This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014
Recently I’ve been poking around statistics about how many bloggers come online each day. The tremendous amount of newcomers is absolutely amazing! Then I fine-tuned my search a bit in order to see how many baby boomers are coming into the blogosphere.
Without boring you with statistics, I can tell you one thing and that is, that is catching on like wildfire with the baby boomer demographic. I went further and Googled some baby boomer bloggers to see what they’re actually doing. I found that there are many who are doing a truly great job in cyber space.
Some Anecdotal Feedback
I decided to take this research a step further, and directly engaged some new baby boomer bloggers to see what their challenges are. Here is some of the feedback I personally received. Here are a few typical apprehensions I found, and my responses to them.
1. I’m too old. I cannot keep up with all the young people I see out there.
I explained that the Google results they are seeing when they poke around often point to blogging “gurus” who may be a lot younger, but they’ve usually been at the craft a lot longer too. The challenge is not be young, but to be dedicated, hard working and consistent in the effort.
2. I’m afraid to put my picture up.
Again, I explained that no matter what age you are, there are many successful bloggers who are camera shy. They don’t have the confidence to show themselves even in a gravatar, much less a header image or video.
Now lets face it… most of us are not satisfied with our pictures because we are our own worst critics. We see every flaw instead of what others see. The important thing to remember is that your readers are not nearly as concerned about your appearance as you are. And while physically appearing on your blog and social sites is a big bonus to your personal branding effort, it is not absolutely necessary.
3. I don’t know enough, or have enough savvy to blog.
Well, if you’ve been around for many decades, you have experienced so much in life and have grown and can see things differently than someone younger. That experience and wisdom is often more valuable to your readers than your technical skills, literary flair or blogging expertise.
4. I’m afraid that no one will want to be my friend on social sites because of my age.
There are so many young people that have grown up in cyber space and take it for granted, but I feel uncomfortable with it.
Here is where I step onto my soap box. I explain that there are many people their age who are blogging. Most are happy to socialize with others in their age group because they can relate to them on the same level.
Now those are just a few of the challenges I have heard. It’s okay to be apprehensive, but don’t use that as an excuse to avoid blogging.
I hope I’ve been able to inspire my baby boomer buddies to explore this whole new world.
Besides blogging about your knowledge, you can make so many friends that you normally wouldn’t by staying in your neighborhood. You will find there are many people in the blogging world that have the same morals and values you grew up with. This gives you an opportunity to connect with them.
Most importantly, if you are a blogger, you are a learner. You don’t only push out content, but go to other bloggers and learn from them. You will learn so much, it will blow your mind.
And speaking about your mind, use it or lose it. There have been so many studies indicating that in order to keep your mind sharp, you must engage regularly in mentally focused activities like crossword puzzles, board games and such.
Now, I’m no expert on this subject, but I can tell you from one baby boomer to another that since I’ve been blogging and learning so much every day, my mind only gets sharper.
What will happen to me in the next 20-30 years, I don’t know. But I do know one thing. Your mind is like a muscle. You must exercise it to keep it in optimal condition. What better way to do it than blogging?
What do YOU think?
Is blogging a good way for baby boomers to keep themselves engaged, and their minds sharp? Is it a good activity for overcoming loneliness because they may have lost a spouse or friend, or their children have flown the nest? Do baby boomers bring special knowledge and experiences to the table that otherwise would go unspoken?
I’d love to hear your comments below.
Twitter: lolette_and
June 7, 2015 at 12:19 pm #
Well guess what ?? I just found this post because I Googled blogs about women over 50. Nice to find you here too. Good SEO
Twitter: mitch_m
January 2, 2014 at 11:17 pm #
One of the realities most people don’t think about is that much of the earliest blogging was through us baby boomers. Officially I started in 2005 but I was actually blogging way before that, just kind of anonymously, and certainly not for business. We do have so much to share, if anyone really wants to learn from it. lol
Mitch Mitchell recently posted..How To Write A Guest Post
Hi Mitch,
Hmmmm Didn’t think of that one! Thanks for adding this to the post. Yes we do have lots to share.
I remember 2005 and doing some stuff before blogging became “the thing to do”
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How To Make New Year Resolutions Work
Hi Donna,
Thanks for sharing the results of your research. I think that baby boomers are being inspired rather than retiring. I think that our deepest longing is not to stop but to go on to discover and fulfill what we were made for, exploring new worlds of our heart, dreams and soul if those answers were not clear before. As boomers realize that success and security just are not enough anymore, they may find that blogging gives them something more fulfilling out of life. It may even feed their spiritual side and connect them to a bigger purpose.
Rachel Lavern recently posted..How to Select the Right WordPress Theme for You
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for adding such wonderful insight to this blog post. There are so many baby boomers out there just not knowing what to do next.
Wallmart? No way…there are plenty of opportunities right here on the internet. If they don’t want to make money, it is great just to get a free blog and start engaging with others.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How To Make New Year Resolutions Work
Twitter: WillenaRose
December 15, 2013 at 5:12 am #
I had to smile at the thought of being too old to blog. How can we be too old to share our knowledge and experience? I thought we older folk were supposed to teach the younger ones. I started blogging 10 years ago when I was 50, and for the briefest moment I thought how many bloggers I was learning from who were a generation younger than I!
We all have things to share with our readers, no matter what our age… and we can all learn from others.
Willena Flewelling recently posted..No Cookie Cutter Copy
Hi Willena,
I see it the same way as you do. I have encountered many people who were intimidated to blog because their teachers and people that had lots of exposure were much younger than they were.
When I came online, I was following a younger guy half my age. And now, some of the best bloggers I know are so young I could be their mother and we get along just fine.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Partner, Pal and Product
Twitter: martydia
December 15, 2013 at 1:22 am #
Great videos – I can see why people come to you to help them learn the ropes! You’re never too old to learn something new – and blogging is a great way to meet new people and share experiences.
Marty Diamond recently posted..Let’s Talk About Forms
Hi Marty,
Glad you enjoyed the video. No, we are NEVER too old to learn something new. Life is an ongoing process of changes. Once we realize that, we are open to learning.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Partner, Pal and Product
Hi Donna, my husband John is a baby boomer (as you probably know). He LOVES to write, but it took a long time before he had the confidence to write on a blog by himself. I think it’s best if you have someone with a lot of patience to help you and tell you the steps over and over again:-)
Julieanne van Zyl recently posted..The Old Man Swims The Lake
Hi Julieanne,
Yes, I know John and his blog too. Well he sure does have a good teacher…YOU!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Partner, Pal and Product
Donna –
This was a fun and informative look at our age group and how we’re all blogging! I could identify with a lot of comments as well. I’m with you and Sue on this: we do have a lot to offer with our wisdom and experience.
It is so true about staying mentally sharp. One of my symptoms of my illness is brain fog. The blog has probably been my salvation in that aspect. Or it may be my biggest embarrasment when my blog is less than clear! 🙂
Either way, meeting new people and sharing our experiences is fun and gratifying.
Love your website!
Karen Hoyt recently posted..The Ins and Outs of Life
Hi Karen,
Blogging is a great way to “focus!” I find it a great brain exercise, as well as meeting people.
I have my 82 year old mom starting to write her memoirs on a static blog. It’s keeping her brain alive and she’s not a boomer, but rather one of the “greatest generation” that is still with us.
I am so happy you enjoyed this post.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Using An Avatar When Blogging
Twitter: bihar
December 2, 2013 at 12:34 am #
I think everyone should have a blog irrespective of age. And no one should be afraid to put a picture up of themself on the blog, it makes it personal and people trust you then. Lots of bloggers are tuning in but really don’t know how many of them continue after a few months.
Shalu Sharma recently posted..India through American eyes – Travel story
Hi Shalu,
We really need to know our target audience when blogging. We blog to share our experiences and to help.
I do see many bloggers not lasting long, but with the proper incentives and a little hand holding maybe they can stay and become successful.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Using An Avatar When Blogging
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
December 1, 2013 at 11:33 pm #
Hey Donna,
Excellent! I really appreciate you for seeing things differently 🙂
This is not the first time I’ve heard of the term “Baby Boomers” 🙂 I have a friend, a blogger, who always mentioned that term and she was actively involved in connecting with similar folks too. She had a group which shared resources only for baby boomers.
Actually, I didn’t step further and research about it, assuming it’s something out of my scope. But YOU DID IT and now I do understand the whole point of the hot word ~ Baby Boomers 😉
I really liked the questions you have addressed here and until I read through them, I didn’t understand that kind of fear can be exist among baby boomers. Sometimes I’ve felt that they already accepted the defeat or feel it’s not their arena, but I thought it’s just who they are and just being resistant to online World. Ugh… NO! It must be something you mentioned in there 🙂 I need to keep eyes on and might be able to encourage more by sharing this post directly with ’em.
For those who blogging right now, the reasons you have mentioned might feel like simple excuses, but it’s not for ’em 🙂 It recalls me that once a guy mentioned, after seeing comments on my blog (including yours), he was so afraid to comment and he don’t know how to comment like others 🙂 Sounds like an excuse, but more of being afraid, eh?
If I take a look at my blogging friend circle, I don’t have many younger ones in it Donna 🙂 But all of ’em are young by heart and I always feel like they are in my age. Don’t you feel like that? 🙂
Well, let’s hope baby boomers will be encouraged more to involve with blogging and keep up their spirit after reading this post 🙂
You have a fabulous week there dear 🙂
Mayura recently posted..How to Claim Your Custom URL in Google+
Hi Mayura,
So now you have a better understanding of the term “baby boomers” Just like anyone at any age, this demographic has fears too. We may take for granted that they have been through so much in their lives they would have a better understanding, but anything new is always fearful!
Yes, sometimes what seems to be an “excuse” can really be a fear. I get a lot of that. People FB message me and ask if their comment was OK. I encourage them all the time.
Yes, to be in this business the baby boomers are young at heart! It is a niche to keep your eye on.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Using An Avatar When Blogging
Hey Donna, I never really thought about how many baby boomers are blogging. I think bloggers of all ages so write blogs so they can bring fresh perspectives based on their experiences and knowledge at different ages. If more baby boomers blog it will provide a great opportunity for many of us to learn from their wisdom. Thanks for covering this topic!
Shelley Alexander recently posted..60+ Delicious Gluten-Free Desserts Perfect for Entertaining
Hi Shelley!
I especially love this niche because they really need our help. Some have been working in a job so long, that we need to teach them our entrepreneurial mindset and skills.
I just love doing that!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: kylenelson24
December 1, 2013 at 10:02 pm #
Donna I got to be honest with you I feel that baby boomer bloggers are becoming more and more common and bloggers like myself (in my 20’s) are becoming fewer and fewer, which is AWESOME!
Some of these anecdotes I have heard many many times because I share what I do with many baby boomers and here this a lot. I try to explain to them almost all the bloggers I know are baby boomers.
Great post!
Kyle Nelson recently posted..5 Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs
Hi Kyle,
Well that’s good to know! I’ve been doing some snooping around and find that there are more and more boomers coming into the market like crazy.
Hmmm….gotta do more research on this one!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: hollyfulfordjef.
December 1, 2013 at 4:47 pm #
Yes, Yes and Yes to your questions… I think it is a great way to connect with people of all ages.. who cares what your age.. you have something to offer… Love this topic… I haven;t found a whole lot of people in my niche or ‘age’ group, but that is only because i haven’t spent the time to do so… It will be a thing to tackle more when kids are off on their own. There is so much to learn.. we only get to the tip of the iceberg.. what an expanse of info out there to take advantage of.. and of course share our knowledge and experience!!
Holly recently posted..Who Is Steering Your Life? Are You Looking In The Rear View Mirror?
Hi Holly,
There is so much knowledge and experience someone in that baby boomer niche can give. This is why I’m encouraging those in that niche to come out and play!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: rebekahradice
December 1, 2013 at 4:07 pm #
Very interesting Donna and a great follow up to your piece about writing or in this case, interacting outside of your niche.
Your fourth point just makes me sad. I can’t imagine anyone feeling that way. I love that you’ve gone out of your way to embrace this group of bloggers and help them feel not only safe, but very much wanted.
As always, your big heart is an inspiration to me!
Rebekah Radice recently posted..6 Easy Ways Social Media Can Build Your Business Now
Thank you Rebekah!
The baby boomer niche is growing because of many different reasons. Downsizing, loss of jobs, or just plain freedom!
Although intimidated at times, I try to be the poster gal to egg them on!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Hi Donna,
you are so right, keeping ourselves inspired is so important.
Yes, we don’t have to know it all and we all have knowledge.
Even if we come across some interesting information we can share it.
Thank you so much for sharing your encouraging words!
Love and Light!
Yorinda Wanner recently posted..Unlimited Possibilities and Imagination
Twitter: DrErica
December 1, 2013 at 1:24 am #
What a wonderful post. You are offering support to so many people who want to try this strange internet world and blog about something but they feel intimidated and shy and even afraid.
Those of us who have been engaged online for awhile are no longer afraid. We have shared openly and find that the more we open up, the more other like minded people respond and we actually make friends.
But I often forget how many people are really reticent and fearful about “exposing” themselves online. You have offered some real comfort and maybe a new business niche to focus on.
Dr. Erica
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..Your Heroes – How They Affect Your Relationships Today
Hi Erica,
Putting myself as the “poster gal” of baby boomers was how I wanted to urge others not to be fearful of their age.
I’m a boomer and proud of it! I picked out this niche because I was finding that many people in my age group were following me and becoming clients.
I just hope that anyone that is fearful can see this and say “Hey, If Donna can do it, so can I!” 🙂
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Hi Donna, I’m baby boomer myself and so is my hubby, and we both love to blog. I think boomers have so much to write about and so much knowledge and wisdom to bring to others. And, I understand they are also more fearful of computers and the internet, but they can easily get over those fears, IF they really want to!
Love that you are helping them in this way Donna!
Jullieanne van Zyl recently posted..Flat Out Like A Lizard Drinkin’
Hi Julieanne,
For sure! Fear is the only thing that will stop anyone. There are more and more of us bringing our knowledge to the table.
I think it is fantastic!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: marquitaherald
November 30, 2013 at 7:42 am #
Terrific post Donna! So much of our life experience at any age has to do with attitude. My late grandmother was an active, vibrant woman who was a life-long learner and loved debating politics and world news right up until the day she passed on at 105 years! At the same time I’ve know people decades younger who acted old well beyond their years.
I certainly agree with your point about the potential of the Internet, and there are in fact a growing number of blogs by and for the Boomer generation. The truth is many Boomers are still actively working or starting second careers and bristle mightily at being lumped in with their parents generation; a huge mistake made by some marketers who conveniently – but erroneously – lump everyone over 50 into the same psychographic.
marquita herald recently posted..Are We Meant to Find Deeper Purpose?
WoW Marty,
Your grandmother lived until 105! I believe that it is the inside of people who make them young or old. Yes, I’ve seen people act decades younger too. My grandmother had that spunk!
There is a growing number of boomers working or starting second careers these days. And I fully agree that it is a big mistake that some marketers make lumping everyone over 50 into one pile!
Thanks so much for sharing.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: sueken
November 29, 2013 at 11:06 am #
Baby boomers have so much to contribute with a wealth of knowledge that can only be gathered with experience and time.
For those who are not ready to take the plunge I recommend a trial using or Blogger just to familiarize themselves to the concepts and to feel more comfortable.
My own very first blog was a personal journal with lots of family pics aimed at keeping overseas family and friends updated. I did not publicize it but gave the url to those I wanted to view it.
Sue Bride recently posted..How To Avoid Breaching Copyright
Hi Sue,
Just look at that! You started a family blog and now you are zooming upward with your fabulous blog.
I too recommend a trial using just to get their feet wet. Then there are other blogging platforms that some are more comfortable with. Which ever one they choose, as long as they take that first step, the rest is pie!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Hi Donna,
Is blogging a good way for baby boomers to keep themselves engaged? Yes. Absolutely. I noticed this trend, too. More and more are coming on the net and socialize and engage with other people. This is excellent and we need them.
“Keep their minds sharp?” Yes, absolutely. Blogging is a great way to keep your mind sharp and your heart young.
Overcoming loneliness? Yes. Blogging can help with this, too.
“Do baby boomers bring special knowledge and experiences to the table”? Yes. They bring in so much knowledge that I am sometimes intimidated.
This is a whole new market and and a special occasion for younger people to offer their help. They will get so much in return.
Have a wonderful day
silviu recently posted..When A Wonderful Woman Tells Her Story: Graphic Designer Angela Mccall
Hi Silviu,
Baby Boomers do have a lot to offer and I’m noticing from my own personal research that there are so many on board.
I like to see who is reading my blogs and do analytics sometimes. For me, maybe it is because I’m a baby boomer, I do receive many.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: bloggingconsult
November 28, 2013 at 8:32 am #
Hi Donna,
This is an absolutely fantastic piece of research, and you deserve to be commended.
I was feeling the same way before starting off my blog, but I later understand that for me to become an authority and achieve success with blogging, its good to upload a picture of myself as it helps cement a branding status. Most notable bloggers I have met, from Adrienne, your noble self, tim bonner, Reginald chan, silviu, nate leung, lisa of createwebsite, Carolyn, Jane e.t.c. all have their picture on their blog.
Thanks for sharing this tips donna.
James recently posted..Seven SEO tips to get Google US search traffic
Twitter: cheryschmidt
November 28, 2013 at 12:08 am #
Wooo Hooo Donna! I love this!I love the questions. the video everything! You post reminded me of the saying”If you don’t use it you’ll loose it! I love to blog and to be part of the B3 community! I cannot believe everything that I am learning and will never quit.
I have met so many good friends and do intend to meet many more. Yes Baby Boomer Bloggers ROCK!! Thanks for sharing.. Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..Are You Grateful For What You Have In Your Life?
Hi Chery,
It is so fulfilling to learn every day. To make friends, to do business, just about everything that encompasses our blogging world.
Some baby boomers have a little trouble with this. It usually comes from a lack of confidence.
Yes…Baby Boomers do Rock!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Hi Donna, It is my first time on this blog. You have a great blog out here.
Now to the post,
I think that no matter your age, you can take charge of your situation and get things done. Get off your comfort zone and you will be surprised what a world you have to conquer. Age should be no barrier to greatness.
Thanks Donna for sharing this inspiring post
Eyram recently posted..Kill google and stop SEO to increase your blog traffic greatly
Hi Eyram,
Age has no boundaries when it comes to blogging or business! Yes, as long as we take charge of our situation and step out of our comfort ones we are on the road to greatness.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: coachgladyd
November 26, 2013 at 8:31 pm #
Hello Donna
What a great topic to share.
First, I liked your video. Very nice and you seem comfortable in front of the camera.
I am a Baby Boomer, but I was not afraid to be on the Internet, because I feel I am a voice for those that are crippled in the area of Personal Development. My problem was and is (LOL) is not understanding the technical stuff.
I am learning so much and my thoughts are that someday I will be able to help others with the technical things.
Still learning about Tweeter, but I am very patient, so I won’t give up.
Thank you and have a great Thanksgiving.
Gladys posted….Six Perpetual P’s in Personal Development
Gladys recently posted..Six Perpetual P’s in Personal Development
Hi Gladys,
It took me a long time to get comfortable in front of the camera. I once took a 30 day challenge whereby I did one video for 30 days straight and didn’t give up. That cured me of camera phobia!
I don’t know about technical stuff, but luckily I work with my husband and he does most of it. Team work is great!
I too am still learning how to master Twitter. I’m on then I’m off. I need to push on with that one.
But these days I’m working with a coach until the end of December getting my product done. It’s already together, but there is so much more than creating….there is that technical side Blaaaaa
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: Lisapatb
November 26, 2013 at 6:23 am #
Hi Donna, I really love this one! I’m the last of the baby boomers (1964). I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned since I started blogging a few years ago. More than I could have learned in any school. The technical skills amaze me since I first started. I was so afraid to use my Cpanel in the beginning – now I go in it effortlessly with still a lot more to learn 🙂 Great research. I’ve also seen recently that we are the fastest group signing up for Twitter though You and I have been there for years Donna! I think that’s why the younger kids have left Facebook. They don’t like having their parents and grandparents around their online playground.
Have a great rest of the week Donna and a nice Thanksgiving.
Lisa recently posted..5 Things I Learned This Week That Will Help You Online
Hi Lisa,
It is so true Lisa. We all learn so much more online that we can ever learn in school.
When it comes to technical things….well, I give that to my partner and husband to do. It is like I’m learning disabled when it comes to that. So I stick to other research that I love and bang it out!
If however, I run into a technical hiccup there are many friends that would fix it for me. Adrienne was one of them when my social share buttons weren’t working.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: DebbieDoglady
November 25, 2013 at 11:38 pm #
Very interesting post! I’m one of those Baby Boomers, (turning 59 in January) and in regards to #4, I’ve made SO many friends in my age group and beyond online, it almost seems like an internet revolution! 🙂 My one disadvantage is lacking somewhat in technical expertise, but I learn new things every day and it definitely keeps the old mind sharp. Doing pretty well, considering I didn’t even have a PC until my father bought me one for Christmas in 2008. Until then, I had no interest in computers whatsoever! Now, it’s quite the addiction, especially my blog.
Debbie recently posted..GREEK ODYSSEY – PART IV
Hi Debbie,
Whoopie…Good for you. In such a short time you have turned into a blogger! Isn’t it amazing how many people we can meet once we are online?
I just couldn’t imagine my life any other way.
I am with you when it comes to the technical aspects. Thank God my husband takes care of that. But when push comes to shove, I always hire someone to get the job done.
I know my limitations and want to do what I love to do without taking days and weeks for a technical learning curve! 🙂
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
This is very interesting, Donna. I have a lot of baby boomer friends who are doing a great job blogging. I’m in the Daily MArketing Coach with Ann Sieg and most of us are baby boomers! Good for you for helping these ones get over their fears. There is room enough for all of us and we all definitely have specific experiences and viewpoints of value to bring to the world. Good for you! Blessings, Amy
Amy Hagerup recently posted..How to Improve Your Performance in Network Marketing with Online Training in the Daily Marketing Coach
Hi Amy,
It’s nice to know that most of the people in Ann Sieg’s Daily Marketing Coach program are baby boomers!
I was prompted to write this specific post because I am coaching people that are in the baby boomer’s age range, and now I can share your comment with them for further inspiration!
Yes there is room enough for all of us, young, older, and all in the planet. It just blows my mind how many different people I can meet and make friendships with worldwide!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: notnowmomsbusy
November 25, 2013 at 10:21 pm #
I just love your videos Donna! I’m not a baby boomer but you motivated me. 🙂
I could relate to those questions…I kind of eh about putting by picture up and when I started I didn’t think anyone wanted to read what I had to say.
And, there are still times I get that “they won’t want to socialize with me” when I want to approach a blogging superstar. It’s like I get star struck only they aren’t like snobby celebrities :).
I’m all for baby boomers joining the blogverse. I would love to read their experiences and the advice they’d have to share! I say more power to ’em!
Happy Monday my dear! Have a great week!
Corina Ramos recently posted..Holidays and fitness? Bah humbug!
Hi Corina
I’m glad you were motivated by this. Age has no boundaries when it comes to putting up our pictures. Want to know a secret? I don’t like my pictures at all! I’m kind of funny that way.
But it is something that must be done for business purposes! Aww…you still get that “they won’t want to socialize with me” blues? Just remember a blogging superstar is only someone that has been around the block more times than you.
Never feel intimidated because they usually want to welcome new people. Don’t you?
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: BarbaraCharles
November 25, 2013 at 10:04 pm #
Hi Donna,
I’ve actually written a couple of posts on this in the way…way…way back past. However, I didn’t do research and talk to baby boomers. Very interesting.
I’m a baby boomer blogger too, but have not had some of the challenges you’ve mentioned. I guess it all boils down to confidence in yourself and of course the blogosphere can be very intimidating.
I like all the advice you gave to those addressing the baby boomers concerns. It is certainly encouraging for those who feel this way to have positive motivation from those of us who ‘ain’t’ afraid of nuthin’! 🙂
Very nice post. Great!
Barbara Charles recently posted..Four Unique Ways To Write A Good Blog Post
Hi Barbara,
Kudos to all of us that are admitting here that we are baby boomers. I didn’t think there were so many of us around. It just seems to be a growing industry.
We are all apprehensive when coming into the blogosphere. There is no age barriers there. But for Baby Boomers, it can be more intimidating especially following the latest “gurus” that swamp the internet.
I guess we are wild women and wild women don’t get the blues!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
November 25, 2013 at 9:48 pm #
Hey Donna,
I did the same thing when I first started. I was so intimidated because everyone was so young on here and I just knew I was the oldest person who they were chatting with. Although I knew I wasn’t dumb, I definitely didn’t know 98% of what they did but I love to learn and because of that look where I am today.
You’re right though, it keeps your minds sharp and just think of all the knowledge you can help others with. I have a friend that’s in her late 70’s and she’s still so afraid to start blogging. Oh my gosh, she has so much knowledge to share and I keep telling her to think about all the other people her age she can encourage to do this too.
I like to say that we can’t let just the younger generation take over the internet because we have a heck of a lot to say.
I’m a baby boomer and darn proud of it. Amen to that and I hope you’ve been able to inspire some of them to get started now. If we can do this then so can they.
Great message and have a great week. Happy Thanksgiving!
Adrienne recently posted..How To Write Content Your Readers Crave
Hi Adrienne,
I too meet people that are older that have so much to share! I admit I’m a baby boomer and proud of it.
That’s why I got in front of that video. If I can do it so can anyone else. I am very camera shy, but when it comes to my business, I start yapping away.
There are so many young people I learn from, but I wanted to write this post to inspire people in that age group to get out there and blog, make some money, or just to share their gifts.
It’s a new world and its important for all of us to keep up with it. I’m trying to get my mom to blog. I set it up for her. She has her memoirs hand written and I told her to type it out on a blog.
Imagine if both our moms did it. What a hoot. Your mom’s gravatar would have to be the picture of her on the motorcycle!
Happy Thanksgiving
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: Daringblogger
November 25, 2013 at 8:50 pm #
Age should never discourage us 😉
I agree with all of your points, Donna. I do love the point about blogging helping to keep our mind sharp. That is right, well at least for me. I learned a lot through blogging, not just about blogging, but also about what is possible online (Discovered a lot of tools that I could use to learn new things. If not for blogging, I probably would have not known these tools).
Plus, it gives us a chance to meet a lot of people and make a lot of friends, within the comfort of our home 😀 (This would definitely help introverts, too. I am kind of an introvert, and blogging has definitely helped me to sharpen my communication skills. Of course, introverts shouldn’t let blogging discourage them to go outside).
Interesting post, Donna 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Age should never discourage us … Hey that’s a good quote!
Yes, since I’ve been blogging my mind has sharpened and I have a broader interest range. I can walk into a store and shake my head about their marketing strategy.
Going to blogs every day gives me knowledge and keeps my brain ticking.
Yes it would help introverts! It gives them that push they need to get out there and make friends. From there it can become a learned behavior on the outside world.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: Daringblogger
November 29, 2013 at 9:27 am #
Glad you liked it (I think I have used it as one of my quotes, not sure though).
Yes, indeed 😀
Recognizing the marketing tricks will surely help to save us a lot of money 🙂
Sorry for the late reply, Donna. I have been traveling and haven’t been able to keep up with commenting (since it is Thanksgiving :D). Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!
Hi Jeevan,
I Loved that quote! No worries about responding, I’m just catching up myself. Thanksgiving took a lot of time away, but hey, we do have a life!
Hoped you enjoyed yours!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: maryjstephenson
November 25, 2013 at 7:34 pm #
Hi Donna
A very old baby boomer (67) and proud of it. I wish my body was as sharp as my brain! So yeah I took the best photo that was taken of me and used it, but at least I am out there. We are vain of course and only we are critical of ourselves.
I am surprised how much I have learned in the past 3+ years being online. Why in the world did I think I had nothing to contribute? I am constantly learning and there is so much we can learn online. Been taking psychology courses for the past 11 months and still have so many more to go through. Since they are lectures and I get to hear and see young students, I am surprised I am much more informed about life than they are. Yes, living has given us a whole lot more to contribute, a whole different perspective on things, therefore we have so much more to offer. Educate and stay young. Never wanted to just putter around until it was time to check out.
Mary Stephenson recently posted..Some People Should Never Be Allowed To Bring Potato Salad!
You are a gal after my own heart! How impressive that you are on line for such a short time and you are a pro blogger. Taking psychology? Wonderful!
I too don’t want to stop learning and doing. Our kids think we are nuts because they tell us we should be getting ready to retire. Retire from what?
My husband and I are both entrepreneurs and have been for most of our lives. I couldn’t imagine life any other way. I’ll stop when I drop!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Hey Donna,
I’m not a baby boomer but some of the apprehensions you mentioned here is what I hear my parents say. It’s not that they can’t learn, it’s that they make excuses and are afraid of learning which is what I got from them.
But one thing I see that gets them to want to be more technical is that I show them something cool, that really piques their interest on the internet, and then gradually they learn how to get to it. Say for instant, a youtube video on how to make scallop potatoes for my mom. Since she has an interest in the subject already, she’ll be more than will to figure out a way to get on the computer and go to youtube to find the recipe.
Even if they want to become bloggers and mingle with people that have the same interest. Blogging is a way for them to share ideas and make new friends as well as maintain the friends they already have!
Thanks for sharing Donna!
Hi Sherman,
What a fine example! Once we capture someone’s interest, they sure catch on fast like your mom.
I do that a lot. I find something that interests them and tell them to Google it. (yes I have to explain that too lol) But once they do, it opens up such a wide variety of interests for them.
Now if they come to me and want to learn how to blog, I use a similar approach.
We need to keep the Baby Boomer niche in our mindset because there are so many of them.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: kgauraw
November 25, 2013 at 4:09 pm #
Hi Donna,
What an inspiring post. It’s not about age or the level of knowledge. It’s rather all about having a heart that says, “I’ve something to share and I am going to share it with the world.”
When I started my first blog (which I deleted anyway), my intention was to let a few people I thought were “dumb” (in my own network) know through my blog that they were really dumb 🙂 Well, I laugh about it now but I was sincere about my passion for making them look dumb and more or less I achieved that pretty soon. And then, I moved on to become a better blogger down the line.
Along the way, I made some great friends just like you said. I wouldn’t have met these people if I didn’t start blogging.
So, thank you for sharing your thoughts and some awesome tips.
Kumar Gauraw recently posted..WordPress Is Not A Ping Spammer And You Don’t Need Any Ping Optimizer
Hi Kumar,
Thank you for sharing your past experience and how you learned to become a better blogger.
You are on target when you say it comes from our hearts that we have something to share with the world.
Problem I have been running into is that the Baby Boomer age people may think that they cannot even go on Facebook. “It’s for young people.” It is a recurring excuse for them.
I just don’t like it when I have a client that has so much potential and needs to spread their “word” out. They want to but have to break those fear barriers.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: wiarbu
November 25, 2013 at 2:53 pm #
Hi Donna,
I love the triple B in your title. I also take a lot of shadow pictures too. 🙂 I also love how thoughtful you are.
I was about comment on your first point, “Just look at all the life experience you have to share,” but then I read your third point which really answers the concern “I’m too old.”
I like in your video how you want new baby boomer bloggers to know that they are not alone. Essentially you are stating that they don’t need to feel isolated, which is a great word, at any age.
You later speak of friendship. I am very grateful for the friends I have made, and continue to make, through blogging, even though I’ve only been at it for just over a year.
I would add that they simply need to BELIEVE in themselves, and KNOW that others are always looking for fresh perspectives.
Enjoy the week ahead, especially Thanksgiving. 🙂
P.S. I have a gift for you, if you have not seen it yet, it is in my reply to you on my post today.
William Butler recently posted..A-Z of Even More Acronyms To Inspire You!
Hi Bill,
I didn’t think of those three B’s until you mentioned it. But leave it to you to play with words (read your last post lol)
Yes, I am working with a lot of newbies and some are in the baby boomer niche. Now, they have all kinds of problems, especially the fear of putting up their pictures and doing videos.
That’s why I did one…hey I’m a baby boomer myself and had to take the first step.
Yes you are on target when you added that they need to believe in themselves and know that others are looking for new perspectives.
Enjoy your week and Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
A gift? I’m going over right now!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
November 25, 2013 at 12:55 pm #
Hi Donna,
I’m so glad you’ve written this post for baby boomers. Not that I’m not familiar with positive thinking already, but this week end I’ve just been to a positive thinking seminar, and reading those negative answers that you’ve got here, kind of made me say ouch!
Those people need a huge doze of positive mindset and self confidence, but most of all self esteem. This is going to be the topic of my post on Wednesday. If you know anyone that needs it that bad, please, direct them to the post 🙂 And I mean I’m not saying this to promote myself, but man, people need help.
So, thanks for providing this for them, Donna.
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..Are You Going To Paris For The Holidays?
Hi Sylviane,
Those were but just a few of the negative answers I chose when talking to my clients.
This is why when I do coach people, it is not only the technique, but that positive mindset that I have to work with. You know how that is!
I’ll put my thinking cap on and see if anyone I have talked to would be brave enough to be directed to you. I have 2 offline clients that come to mind that I’m working with and by God, they need a 30 day intensive therapy program! lol.
Yes, people do need help, especially with their mindset. It all begins there and the rest is teaching technique.
Talk soon,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: GarSpecialties
November 25, 2013 at 11:47 am #
I have to admit Donna many of the points you brought up I have felt. In the beginning I didn’t put up my picture, not because I didn’t like but I was afraid of identity theft.
Let’s face it the baby boomers are the creative entrepreneurs of this country and many of us can learn from us. I am getting good responses and I don’t think age is factor. We have a lot to offer if nothing else our experiences. When I leave comments on a blog, I will get responses like, I never thought of that. Things to do not have to be as hard as so many young people make it today. Good hard work never hurt any of us no matter what are age is and that is what blogging is about. Hard work.
Loved your post.
Arleen recently posted..How Teamwork is the Root of Any Successful Business
Hi Arleen,
Glad you enjoyed the post. As you can see, I put myself up there as the poster gal lol.
Baby Boomers were instilled with a work ethic, but as things changed and more and more are becoming entrepreneurs, they do need the inspiration and the little push that they belong in cyber world.
We have an edge and when used wisely, it can get us a long way!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Fantastic post, Donna. I’ve occasionally worried that I’m too old to keep up with all those whizzy, fast-coding young bloggers, but I’ve reached the conclusion that age is irrelevant – we all have something to give and share, and we can all learn from one another. We oldies have our life experience and all the skills we’ve learnt over the years – I don’t think we should underestimate the value and power of all that. And I love interacting with other bloggers of all ages – we have a lot to learn from the younger generations, if we keep an open mind.
I think you’re right – blogging does help to keep you sharp and engaged. I do sometimes struggle to keep pace with all the changes and a lot of the technical stuff, but I don’t think I’m alone in that, and I don’t let it stop me.
Susan Neal recently posted..How To Write Tutorial Blog Posts That Go Viral
Hi Susan,
Never think you are too old to keep up with younger bloggers. They may have different “lingo” than us, but we are who we are. It is irrelevant because as bloggers we read so many blogs per day.
Age does not matter in the blogosphere. We all have something unique to bring to the table. And yes, as we grow older, we cannot underestimate our life experiences and skills we have learned over the years.
I think when someone comes into the blogosphere that is new, they will find more younger people out there such as the “gurus” who are mostly young. They may find it difficult to resonate with them. And furthermore think that’s what blogging and marketing is all about.
That’s why I was prompted to write this post. So that older people can feel comfortable just being themselves.
I find that many of my “teachers” are young. And some are older too!
And yes, blogging keeps us sharp and build relationships with others so we are friends with a wide variety of people globally.
Oh..that techie stuff….I never can get it down, but I do need to keep myself up to date on it because if something is broken, I have the language to get some help.
Thanks for visiting,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Hi Donna,
Great post. While being online and sharing yourself is just ‘the way it is’ for the young, for the more mature it’s a new way to approach the world. I love your point above, that a life’s experience is more valuable than blogging flair.
My grandfather wrote a couple of memoirs in the final decade of his life, and they’re family treasures. Today, you could share your life, teachings, and experience with everyone!
Jon Patrick recently posted..My Fun Life Sizzle Weeks for 11.21.13
Hi Jon,
For the younger generation, it is “normal” to share your life on the internet. But for those Baby Boomers, it can be challenging.
Even when posting on social media, they may not know how to say what they want to.
Now I know many baby boomers that are doing a fantastic job with internet marketing. But they are the few. I’m trying to inspire those to jump in and get with technology.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: suejprice
November 25, 2013 at 2:09 am #
Hi Donna
I love this post. I just read a Facebook post from someone who is a one of us who was concerned about not looking like the young ones. I was thinking I was going to blog about it and then I saw your post. 🙂
I love your message. I do not feel old so what the heck. As you say we have decades of knowledge and experience to offer and such wisdom.
I also agree it keeps us young and keeps our brain active. That is so important as you say.
I so love seeing you on video more Donna and I love your hair. Now you are a perfect example of someone who is still spunky.
Well done.
Sue Price recently posted..Take Responsibility and Magic May Happen
Hi Sue,
I may be a baby boomer, but yes, I’m still spunky. Age is all in our heads I believe.
I used myself as the “poster gal” for other baby boomers to come on out and speak their mind, get into business, and more importantly get over the age thing.
There are many baby boomers that are my blogging buddies and they bring great things to the table.
As for you my friend, you are absolutely stunning…an ageless Lady!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: harleenas
November 24, 2013 at 11:13 pm #
Hi Donna,
You are so right about baby boomers – the new bloggers in the Blogosphere 🙂
It reminded me of the time I started off with my blog, with no one around to tell me anything, or perhaps I was just a simple writer and not a blogger, so never had any friend’s online, nor anyone to guide me about how to blog or what all one needs to do. But with time, one learns the ways because of the online friend’s we make – that’s the best part of being connected with other bloggers, isn’t it?
I liked the little question answers you put up, something that most bloggers tend to go through. I do agree that blogging helps to sharpen your mind because you are learning and exploring new things daily – I do at least while I research things, which otherwise I might never have done, and that teaches me a great deal.
Yes, it does help to overcome lonliness a great deal because you interact and mingle with so many people – new and old. There is NEVER a dull or boring moment when you are online I think, provided you are the one to reach out and connect with others. I think the Blogosphere has ample of place for new bloggers – more the merrier, and I only wish they were more dedicated and patient as compared to the older bloggers 🙂
Thanks for sharing. have a nice week ahead 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..30 Top Men Bloggers of Aha!NOW
Thank you Harleena,
There are so many benefits to blogging. It always amazes me how much I can learn in just one day! It does keep my mind going and I just love that.
Yes, Baby boomers are coming in by leaps and bounds. We do have to consider them when we are blogging and on social media.
I have a few that have emailed me with those questions above. I had to give them a good cheer leading talk to help them overcome what they perceived as obstacles.
Most were worried about their picture. How they looked. I explained to them that was not part of an age barrier. It happens to many of us.
I must agree, there is never a dull moment when we are online.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Donna you are looking at the right group. We almost expect older people not to be so advanced with computer related language.
The retrospect is we all are learning. True some young people have a leg up.
However, older people are more concerned with results. Sometimes, we spend all day doing activities that are useless for progressing.
I think it is good that older people do not know all the lingo because a clean slate does better when you concentrate on results.
Ileane from basic blog tips tells a story of how she fell into blogging. She said she thought she was signing up to follow her daughter’s blog, but the next thing she knew was she had her own blog.
Michael Belk recently posted..How to shine on a dull job hunt.
Hi Michael,
So that’s how Ileane did it! She is a power blogger! It is amazing what we can do if we don’t put ourselves in the Proverbial box one is “expected” to be in.
The only expectation we have is ourselves and what we can do while we are on this planet.
I’m trying to get my 83 year old mom to write her memoirs on a blog. She wrote tons in longhand already of the good old days. I think it is important to share, not only for our family, but for others.
When I work with baby boomers I make things as simple as possible and never use too much computer related language. Step by step, they can come on into the party.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: nickcatricala
November 24, 2013 at 8:42 pm #
Hey Donna,
wow, you are a great researcher and love it.. I wanted to do the same because I have a program that is focused to Baby Boomers… but as with so many other things,… I did not get to it yet and LOVE what you did, you shortened my search… THANKS so much 🙂
As I read how you interacted with some of them and encouraged them.. that is pretty amazing and for sure they have become your trusted friend… and you deserve to be..
Then comes the great video, now I know why you went to do your new hair look, so you can show off to the baby boomers, I ma certain David noticed that as well haha 🙂
Your video is truly great, because after they read what you wrote to them, they seen who you are for real and did not hide away behind a computer monitor.. that was great of you.. Thanks again.
nick catricala recently posted..Let’s Take Control of Our Life and charge towards our dreams!
Hi Nick,
Thanks so much! There is a big and fast growing market with the baby boomer niche. There are many reasons why. First of all here in the US, many companies are downsizing. People who have worked many years for a company found themselves unemployed. Now What? Companies don’t like to hire older people for the most part.
Then there are some of us that just want to get the things in our lives done that we never had time to do. Especially those that have raised their children and then always wanted to write, or sell a product.
Worst of all, people getting close to retirement age. What can one do then? Sit down and play cards? Become a baby sitter to their grandchildren?
There are so many situations, but making money is a strong point, but besides that, they won’t feel alone. There is a huge network out here for people to make friends with.
NO…I didn’t get my new hair cut to show off ha ha ha….Would have needed more than that Nick! You always make me laugh.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: nickcatricala
December 2, 2013 at 1:32 pm #
my favourite Italian Virtual friend… I had to come back to read what else can I learn from you in your new blog post.. but to my surprise (ok, not surprised since I know how busy you have been with videos and marketing coach and your lovely daughter visit.. FB is a great place to get to know what your dear friends are up to haha THANKS)
Anyway.. your article is so inviting to read and so I come back.. but when I read your WONDERFUL and thoughtful comment of mine…I could not let my SMALL EGO get away so here is me again enjoying talking with you my fried haha 🙂
You are 100% correct of what you noted above… I have been fortunate enough to start doing something on the Internet and computer early in life (1990=1991) but I also know many at my age is just scared to death to use it and that is such a draw back these days and I am searching to figure out how can I support them, not necessarily to learn everything, but at list be able to use a computer and internet so they will have a more broad social life and the the incentive to start earning extra income so their senior years more smoothly since what ever income they receive from a pension or what ever they may receive (if they receive anything at all) is never enough with the world economy is going these days.
I know you are doing your part and MUCH more to support them.. I congratulate you as a friend, but I also congratulate you as a Spiritual Human Being who truly care to support others no matter who they are or where they are or what situation they are presently now…
Happy top be here and communicating with you Donna… your constructive vibration made my day and hope mine will make yours even BETTER.
nick catricala recently posted..Let’s Take Control of Our Life and charge towards our dreams!
Thank you Nick for your kind words as always!
Yes, the economy these days are difficult. If someone is relying on their pension, it is not enough.
Some, have nothing at all! And what do they do? Work at Wallmart? Who the heck wants to do that.
There are so many options on line for people to earn an income. I see a “problem” with those in this age group with finances. So that is why I wanted to keep them in mind and write this post.
I’m a baby boomer myself and know that there are many ways that people can earn extra income via the internet.
I met one person that knits – Now she is selling her stuff on line. It just takes a learning curve and there you go!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Awesome Bloggers of 2013