This post was most recently updated on July 31st, 2016
You may be a new blogger or a seasoned one.
Either way, you do have a life.
And there are going to be times where you need to be unplugged. An illness, time with family members or vacation.
Whatever it may be you don’t want to keep your blog dangling there in space for a few weeks time while you are away. So what do you do?
You can have some blog posts pre-written, but you will have to answer all those comments and reciprocate to the commenters.
Maybe you can fit that in on your time off.
But if you really need (or want) to be unplugged the answer can be quite simple.
I’ll share with you an example of what I did and where I was the past three weeks.
My Summer Vacation
I planned a trip to go cross country to see my step children and their kids.
It’s been about two years since I’ve seen my three grand kids that live in L.A.
One of my step kids had recently moved to Seattle.
Therefore they are all on the West coast (U.S.) and we are on the East.
Yes, we Skype and Face Time chat, but they are growing like weeds and I wanted to spend some quality time with them in person.
I also house-swapped with my brother who lives in Seattle so I could spend time with my niece who I haven’t seen in a few years.
I knew I was going to be unplugged and would not have much access to the internet.
I didn’t want to be tied to my phone and be checking in all the time while I was with my family.
I wanted to clear my mind and enjoy the trip without worrying about my business.
So many people, so little time.
There was no way I wanted to be in the online world with the precious time I had to spend with my family.
So what’s a gal to do?
Reaching Out
Being a blogger for several years, I a pretty tight with my own community of blogging buddies.
I asked Ikechi Awazie (“The Most Common Excuses For Not Being Listened To“) if he would be kind enough to guest post on my blog the first week I was away, and he did so with compassion and professionalism. I knew my readers would like to meet him!
The second week, I had asked Harleena Singh (“Why Bloggers Fail“) to post to my blog. I knew she was taking a break herself and putting together a new blog of her own, so when she said yes, I did a happy dance.
Despite her busy schedule and all… she came through for me!
I was able to relax and enjoy my time away with no worries at all because of these two blogging friends.
Blogging Communities
So my dear readers, how can you be able to do this?
It all comes down to having a blogging community of your own.
Now, this doesn’t mean the communities you join on Facebook or Google+ but more than that.
This a community you build from the wonderful people who come to your blog week after week, and that you visit regularly to learn from their blogs.
Over time, you start growing your relationships via comments and social shares. It often grows into friendships and business partnerships.
Building your own community is a key ingredient to building your own business.
Special: This “Secret Society” Can Be The Linchpin To Your Online Success
It is something that grows as long as you keep up your end by always reciprocating and helping out and sharing.
I am truly blessed to have a community of people here on this blog and on social media. I’ve developed some great relationships and made many good friends along the way.
How To Build Your Own Blogging Community
1. Diligence. As your time allows, visit from 1 to 5 blogs you find interesting each day. Please read the entire post and leave the best feedback you can. Always address the writer by his/her name, and leave an honest and intelligent comment. Never a one liner like “Good Post!” That will probably get land you into the spam folder.
2. Connection. Always connect with a new contact on their social sites. When you finish your comment, share it on those sites.
3. Awesomeness. Go the extra mile. If you really are impressed with a new blogger you come across, you can even shoot out a short video and post it on social sites saying that you “just visited Jane Doe’s blog and was thrilled to learn…”
4. Consistency. Visit new bloggers repeatedly, at least three times. If they don’t reciprocate, cross them off your “community” list. Go on to the next person, someone who is happy to become part of your blogging circle by reciprocating and engaging. Repeat this process each and every day. You don’t necessarily need a huge community, but you need to be ever so consistent with those you’ve build relationships with in this way.
5. Patience. Always be patient. Keep in mind that it takes time to build a community and even a single relationship. Don’t get over anxious! Use the analogy of dating. You wouldn’t ask someone to marry you on the first date would you?
6. Mindfulness. Be mindful of how people are reacting to your blog. Maybe they have a question. You can answer it in the comment section, but go that extra mile again. PM them on Facebook to further discuss the question they had, or challenge they’re facing. Maybe you can even have a phone or Skype conversation about it.
These are a few tips that worked for me and I know that if you, my dear reader, have an open mind and kind heart, it can work for you too.
Blogging takes a whole community of people to make things work. Your article is just one tiny drop in the sea, but it is a powerful start. The rest is all about relationship building with others.
So my dear friends, my little vacation is over.
I want to tell you how great it is to be back in the online world again.
Although I did have a blast of a time traveling, it’s great to be among my online family.
Sometime I feel that getting back to my blogging community is my real “home-coming.” Great people, Great times!
And may I even mention here that while I was away, my sales were on cruise control. After being back two days I realized I had 14 sales of my WSO products while I was away… Yippie!
So how about YOU?
Have you made these kinds of connections?
Can you get away and unplug with ease without worrying about your blog or business?
Do you have someone that you can rely on to take care of your blog while you are gone?
Let me know in the comments below.
Twitter: thedigger0
September 21, 2015 at 3:04 am #
Hey Donna,
Great article. I can tell by the advice you share you have been in the blogging game for a while. I will be taking a week off in the near future but have a post prepared for it. Mind you I never thought about the comments bit. I may have to consider that while away.
What I will take away from this post is what you say about reciprocating the reading of posts and comments. I have never been sure how many times I should do this before I do cross them off my community list. I wanted to be committed and fair. Do you suggest the same amount for a new blogger like myself?
As to your answer about community, I am starting to see the fruits of the last six months work, it is really hard not to be addicted to blogging because of the wonderful minds that I have connected to. And I always find reading their work every week a blessing not a chore as I once thought it would be.
Twitter: NandaRahmanius
August 14, 2015 at 6:10 am #
Hi Donna,
Long time no see. Glad to be here (after some hurdles in blogging). 🙂
Well, another great article from you, as usual.
Honestly, I need this article. Some time ago I also took my vacation for a few weeks, is the result of my blog like a ghost town, since no one is updating it. 😆
Yes, I have connections that you mentioned, but indeed, I have not been as close as your connection. So, I can not unplug with ease like you. 🙁
But, thanks for sharing this, Donna.
Now, I can see the picture of the problems that inevitably I will face later. Thanks for that! 🙂
I know I missed a lot of your great articles, but I will catch up soon. 🙂
I sincerely hope you have an awesome week ahead!
Nanda Rahmanius recently posted..Take This Quiz: Are You A Micromanager?
Hi Nanda,
It is so difficult to take a vacation when we are bloggers. Yes, our blogs become a ghost town. I am sure that you do have many people that would do a guest post for you if you were to go away or had to take some time off.
You are a wonderful blogger and do have people looking up to you. So next time, give it some thought 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..The 20 Percent Solution
Twitter: ErikaMohssenBey
August 3, 2015 at 2:33 pm #
Hi Donna ,
welcome back ,I saw you had a great time ,I am happy for you 🙂
I am unplucked right now as well and will need to be like this for
a week or two . But I did give back to the people commenting on my
blog. Building your own community for this times is a great Idea
and I see you did it very good . Helping each other out is always good.
Thank you for your suggestions
Erika Mohssen-Beyk recently posted..The Spiritual Side of Success – Fasting
Hi Erika,
I know quite well how busy you are in the Summertime. It is great to have others as our own community to reach out and ask someone that we do need to have them cover for us when we are gone so that we won’t miss a week of our blog.
Helping each other is what it’s all about!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Boost Your Blog With Social Media
Twitter: vashishthakap
August 3, 2015 at 3:37 am #
Hi Donna Mam!

Landed on your blog and see what an amazing helipad your blog is. Gave me so much information about keeping my blog alive even I am on vacations. A very nice writeup and thanks for the video mam.
I am also looking to create my blogging community, and now I have tips to make it successful also.
Thanks again.
Have a nice day mam.
Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted..10 White Hat SEO Hacks to Rank high in Google
Hi Vashishtha,
Using videos on our blogs gets us not only a higher rank on Google but also gives us a chance to connect virtually with others.
When we build a good blogging community…which takes some time, we can take off on vacation, or any other time we need and have someone write and answer our comments for us.
I is all part of blogging…we are here to help one another.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Boost Your Blog With Social Media
Hi Kathryn,
I always have a drafted post in my back office in case of an emergency. But If I had to be gone more than a week, guests are so welcome to post on my blog.
This is why it is so important to have our own communities of blogging buddies!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: MarketingKM
August 2, 2015 at 5:40 pm #
Hi Donna
I heard that you enjoyed your vacation visiting family and being unplugged.
Everyone should have a VaCa. Especially bloggers who work so hard on their blogs.
I liked ” you don’t want to keep your blog dangling ” while your away.
Having people in your blogging community do guest posting and answer comments is a
great idea. As a matter of fact that would be a good idea to think about should I need that
kind of help. Not necessarily for a vaca, perhaps a family emergency. You never know.
Thanks for the wonderful post .
Twitter: sueken
August 1, 2015 at 11:18 pm #
When commenting on popular blogs like this don’t do as I’m doing now and wait until you’re so far down the list that few people will notice your 🙂
I’d love to have some guest bloggers to increase my post regularity. I tend to stick to a couple of blog communities for commenting but I’ll do as you suggest to widen the circle. Thanks Donna.
Sue Bride recently posted..10 Ways to Find and Keep Your Ideal Facebook Audience
Hi Sue,
You would be surprised how many people take the time to read many comments on a blog post. I know some bloggers that look at comments to pick and choose someone they deem interesting to visit.
Having guest bloggers always helps widen the circle of readership!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: msellithorpe
August 1, 2015 at 12:09 pm #
Hi Donna,
Great ideas to cover your blogs when you are gone. I haven’t thought about it but I do know a couple of friends that I know I could totally trust with my blog whenever I get a chance to get away.
So happy for you that you had such a good time but happy you are back with us.
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted..Be Yourself With Magnetic Messaging
Hi Monna,
Great to be back! Here are where my friends hang out and I think I have made more friends online than I ever did offline lol.
It is always great to know others that we can trust to keep our blogs going when life calls!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: SMITdebtb
July 31, 2015 at 6:28 pm #
Donna, I do so appreciate your list of exactly what to do to build your own Blogging Community! It’s priceless!
As you know Donna, I am in building mode right now. It’s an interesting part of the journey. I’m connecting with some really great people that I want to keep near me and I’m finding a few that I thought would be there for me have moved on. 🙂
I know I am right where I’m supposed to be at this time so no worries. Patience is a virtue and I’m still practiing it.
Deborah A. Ten Brink recently posted..Understand How To Set Up A Residual Income Model
Hi Deborah,
Indeed, patience IS a virtue and we all need it in this business. I like the new ways you are doing things from your blog to social sharing.
You are so talented my friend and I know this building mode will be successful.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: nishapandey510
July 31, 2015 at 4:44 pm #
Hi Donna,
Welcome back after the vacation.
Indeed, your plan for the vacation as well as your blog is really an amazing one and though you literally unplugged from the online/blogging world with your very presence was felt among your readers by the timely intervention of two of your wonderful online friends Ikechi and Harleena!
That is really a good idea to go keep the stream moving without any interruptions.
Thanks for sharing this Donna
Hi Nisha,
When we need to take time off it is great to have loyal and trusted bloggers that can take over our blogs. Not only writing a guest post but answering every comment like Harleena and Ikechi.
Thanks so much!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Hi Bren,
You have set up your MGP blog wisely and I love your contributors because it is a tight knit group of people that I love.
We all need that back-up plan because we do ned that time off. And then there are times, like you have just mentioned in your last post “When Life Gets In The Way” which I just read and enjoyed.
The best part of blogging is that we make such great connections with others and we know that it takes a whole village in order for our blogs to be successful.
P.S. Give Zue a kiss for me and Titan too
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: Virtual_Bren
July 31, 2015 at 9:23 am #
First off, glad to see you back Donna and happy to see you enjoyed your vacation!
As you know, it is essential that we take some time off, whether it be a few days, a week, or a month. Having those “tightly knit friends” to help you out is also essential. I’ve been fortunate that I do have Contributors to MGP who help keep it going when I need time off. These Contributors are also my good friends in which I trust and would allow to run my site if need be. I’m glad that you had a few great peeps to turn to so you didn’t worry about your blog.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us and again, great to see you back!
Brenda Lee recently posted..When #Life Gets In The Way #Infographic
Twitter: theplrstore_com
July 31, 2015 at 3:24 am #
Really enjoyed the post Donna. Good to hear you had some time off with family. Most of us don’t take that time. Don’t know about any one else, but taking time off almost always recharges my mindset.
My first 10 years online was all affiliate marketing, so it was pretty easy to take extended time off. One of the things I miss about doing that model 100%.
But your right, with blogging, it’s not something you can get away from for a fair amount of time. Too many commitments involved to let the dust settle.
Never thought about going the guest posting route, that’s an awesome idea. Creative and out of the box. I really like it.
I use to be a lone wolf online for many years, but slowly I’ve found that networking and building connections can bring about some amazing benefits. When ever I’ve put in the effort, it’s always paid off, more than I would have expected.
Course, finding the time to do correctly, as you’ve explained very well, has always been my problem. Guess I need to figure out my own system?
Thanks for sharing Donna!
Ron Killian recently posted..10 Simple Brain-Dead Tactics for Increasing Conversions
Hi Ron,
Blogging is a funny thing…it needs to be consistent. Once a week…or whatever the blogger chooses. If we skip a beat, people get confused and so does the bots lol.
Engaging with others on a weekly basis on blogs, will also include social sharing. My blogging buddies mostly hang out on Facebook. As we engage with one another we start making some great relationships. Without that, our blogs can be stagnant.
As a marketer and product creator, I spend most of my online time doing that. But my blog is always the “proof of the pudding” when someone wants to check me out. I find that a large percentage of my buyers are not even bloggers. But I get so much feedback about my blog via email or FB messages. Go figure……
It all ties up into one big ball of people. And that is how we can help each other. I had two wonderful people run my blog while I was gone and could rest easy because they were credible and knew how to handle my blog like I would.
Although I didn’t figure out my jet lag and other interruptions that popped up on my return, I eased back into my business.
I sure did miss my blogging buddies while I was away because most of my good friends are online.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: rrwebdesign
July 30, 2015 at 9:30 am #
Hi Donna,
Welcome home! I’m so happy to hear that you had a wonderful time with your family and that you were able to relax and enjoy. I’m sure that you made wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.
Harleena and Ikechi did a fantastic job on their posts. I knew that you were taking a break and enjoyed seeing them here.
I love your six tips on building a blog community. We all need to unplug at times, whether it is for a vacation or something unexpected. Having a community that we can reach out to is golden. I know that I need to continue building relationships and am so glad that I’ve met you!
I hope you are having an amazing week.
~ Robin
Robin Strohmaier recently posted..How to Use Breadcrumb Navigation to Boost SEO & User Experience
Hi Robin,
Yes, we did create wonderful memories with all the kids. Being unplugged is necessary because it relieves us from our day to day routine – our goals and all aspects of our business. I am blessed having such a great community and count my blessings all the time.
As long as we announce that we are “unplugged” and have our ducks in a row, people won’t mind at all. Having wonderful guest bloggers is sure a treat for my readers I’m sure.
As for the marketing side of business, I do have a segmented email list that I notified all that I would be away. I had to send out several emails about that because of customer service. I didn’t want to let people down. Thank goodness everyone understood even new buyers.
Now coming back, I’m working more on productivity than ever! I needed to get a fresh mindset.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: CopyByTom
July 29, 2015 at 4:26 pm #
Hello Donna, love your title for this post especially the “when you are unplugged” bit. It conjures up such a great image of unplugging myself and disconnecting.
Glad that you plugged in again and given us these fantastic ideas for how to still offer great content to our audience while we’re away. I love how you highlight the importance of pre-planning and creating a community of guest posters ready to step in.
This takes a lot of foresight too. Who’s on your wavelength and who’s got information you’re audience will want to hear. You prove how useful it is to focus on building your community and how blogging fits into this.It must be so heartening (and rewarding) to know what a strong community you’ve created.
I think any new bloggers wondering what strategy to adopt for growing their blog successfully should adopt the strategy of creating their community of blogger friends first because ut’s not only the best, most effective way. Would you agree?

Tom Southern recently posted..How To Find Where Your Potential Readers Hang Out
Hi Tom,
When I’m teaching a new person about blogging, this is one of the things I strongly point out….start thinking about developing a community of readers. Get to know people, give them the extra mile, with sincerity. It will never work to fake it lol.
Over time, you start connecting with others via social media, groups, masterminds, etc. Get out there and get to know others. Give Give Give and eventually reciprocity will kick in. Be patient and have a good mindset.
As you become close to others, they will help you and you will be there for them. It is a win win for all.
Many thanks for stopping by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: sunshinessister
July 29, 2015 at 2:10 pm #
I really loved this article! I am a firm believer of taking the time you need away from your work environment in order to keep yourself from getting burnt out. I often try to schedule prior posts in order to promote our blog when I can’t be around but I can absolutely see the value in having live activity through guest bloggers who are available to respond to comments…great insight!
I also thought that your 6 tips to building a blog community were right on target. I’d like to add that it’s important not to skip on one or two of these, because it will affect your community. For example, if you go the extra mile to promote another blogger but don’t have the patience to wait for them to notice you; you can burn a bridge quickly!
I want to mention that I think two of your points, Diligence and Consistency are two of the most important facets of building a community and are often overlooked due to time constraints. It’s true that people get busy, but it’s important to remember that those other people that you expect to notice you after one or two visits are also very busy.
However, I would like to point out that it might be a better idea to contact the person you are trying to build a rapport with and ask them why they aren’t reciprocating before removing them from your community for not doing so. It may be something as simple as them being on vacation (and on autopilot) or it may be something that you can fix such as:
They don’t feel that they can share your posts because…
• Your posts are too unprofessional (too much slang or negative verbiage).
• Your posts are riddled with spelling and grammatical errors.
• Your posts have nothing at all to do with their niche or their lifestyle.
Gaining insights such as these would also do wonders for building your community!
Thanks again for such a helpful and informative post, I’ve shared this with my followers! I hope you had a wonderful trip and have a great week ahead!

Andrea Hewett recently posted..Why You Shouldn’t Work Holidays: Improving Productivity
Hi Andrea,
Thanks so much for adding so much value to this post. I like what you added here by contacting the person you are trying to build a rapport with.
I have done so in the past just a few times, but found out their blogs were either on auto pilot or they told me that I just didn’t fit into their niche. That’s fine with me!
I will surely keep this one in mind and execute this idea in the future.
Thanks so much,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Hi Lisa,
Just finished reading your blog about your Summer Hiatus. That’s one way to do it because your loyal followers will all be there when you return.
It is important for us to take a break off line. So please enjoy your time away and I know you will come back refreshed, and ready to roll!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: lisalisathom
July 29, 2015 at 12:58 pm #
Hi Donna, your holiday sounds really nice. It’s so important to connect with loved ones who are long distance. Your post is timely as I’m taking August off to work on other writing projects. I hadn’t thought of someone guest posting. I’ll have to do that next year. I’ve had some people bail or go silent when they made a commitment in the past to guest post so it turned me off a little bit. I certainly have a great community of women bloggers who, had I thought of it, may have written something for me. It’s a great idea!
I’m looking forward to putting my blog on hold altogether though. It’s going to be hard but I’m sure it will rejuvenate my passion for my blog. Thanks for the great post and tips, Donna!
lisa thomson recently posted..Summer Hiatus
Twitter: atishranjan
July 29, 2015 at 12:40 pm #
Very nice write-up, Donna. This is cool that when you are away, you can ask your friends to do guest posts on your blog. In my case, we are two friends working on our blogging venture. When I am away, he takes over, and when he is away, I do take over the work.
You cannot do everything alone, you need friends, partners and other people around you to help you out in such situations.
Atish Ranjan recently posted..APJ Abdul Kalam – Combination of Dignity, Humanity, and Intellect
Hi Atish,
I am so blessed to have you in my life. I knew that your post and caring nature would be good for my readers, especially those who didn’t know you yet. I have the highest regard for all that you do with caring hands. I was so happy to entrust you with my blog while I was away and my readers love you!
It is important that we can make relationships like this because it is a win/win situation. I got to go on vacation with out a worry and you met some new friends. Working together like this is amazing and one the the best parts of blogging that I love so much.
Relationships…all over the world that unite us as one in the blogging world!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: atishranjan
July 29, 2015 at 2:59 pm #
I am always there for friends, Donna!
Glad you to hear some good words from you. Thank you very much.
Atish Ranjan recently posted..APJ Abdul Kalam – Combination of Dignity, Humanity, and Intellect
Your posts are always a wonderful share for my readers…that’s why I just love to share them. You always inspire me and your last post has given me so much knowledge about APJ Abdul Kalam….whom I didn’t know anything about until I read your post.
My goodness…what a wonderful man! I just had to spread that news all over the internet, especially for people like me who are not aware.
Thanks for always being there and being a true friend.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: atishranjan
July 30, 2015 at 3:12 pm #
I am so happy that you shared about him, Donna. He is one of the man whom 99% Indians love. Almost 0% hate rate.
Apart from him, every leader and minister get criticized for different things, but he is the one who always got praise and respect. He deserved all this respect.
Atish Ranjan recently posted..APJ Abdul Kalam – Combination of Dignity, Humanity, and Intellect
I sure didn’t know about him and now I’ve been reading more and more. His book is on order via Amazon…cannot wait to get it! Either I’m under a rock or we don’t get the good news here….psst
If only all leaders could carry his nature, the world would be such a better place. He sure deserves the respect….Respect is earned!
We get all the criticism here too that’s why I don’t even like to listen to the news, it is just not good for my well being. I skim the news every day, but cannot take it to heart.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: saraharrow
July 29, 2015 at 12:09 pm #
Love this Donna, it’s certainly a win/win for everyone involved. I decided to take a month off of blogging, and I’ve had a series of guest posts from friends and people in my Facebook community. I think it makes blogging a nicer place when we can share posts on each other’s sites and help each other out.
Sarah Arrow recently posted..When Blogging Wrecks Your Confidence
Hi Sarah,
As a seasoned blogger yourself, you know that it is a win/win for everyone involved. I love your guests you have on your blog.
Your Facebook community is a strong one and yes it does make blogging a nicer place when we can share each other’s posts.
Good to be back and good seeing you as I play catch up.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: bgjen
July 28, 2015 at 11:36 pm #
Hi Donna, It’s so nice to be prepared. It looks like you had it all set up. I agree that diligence is important, as well as making those connections. I have to say, if I were to take vacation, I could ask a couple of friends, but honestly I didn’t think of it. In the past, my blog just sat still until I came back. I like the idea of the video… I think I may try doing those a little more in place of some of the writing. I hope you had a wonderfuly trip and glad you made it home safely. Have a great week.
BG Jenkins recently posted..Oh, Sweet Pea
Hi BG,
It is always great to have your blog not skip a beat on the schedule day you post. Asking a friend to do a guest post is a win win for each other. It is a way of promoting them as trusted bloggers and in the meantime you can go away with no worries.
I’ve been watching your videos and you are doing great!!! You are so relaxed and natural in front of the camera.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: stellachiu97
July 28, 2015 at 8:31 pm #
Hi, Donna
Welcome back.
I will do the same to ask people to take care my blog.if I unplug for vacation. When we are in vacation, we would like to concentrate with family and friend only.
I appreciate you also listed out the steps to build relationship which are very useful for a newbie (like me)in the blogging world.
Glad you had a very nice vacation – Stella
Stella Chiu recently posted..What is that in your hands?
Hi Stella,
We all need time with our family, friends, or just our selves. This does require that we be off line and unplugged in order to re-group.
As long as you have a blogging buddy that can write something in your niche (which I love by the way) and answer commenters….you can focus on what needs to be done.
This is why building a community of bloggers is so important. We get closer and closer as time goes on. It does take a whole village to have a successful blog.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
July 28, 2015 at 3:58 pm #
Great advice as always Donna!
I really like your excellent tip about making a short video
after you read an informative blog post and, thanking the author and then
posting the video on the various social media platforms.
I’ve yet to actually implement that one, but it’s definitely a terrific potential
long term relationship builder! Thanks!
It must have been nice to simply get away and as you say, unplug for a bit.
The really great part is, as you did so, your business still kept working for you!LOL!
That’s why I follow you and David!LOL! Thank for sharing yet another highly
informative and extremely practical post!
And so glad you’re back Coach!
Mark recently posted..Asset Management:How Extremely Savvy Entrepreneurs Use Theirs To Create Massive Profits!
Hi Mark,
A few times I have made a short video, especially with a new connection it was so well received. So much so it was jaw dropping for some. It wasn’t expected, but I was sincerely moved by something I read and had to shout it out with a video. It sure is a great relationship builder!
Yes, I had my ducks in a row and two wonderful people to keep up my blog while I was away.
With 5 grand children to visit, I knew there would be no time at all to be online. I savored every moment with them.
As for my marketing..I did a happy dance when I realized sales were still being made on auto-pilot!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: glennshep
July 28, 2015 at 9:22 am #
Hi Donna,
Wow, what a great post! The points you make about having good relationships and a good community are so on point. I’m seeing more and more bloggers talking about building blogging communities in various ways and this is something I should definitely look into beyond what I’m doing already.
I especially love those 6 points you mentioned and there are a few things there I hadn’t even considered, for example, making a video about something you’ve picked up from a particular post. Video is something I’m wanting to do more of, so this is something that I’ll definitely bear in mind going forwards.
It’s approaching blogging in the ways you mentioned here that many bloggers, especially newbies should ensure to do. I see so many comments (especially on a certain, well-known Internet marketing forum) about blogging being outdated, useless, too much hard work for little-to-no return, too much spam to make it worthwhile doing it and many more objections. Well, to put it bluntly: twaddle. If things like this are an issue then, frankly, it’s being done wrong. Done right it is such a valuable strategy for so many reasons, as you well know.
As for entrusting my blog to someone when I’m gone, well this is again something that I hadn’t considered. It hasn’t come up so far, but it’s good to bear in mind for the future. Having made some great connections and built up some good relationships with fantastic, reliable, caring bloggers, I don’t think I’d find it too hard to come up with a shortlist of people to whom I’d be willing to entrust the care of my blog.
Thanks for this great post, Donna. There’s a lot of nuggets in this one and I think it’s one for my Evernote archive. 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted..Raiders of the Lost Commissions
Hi Glenn,
I too see many who knock blogging for one reason or another. I’m sure that those people have no idea how to blog correctly and make relationships with others.
Our community is priceless! As long as we take an extra step, reciprocity will kick in one way or another.
Our blogs say a lot about us….who we are, what we do, how we answer our commenters. It builds the Know Like and Trust Factor.
When I’m in the marketplace offering my products to others that don’t know me…they ALWAYS check out my blog. I cannot tell you how many of my customers reply to me saying that they have purchased my product because they were impressed by all the information and chatter on my blog.
So to keep it fresh and alive when we are away a good guest can handle our blogs and keep it going.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Hey Donna,
I see that you were out in my neck of the woods for vacation. Thats great and i know that yoy had a great time, especially for the fact that you were with family.
That was real smart of you to had Ikechi and Harleena do guest posts for you while you were gone. This goes to show what the benefits are when you have a great blogging community. Making those connections are important as you shown us here.
As for me, I usually put my blog on autopilot with revive old post and buffer. But now come to think of it, I may take the guest post route next time I go on vacation.
Thanks for sharing Donna! Have a great week!
Sherman Smith recently posted..How These 31 Successful Bloggers Overcame Failure
Hi Sherman,
I used to take a week here and there off and had my pre written blog all set to go. But because I was taking an extended period of time off, I knew to keep my blog alive and active I had to have guest bloggers that would actually answer every comment which they did.
I have done it myself for other bloggers and even ran a Facebook community for an old online friend for a while, while he was busy.
The connections we make in our own “community” of bloggers are amazing. We all know how it is to be off line and unplugged. Sometimes we can get anxious or try to juggle our blogs and business while we are away.
I wanted to unplug and not think about anything. I sure needed that mind-rest lol.
I love your neck of the woods and have been there many times. But I’m sure glad to be back in my little quiet piece of paradise among pine trees and ocean.
Enjoy your week!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: harleenas
July 27, 2015 at 11:51 pm #
Hi Donna,
Welcome back, and thank you for the kind mention as well 🙂
I’m SO glad you had a little time away and believe me, we all need such getaways off and on. So happy that Ikechi and I could step in for your during that time – that’s exactly what friend’s are for, and just love our community of friend’s who are always there for each other at such times.
Yes, I’m still on my break and might take a while longer as I’m working on other things too besides the new blog, so could take out time away to be here as well. This isn’t my usual kind of break I take each year, as you already know, Donna, as it’s taken for a purpose. But one still manages to take time away as I’m just not blog hopping or doing anything else except working on the projects in hand.
Loved all your advice given in this post, and nothing works when you have no community around you, that’s for sure!
Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a lovely week ahead, and I’d see you once I’m finally back now my friend 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted..Blogging Basics: CRUX of Blogging Tips for New Bloggers
Hi Harleena,
Once again I have to express how grateful I am to you taking care of my blog when I was away. You were still on a “break” reconstructing things at your end, but you stepped in and helped me out. Friends like this are priceless.
This is why our community of bloggers are so strong and you should know because you have created a wonderful community. I can speak for myself as well as others that when you come back we will ALL be there for you.
I cannot wait to see the changes you are making. This is why I signed up to your new blog. I am so happy for you that you are making changes because you have so much knowledge to give to others with loving care.
Thank you so much and looking forward to your return,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: EMBYvonne
July 27, 2015 at 8:41 pm #
Hi Donna,
So glad to have you back and it’s great to know that you enjoyed your vacation. House swapping seem synonymous with time sharing, so I guess that means he stayed in your house and you stayed in his. Brilliant idea! That’s what loving families do for each other. 🙂
There will times when we have to unplug whether for vacation or for some unforeseen circumstance but with a good back up plan in place, then there will be no need for down time or blog interruption. Congratulations to Ikechi and Harleena for keeping things together for you through their awesome guest posts. I’ve known them through blogging a little over a year now and such great humble spirit they have and very supportive I must add.
I have unplugged a couple times, the most recent being last year May when my sister passed away. I sent out a post to let my readers know I would be away and the reason why. They were quite understanding.
Thank you for giving such great advice on how to build a strong, supportive and loving community. I will give greater attention to them and I believe that after taking action base off these suggestions, the results I am certain will be astounding.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us. Have a great week.
Yvonne I. Wilson recently posted..An Upside Down World But God Is Powerful And Unchanginng
Hi Yvonne,
I consider myself blessed for knowing Ikechi and Harleena. They are true givers and trusted friends. I didn’t have to worry while I was spending time with family that was well overdue.
I have done the same for other bloggers myself if they needed me to do a guest post and take care of their blogs.
This is why I love blogging so much! We make such close relationships with others. We become like family and do genuinely care about each other. The blogging world brings together people from all over the globe and that is an amazing thing for me.
As for house swapping: My brother is cancer surviver and still has to check on his health. He needed to be with my mom (because she lives with me) and enjoy where I live. He was so happy to be fishing and being able to be by the beach.
I, on the other hand have all my step kids (which are like my own) where he lives. He is on the West coast, I on the East. So it worked out so well. It was Family time all around. I know I am blessed.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: leadingedgeadv
July 27, 2015 at 7:33 pm #
Hi Donna,
Wow, you were on vacation? It didn’t even seem like it. Great job! 🙂
I do enjoy being in a community. It’s nice to connect with like-minded people with similar interests. I don’t yet know if I have any one that can tend to my blog while I’m away. But hopefully I’ll make that kind of connection in the future.
Thanks for the tips! Welcome back!!
Lea Bullen recently posted..How to Stay Motivated When You Just Really Want to Lie on the Couch
Hi Lea,
This is the first time I’ve been away for such a long time. But I sure deserved it! Besides being with loved ones, I have been a work-a-holic for the past several months.
My blog is one thing, but marketing my products does take more time out of my schedule. I am blessed by the many people I know I can trust to take over my blog while I was away. I did think I would return sooner, but jet lag got to me and so did my dogs. They missed us and had to adjust back.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: ikechiawazie
July 27, 2015 at 3:02 pm #
Hi Donna
Welcome back and I do know that you had fun and you are refreshed plus ready to move on
I loved the featured image and it gave me a pleasant memory. I was curious about House swapping with your brothers. It is an interesting and must be a fun thing to do.
I definitely agree with you that having a blogging community is so important. We as Bloggers need each other in ways we can never imagine.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to make a difference and I am so glad to be a friend to you and Harleena
I loved your points on ways to unplug from your blog. You ideas are awesome and spot on. In truth no blogger is an island.
Thanks for sharing your insight. Have a swell week. Glad to have you back.
Hi Ikechi,
I am so grateful to you and how you wrote such a wonderful guest post, and answered all my commenters. blogger is an island.
I’ve done the same myself for other bloggers if they had to be away from the internet. I knew I was in good hands with you my friend. This is the core of bloggers…we do care for each other. I am so glad to be a friend of yours.
As for house-swapping: My brother lives in Seattle and I live in Maine by the beach. I spent my time using his house while he used mine. We both have dogs and we took care of one another’s dogs.
If I were to take this trip and stay at a hotel it would have cost a lot of money. This way we traded houses for a few weeks. My mother lives with me and he had a chance to spend some quality time with her. We live 3,000 miles apart so it is difficult to get a chance to visit.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: cheryschmidt
July 27, 2015 at 2:50 pm #
Hello Donna, What a great post my friend! I am so happy you were able to take some time off and spend time with your family. It is so nice to unplug as you have stated and know that everything is taken care of while you are away HUH?
It is amazing the relationships we make online Right? These people giving freely of their time to help you. Kudo’s!
You Rock Girl. Thanks for sharing
Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..Discover Why Leadership Is So Important For Success
Hi Chery,
I love my blogging world! It is so great to have others to count on so that I could get away and have a clear mind.
I didn’t think much of my entire blog and business while I was away. Although tempted, 5 kids can give you a run for the money lol. I was totally focused on them and needed to be.
So here I am back in my internet world among many good friends.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
July 27, 2015 at 2:13 pm #
Welcome home Donna and I’m so thrilled to hear that you had a wonderful time with your family. How cool to house swap with your brother. Does that mean he stayed with Mom or did she make the trip too? I’m sure she loved seeing the kids and grandkids as well. I also know though that sometimes long trips aren’t the best for the elderly.
I was happy to see Ikechi and Harleena here, I knew they were stepping in while you were away. That’s so awesome of them to help you out with that and I enjoyed what they had to share as well. Nothing like friends stepping up to help out when we’re in need right!
I love your six tips on how to build a blog community, it’s really not difficult and the rewards are unbelievable. The friends that we can make along the way because we will find people we have a lot in common with.
You have an amazing community my friend and I’m honored to also be a big part of that as well. Always eager to support you whenever you need it.
Don’t work too hard trying to play catch up but enjoy yourself. You’re refreshed now but I’m sure delighted to be back to what you love doing. Helping those online who need you and David so much.
You enjoy your week and again, welcome home.
Adrienne recently posted..Magical Monday: Blog Traffic, Success, Blogging, LinkedIn
Hi Adrienne,
When I wrote this blog post I thought of you on your cruise when you mentioned that you didn’t even think of your blog. That is a great leap my friend. You are so devoted and needed that time away.
And when it comes to communities, you do have an expertise in that! It was a great blessing to have two of our mutual friends take care of my blog when I was away. I was going to give a peek, but resisted.
Then having 5 grand kids around…err.. well that helped and also running around with them I got a perk of loosing 4 pounds.
I did enjoy every moment with the kids and coming back to catch up is a process. Can’t do everything lol.
Good to be back and I miss you my dear.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: notnowmomsbusy
July 27, 2015 at 1:37 pm #
Hi Donna,
Welcome back! This post comes at the perfect time for me because I’m ready for a vacation. I wish I could take a couple weeks off but one week will do for me :).
This is a great example why we should engage with our fellow bloggers and I love the tips you shared. It’s a great reminder for seasoned bloggers and a valuable piece of advice for new bloggers.
While I was reading your post I got some great ideas of my own to keep my blog going while I’m away. 🙂 Now I can enjoy the time off without the worry!
So glad to see you back. I bet you are just as refreshed as can be!
Have a great week!
Corina Ramos recently posted..Womens Denim Trends For 2015
Hi Corina,
Glad to know you got some tips so you can enjoy a vacation away. All you need to do is get someone that will “hold the fort” for you.
This way you can enjoy each and every moment away….plus you will be surprised how good it feels when you are not thinking of your business for a week.
I’m sure you will come back with awesome insights.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: CopyWarner
July 27, 2015 at 1:20 pm #
Hey Donna,
Awesome post and you’re absolutely right. It is all about the connections you make. And if you’re fortunate to make the right connections and friends, you can have them fill in for you at times of need.
A community is awesome and it’s something we all should be striving for as much as possible. Whether it’s to start one or expand one. I need to do a much better job in communicating with individuals, but I feel I’m getting better.
Great post and welcome back. Have an awesome rest of the week.
– Andrew
Andrew recently posted..[Case Study] Email List Building Strategies That Increased Subscribers 43%
Hi Andrew,
I think you are doing a wonderful job building your community! I see you everywhere I go from your blogs shared all over social media. That’s a good sign lol.
I do believe that focusing on our own community is something that we always need to grow, no matter how many people are engaging with us.
Keep up your great work.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: donpurdum
July 27, 2015 at 11:25 am #
Hi Donna,
I’m so glad to learn that you had an awesome time away!!!! Some well deserved time with family and friends is so needed.
I completely get what you mean by community! It’s just an amazing and spectacular thing and I’m so grateful that you’re part of mine and I can part of yours. I was just thinking of you the other day of how I need to catch up with you guys.
So much is going on at lightning speed.
So much so that this last week I completely unplugged myself. No blog, podcast… just a simple message that there won’t be any posts during the week.
I think it’s okay sometimes to just let people know there won’t be any posts or do as you did and invite a few guests to help out in interim.
I have some time coming up with a short move up the up the street from where we currently live in mid August followed by in-laws coming to visit us from Texas so I’ll be slowing down some in August.
However, the push is just beginning, lol…
Great post and welcome home. I’m looking forward to watching your work produce some serious results in the second half of 2015.
Have an awesome week Donna!!!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..Why My Business Tripled in Just Six Weeks!
Hi Don,
Yes, I noticed you had a week off and it sure was well deserved. We do need to unplug and just get our eyeballs off our computers. When we do come back, it is always with a higher energy and so much of that push!
I see you will have a very busy August! But it is the best month of the year to take things slower. It’s the biggest vacation month world wide!
When I was away, I did focus on some creative things I want to implement to my business. My niece has a band and hopefully will create some music for my videos and webinars. I want some original music to add some spice to things.
Best of all was I had a “mind break” whereby I stood in that three dimensional world which was a bit odd at first, but I stood “in the moment” for the entire time.
Now that we are back, we are ready to do some different things.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: marquitaherald
July 27, 2015 at 10:47 am #
Welcome back Donna! First I have to tell you that photo of the VW van cracked me up because in another lifetime this native California gal not only had one of those (with a bed in the back and surfboard on the roof), we honeymooned in it as we traveled all over the Pacific NW and then drove it onto a barge and brought it to Hawaii with us!
I love your advice as always and only hope that one day soon I get to use it. No question I value the relationships I’ve made over the past 6 years and have learned so much from fellow bloggers. My #1 challenge when it comes to unplugging from my blog is the writing. Most important is the fact my site exists solely as a platform for my writing so there’s that, but also I tried allowing occasional guest posts with my last blog and can say in all honesty it was a horrible experience and not one I’d be willing to repeat – at least not anytime soon. That said you are so right about the need to take periodic breaks but I think I’d be more inclined to write and schedule posts in advance and have someone else follow up on comments and social media for me. But first, and most important, I need to get to the point of being able to take that break! Thanks for the inspiration!
Marquita Herald recently posted..On Making Peace With Uncertainty
Hi Marquita,
That photo got to me because I remember the days of the “van” Although I was on the East Coast during that time, it was always a party going on inside ((wink))
Taking that break and being unplugged is necessary. I always look forward each and every week to reading your blog. You have taught me so much about my inner self along the years. I know you are a writer and can only imagine how much time your fingers are on that keyboard.
I have done posts in advance while being unplugged, but I did need more time and having these two wonderful guests on my blog not only writing but also taking care of every commenter was a great blessing for me.
I didn’t have to second-guess what was going on in the internet world. It was an experience for me to be away for such a long time.
P.S. Take a break….unplug…and pick up where you left off…..all your followers like me will be there when you return…Promise!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: lozellemathai
July 27, 2015 at 10:14 am #
Good Day Donna,
Thank you for the great advice. I have always wondered how seasoned bloggers stay connected when they need time away.
Thank you for mentioning that it takes patience to build a blogging relationship. A blogging relationship is no different than any other relationship, as it it needs time to grow and develop trust.
You have a great community.
I hope you had a great time on vacation.
Lozelle Mathai recently posted..The Leap into Entrepreneurship…..
Hi Lozelle,
You are quite welcome my new friend. So good to know that you seen how some seasoned bloggers that are solo out here can connect and thereby have a wonderful community of their own.
Indeed, it does take time, but worth it!
And yes, I did have a blast on my 3 weeks unplugged.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
July 27, 2015 at 9:56 am #
Hi Donna,
Welcome back, I thought that you would have a new post today.
I’m sure you’ve enjoyed the time with your step kids, and grand children, and first of all didn’t really want to be online.
I know for me, it’s easier to be online while house sitting, but it’s much more difficult between them, like when I went to Ireland and more recently Spain.
However, as you said, there are many ways to keep your blog alive, for example with guest posts as you did, and also the fact that you made the time and effort to build a solid community who was just waiting for you to get back.
So happy you’re back and see you around my friend.
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..Why Writing An eBook Will Boost Your Business
Hi Sylviane,
It is great to be back. Spending three weeks straight in the offline world was a wonderful experience. I did get a little jittery when I returned thinking that I had to catch up, but taking it one day at a time after a day or two of jet lag…I had a clear mindset.
I knew that Ikechi and Harleena were taking care of my readers and was able to sit back and enjoy.
When you are hanging out with 5 little kids, there is no time at all in the day. I wanted to soak up every moment. By evening, the sun was settling at 10 p.m. in Seattle and we had our “adult” time feasting together and drinking good wine he he.
I am very grateful to my own little community that I have.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: enstinemuki
July 27, 2015 at 6:53 am #
Hi Donna,
You are right. There are moments we unplug but that doesn’t mean our blogs should follow us too.
I have not had that kind of long period off my blog but the last time I spent about a week out, it was not easy catching up especially with comments.
In 2013 (I think) I traveled out to Nigeria for a full week completely disconnected and one of my friends stood for me too.
Like you said, the best way to to build a community of trusted friends who will stand for you when you are off. I love that Ikechi and Harleena were there for you. I know these 2 personally and won’t be surprised they were there for you.
Ikechi has been a wonderful guy recently and I love to see him around. Harleena is no new even to bloggers under the bridge.
Thanks for helping us with this knowledge and welcome back
Enstine Muki recently posted..How to get Quality Blog Traffic From Twitter with ZERO Followers!
Hi Enstine,
Being away for a week to unplug is something I could handle a bit, but for three weeks….it is a long time.
Ikechi and Harleena are awesome and I am blessed to know them. I didn’t have to do much “catch up” because they both did a wonderful job answering my commenters as I knew they would.
As we all get closer to other bloggers, we create our own community and it only grows into trusted friends. That is the BEST!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: ikechiawazie
July 27, 2015 at 2:52 pm #
Hi Enstine
Thanks for the compliment. am just smiling. :). I am glad to have known you too.
ikechi recently posted..Keep The Faith, Find Your Fire and Set The World Alight
Hi Ikechi,
A compliment well deserved!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: andrea_ansari
July 27, 2015 at 5:31 am #
Hey Donna, glad you enjoyed some time with your loved ones. And you’re right. When you spend that golden time with your family, business is second. Great you found a good solution. I have heard of a blog post autopublishing software or plugin though, not sure about the name… I thought you were going to recommend something like that.
Andrea Ansari recently posted..OptimizePress Review & Special Bonuses!
Hi Andrea,
The one thing I don’t like is autopublishing via plug ins. I prefer people to people lol. I am blessed to know many that I could trust that will do a great job and take care of my readers while I’m away.
This is the first time I was unplugged for a long period of time, but putting “family first” is a priority to me.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: RenardMoreau
July 27, 2015 at 5:00 am #
[ Smiles ] Thankfully, I have my very own blogging tribe; people who follow my blog.
There is no one to take care of my blog when I am gone (I handle everything).
In situations that require me to unplug, I schedule my posts in advance and when I am online again, I respond to all the comments that were left on my scheduled posts.
Renard Moreau recently posted..A Blazing Hot EDM Track From Jauz And Ephwurd
Hi Renard,
I used to do the same as you…just unplug and then come back to “re-start” but I was always worrying.
Now that I have such strong connections with other bloggers over time, it is a great relief that I can leave my blog in their hands. No worries or wondering or even peeking in to see what’s going on.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure