwing them into the water figuring they’ll swim…works …but I prefer the more gradual approach – start by getting your toes wet.
Marty Diamond recently posted..Better Popup Optin Strategies
Hey Marty,
I do like the gradual approach also. Start by getting your toes wet!
It is important to watch and listen to folks and then jump in and contribute.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Wonderful tips as usual Donna!
Love it or hate it, using social media to expand the reach of our blog and business is worth taking a look at and learn how to engage people. media is all about. As you talk about in your former post, people have a range of different personalities and behaviors when it comes to both in-person situations. Some folks are wallflowers and others are outgoing. We probably want to overcome the former or validate the latter.
I do #4, post my own quotes, quite a bit on Twitter but don’t know why I never considered doing it on Facebook also. Perhaps not the same ‘quotes’ though. I will test this next week.
Rachel Lavern recently posted..An Information Product Works Wonders
Hi Rachel,
Your quotes on Twitter are great! The good thing is when you post those quotes on Facebook…they go to Twitter too!
So there you go…kill two birds with one stone!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Twitter: GarSpecialties
October 11, 2013 at 6:05 pm #
Great List. I did two posts on my dog and got a good response. I must admit I see a post with a dog and I am in.
I guess I need to be more active with Facebook. It is good to have articles like this that are positive and get your butt moving again. I tend to become complacent and that doesn’t work. I admirer positive outlook. You can’t go wrong.
Never thought of making up my own quotes. Who knows what I would come up with. I might even scare myself. I have a sense of humor so this might be very interesting.
Arleen recently posted..A Look at Bike Share Programs and What We Can Learn from Them
Twitter: GarSpecialties
October 11, 2013 at 6:34 pm #
Donna- You inspired me, so I put up a quote (ok not mine) on Facebook
Success Is Not Always What You See
Arleen recently posted..A Look at Bike Share Programs and What We Can Learn from Them
Hi Arleen,
I just went over to comment and share that success pictue! It is great! Now my readers will have the choice to like and/or share if they are on late this Friday evening he he.
Glad this inspired you. Just be persistent. Trial and error is the name of the game. Some will follow you at different times of the day so take notice.
Facebook is hot right now. I was giving up on it a while ago, but more people are using it now than ever at this date.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
OMG, Donna, I can’t believe you’re writing about this subject. My wife and I have been getting some very good coaching about what it takes to be a social marketer. It’s true, there are people on the other side of this screen and they need to be treated as such.
It’s all about engagement and your tips are fantastic. I’ve just printed them and will be share them with Lynn when she gets home.
Thank you a bunch!
Rick Lelchuk recently posted..Are We Full Yet?
Wow Weee Rick!
Glad you found this of help. It is so important to be on Social Media.
But firs….you really need to create a DMO… Hit it up 2 to 3 times a day for a few minutes, otherwise you will never get your work done!
Looking forward to seeing you on the social sites.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Interesting topics to post for sure. Its great that you addressed the shy types like myself. I hate talking about myself on social media. I mean what if nobody likes or shares my post. Does that mean I am boring? OMG I’m not boring am I?!?!!
Clint Butler recently posted..HootSuite Buffer Facebook All Get Updates In This Social Media News
Ha Ha Ha
You my friend are so NOT boring!!! I see some shares of yours on Facebook and they are great.
A little personal touch I would look forward to!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Great tips, Donna. I like the fact that your 10 tips help us keep away from ‘spammy’ posts. Do you recommend using these tips on our fan pages? or just our personal timelines?
Rachel Williamson recently posted..The Care and Feeding of 800 Pound Gorillas: How to be Friends with Google Search!
Hi Rachel!
Oh yes, there is nothing worse than spammy posts! I use them on both.
Here is a nice trick: I post something on my Fan Page. Then go over and share it on my personal page. I do get some interest and people will see my Fan Page, come over and like it.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Hey Donna,
This is an area where I’m weak at. I only post inspirational posts. I started to talk about the yoga class I was taking some months back, but I actually stopped…
But being more active on social media as far as sharing your everyday thoughts is a great way for people to notice and get to know you. The tips you shared here are definitely a way to go to at least get some attention.
You know it’s been for me when someone told me that they felt I was hiding LOL, although I was posting positive quotes… thats an indicator that I need to change my game up 😉
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Sherman,
The person that told you it felt as though you were hiding was the best gift you can ever receive.
Not all of us find it easy to share our thoughts. Many like to hide behind a quote lol.
So glad to hear you are changing your game up and looking forward to “like” you.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
These are great tips Donna! I do love seeing photographs of pets, especially Bren’s pibble Titan, he’s too cute! It is a great way to engage with folks because that’s how we connected…because of that adorable face. 🙂
All of these are great conversation starters both the shy and outgoing can use.
I do admit sometimes I don’t stop to see what my friends and family have posted on Facebook…I’m more focused on sharing the blogs I’m reading and on to the next post or bullet on my to do list. That’s bad huh?
I loved the way you closed the post telling us to take baby steps. It really is a great feeling once we get out of the box, it’s getting taking that first step that’s the hard part.
Hope you’re having a great Tuesday night Donna!
Corina Ramos recently posted..Trick or Treat Halloween Giveaway – 3 Chances to Win Cash
Hi Corina,
Yes, sharing posts is something that we do on social media. But to break it up, we do have to post our own stuff!
Take baby steps girl and you will be on your way. Just keep in mind that what ever interests YOU is fine to share. This is how we “attract” others that like what we do and who we are.
It’s an ice breaker and could lead to friendships and even business.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Hi Donna,
darn, now there is no more excuse, LOL!
You have given some great suggestions with great examples.
Quotes are great and I have been scheduling them with hootsuite.
People have liked them and commented on them and the other benefit is that when I schedule them I read them again myself.
Thank you so much for sharing this helpful post!
Love and Light!
Yorinda recently posted..Courage Vulnerability and Shame
Hi Yorinda,
I’m a follower of your quotes! You sure have good ones to share. Sometimes it is just what I need to reflect on during a busy day. Keep it up!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Twitter: wiarbu
October 8, 2013 at 12:07 pm #
Hi Donna,
Thank you for these excellent social media tips. I’m now scheduling some time in the morning to be more engaging. I’ve been wrapped up in several business projects and I’m finding that if I don’t schedule it, it simply won’t get done. You’ve given me more to think about. Thanks!
I also like how you’re encouraging the shy among us to come out of their shell. Good on you 🙂 Great post!
William Butler recently posted..15 Great Stress Busting Tips
Thanks Bill.
I’m in the middle of two major projects myself, but find that time to get on social media. It doesn’t take long at all. Just schedule it in your day and it will become a habit.
Yes…I am encouraging the shy ones to get going lol.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Twitter: kgauraw
October 8, 2013 at 11:54 am #
Hi Donna,
These are some refreshing tips on social media management. In fact, many times I simply don’t find what to post even though I know there needs to be something going out (because it may have been overdue).
When that happens, I post a quote or a picture quote.
But I liked these 10 ideas. I think these are some great ways to get the creative juices flowing. Thank you for these awesome tips!
Kumar Gauraw recently posted..10 Proven Strategies To Build Credibility And Trust Online
Hi Kumar!
As long as you put something out there every day, you will see people following you.
Remember Like attracts Like. So these will be people who like you, then build trust and there you go….
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Twitter: marquitaherald
October 8, 2013 at 6:23 am #
Great tips Donna. Another resource is Google Alerts – you can set up any number of alerts for topics you’re interested in or that relate to your business and specify how often you want to receive updates. I get just one email a day and scroll through to see what looks interesting.
marquita herald recently posted..Forgiveness is the First Step to Rebuilding Confidence
Hi Marty!
Oh yes…thank you for that! I use Google Alerts a lot. I do scroll through them and always find something interesting.
Thanks for your input!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Twitter: Lisapatb
October 8, 2013 at 6:05 am #
Donna, great advice! I love #3 and that happens to me too often and it sure is annoying. I think of all my FB friends only 10% really post (until I had connected my blogging buddies.) Many sit on the sidelines and watch the world go by on social media. Would you post more than 2x a day if you had a lot of followers/friends? I don’t like overposting, it can be a killer too. Thanks for sharing these great tips Donna!
Lisa recently posted..Why Are So Many Blogging Today?
Hi Lisa!
I wouldn’t post more than 2x a day, unless there was some buzz going around. Then I’ll share some information if there is a bug in one of the systems.
I don’t like overposting either. I just hate it when someone posts 10 things at once…it clogs up my feed.
There were several people that I had to “unfriend” on FB because of that.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Twitter: RyanBiddulph
October 8, 2013 at 12:35 am #
Hi Donna,
Being positive is absolutely the best attitude to take on social sites.
Good tips!
Especially for shy people.
If you get creative you can come out of your shell and connect with others.
Thanks 🙂
Ryan Biddulph recently posted..How Can You Break Bad Habits?
Hi Ryan,
That’s what I aim to do this week….helping the shy people to get out on the social sites.
With Google’s new ranking system, they do collect information from our social activity also now. So I find it important to light a fire under those shy shoes…
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Thanks for sharing these great tips, Donna!
I already do some of these things, including posting pet photos :), and I am excited to have a few new suggestions to go outside my comfort zone with social media. The suggestion I like best is to share my own quotes- what a great idea!
Have a grateful day!
Chrysta Bairre recently posted..When is it okay to give up?
Hi Chrysta and welcome!
Sharing your original quotes goes a long way on FB, Twitter and even LinedIn. I’ve done that a while back and tested it. My oh my…I received a bunch of re-tweets, and new friends on Twitter.
On Facebook, a bunch of “likes” and several comments. I just started a notepad on my computer and kept it on my desktop. When something hit me…I wrote it down. I think I’m up to 100 of my own quotes so far.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
October 7, 2013 at 9:49 pm #
Hi Donna,
All those tips work. At least the ones I’ve tried that you mention here do work for me.
Recently, I posted a photo of me and my kitty Sophie, a photo of me saying that it was going to be my new avatar and on Sunday, yesterday, as I was thinking about my Tony who died on October 6, 2011 I posted a picture of him in his lovely memory.
I’ve got tons of comments and likes on all three. I know I should do this more often.
Thank you for those tips, I know you’re rock on Facebook!
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..Thankful Monday!
Hi Sylviane,
Oh yes, I have seen those two on Facebook. They worked so well. I noticed you received lots of comments on them.
I am so glad that these tips have worked for you.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Twitter: BarbaraCharles
October 7, 2013 at 9:24 pm #
Wow Donna.
Thanks for all of these tips. Despite my interaction, I feel I can always improve more with my social media and I’m always at a loss as what to say to get conversation started.
Every one of these tips are exactly what I need to step up my game in social media. Excellent and right on time. 🙂
Thank you so much. Great post and much needed by many of us.
Barbara Charles recently posted..Who Do You Follow on Twitter?
Hi Barbara,
With your personality I am sure you will do great initiating a conversation on Facebook.
How about a picture of one of your dogs? I think you have 4 right? Everyone likes a cute little furry face.
But it comes down to persistence. Just like Adrienne does….A question of the day and then later a video. And then a few comments on other people’s FB posts.
That good old persistence and patience gets us a long way!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Twitter: coachgladyd
October 7, 2013 at 7:43 pm #
Hi Ms. Donna
Thank you for this post, because it is for me.
My personality is not being shy, but not having the knowledge.
So here I would I share your post on twitter?
When someone shares my post, exactly what is the procedure for me to thank them?
But all of your tips are great.
I will make a bigger effort to go more on Facebook.
Thank you again
Gladys recently posted..How To Build Your Self Worth
Hi Gladys,
It is easy when it comes to Twitter! All you do is push the share button and there you go. I may come back to you and say “thanks Gladys, have a wonderful week ahead” or something like that.
When someone shares your post on Twitter, you can thank them and also say something like this: TY and I just loved the comment you made on my blog” A short line like this can start a conversation.
I’m sure you have a lot to say on Facebook Gladys. You know so much and can share an inspirational quote of your own, or think of anything that applies to your niche.
Eventually, you will get a response!
Go for it Girl!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Twitter: lizmcgee
October 7, 2013 at 5:40 pm #
Hi Donna,
I’ve actually printed these ideas out. I’ve used many of them but to have them in a list I can refer to often is a big help when you need a quick idea.
I really need to get use to sharing more thoughts, I just don’t think to do that often enough.
Anyway, going to make a conscious effort to start engaging more. Thanks for the inspiration 🙂
Liz McGee recently posted..How To Get Google To Trust Your Site
Hi Liz!
Happy that I could be of help to you. It is important to get on social sites, not only for engagement, but to play nice with Google.
If you find yourself trying to share more my golden rule is 10 minutes on Facebook 3x a day. See what works. There is always someone out there telling us what is the best time to be on FB or other social sites. But in reality, we do have to feel our way around a bit to see when our friends are hanging out there.
I found for me, it is mid day EST and late night. I like to relax and socialize late night and so do a lot of my peeps.
Give it a try….it is all trial and error and you will find your way!
Thank you so much for stopping by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Twitter: harleenas
October 7, 2013 at 2:02 am #
Hi Donna,
I enjoyed your tips 🙂
Yes, it does make me wonder why people are shy, but when I think of my time when I’d started off with social media, it had been just the same way because you really don’t know how people are going to react to what you share. I think it’s over time that you become a little confident about what you share, or perhaps when you interact more and have friend’s you can relate to.
I totally agree with your points, especially the ones about pets, or even babies, or a makeover if you’ve had one recently! (I loved your new hair color!!) I think when you share a little of your personal self or life with others, they relate best to that. Oh yes…quotes are my all time favorites and I mostly share those because I want to run-away from FB or I get too caught up replying to the numerous comments and notifications I keep getting thereafter, just as I’d mentioned earlier.
Nevertheless, it’s fun to be on the various social media platforms, provided you have the free time to interact and be with friend’s. Yes, time’s actually never there, we all just need to go out there and create it – isn’t it? I perhaps do a little of that on weekends, provided my kid’s set me free, or else this blogger-cum-writer turns to a chef on weekends…lol…:)
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..How Social Media Can Rock Causes
Oh How I love your quotes!!!! You sure do know how to pick them! Sometimes when I read what you posted, I take a break and reflect upon them. Keep it up! I enjoy them.
I know how time is of the essence for us all. But then we do have to have a social media presence. That’s why I jump on and off each platform every day.
I cannot keep up with all the notifications, nor would I. I just scan and see what is out there for 5 minutes.
I do find that late night works for me the best. It’s my “down time” and I get into lots of conversations.
I know how busy you are with the kids and admire how much work you get done in just one day!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Hi Donna,
Well written indeed. For me, I make sure I post a few times on social media thanks to buffer and give some likes and comments from time to time. No biggy on that but it is always great to contribute a bit back to the communiy right?
A good way is to join groups and that can help you build reputation too! Not to forget, create friends.
Great tips!
I like to throw away the box…. it use to be the think outside of the box, but after reading a Deepak Chopra quote on this, I think getting rid of it allows you to think without the idea of any confining ideas, people, or emotions.
Side note (your first point made me think about it) -I’d love a new kitty… my previous cat was ran over earlier this year and I keep feeling lately that I’d like another one.
Nile recently posted..How To Display Excerpts in Genesis
Hi Nile.
So sorry about your cat. Yes, get a new kitty once your heart is ready to accept one. We need our animals because they show us unconditional love!
I am sure that once we step out of our box, there is no need for it anymore…time to recycle it he he!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
lol… yep recycle it.
And I think I am ready for a new kitty. I nearly adopted a stray the other day…lol
Nile recently posted..Niche Recommended WordPress Plugin Series: e-Commerce
wow, you are a great coach.. thanks so much for sharing your 10 things to get into the social media flow 🙂
If I was not into the B3 group, perhaps I would not even know what social media sharing was… so never mind go to find niches and what ever else… wow, you sure know what you are doing, no wonder you know so many people… you help all of them move forward into directions that they may not be familiar because they trust you.. that is grand.
Your 10 things to do to get out of the box on social media are simple things but as I see them, they are very powerful once applied.
Thanks so much as always Donna.. always helpful from the ehart.
All the best.
nick catricala recently posted..The Twelve Sacred Principles of Karma
Thanks Nick!
I was leading up to this from my past posts so I could help encourage those who may be shy. Those that may not think they have the time for social media.
But in today’s business, social media is much needed.
Thank you for you kind words,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Great tips, Donna 🙂
I have tried many of these, such as inventing my own quotes (I loved doing that. I still do it, but to a lesser extent. Perhaps I should work on that).
I do share quotes though 😀 (And questions..). I use Buffer app, so I have to buffer up the tweets for my schedules 😀 It works well, except for weekends 😉 I don’t blog [very much] during weekends. I have to work on fixing that. Schedule Saturday updates on Fri afternoon? Yup, that should work.
I started my new FB Page a weeks back. I was disappointed, at first, for not getting that many likes. But, then I remembered back to my blogging days (Well, before I quit last year) – never give up. Time will bring success 😀
Anyways, thank you for sharing your insights, Donna 🙂
Absolutely Jeevan!
Never give up! Things do take time to flourish. I would say keep on inventing your own quotes. Do I foresee an ebook? he he
Yes, weekends are slow, but there are those who have jobs during the week and focus on the weekends to engage.
I have a bunch of peeps like that. So it is a seven day a week for me on social media.
Trick is, on my FB page, I set up posts for the week. Sometimes one or two. All I have to do is go to my page and share it. In two minutes I’m done! Then I visit FB again and see all the responses.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media
Hehe 😀 No, at least not yet 😉
I remember writing an eBook – a memoir or memorandum. I think it was a memorandum. I am not sure what I was thinking back then 😀 It was basically a collection of all the best blog posts I have ever written. I didn’t finish the book (lost my interest, I think. I don’t remember much about it).
The problem with my FB page is that when I share stuff via Buffer, I can’t tag any of blog owners (So none of them will know that I shared their stuff. Well, in perfect world, that would be alright. But, I am selfish :D).
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
October 6, 2013 at 5:25 pm #
These are great tips Donna and I’m surprised at the number of people online today that are still somewhat shy. I know, not everyone has our outgoing personality and it’s probably harder for them to either make friends or start conversations.
What you shared here is great and especially sharing photos of your pet. We all love animals and definitely have something to say about those.
Posting positive or inspirational quotes is a great one too and you can always comment on the ones that your friends shared too. They’ll appreciate that and it just opens it for more conversation.
Also share some fun videos because I always love watching funny ones or even the ones that make me go OMG!!!
Great shares here and I’m sure your shy friends will find these very helpful. Great way to break the ice and just get started.
Have a great week young lady.
Adrienne recently posted..HELP: When Spam Is Not Spam
Hi Adrienne,
Well if there is anyone who knows how to do this it is you my friend. Your questions of the day, videos and your comments are great.
You my dear are a master at this. I guess it is our personalities that keep us out there and going. Also our sense of humor!
Those lacking, an outgoing personality or a sense of humor need a little nudge. This is why I wrote the post!
Thanks so much and I’ll see you later this week!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Box On Social Media