This post was most recently updated on July 30th, 2016

Listbuilding for bloggers is probably the most important reason to blog in the first place.
Here’s “Why” bloggers need to be listbuilding, and “How” they can do it.
Unless you’re purely a recreational blogger, you want to build a database of your readers and followers.
That way, you can interact with them.
You can build a deeper relationship with them.
How will you accomplish that?
The answer is listbuilding.
You want to put your readers and followers into a database that you can tap into anytime you want.
That database is called your email “List.”
When your readers join your list, they invite you to contact them with your email messages.
They give you permission to send them more information, instruction, and assistance.
So, if you have a dog training blog, someone might sign up for your email list hoping to get more information about dog training.
They are giving you permission to send them that information.
You want that permission because you want to offer your readers a deeper understanding of how to train their dogs, you want to get to know your readers a bit more personally, and you want to offer them products and services to help them do a better job of training their dog.
So, listbuilding is not a casual thing you do because you see other bloggers doing it.
Listbuilding is at the very heart of your personal branding. And that, in turn will determine your ability to make your blog a profitable business platform.
Listbuilding for bloggers is really listbuilding for bloggers who want a way to sell products and services at the end of the day.
Now that we know “why” it’s so important to do a good job of listbuilding on your blog, let me show you “how” to do it.
There’s more than one way, of course, so here are the ways I think work best for most bloggers.
Sidebar Opt-in Box
I’m sure you’ve seen the sidebar banners or boxes that ask you to join somebody’s email list.
That’s what I usually call a sidebar opt-in box.
So, on your dog training blog, you could create a banner image that says “Sign up here to get more tips for training your dog.”
Then you’d have a place where people could give you their email address, name, phone number or whatever you think is important.
When they give you that information, that’s it. They’re “signed up.”
Of course, you need to connect the sign-up form to your email service, your autoresponder.
That might be Aweber, GetResponse, or whatever.
My favorite one is actually GetResponse.
Whatever service you use, the important thing is to have a good and reputable one that will database your sign-ups onto an email list so you can keep in touch with them.
Pop-up Opt-in Forms
Another way to collect people’s sign-up information, is on pop-up opt-in forms.
I know you’ve seen these.
They are those annoying little opt-in forms that suddenly appear (pop-up) on your screen when you are trying to read someone’s blog post, or watch their video.
You have to stop what you’re doing and either subscriber to the list, or try to figure out how to make the form go away so you can get back to reading the article.
I think you can tell that I hate pop-ups. I’ve never used them, and don’t think I ever will… but who knows?
I’d guess that you probably agree with me that these little forms popping up from the top, the bottom, the left side, the right side… they’re all totally annoying.
But most bloggers, and maybe you, use them.
Because just about any statistics you’ll find on this topic will indicate that pop-up ads are very effective, and certainly more effective than the standard sidebar opt-in box.
That’s because they jump in your face and force you to make a decision whether or not to subscribe to the blogger’s list.
The sidebar opt-in just sits on the sidebar, and you don’t have to decide yes or no, you can just go about your reading without even looking at it.
And that’s exactly what the vast majority of your readers will do.
So, pop-ups may be a good choice for you.
There are many, many softwares and plugins that you can use to set up pop-up opt-in forms.
Just do a Google search and you’ll find them.
Some are free, most are not.
As with anything, the free ones are very basic, and the more you pay the more bells and whistles you’ll get.
PS: If I did decide to use a pop-up, I’d probably use an “exit pop.” That’s one that only pops up when someone goes to exit your blog. So it doesn’t interfere with their visit, but as they are about to leave reminds them “Hey, before you go, why not subscribe to my great ‘dog training’ newsletter?”
I kind of like that.
Kind of.
Banners are like the old magazine “space ads.”
They’re a picture or image that can be clicked on, and when you do, it redirects to an opt-in form or squeeze page.
You can embed these banners on your sidebar, or as your blog header or footer, or even within your blog post itself.
It might be a picture of somebody training a dog, for example, with the instructions “Click Here to get my great dog training tips right in your inbox.”
There are plugins and software that will help you do this… do a Google search, again.
You can also get custom made banners from a graphics designer, and then just link it to your autoresponder.
Native Opt-in Links
Ok, so I always save the best for last.
My favorite way of collecting opt-in is within my blog post itself.
That can mean banners, like I just said, but there’s something I’ve helped many of my clients coordinate, and that we have found to be even more effective than the above methods.
It’s also the simplest… figures… lol
All you have to do is hyperlink some text within a blog post, and send it to a squeeze page or opt-in form.
So, on your dog training blog, you could have a post about your “5 Favorite Training Leashes.”
Within your post, usually toward the end, you have a sentence that says something like this:
To learn more about training leashes and get all my top dog training tips, just Click Here.
Then, hyperlink the “Click Here” to your squeeze page or opt-in form and that’s it.
I like this best because it’s actually “added value” to what you’re writing about, as opposed to something that interrupts your reader’s pattern of thought with an unrelated pop-up or banner that tells them to “subscribe now.”
Life After Listbuilding
Once you’ve built a list of subscribers, you are on the verge of having a real, live, profitable business.
How good, and how profitable… depends purely on what you “do” with your list.
That’s a topic for another day, like probably my next blog post…
It will be all about using “email marketing” to build relationships and profits!
Meanwhile, I’d like to hear what your favorite “listbuilding for bloggers” methods are.
Please… drop me a comment below and let me know!
Twitter: MarketingKM
February 22, 2015 at 7:23 pm #
Hi Donna
Great post. I am just setting up an optin on my blog about Women.
I was reading today about AWeber having a plugin that
allows you to install an AWeber web form on your WordPress
blog and lets visitors subscribe to your list when commenting or
registering on your blog.
In addition, you can allow visitors to your blog to sign up as they
leave a comment or register, without having to fill out a separate
web form. On your WordPress dashboard, you will be able to see
how many people have signed up to your list by commenting, as
well as keep up to date on the latest email marketing advice from
AWeber’s blog.
Also I saw the hello banner that is at the top of a site I think it was
by Oh I forget now, didn’t write it down. I see someone mentioned
that he liked it.
I don’t like those pop ups or sneak-ins or exist pops either.
Will have to get on that optin box. Thanks for the reminder.
Hi Kathryn,
Aweber is one of the best people use. I like the way it integrates with everything.
Now all you ave to do is create that opt-in and there you go!
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Ways To Pump Up Your Blog
Twitter: CopyWarner
February 12, 2015 at 8:58 am #
Hey Donna,
Great post here. List building is a never ending thing. I haven’t started making that a priority this year so far, but I’m going to start being more aggressive about it. Content upgrades, maybe a popup here or there, because without a list, you can’t really succeed.
You’re right. The sidebar optin box is there but it doesn’t jump out at you and forces you to make a decision like a regular pop up does.
What do you think about putting a opt in form at the end of posts? I had that before but then I got rid of it. Now I’m looking to test it out again but I’m looking for one that compliments by site perfectly.
Anyway, awesome post once again.
– Andrew
Andrew M. Warner recently posted..Why I’ve Decided To Allow Guest Posts On My Blog
Hi Andrew,
It’s all about testing. I think it is a good idea to put your opt in form at the end of your blog and see what happens. It is not intimidating or frustrating to the reader. You write great stuff and always suck me into your posts. If there was a huge pop up I had to x out in the middle I would be frustrated.
The way you write your blog posts are flowing and great.
Yes, the side bar won’t do much good unless you give a CTA to it. If it is something that you are blogging about, you can always say check out my xxx it is on my sidebar to give a CTA.
Also you can embed it in your posts.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Email Marketing Is Not Dead, Bloggers
Twitter: zerodollartips
February 9, 2015 at 5:08 am #
Hii Donna Merrill mam,
This listbuilding guide seems quite practical and full with very true experience. You said correct that building a database of readers and followers is the most important task for all active bloggers.
I have tried both ways “Sidebar Opt-in Box” and “Pop-up Opt-in Forms” to collect the emails of my lovely readers and it helped me so much and provided me some very nice blog audience.
The ways you mentioned in this tutorial is extremely interesting and every blogger will follow these tactics on their blog. Thank you so much mam for sharing this amazing experiences here.
Amit Kumar recently posted..How to Delete Windows.old folder in Windows 10
Hi Amit,
List building is a must for bloggers. We want to attract those who are interested in us. I like that because we gain an audience that is full of quality. I’m not into the quantity at all.
Thanks for sharing that you used a sidebar opt in box an pop up opt in Forms to collect emails of your readers.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Email Marketing Is Not Dead, Bloggers
Twitter: DavidMerrill101
February 8, 2015 at 9:55 pm #
I agree, Donna, that pop-up ads are so annoying, but like you said… all the analytic studies show that they work.
I’ve never used them but am always intrigued by them, and will probably try to see how it works out one day.
Meanwhile, the best thing you can do to build a list is to offer great content, and help people solve their problems. If people see you as a problem solver, they’ll want to join your list and will probably look around your blog to see if and where they can.
Of course, it’s a great idea to make it easy for them by linking to your opt-in offers right in your blog posts.
David Merrill 101 recently posted..Blogging To Make Money
Hey David,
I too am intrigued by them. If you read what Deborah has commented, it sure gives a different approach to them…I’m kinda sold now.
But if and when I make the decision to use them I would like to put it at the end of the post. Not sure…just have to play around with it I guess.
Offering great content on our list to be the “problem solver” is a great way to get them engaged and build the trust factor. When that’s all said and done, they will opt in to a product or service offered.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Email Marketing Is Not Dead, Bloggers
Twitter: JacsHenderson
February 8, 2015 at 7:26 pm #
Absolutely Donna… the thing to do is list-building on a blog!
I like the way you walked us through the options, but also added the thoughts of the reader to the mix!!
I have experimented with many different options, and still do…
but I always like to test out my own reaction when I visit my blog, and see if a form annoys me, or could look better.
I know much of it is about positioning, and timing… but I still like to consider the visitor ‘annoyance gauge’… and I feel pop-ups are quite high
At the end of the day it is good to strike a balance!
I like the link ones… and I still like a sidebar one, because any time a visitor wants to hear more from you, they know where the box will be and will find it quickly.
Great thought provoking info 🙂
Hi Jacs,
There are so many ways we can build a list on our blogs. The side bar is great but many people have sidebar blindness. So we need to give a CTA some how like “don’t forget there is x for you on the sidebar” But that is a double process.
Since I have been putting offers within my blog I see a greater opt in rate. When it comes to pop ups, I haven’t done them yet. I may sound like I’m against them, but not really. Just more tweaking I guess lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Email Marketing Is Not Dead, Bloggers
Twitter: telesalesking
February 8, 2015 at 7:08 pm #
Ah yes…
List building someone which was once hard is now easy.
The pieces slotted together when I was just watching a video by Shaqir.
If you have something to use for leverage which grows a list then you can use the 1st offer to collect your leads and then use the same list to send updates on your youtube channel… say you interview someone… send that to your list… it grows your list… and your opt ins and subscribers..
Just saying
WILLIAM O’TOOLE recently posted..Unlimited Profits Training with William O’Toole
Hi William,
Thanks so much for giving a great tip on list building using your Youtube channel. Yes, Interviewing someone will help your list grow and of course opt ins and subscribers.
I see you doing a lot of that on Google+ and it is delightful to watch and learn, especially when you are doing a G+ hangout and there is a dialogue going on.
Indeed the first offer is to collect your leads, and then we can do it on Youtube…works quit well.
Thanks for your input and sharing how you do it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Email Marketing Is Not Dead, Bloggers
Twitter: itsallsuccess
February 8, 2015 at 7:00 pm #
It’s a love/hate relationship kind of thing for me with pop-ups Donna. And as you’ve seen I’ve got one now.. I used to hate them. But then I found my own behavior changing when I was the reader on a high value blog, and a pop up appeared that was also high value or at least intriguing. I found I was not annoyed. In fact I felt thankful, since I often read so fast that I miss the sidebars or even the footers and I almost always ignore banners.
So I play with my pop-up in terms of offer, timing, size, color, etc.. overall it’s my best conversion, tying with the static invitation to a two step opt-in in the center of my home page.
Years ago the goal was to create such a long string of autoresponder messages, you never had to actually engage with your audience. Nowadays, most of my correspondence is a broadcast, written the day or around the day it is scheduled to be sent to my subscribers. I still have autoresponders, but they are relatively short in number and are intimately related to the call to action of the form the inspired the opt-in.
Of course I then have a segmenting process for sales funnels, etc… which creates all kinds of lists that I work hard at keeping organized!!
Great post Donna!
Hope you are enjoying all the snow. Send some to Colorado if you can!
Deborah Tutnauer recently posted..Four Myths About Coaching Plus One More
Hi Deborah,
You raise such a great point here and I thank you for that. I can understand seeing a pop up on a highly regarded blog being a blessing to know more about what the person can offer.
I never thought of it that way and I can speak for myself as well as my readers here that you have given through your experience a great way of using pop ups.
You have made me want to run and put one on my blog lol.
I like the approach you are doing with them and I learned something new from your comment!
Oh yes, then there is the sales funnels, etc. that creates all kinds of lists. It is a bit difficult to keep all that organized I agree!
I want to thank you for sharing your advice here Deborah!
I’ll send some snow your way…it is now over my head with little pathways to walk through. But I’m up for the adventure lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Email Marketing Is Not Dead, Bloggers
Twitter: msellithorpe
February 8, 2015 at 6:44 pm #
Hi Donna,
Great post. I know there are so many different ways to build a list. I am like you, I don’t really care for pop-ups but the sidebar as you said gets ignored all of the time; I do it myself without realizing it.
I believe I will try a couple of your suggested ideas above and see what happens. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted..A Short 5 Minutes Saves Precious Time
Hi Monna,
Indeed, sidebars can be ignored, especially if it is all jammed up with all kinds of things People are too busy to check it out. A good CTA to that sidebar embedded in your post can do the trick.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: WillenaRose
February 8, 2015 at 5:56 pm #
What I can’t figure out is how pop-ups “work”, when so few like them. I find them annoying whether they pop up when I first go to a site OR when I’m leaving (thought that’s not AS bad) because my mind has already raced to the next thing when I’m halted in my tracks by a pop-up. I’m glad you’re offering some other suggestions!
Willena Flewelling recently posted..Week 18 – How to Quit Moving Your Goal Posts
Hi Willena,
My mind works the same as yours Willena. It distracts the heck out of me, especially if I start reading something and there goes a pop-up. I quickly x it out and continue reading.
People say they work and many have had huge success with it, but for me, it is so annoying.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: usmile
February 8, 2015 at 11:35 am #
Great Post Donna,
There’s an argument going on that email is dead. I think that’s ridiculous … you need an email list to stay in touch with those people who found you to be interesting enough to opt-in! These are the folks that are closest to you … wonderful info and this will really help your viewers to sort it all out …
Lesly Federici recently posted..The Path To Tomorrow Part 2
Hi Lesly,
Yes, I’ve heard that argument that email is dead. And will be taking that up in my next post all about email. But it is alive and well. I think those who think it is dead are the ones that have not done it effectively. I’ve heard some negative buzz from folks that are of the school of thought that “I want it now”
Those are the folks that are in marketing for the “get rich quick” kind of thing and they come in fast and leave faster.
As you well know that marketing to our list takes time. The more we engage with our list, the better our chances to market something.
Thanks for bringing that one up Lesly!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: andrea_ansari
February 8, 2015 at 10:21 am #
Hi Donna, listbuilding and blogging is something I should have started right from the beginning. You’re so right on!
Andrea Ansari recently posted..How To Link Your Google+ Account To Your Domain Email!
Hi Andrea,
Forget the “shoulds” take it out of your vocabulary lol. I “should” have done mine differently at first. But no worries. The past is the past, and start now…it’s a brand new day!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: jenniryan
February 8, 2015 at 6:36 am #
Thanks Donna for this great breakdown.
I also find that the hidden lniks in the blog post itself actually provide me with the most opt ins.
Excellent resource.
Hi Jenni,
Good to know that your hidden links in your blog post itself are providing you with more opt-ins.
I am so grateful you shared that.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
February 8, 2015 at 1:01 am #
Spot on Donna as always!
No question about it, power listbuilding 101 (as I like to call it) is by far job
one for all serious profit seeking online marketers/bloggers.
And your advice is solid and proven in terms of how to go about accomplishing that effectively.
I actually clicked your link with regards to paid autoresponder services and even though I’d never
previously heard of the sendreach platform before, their video presentation is very impressive!
they seem to taken email marketing to the next level a beyond. A sort email marketing 2.0
approach if you will!LOL!
Thanks so much for sharing the proven must have fundamentals and such an excellent resource as well!
Mark recently posted..How To Use Your Inventory Closeouts For More Than Just A Quick Buck!
Hi Mark,
Absolutely, List Building is must do for all serious bloggers. Good to know that you clicked the link and checked out how it works on my blog. Thanks for watching the video presentation and It is good to know you liked it.
I am loving sendreach. Even though in the last few days they were upgrading and having some hiccups, it still ran fine.
Yes they do seem to have taken the email marketing to the next level. Had to share that because I’m tickled pink about this platform!
Thanks for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: BAMoneyBlogger
February 7, 2015 at 3:22 pm #
Hi Donna
List building for bloggers is actually fortune building for them if they full understand its significance.
A friend of mine was not believing much in it with the view that building a list is not as much challenging as making big sales with it.
He was actually not clear on entire listbuilding strategy where collecting emails is the first step while the most important step is to let the subscribers know they did a smart decision by submitting their email.
This can be done by initially providing value in a series of emails to them with first a greeting message on their being part of the list and then a few messages with very unique tips. After that it is wise to send a sales pitch.
The last point of your post is more than wonderful. It is actually a topic of a complete post itself. Life after listbuilding becomes calm and confident where grabbing the attention is not big challenge and one just needs to explore unique products and sell them to his subscribers.
Thanks a lot for sharing another very valuable post.
Have a great weekend.
Mi Muba recently posted..10 juicy styles for solution selling at your blog
Hi Mi Muba,
You raise a good point here because we need to know and have a plan to start building a list.
It is a strategy that used effectively, is our chance to say thank you, and start building more intimate relationships via emails. We have to treat our subscribers on our list as sort of a special “inner circle” we have. Giving them more tips than we do on our blogs…engaging so the open rates of our emails will be successful.
Then, eventually a sales pitch. It is something that has to be a well thought out process, and only then will it work. Ergo..the last point in this post.
My next post will be all about our emails to our list.
Thanks for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Great round ups, really enjoyed your article. It’s very inspiring post. I learned and many great insights here. Thanks for sharing your article about this List building For Bloggers | Why and How.
Dylann Andre recently posted..5 Retail Marketing Ideas
Hi Dylann,
Thanks! It is great to know that you have learned some insights on this post.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: yatinkhulbe
February 6, 2015 at 10:05 pm #
HI Donna, I am in my beginning phase of blogging. I will definitely keep your advice in my mind. It is a long journey to cover but with bloggers like you, there is always a positive hope. I welcome you to visit my blog. Your thoughts and suggestions are welcomed with open arms.
Yatin recently posted..How to become a free spirit by accepting these eight points?
Hi Yatin,
Welcome! I just visited your blog and it is great! As a beginner you are doing a fine job giving out your content. The only thing I would say about reading your blog is that it is a bit difficult to read.
The only suggestion I would make here is to not have the words italicized. Use a more readable font.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: yatinkhulbe
February 25, 2015 at 12:20 am #
Thanks for your lovely suggestion. I changed the font of my blog post. While making stylish fonts, I forgot the main point about reading. Content is always the king. Thanks again and sorry for the late reply
Yatin recently posted..Calmasutra: 69 ways to live happy and stress-free life
Hi Yatin,
So glad you took the advice! I am going over to give it a look right now!
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Ways To Pump Up Your Blog
Hey Donna,
You know what Donna, I’m kind of ok with Pop Ups too, even though I find them annoying a well. I’ve used them before and others found them annoying too, but I think I’m going to add a pop up to my blog soon. I’ve read Vinay’s review on of the Icegram plugin which includes pop up forms and I figure I’ll give it another chance. This time I’m going to set it up on exit as you mentioned. It makes more sense.
I also invested in another plugin called OptinLinks where you can also set it up for your visitors to opt into your list right there on the spot as they read. it does make it convenient for them because they can either decide to either click on the link and sign up or keep reading without any interruptions like a pop up would do as they read.
But in all, building your list is the wising thing you can do from your blog if you’re trying to build a business. It’s one of the best ways for you to engage people, build their trust, and eventually get some sales on the go!
Thanks for sharing Donna! Have a great weekend!
sherman smith recently posted..Are You Being Held Back Because Of Not Being Clear About Your Goals?
Hi Sherman,
I bought Optin Links because I liked the idea of people actually clicking a link to give you permission to show them your offer, rather than jumping in their face with a popup ad.
I never used it, though, because right after that I signed up for LeadPages which accomplishes the same thing as OptinLinks, but also does so much more… and, of course, it comes with a much bigger price tag. But since I’m creating sales funnels for my products and services, LeadPages was such a blessing with the enormous amount of time I save.
Now, understand, just because I don’t like pop-ups and haven’t used them yet, doesn’t mean you should avoid them. In fact, everything I ever see or read would indicate I’m being a hard-head about this because pop-ups really work. And they probably do, but they’re just not for me. PLUS, I’m convinced (through my 3rd eye, not any rational research… lol) that subscribers who took the initiative to click a link about something you’re discussing in your blog post, are much higher quality subscribers, with bigger lifetime value, than someone who just impulsively signed up for a free this or that because it jumped out at them. Just my thoughts.
As you say, though… Listbuilding is the key thing to be doing on your blog, no matter what your preferred method is.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Hey Donna,
I’m not mad at you for using your 3rd eye. The pineal gland is from my studies is the most overlooked part of our brain and you could be right. So it could be a lot of truth to what you’re saying about those that subscribe through a pop up are less serious.
But either way it goes, List Building is key, and even if you get those that are not serious that subscribe, our main focus are on the more quality subscribers that really resonate with your information and are ready to invest in what you promote.
Have a good one Donna!
Sherman Smith recently posted..Are You Being Held Back Because Of Not Being Clear About Your Goals?
Hi Sherman,
He He..of course I wouldn’t ever think you were mad at me for using my 3rd eye Sherman because you are a very enlightened person. I use it all the time lol!
Yes no mater what, List Building is the key and has to be our main focus. The more quality subscribers we get the better! And that is where email marketing comes into play and will be on my next post!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: miriamslozberg
February 6, 2015 at 12:53 pm #
Great post Donna. I have an opt in box on the side of my site. I have wondered about whether the pop up is effective or if it is going to be an annoyance to visitors. I have to say I am pretty happy with Trafficwave. They are only double optin (which should be the case anyway) but they are inexpensive regardless of list size, and their delivery rate is good. I never liked AWeber.
Miriam Slozberg recently posted..How to Create a Catchy Podcast
Hi Miriam,
I’ve checked out your pop up on your blog. No it is not annoying, but I’m a bit confused. It goes to another site that is not you. Maybe a double opt in is a good way to brand yourself.
i see that it is a great informational site, but the first thing that came to my mind was “Where’s Miriam” Can a one minute video of you introducing this be done? If so, it would be a more trusted opt in. Well for me that is 🙂
Your side bar opt in looks great!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: aurelie_chazal
February 6, 2015 at 6:21 am #
Hi Donna,
First of all, great post 🙂
I tested few opt-in methods on CustomerIcare’s blog and for now what works best is the side-bar optin box for our free customer service ebook.
I’ve also seen great results with what some bloggers call “content upgrades”. I basically offered a free Spreadsheet full of useful links to go with my latest post about landing page feedback. The only problem with this kind of sign-up incentive is that people who just want the spreadsheet unsubscribe after getting access to it.
I’m working on a new call to action for our newsletter and on a new format. I want to put the emphasis on relationships with subscribers and have them reply to my emails. It’s a work in progress but I’ve had few encouraging replies already :).
As you said the email list is there to help you build relationships with readers, it’s not just about having a huge number of subscribers and driving more traffic back to your article.
Aurelie Chazal recently posted..The Best Way To Find Out If Your Landing Page Sucks (Before Losing Potential Customers)
Hi Aurelie,
I see that you are testing and that’s really the name of the game. I too find the more serious opt ins come from my sidebar.
I did see your blog where you offer the spreadsheet, which btw, is fantastic! Yes, that kind of opting usually wants to grab the free stuff and leave. A dilemma which I faced in the past myself. I had given out a free digital product and most everyone on that list took it and ran. Lessons learned. lol
Your new call to action focusing on engagement seems like the best idea of all. As you see some slow growth, you know you have hit upon something that will grow.
Oh yes, it is not about the numbers at all, but rather those who do care about what we are giving them. And by emails, build a rapport with them. They do become our loyal customers/clients.
Thanks so much for adding value to this conversation,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: Nikshepd
February 6, 2015 at 4:32 am #
Hi Donna!
You know I’m struggling with the conversions as I ve come to realize how important it is to get more subscribers to the blog 🙁 It’s just been 3 months now and I’m stuck with few people who used the sidebar opt-in.
Like you said I tried few of those annoying pop up plugins 😀 but I just couldn’t let my users keep getting pestered by those! So now I just use Icegram and a pop-up which jumps in after 5 seconds :/ Though looking at the number of conversions (zero 😀 ), I’ll drop it off!
I loved the idea of embedding the opt-in links in the posts! I am definitely trying that in my next post and hopefully I’ll build my list further! Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us 🙂
Have a nice weekend!
Nikshep recently posted..Rules of Self-Esteem
Hi Nikshep,
When using the sidebar opt-in, there has to be a clear call to action. Maybe you can say at the end of the post “don’t forget to check out my offer (whatever it is) on the top sidebar. I’m sure you will enjoy it” something like that.
Embedding the opt in links for me is getting great. But it didn’t at first. Now I’m seeing more opt ins lately.
I wouldn’t be surprised that after 5 seconds a pop up comes up and someone will click it off because they are reading your post. That to me, is quite distracting.
The only thing you can do is keep testing. We all have our unique readers that come to our blogs. What works for one may not work for another. So test test test!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: RyanBiddulph
February 6, 2015 at 1:07 am #
Donna, like Don, I started building a list only recently. Thank goodness I did. So much intimacy you can build with folks through emails. My blog scores more comments and traffic really, really quickly and I’m noting engagement rates popping up on social networks too. You know people check their emails religiously and you know folks don’t always check their social sites; and even if they do, they probably won’t see your updates because you need to have that perfect timing thing down.
Great points Donna. Thanks for the smart share!
Ryan Biddulph recently posted..10 Tips for Branding Yourself Like a Superstar
Hi Ryan,
Yes, thank goodness you are building your list. It is so true that the connections we have with our email lists are more intimate than anywhere else. These people are golden to us because they have taken the step to opt in, then another step to open our emails. These are two “mini commitments” I could go on about the fact of mini commitments in marketing, but that would take me a long time to explain.
Our list will never go away. Plus, on social media, it is all about timing. Or, the paid version which is subjecting them to you 3 to 7 times so that they will respond. Funny hugh?
Thanks for bringing up that point,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: ikechiawazie
February 6, 2015 at 12:18 am #
Hi Donna
I love this post and the way you simply made the concept of list building so easy and very important
One mistake I made in my blog is not starting list building early. So I can relate to your message.
It is great that you listed the various opt in forms including your favorite form of opt in which I will give a try.
Talking about Pop-ups, it should used with wisdom because its like a double edged sword. Thank you Donna for a wonderful post.
ikechi recently posted..19 Small But Powerful Pieces Of Lies That Will Make Your Dream A Joke
Hi Ikechi,
List building is one of the most important things we can do. We can loose everything, but we will still have our list to depend on.
There are many ways to do it and it really comes down to testing. Indeed pop ups can be a double edged sword if not done wisely.
Thanks for coming on by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: awakenandbegin
February 5, 2015 at 11:41 pm #
Hi Donna! Wow, what valuable information! I have to agree on the pop-ups. I don’t like them either, and I don’t like the idea of subjecting other people to things that make me feel “icky.” However, I think you are on to something with the pop-up as someone is leaving; at least it doesn’t interrupt train of thought. But yes, it still has that invasive feel. I really like your final suggestion about embedding an opt-in into the end of the blog post. I will definitely keep that in mind. Thanks so much for the useful tips!
Annie recently posted..Yoga is the New Club
Hi Annie,
It is so great to know you found this as valuable information. As long as a pop up doesn’t interrupt my train of thought, I am fine with it. I do like embedding it in my post. I have been testing it for a while and so far so good!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: joyhealey
February 5, 2015 at 9:18 pm #
Hi Donna
Sorry been AWOL so long – my offline business has just gone ballistic this last month.
Not having a list was a mistake I made on one of my very first online businesses. I had a site that sat near the top of page 1 of Google for several months – and I didn’t collect emails. Sob, sob.
Another mistake I made was letting someone else (a company I was affiliated with) maintain my email list – even leads i had bought. The company closed down, to my list with them and then started marketing a competing product. We live and learn.
As to pop-ups. I hate the ones that pop-up in your face before you’ve had chance to read a post and see if you even like the author’s content and style. I always close those down.
I use an exit pop-up on my own blog, plus a side-bat optin and my latest addition is a Hello Bar right across the top of the screen. This was at James McAllister’s suggestion. Yes, it looks a little ugly – but that’s part of the point of it – to stand out more.
Thanks for an interesting post.
Enjoy the rest of your week, Joy
Joy Healey recently posted..Thanks To My Comment Authors For January 2015
Hi Joy,
Just read your latest blog and oh boy did you have a hectic January! Yikes..not collecting emails on that site must have made you learn a good lesson.
But the other problem with emails on the company site is one that so many people do and that is a huge mistake. I feel like I’m on the pulpit all the time telling those that are dealing with a company to put a double opt in on their blog. A short video of YOU introducing the company capturing an email and name. Then they can opt into the company itself. It is not only great to capture our own emails, but also for branding.
Not a pop up fan, but I like the way James McAllister suggests. That hello bar across the top of the screen. I don’t think it looks ugly at all! James always researches and tests things before he will give a suggestion and I have the utmost trust in him.
And the exit pop up is fine. Anything but those intrusive ones where you cant get to read the blog and the x is hidden will work.
Wishing you all the best,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: ErikaMohssenBey
February 5, 2015 at 8:41 pm #
Hi Donna ,
I want to start to build a list and I see you
have very good suggestion here .
I do not like pop ups either ,but the exit pop
seems to be not as annoying as the other ones.
The one you call native opt in links ,I like very much .
You did a great job and explained all very good here,
like always 🙂 Will start and use your suggestions.
Thank you
Hi Erika,
I find an exit pop up being not so intrusive. Also I have been doing well with native opt ins.
It’s been working for me, but everyone is different. It is all about testing. When you see where people are opting in…keep that one and toss the rest.
But always test test test!
Have a great weekend!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Hi Donna,
Great article. I’m currently looking for ways to increase the number of subscribers on my list. I loved the idea of having a banner that goes to the opt-in page once clicked. Thank you.
Hiten Vyas recently posted..5 Words That Sound Like Words But Are Not
Hi Hiten,
I am so glad you got some golden nuggets from this post. There are many ways to give a CTA for someone to subscribe to your list. I find the best way people do it on mine is on my sidebar where I have an “offer” to give them.
Many people don’t want things to go to their email because its already over crowded. Think of some creative ways to give them instant value maybe.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: notnowmomsbusy
February 5, 2015 at 3:07 pm #
Hi Donna,
I did away with my email list in December because I was “downsizing” to make life a little easier but oh my have I come to regret that decision.
I’ve been thinking about creating a new mailing list and instead of a daily email keep it to three times a week.
I like the idea of an exit pop up. I’m not too crazy about those either but it is a great way to get a reader’s attention. I guess it depends on how it’s implemented. There are some sites that pop up right when you land on the page. 🙂
Thanks for helping me get closer to a decision about this :). I hope you’re having a great week! Stay warm lady. 🙂
Corina Ramos recently posted..Work-from-Home Transcription Jobs
Hi Corina,
Never regret anything. Maybe you were attracting people on your list that needed to be downsized.
When creating a list, one has to go beyond giving them their latest blog post, but it is a great place to engage to sell. Of course that 80/20 rule always applies.
Your new list may just surprise you ((wink))
I like exit pop-ups the best, but that’s me. I find that when I go to a blog and the entire page is covered by a huge pop up, I x it out so I can read the blog. Just think about where you would like to put it and where.
Happy weekend!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Hi Craig,
Welcome to my blog. If you are working with James, you can’t go wrong. That guy is a genius! Although you may not like pop-ups, seems to me like you are ready to give it a try. And why not?
James has incredible results and always shares it with his readers. Now, following what he is doing might just work for you. You don’t know until you try.
It is all about testing and there is nothing wrong with pop-ups, unless they are intrusive. But that is just my opinion.
I know people who have done very well with them and have acquired a strong list. Everyone has their own business plan. For me, it is my product and services. I don’t rely on my blog as much as I do paid advertizing. I do solo ads and FB ads that convert quite well.
But that’s me. Anyway you can convert is fine and I would say give it a shot. Especially if you are following James.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: Br00keMckenzie
February 5, 2015 at 1:13 pm #
Hey Donna, great post!
I actually just recently started building my list with the MNU Pro Funnels so thanks for all these great tips! I will definitely be putting some of them to use.
-Brooke Neari
Brooke Neari recently posted..20 Tips To Get Better Results With E-Mail Marketing
Hi Brooke,
I just read your latest blog and you sure know what you are doing girl! You are far advanced knowing how sales funnels work. That is sure good to know.
I just finished tweaking mine with yet another offer and seeing better results.
As usual, test test test lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: BloggingFlail
February 5, 2015 at 6:54 am #
Hi Donna – First things first, this is the first time I’m stopping by your blog (obviously first time leaving a comment as well). I’ve seen a number of exchanges with you and James over at Help Start My Site, so I thought it was due time that I got over here.
Now, this post is very timely for me. The focus on my efforts for the month of Feb is to grow my email list. I’ve been blogging for a bit, but never really put much focus into my list until just recently. So my growth rate over the last two months has been pretty good, but I want more.
I’m cringing as I say this, but I’m actually having some serious thoughts about implementing a pop-up on my site to see if I can convert more visitors to users. I have never been a fan of this, ever, but I don’t think there’s no denying that these pop-up’s do convert.
I’ve had some exchanges with James about this topic recently, since he recently implementing this functionality on his site. I do like the way he implemented this, and have checked out the Pippity tool that he’s using. Seems like it has some potential.
I do like the idea of scattering some text within your post that links to an opt-in page, and I like the way you’ve implemented this in your posts here. So that’s a great idea that I guess I hadn’t thought of doing until just now. I think I’ll try that before I go down the pop-up path, but I have a feeling I’ll be trying that out soon.
Love the blog Donna, and I’ll be back…
Craig recently posted..Stop Being A Creeper And Let Them Know You’re Creeping
Hi Monisha,
Good to know you have alternatives instead of that pop up that “pops in” lol. There are many ways to capture an opt in. Sometimes you just have to test it and see what happens.
It all depends on testing testing testing!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: 344pmstyle
February 4, 2015 at 8:29 pm #
Hi Donna,
Once again a very informative post!! I do have an opt-in in the sidebar of my website which has been working great. However, I’ve also wanted to include a pop-up but personally don’t like popups “popping in” as soon as someone clicks on my site. But I love your advice on having the pop up show out as the user exits. I never thought of this!!!
Thanks for sharing this useful info!
Twitter: denseymour
February 4, 2015 at 11:30 am #
Hi Donna! It’s been a while! I had to take care of some business so Im happy to be back!
Popups has been the bread and butter for me. On every blog or site I run. It’s the most unwelcome thing ever BUT it’s the best converting one.
2-Click optins work really good as well. It’s when I have a link in the body of the text, and when they click it, a popup appears to specifically be about that highlighted phrase. It converts really well since they already invested by “clicking” already.
Lots of other tricks but you probably know and have tested all of them already! 🙂
Dennis Seymour recently posted..Get More Customers by Following a Digital Marketing Plan
Hi Dennis,
Welcome back! I’m so glad you brought this up to share because of your popups converting well. I like the 2-click options too.
Gosh I know how well you test things out. This is yet a fine example for my readers to know. Popups, sidebar optins and all the rest can work for one person and not another. It really is all about testing isn’t it?
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: enstinemuki
February 4, 2015 at 9:58 am #
Hey Donna,
I hate to be late here and this time I was caught in the trap 😉
Well, it’s better late than absent so I’m finally here 😉
I like the WHY and the HOW! The reasons I didn’t start building my list on time were ignorance and AWeber’s high prices. Today, there are quite impressive options that are cheaper though so many of us still go with the old monster Aweber
I’m using INinbox where I have 2000 free emails. What’s more impressive is that fact that these guys have a particular care for their clients. They helped me raise my open rate to sometimes over 30% which is impressive.
I just discovered your sendreach too. Though I don’t intend to move, I’ll like to check them out this moment.
Thanks for sharing the beautiful tips Donna. Hope you are having a great week
Enstine Muki recently posted..Exceptional Keyword research tips to help increase Affiliate Sales!
Hi Enstine,
Oh you are not late! lol. Glad you made it though because you have shared some good information here. Thanks for sharing INinbox where you have 2000 free emails. Plus they have great customer service and helped you raise your open rate! Aha..something for my readers to consider.
I never did like AWeber. I don’t know why, it just didn’t feel right to me. I went with Get Response and still use them at times. But since I’m using Sendreach, it is so intuitive, I love it.
They just went through a major upgrade and made things more beneficial. Well you know me, I’m always wearing my marketing hat and right now I’m comparing the two. So far Sendreach is winning. I do like their customer service too. They are prompt and efficient.
Thanks for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: atishranjan
February 3, 2015 at 11:53 pm #
Hello Donna,
List building is surely the most important things for bloggers especially in the age of Google’s animals.
It also help you build relationship with your readers closely as you said. I am using mailchimp and started using SumoMe and I am experience more people are subscribing.
Thanks for the post Donna!
Atish Ranjan recently posted..Email Marketing: How to Increase the Number of Your Contacts
Hi Atish,
List building is a must for bloggers, especially in this age of “Google’s animals” We have to create our own readership and have a great optin and a fantastic landing page.
Once done, as people opt into our list, the fun begins with our emails. I will be covering that in my next post.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: IrishCarter1
February 3, 2015 at 9:19 pm #
Hi Donna,
Oh, you are such a fantastic teacher. You really, really are. I really do need to get my opt in links back up on my website(s). I took them down when I switched to getresponse…..put getresponses up and then for my own personal reasons decided I did not want to use that platform so I took it down. I just haven’t added the old one back up. Luckily , I saved my email list. = )
I love what you teach. it always reminds me of what I have either fallen off track of or may need to tweek a bit.
Hope you are having a great week my friend.
Irish Carter recently posted..The Newest trend in the office – Getting rid of the chair and office butt – healthier living!
Hi Irish,
Thanks for the compliment! I try my best to teach in a way where I can give a bit of information for my readers to apply without making it so complicated. It is the way I learn and find it best for others to learn and apply too.
Thank God you saved your email list. I use both get response and sendreach. I’m finding that Sendreach gives me more opportunity to be more creative with my email list. Plus it has little links to my social sites too. (Love that part)
They are undergoing some changes – for the better and I’m loving it. So as you get your opt-in back up and you might want to check out sendreach. Very intuitive, even I can use it he he he.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: cheryschmidt
February 3, 2015 at 5:40 pm #
Hello Donna, Wow what a great post Power packed with some awesome information.
I did have my first blog built for me and spent a pretty penny for it to, and yes they built me an awesome opt in and capture pages to go with this.
Yes I did have quite a few people opt in to but (I was using the pre-written emails from the company that I was with a the time) SO Whom was I branding? Sure the heck wasnt me??
Then the company that built my site disappeared as well as the company I was with
Yet I kept on paying for my Aweber with this list of names for a few more years..
Not to long ago I dumped Aweber and my list, now I do need to start all over..
Yeppers looks like I learned what NOT to do HUH? Looks to me like I will be visiting this post again and again..
Thanks for sharing… Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..My Amazing Work From Home Breakthrough-> Our Fearless Dominators Team
Hi Chery,
Gosh the worse thing to do is have a company blog. But it could work for a niche site, but never for branding. Using those pre-written emails? Oh my gosh I have seen those around and it is only branding someone else to make them rich lol.
Yep…lesson learned and you have branded yourself well. Starting over but with so much more savvy now. You learned what not to do and that’s a good lesson. Now, comes in your own brand witch is always great. Your enthusiasm precedes you. And that my friend is great for attraction marketing. You are always up beat and personal. You share freely and I’m sure you will do fine.
BTW love the new stuff you are doing… you are rock’n this “Breakthrough” 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..Sales Funnels In 2015
Twitter: vanmarciano
February 3, 2015 at 4:01 pm #
Hi Donna, first of all hats off on a valuable all-round post for those not yet building an email list for the blog.
When I started blogging almost 5 years ago this was something I didn’t do until much later, having learned my lesson the hard way, when I started Magnet4Blogging at the start of last year, I made sure the next thing that I did after installing WordPress was to set up my email opt-in forms, pages, banners, links and everything else.
One of the most successful strategies I’ve used and I’m still using today, if you ever notice on my blog, I have the HelloBar link that remains at the top of the page, regardless of where my visitors are on my site. That link alone has been the biggest converter for me, and I combine this with opt-in forms on the homepage, dedicated signup pages, forms in my about page, sidebar banner and native links. Works a treat!
Thank you for sharing this post, and reminding peeps of the importance of list building in blogging, great tips.
Have a great rest of the week Donna.
– Fabrizio
Fabrizio recently posted..Reduce Bounce Rate And Increase Earnings Or Email Opt-ins With Zero Bounce WordPress Plugin
Hi Fabrizio,
Thank you for sharing so much value to this conversation. Plus sharing the most successful strategy that you have used yourself and that is the HelloBar!
I like the way you have combined this with opt-in forms on the homepage, singnup pages, and forms in your about page. The sidebar banner and native links are fantastic.
See guys…this is what I’m talk’n about…Fabrizio has tested and shown us his results. This is how we all have to do it. What works best for us? Here it is his Hello Bar. So go on to his blog and see how he does it.
Give it a whirl and learn!
Thanks again.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: nkeriakos
February 3, 2015 at 3:46 pm #
Hi Donna,
Wonderful and Informative post as always.
I came to know the importance of list building late but I started immediately with the opt-in form on the sidebar but I am looking for another way besides the sidebar and it may be the pop-up form as I heard a lot of good results with it inspite of the fact that I hate it too. lol
You are doing a great job teaching this stuff to all of us!! Looking forward to your next post as well about email marketing.
Thanks again Donna for a great share. Have a great week ahead.
Be Blessed,
Neamat Tawadrous recently posted..The Importance Of Decision Making In Business
Hi Neamat,
If you don’t want to go the “pop up” way, how about embedding your offer within your post?
I’ve done it right here as you can see in the text where it says “join the vip club” Leads into an opt in page.
I’m still testing, but getting pretty good results that way. Its all about testing.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: BarbaraCharles
February 3, 2015 at 3:16 pm #
Great post Donna.
Personally, I like the opt-in on the sidebar. Those pop-ups on a blog drive me absolutely bonkers. It gets in the way and they pop up at the most inappropriate times, particularly if I’m working fast to get through my commenting on other blog posts. 😉
I wasn’t aware of all the different types so this was a great post and helped me learn what’s available. I’m in the process of updating my theme so will look at the options to see what way I like best.
Perfect timing from friend from a blog post perspective and right after our training! 🙂
Thank you.
Barbara Charles recently posted..How To Renew Your Business Like A Rampaging Zombie
Hi Barbara,
Oh yes… when I’m reading lots of blog posts the worst thing is having a huge pop up stop me in my tracks…and what is worse…those hidden x where you can get rid of them. Drives me so crazy at times I just get off the blog itself!
I don’t mind them if they slide in on the side…less distraction. But I’m with you I like an opt in on the side bar.
I only want to attract people who will want to work with me. If not, that’s fine. Glad this came at a good time for you.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: marquitaherald
February 3, 2015 at 1:42 pm #
Great advice as always Donna! I’m with you on the pop-ups but given the stats last year I invested in a premium plug-in that allowed me to create a custom look and time it so it didn’t pop up until someone had a chance to read the article. Took awhile to get it the way I wanted it but in the end my simple invite to subscribe that I include at the end of each post still far and away out performed it so I stopped using the pop up. I do like to experiment from time to time though and I’m currently working on an update for my homepage. Thanks for the tips and inspiration!
Marquita Herald recently posted..How to See People For Who They Truly Are
Hi Marquita,
I like that..a pop up when someone finishes reading the article. So not intrusive plus if someone is REALLY interested in your article and reads it to the end, you have a better chance of having someone who does want to follow you.
It’s like hair splitting…you don’t want a bunch of people opting in that will never open an email. You do want someone to be on your list that is interested in what you do.
Great experiment! And thank you so much for sharing that!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: ppk_law
February 3, 2015 at 12:57 pm #
I hate pop-ups, too. Do you know whether the exit pop-type opt-in form is more or less effective (i.e. converts to another item on your list) than a pop-up? Or how those compare with just adding a link to the end of your blog?
Zach recently posted..Can a Minor Enforce a Contract?
Hi Zach,
It all depends Zach where the pop up is linked to. Also adding a link to the end of the blog can work well too.
The effectiveness of any pop up or link even a CTA is something that has to be tested over and over again.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: merle30
February 3, 2015 at 12:51 pm #
Great post Donna and fantastic tips. I have to say I have got pop up boxes on my blogs and they even annoy me on my own at times LOL But I prefer to hyperlink to a call to action. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Merle,
That is so funny! If it annoys you, maybe you can change where they are placed lol.
I do prefer to hyperlink a call to action myself. Thanks so much for coming by. I just PM
you … give it a peek.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: clickmyprice
February 3, 2015 at 12:24 pm #
Hi Donna,
My sincere thanks for your post. Still I have not started to build a list yet which is bad I knew. I have sidebar forms and not others. I also need to work on pop up opt in box as most of them are seeing results with that. A nice compilation with all needed list for a blog. A wonderful and must share post.
vino recently posted..Top 10 Recommended Strategies To Improve Ecommerce Business Visiblity Online
Hi Vino,
It is so great to know that this post has helped in a way for you. Don’t feel bad about not building a list if you are new. It does take some consideration what you want to offer and then how to follow up with emails……which will be in my next post.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: joantruesuccess
February 3, 2015 at 12:00 pm #
Fantastic tips Donna!!!! Definately gonna keep all of these in mind as I am working on my opt in on my blog and these tips will help me! Thanks so much for always providing so much value to bloggers!
Great post!
Joan Harrington recently posted..How To Drive Big Conversions With These Simple Tweaks
Hi Joan,
Glad you like these tips. Your opt in page is so important, as you well know. But always remember it is all about tweaking lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: suduh
February 3, 2015 at 9:33 am #
Excellent post Donna!
Since I started using a pop-up form giving a away a free PDF my list has increased!
I have also heard that putting a opt -in form at the end of each post is another
way to get more leads. I created a opt-in form using aweber, added it to my post
but it did not show up in my post.. I am so not a techy but I will figure it out!
Hi Vivette,
Well that’s great to know and thank you for providing your information on this. It is great that your pop-up form that gives away a free PDF is building your list.
Aha…this sheds more light on this conversation Vivette and glad you have come in to share it with my readers. Yes, I have heard that putting in an opt-in at the end of each post does get more leads.
Oh that techie stuff….I’m sure you will get that don with aweber and once you do you can compare which one is working best for you. Fantastic!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: worthblogger
February 3, 2015 at 1:22 am #
Hey Donna,
Great post you have shared today! Honestly, I am really happy for the posts I have read couple of days now. They all fit into my “to-do lists” of 2015.
Earlier last month, I published a post where I listed some things I will be doing before end of first quarter and list building is one of them! Like every other, I am starting this late and I really do not want to blame myself for it because if I do I will allow the monster “doubt” to set in and questions like “will I be able to make it” will also set in.
So what I am going to do is act right away! Yes, action speaks a lot and I am happy I had already put things in motion. Recently, I did a shot report where I revealed the two main approaches I use to write my blog posts and that short report is linked to a banner I created and when clicked redirects to my squeeze page.
Honestly, I am happy doing this, especially the part of creating a squeeze page withing my blog domain so I can keep the leads within my blog zone. I will be testing the results on the banner I used. One is on my sidebar, and then on my after posts. I intent adding a Hellobar too.
Donna, your post has helped ignite the fire again in me. I really love the read because I now have new things to add up.
Thanks for the great share!
Have a wonderful week ahead my friend 🙂
~ Jackson
Jackson Nwachukwu recently posted..3 Monsters That Kills The Blogger in You
Hi Jackson,
Glad this post has helped ignite the fire in you. I read your 3 monster blogs so I do understand that monster of doubt.
That could be difficult to overcome, but I see you have and my advice when there is doubt is to not get things perfect. Put it up there, put the banners up, do it all and then watch and see who is coming in and where. It is the only way to get going.
I had to get going on a product video a way back. I did not want to do it because I needed a hair cut, and just felt lousy that day. I pushed myself to do it, knowing that later on I could replace it and I did. That video was nagging me, because I came off to dry and flat. I replaced it. End of story!
The thing is, whatever we do, it can ALWAYS be changed and that’s the beauty of testing. What is working what is not. Change it up. It all comes down to that when we are marketing…. It is just part of the game.
The worst thing we could ever do is procrastinate or doubt ourselves. I knock things off and throw it on the marketplace just to see sometimes what is working or not. To my surprise, sometimes I get a better ROI with something I thought wasn’t good enough.
Enjoy and keep up your great work!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: harleenas
February 3, 2015 at 12:10 am #
Hi Donna,
Informative, and a much required post as well 🙂
Honestly speaking, I started building my list rather late, which is bad I know, but being so new to the blogosphere, I learned about list building very late – and once I learned, I started trying the various ways you mentioned.
I am glad my better half is there to manage the technical aspect of things, and recently he’d written a review on ‘Icegram” (wonder if you read it), which is a great WordPress plugin that has ALL the features you mentioned, packed in one. So, we are trying them out on our blog – you might just see a few pop-ups! (sorry for those, as one’s still testing how it works). I liked their subscription box, and it’s worth having a look at, once you get a little time off.
The side bar opt-ins and banners are again things we started recently trying on our blog, and I am glad they are working. I guess as long as we don’t crowd up our blogs, adding or trying new things works well, isn’t it?
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted..Health Benefits Of Coffee And Tea Revealed (Infographic)
Hi Harleena,
Isn’t it so great that you have your “better half” working with you? So do I and we are really blessed that they both take care of the technical aspects while we do the creative part. 🙂
I think I seen that review on “icegram” have to go back to Sounds like a great plugin to take care of all those features packed into one.
Sidebar optins are great, as long as we keep it pertinent to our brand and not have it over crowded it. Pop ups are good too as long as they don’t prevent us from reading posts lol.
But it is all about testing. That’s what we have to constantly be doing on our blogs and opt ins to build our lists. That’s the part that never will end and it’s a good thing I’m enjoying it. Otherwise I will be stagnant.
Thanks and have a great week!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: NandaRahmanius
February 2, 2015 at 11:42 pm #
Hi Donna,
Honestly, I just decided to try listbuilding some time ago. I realize that a lot of bloggers who tried it, that’s why I also trying to find information about it as well.
Indeed, the listbuilding is very beneficial for bloggers. I do not really know about this and still trying to keep learning. So, thanks for sharing this with us, Donna 🙂
Very useful for me!
Have a nice day for you.
Nanda Rahmanius recently posted..Web Design Made Easy: Advice You Can Use
Hi Nanda,
I’m glad you found this useful. If you have a blog, you have to build a list. This helps so much with engagement …more than the blog itself. It is where you can email your subscribers tips and other things 80 percent of the time.
Great things that you know about, even links to your blog posts. Believe me, if they want to know more of your knowledge, they will be looking forward to your emails.
My next post will be all about emails while listbuilding.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: coachgladyd
February 2, 2015 at 7:54 pm #
Hello Ms. Donna
As I read your post,I knew in my heart, that this post is for me.
I do need help because I do not know where to begin.
I want to offer a free newsletter on tips on life coaching, but I have no clue how to
Can you help me?
Thank you
Gladys recently posted..A State of Awareness
Twitter: kgauraw
February 2, 2015 at 10:18 pm #
Ms Gladys,
You’ve asked the right type of question to the right person. Donna and David are definitely the patient and people with knowledge who are helping business owners take charge of their online businesses.
I am sure Donna will be able to help you with your eBook and your email list building. From a technical standpoint, if you ever face any challenge, you know how to get hold of me 🙂
All the best to you!
Donna – You’ve definitely shared about the most important aspect of list building and honestly, I think I know what is the best method to collect email addresses (and there is not one method to bank on). However, I think staying creative consistently about it, is the key. One must keep on keeping on with their list building efforts to be able to really build it large.
Kumar Gauraw recently posted..Twitter Tools and Successful User Acquisition Strategies
Hi Kumar,
Thanks so much for reaching out to Gladys. I always use you as my go to Technical guy! If it wasn’t for you Kumar, God only knows how much time and energy I would have to be giving to my blog…but you and your hosting company take care of me so well that I can go on producing products.
As for list building, no, there is surely not one method to bank on. Opt-ins on the sidebar, also within our posts, and so much more. It is all about testing to see which one works the best. Yes, we have to be creative and that is the key.
Thanks Kumar!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Hi Gladys,
As you know we do have a session together. Give me a shout out and we will focus on this and get it up for you. David can set it up on your blog and all you have to do is pump out those newsletters.
They don’t have to be long, and I’m sure that with all your knowledge, people will love to be reading your tips.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
February 2, 2015 at 6:14 pm #
Hey Donna,
That’s a great explanation and you are so right. Unless you’re just blogging for the fun of it everyone should be building their list.
I’ve heard from a few people online who have just recently started and of course they are kicking themselves for not having done that much sooner. It annoys me when people will start sending me stuff out of the blue when I didn’t ask for it and I’m not on their list. That’s what they’re for, I’m giving them permission to send me information and of course if they send me something helpful and useful I’m going to stick with them for the long haul.
As you explained so nicely, there are so many different ways you can set this up but like I always tell my readers, test test test. You’ll never know what works until you test it out.
So for those not yet building your list, start today and if you need more help, work with Donna. She’ll definitely help you all the way. 😉
Way to start off this week and month Donna. Great share my dear.
Have a terrific week now.
Adrienne recently posted..16 People I Highly Recommend and Why
Hi Adrienne,
So true..unless we are blogging for fun, everyone needs an opt-in to start building their list. If people like us, they sure will be opting in to our list. And that list is golden! We have built the KLT factor and they are the ones that are most eager to open our emails when we send them.
I have a few people I follow and love to keep up to date with their emails because I’m always learning from them, especially when it comes to marketing trends.
Indeed, there are many ways to do this, but it comes down to testing..always!!! We have to test what works best for us and run with it. There is no generic say do do this without testing because we each have our unique readers.
Thanks Adrienne for your kind words!
Have a great week, and think of me with a few feet of snow all around me. I’m sure you will get a kick out of that my warm weather friend he he he!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: HelpStartMySite
February 2, 2015 at 5:53 pm #
Hi Donna!
You know just how high I prioritize my list so this post definitely rings true with me.
I honestly think almost everyone should be using a pop-up because quite frankly, it just works. They don’t have to be annoying to be extremely effective. I agree that having an entry pop-up or a pop-up that pops up on every page you visit can be a huge pain but if you use an exit pop-up like you mentioned or only have the pop-up activate every X amount of days or upon finishing the blog post, it’s not so bad. I haven’t had a single complaint about mine nor has my bounce rate increased, but I have been enjoying a ton of extra new leads.
If you do ever change your mind, OptinMonster and Pippity are both solid choices that have the exit-popup ability. I haven’t used OptinMonster personally although I’ll probably end up upgrading to it when I feel the extra features are necessary.
Another thing I’m going to be trying this year is tailored opt-ins for each post category, with opt-in boxes in the middle of the posts. Because these lead magnets would be closely related to the post topic, I could imagine them converting very well.
A few other things to try as well but that’s my big one.
Thanks Donna!
James McAllister recently posted..25 Guaranteed Ways To Increase Your Email Opt-Ins
Hi James,
I love your blog and never had a problem with your pop ups! They are not intrusive and I can read your content without distraction. I may consider doing a pop up and thank you so much for recommending OptinMonster. I have looked into this and if you recommend it….I know it’s good!
If you notice, I do have opt-in boxes in the middle of my posts. They are converting quite well. Testing testing testing. I found that I get more clicks that way.
Besides my blog, I do have opt-ins on my Facebook Page that are doing quite well…go figure? It’s an active page and new people are coming into it. Those which I’m engaging are a specific target audience that are new to the blogging world. The more we engage and build KLT, the more opt ins I’m getting in that platform too and conversions woo hoo.
It is because of one of my products that is all about blogging. These people either don’t have a blog or have a company one, or just a terrible Network Marketing platform. So I drip feed information to them and eventually they do learn that they need a blog. Pretty cool!
Once again, thank you for your great input on this post! I’ve read your recent post about ways to increase your email opt Ins and you knocked that one out of the ball field my friend!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: torrefsland
February 2, 2015 at 5:19 pm #
Hi Donna,
thanks for a great post.
The email list is the backbone, at least it should be, of any blog that wants to engage with their followers and at the end make some money.
Having an email list and treating that list with love, like you do with your family and your best friends are key.
The size of the list doesn`t matter, if the list isn`t responsive.
When you get people on your email list, you should treat them like royalty, giving them amazing value and making them raving fans.
If people like, know and trust you, they will jump through hoops for you as long as you keep bringing them awesome content.
Tor Refsland recently posted..Stop Giving Your Food Away When Your Business Is Starving – Start Saying No
Hi Tor,
I like the way you put having an email list: treating that list with love, like you do with your family and best friends are the key. Indeed! I spend more of my writing time to my list than I do anywhere else. This is how I like to engage with people. And yes, the size doesn’t matter if it isn’t responsive.
I see people chasing numbers….I rather have someone interested in what I have to offer and having a better open rate!
It is so true that if people have that KLT they will look forward to the next email sent to them.
The trick is always give them value. Be the go to person that will always give an answer to a question. One has to know their list and treat them like gold.
Thanks so much for your awesome input,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
February 2, 2015 at 4:19 pm #
Hi Donna,
You know, you would think that by now, most people having a presence online would understand that, but they are many, many that sill don’t have a clue, so it’s important to let them know.
One of my upcoming guest post is going to be about that – Explaining to business owners why they should have a blog and how beneficial it would be for them.
Very soon (I hope) I’m going to have a brand new popup to capture new leads for my coaching. I feel that pop ups are getting more and more popular this days again.
I remember back int the days… like 2007-2008 they were very popular and then they were not anymore, and now they are again 🙂 go figure. But that’s what I’ve experienced.
Great job you’ve done here again, Donna!
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..What Is Descriptive Writing And Should Bloggers Use It?
Hi Sylviane,
Using pop ups can be effective when it is not too imposing. The worse thing is visiting a blog and a giant pop up shows up as I’m trying to read the post. Then there is a hidden x It drives me crazy.
Other pop ups that are less intrusive are fine, as long as it doesn’t interrupt what I’m reading. I see that more and more people are using them.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: askdrho
February 2, 2015 at 2:47 pm #
I too like the idea of an exit pop up. Now to switch that from my “To Accomplish” list to my “Accomplished” list is the next step.
As always, thank you for a marvelous post.
Dr. Elise Cohen Ho recently posted..Be Creative
Hi Elise,
Thank you for stopping by. There are those who love the pop ups and those who don’t. It all depends on how it is working for you.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: leannechesser
February 2, 2015 at 2:39 pm #
I have an opt-in form under my header. I have a sidebar opt-in form. I have opt-in forms after each blog post (that’s my favorite). And I use links within the text of my posts sometimes. I also have a separate page on my site dedicated to my free offer. People can click to it from my nav bar and I can also share that link on social media or wherever. That’s also a favorite of mine. I have to add that I also hate popups. Really hate them :). Like a LOT. LOL.
Leanne Chesser recently posted..7 Awesome Ways to Attract More of Your Perfect Clients
Hi Leanne,
As a visitor to your blog, I see how well you put your opt-ins in….your header and sidebar and after each blog post…yes that is my favorite one too!
Your site is awesome and you have that free offer to capture more people to engage with. You are so personable and easy to communicate with. You “tell it like it is” girl and that’s what people want.
Yes…I don’t like those pop ups either lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: leannechesser
February 6, 2015 at 5:57 pm #
Thank you, Donna! I appreciate that :).
Leanne Chesser recently posted..The Top 3 Reasons to Say, “Screw the Gurus!”
Hi Leanne,
You are most welcome my friend!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: aurelie_chazal
February 6, 2015 at 6:15 am #
Haha I share your hate for popups! I haven’t met a lot of popup lovers to be honest.
What’s funny is that I’ve seen a lot of bloggers say they are against pop-ups but still use them on their blog -.-. Glad to see that’s not your case :D.
They might help improve the number of subscribers but from what I’ve found those subscribers aren’t the most engaged. In the end I prefer having a slower list growth but focus on quality.
Aurelie Chazal recently posted..[Use Case] Attract More Millennial Customers With Live Chat
Twitter: leannechesser
February 6, 2015 at 5:59 pm #
That’s the thing. Going against what you believe in for the sake of something that “everyone” does because it supposedly works . . . not my style :). It’s awesome to know a few more people like Donna and you, Aurelie, who feel the same.
Leanne Chesser recently posted..The Top 3 Reasons to Say, “Screw the Gurus!”
You Said it Leanne!
I never go against what I believe because everyone is on the band wagon! Thanks for the kind words and the feeling is mutual!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Hey Aurelie,
I too prefer having a slower list growth that is of quality. But it can be done via pop ups. I have known many bloggers that swear by this.
Guess it is a crap shoot and see what does well in all our unique cases.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Email Marketing Is Not Dead, Bloggers
Twitter: donpurdum
February 2, 2015 at 2:25 pm #
Hi Donna,
After six months of aggressively connecting with influencers and tremendous bloggers like yourself, I’ve just started the process of building my list.
I know, some say I should have done it sooner but I wanted to work on building my influence that would lead me to my audience and here I am.
Admittedly, I have a lot to learn about email marketing. I’ve never done it seriously before so I’m excited about the learning curve and experimenting more in the near future.
I hope you have an incredible week!!!!!!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..Super Bowl Commercials Miss the Mark on Effectiveness! Is Your Marketing Missing the Mark?
Hi Don,
I don’t blame you for not creating your list yet. You have a new blog only 6 months!!! Look at all the traction you have made. Now time to have a capture page for your list…a nice optin on the side would be wonderful.
But before one even puts up that opt in, one must have emails ready congruent to whatever the optin is all about.
Hey, I started a list way back and had to dump tons of people off because I started affiliating in the beginning of my blogging journey.
Then I created a free “stop procrastination” list whereby people received so many videos I gave them for free, followed by a poor email list of subscribing to my blog and just a little bit of engagement.
Since I started product creation, It is all about that now. I had to first write a week of emails that engage from different optins. Phew…
Now that the sales funnel is tweaked again and reviewed by a “guru” in the field, I’m adding a new product there.
Email marketing will probably be covered on my next post because David and I are building a new digital product all about that and how to use it effectively.
We have been upping our game on that, testing and the open rates are fab! So I’ll be sharing that soon.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions
Twitter: donpurdum
February 5, 2015 at 2:00 pm #
Hi Donna,
Thank you for the advice! I will definitely follow your encouragement and implement it. Just last week I put an image/cta after each article to join the list and I’m really surprised at the results thus far; as well as the open rates.
I’m not sure what to attribute it to at this point other than people like the content and I’m only sharing articles with them; not sales pitches.
As with all things as I learn more and follow people such as yourself that know what you’re doing I’m sure it will evolve.
I really want to say thank you for not putting me on the defensive. I don’t like it when that happens and I’ve shared a few times hoping for constructive advice / feedback I felt like I was chastised.
I do have a strong personality and have to decide many times to just bite my lips. But I don’t do well with a one approach strategy for all… lol…
Thanks again!
~ Don
Don Purdum recently posted..Super Bowl Commercials Miss the Mark on Effectiveness! Is Your Marketing Missing the Mark?
Hi Don,
Having that CTA after each article to join the list worked out so well for you and I’m happy about that. Only goes to show that we have to keep on testing doesn’t it?
I am always looking for constructive advice. When I do get it I weigh things out.
As we blog, it is a journey and we all learn from each other. So glad to know you were encouraged.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Earn More Affiliate Commissions