This post was most recently updated on September 14th, 2012
In my last post, I wrote down a list of all the things I needed to accomplish on a typical day. Clearly, I was fighting “overwhelm”. But my attempts to handle this “overwhelm”, were purely at a conscious level. I took time management courses and they have worked well.
I created a pretty good “to-do” system on my computer, and occasionally I even made pretty good use of it. On a good day, I had my list right in front of me, and would check off one accomplishment after another. Sounds like I knew what I was doing right? NO WAY!
I named this blog post “Mind State Change” because within just a few weeks, I have noticed a big change in my life. That’s because I took these conscious efforts, and added a deeper, subconscious component to them. All I did was download a series of audios on my little MP3 player and away I went!
I was now working with less effort, but with much more clarity and focus at the subconscious level as I participated in these “mind experiments.”
Click here to effect your own “Mind State Change”!
I immediately found myself writing articles faster than I ever did before. Immediately!
I wrote my very first sales page all by myself… without hesitation and with perfect confidence. Even though my conscious mind would have quickly criticized me because it was only the first time I was doing it. I found that the long to-do list I wrote about in my last blog, was suddenly being handled easily, without stress and with a sense of calm, peace and purpose.
I feel like a new and more powerful woman. In fact, I am. I have undergone a total transformative mind state change!
The one burning question I received from my last post was “Does it take a lot of time?”
Answer: Not at all. As you know, I have a lot of irons on the fire in my life, and noticed many others do also. I just pushed my “bedtime” up a half hour. I plugged the earphones into my ear and within 20 minutes…voila…My subconscious mind was consumed with clear direction, focus and confidence.
I can now enjoy even the most mundane chore without my mind wandering, or feeling overwhelmed. I can do each task I have during the day with total confidence and focus, and with immediate success. REALLY!!!
See how You can transform your mind to harness the enormous, untapped potential that resides in your brain at this very moment. Click here to effect your own “Mind State Change”!
Hi Donna,
it is so great to hear that you found something to help you with your overwhelm and confidence.
Working with the subliminal and hypnosis can be very powerful since it bypasses our ‘gatekeeper’ that is trying to keep us safe.
I like playing the small version of one of my vision board in the corner on my computer, which works on a subliminal level with pictures and sound. In some of them I include binaural beat to help with getting into the alpha brainwaves.
Thank you so much for sharing this!
Love and Light
Yorinda recently posted..Vision Board How you can Display and view it even on an I phone
Oh Boy Yorinda that sounds like a lot of fun! I have a subliminal version on my computer also! This stuff is so much fun, but most of all empowering.
We are creatures of growth. We must keep up with it and have the best experience we can have every day. I cannot imagine being stagnant.
Thanks for visiting,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Living Gratitude
This really was fascinating Donna. I got a lot from this. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a great week.
Thanks Michael, I am glad you enjoyed it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Living Gratitude
Hi Donna,
How inspiring!
I’m a big fan of leveraging the subconscious to get our “silly voice” out of the way, and focused on what we truly want.
I’m a licensed NLP Business Practitioner, and I can’t agree with you more on the importance of achieving great state for an effortless, productive day. After all, we are at our most resourceful when we feel great.
Thanks for sharing – I love your video. You sound so relaxed, in control and happy.
Have a wonderful day.
Thanks so much for your kind and inspiring words Dee!
I love NLP! Been doing it for a long time. So much so, that when I’m in a situation that that “noisy voice” shouts at me, I can automatically go to my little NLP mindset.
It works!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
Hi Donna, congratulations on finding a way to stay really focused. We all have the same number of hours in a day, yet each one of us achieves different things during those hours. It’s all a matter of focusing on things that are most important to us. Does this mean we get to see more of your wonderful posts and videos? Hope so!
Julieanne van Zyl recently posted..How to Lose a Lot of Money
Hey Julianne,
I know there are only 24 hours in a day. Too bad! I am at the point right now where I can actually enjoy my day by doing something for me!!!
I have this work ethic engrained in my soul and I needed to restrucrue it.
I had to make sure I was relaxed and totally focused and this has helped me so much.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
Donna! Wow. I clicked the link and I see the opt in form. Very little explanation but your blog was convincing, so I’m trusting you! I have to do a new content calendar, update my marketing plan and write a few Kindle books. My focus needs focus right now. I’ll let ya know how it works for me thank you for the hookup!
Mys Palmer recently posted..Introduction: Do This, Don’t Do that…yet-9 Steps to Official entrepreneurship
Hey Donna,
It’s been a few weeks. I love the idea of this Mind State Change. I am a father of 3, own 2 business and I try to run my blog. (Yes try) The ability to be able to focus is something I need in the worst way.
Can’t wait!
Joe S. recently posted..Auto Detailing Gift Certificates are the Perfect Gift, and here is why!
Looks like another resource I need to check out Donna. I’m all for anything that can help transform our minds, help us create better focus, and manage time better to get the important things done! Glad you’ve had much success so far and looking forward to hearing more of your results!
Kesha Brown recently posted..Why Affirmations Don’t Work For You
Awesome Kesha!
Thanks for visiting.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Google+ Hangout With Patricia Gozlan
Hi Donna…this sounds like a great system…I’ve tried a lot of different things over the years…and know that nlp can be very powerful as can hypnosis. I have used a system of high tech meditation for years and wouldn’t be without it. It’s great you found a system that helps with overwhelm. I’ll definitely check it out. Thanks.
Celeste Smucker recently posted..To Live Younger Longer, Create Good Health
Hi Celeste!
Sounds like you have a good meditation system going for you! That’s great. Anything that we can use to grow keeps us focused. Focusing, Time management and self confidence is so important.
I like this too because it is done for the internet marketer, so it helps you visualize specific needs we all have.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Porchfest Ithaca
Hey Donna, awesome post once again. And moreover the video was excellent. Your confidence was absolutely apparent in your video. You are one of my inspirations to work with full force 🙂 Love to be here 🙂
Shiwangi peswani recently posted..Facebook Status Apps – Get Funny With Hilarious Facebook Statuses
Such sweet words Shiwangi,
I thank you so much
Donna Merrill recently posted..Porchfest Ithaca
Twitter: rebekahradice
September 16, 2012 at 12:07 pm #
Hi Donna! This is incredibly intriguing to me and very timely. I have been listening to a meditative podcast as I fall asleep to calm my mind and focus my attention and intention for the morning.
I feel the same ‘overwhelm’ you have described and definitely need a mind state change. Thank you as always for sharing your personal development stories to help us overcome our own challenges!
Rebekah Radice recently posted..12 Most Powerful Ways to Create Facebook Engagement
Hi Rebekah,
Glad you enjoyed it. When we are working for ourselves, we are the everything from CEO to the dish washer. We do get stuck sometimes and need to step back.
Oh I have many methods of doing so, but this particular download was formatted for the internet marketer. I went through all the modules and do repeat them if I need a boost.
This is helping me so productive that I take time off without the feeling of guilt. And that’s saying a lot for me!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Porchfest Ithaca
Hello Donna,
Changes are good..
These days, writing is also the most effortless it has ever been for me because of some changes. Now, I can crank out thousand words in less than an hour without breaking a sweat.
But it didn’t always used to be this didn’t always use to be so easy.
It all happens because of a change. Change in my way of thinking, change in my way of working, in my bucket list, and everywhere.
“changes defines you.”
Thanks Donna for this inspiring post.
What wise words Romy!
Change is the key word here. Some people take too much time to realize it and some don’t change at all. This causes stress. Life is change, so we need to go with the flow and do the best we can.
It is so good to see that you are writing so quickly.
Yes, Changes do define us!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Porchfest Ithaca
I went through this with my own health. I did exercise a little, but I was wanting to do more and made excuses that bogged me down. I got tired of the excuses and all it took was making a decision and sticking to it.
I feel better than ever.

Nile recently
Hi Nile,
Once we get sick of excuses, we finally do something about it. Well, I can speak for you and myself.
It is funny that some people can cloak themselves with excuses all their lives.
I like to grow, I want to keep growing and learning until, well…
Donna Merrill recently posted..Porchfest Ithaca
It’s all about the state of mind. Mastery over one’s willpower is the key to growing as a person and getting things done. Excuses are just self-imposed restrictions. Sorry if I’m beginning to sound like a Tony Robbins seminar – Donna, your blog post has me pumped to try this thing out!
Hey Donna, I own a LOT of stuff from the individual that produced those audios. His background in mind science studies means that he’s not just another fluff marketer. His sales page kinda has the cheesy look but Jason knows his stuff and has the results to prove it (and gets the results for others). I own a number of his trainings both in mind sciences and in internet marketing (and promote some too) and they are consistently solid. Glad to see you’ve discovered him!
Hey Kim,
Glad you know about him and his track record. I am so particular when it comes to sharing any self help products. First I research like a wild woman, then purchase and use the product.
If it works..I’ll share it. If it is not up to my standards, I toss it away.
I’m loving this and it has increased my productivity.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Porchfest Ithaca
Hello Donna,
thanks for the video.. now I know for certain what I thought I knew before… you are Italian!!!! Me too.
I sensed that you where Italian, but since I had so much on my plate, never really went any further then thing of it.. now is official 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing your ways to handle whatver going on in our life and how great it is to take a brake and comeback stronger then ever before…
I usually do that, but did not think it was important to share… well, my friend, now you did it and I am as happy, just as I would have done.
Thanks so much for all you do to support others along this journey called life or Internet Lifestyle haha 🙂
Nick Catricala recently posted..InnerVeritas
Thank you Nick,
Yes, I am Italian and somewhere I think I seen that you come from Calabria.
I am one quarter Calibraze. We are said to have think heads lol but that is good because once we put our mind to something, we do it.
The more I get to know you Nick, the better I like you!
Thank you so much for your comment.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Hi Donna,
Another superb article.
It is a fact that sounds works better for subconcious mind rather tham eye.
I like your idea of making a to do list for your whole day as it help us to pick the next thing without wasting our time once we finish one.
We usually follow this technique in software engineering where we have a backlog of task. If someone finished its task then pick another one from the backlog. No need to think what we have to do next n all.
Sandeep Kumar recently posted..5 Reasons Your Guest Blogging Techniques Will Fail and Solution
Hi Sandeep,
Now that sounds like a great model of efficiency! As long as we have a list and know where we are going it is like a map for success.
Thanks for your lovely comment,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Hi Donna!
your audio sound is great and i think that i would help to you what you want and what you want to do.this helps in meditation .nice blog.i really like it.
anshul recently posted..Online Banking Software
Thank you so much Anshul.
I appreciate your kind words and thank you for visiting.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Donna, That is fabulous that you are a new woman! From the inside out! Love your new trendy hair cut/color.
Does your “Mind State Change” have anything to do with self talk or affirmations? I’ve always been apprehensive about Hypnosis, probably because I don’t understand it or I’ve only seen stuff like that on TV.
Anyway, so happy for you!
Hi Lynn,
Thank you! Well if you think hypnosis makes you act like a chicken…no. The subconscious mind is very powerful. You will only do what you want to do. Only things you are open to.
I’ve done self talk and affirmations, and still do, but the self hypnosis download is designed for better focus, better self confidence and most importantly, to be a better marketer. That’s why I like it.
Maybe it does have something to do with my hair? lol
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
I would need a mind state change as well, nowadays I often feel that I can’t get out of stuck… Maybe I should manage my time more efficient, but I can’t handle this in this way…
Hi Donna;)
We are all overwhelmed with information, news on the TV, magazines, newspapers, ipads and you name it information is everywhere!
Knowing to choose what is useful for us and our business or our life is a job!
What I do before starting working in a focused way is ask myself what is my goal for the next 2 hours and for the day in general.
Then I brainstorm in 10 minutes the actions that will bring me there.
I love working fast..
I think if we ask the right questions we get the right answers.
By asking our unconscious mind what we want now , our body reacts right away. Trusting our intuition as you trust your hairdresser (LOL) and have fun with it is key to success!
Patricia Gozlan recently posted..Small Business Owners: Use Your 6th Sense and Double Your Profits Easily
Hi Patricia,
Well you have been on this path for a long time now. You can do this with a snap of a finger my friend.
You are in tune with your subconscious mind and can get those answers by listening to your body and trusting your intuition.
So can I..but I always want more …. My life in self growth is like potato chips…I can’t eat just one! I need to keep on learning.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Wow, it’s awesome that you got such a great result from trying this out! Now you know I have to check this out, right?? This sounds like a better motivator than a box of chocolate cupcakes. When I really need to focus and get something done it usually involves a lot of junk food on my desk. Then I have to repent on the treadmill so all in all I’m probably not doing myself any favors. Can’t wait to hear what comes next for you 🙂
Carol Lynn recently posted..Tear Down That Wall! Overcoming Obstacles in Your Marketing
He He Carol Lynn!
A box of chocolates is a quick fix, but as you say a long time repenting on your treadmill.
I had to find that reinforcement to what I already know, do apply, but not consistently. This was what I found and it is working like a charm. So much so that I took up another task.
So maybe I should go back and eat chocolate? lol
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Twitter: usmile
September 10, 2012 at 9:22 am #
Hey Donna,
That’s awesome that you have found something that works for you, especially hypnosis. Hypnosis works, it’s very powerful and absolutely creates change in one’s life – if you want it. Most people don’t realize they do this naturally! Doing your program helps you, guides you to change thinking patterns and create new ones that work better for you. When you fall asleep while the audio is still playing, you’re subconscious mind is paying attention and taking all the information in. It’s all good. That’s why you were – ready to go, when you woke up! Thanks for sharing!
Lesly Federici recently posted..Try To Pick Up A Pencil
Hey Lesly,
Yes, we do go through hypnosis all day at different intervals…You should write a post about that because I forgot how that works. But I do know it happens. Isn’t that awesome.
From that point it is such a natural part of us and when enhanced, oh boy, we can fly.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Hi Donna
I’ve had trouble keeping focus just recently since we moved house.
There’s a lot of stuff going on offline so maybe Mind State Change would help.
I’ll check it out.
Love the video by the way.
Have a great week.
Tim Bonner recently posted..How To Find Out If Your Blog Posts Are Being Copied
Thanks Tim!
I know how that struggle is when moving. Yes, by all means check it out, but make sure you have at least 20 minutes a day so you can use it he he.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Hi Donna,
thanks for sharing this, very interesting. There’s not the slightest doubt in my mind that you are unstoppable ! Love the video full of energy. We all could use more confidence and effectiveness, right ?
Take care
Thanks Oliver,
You always seem to put a smile on my face. I think I am unstoppable. I don’t know why, but I think I’m in competition with myself. lol
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Confidence with ease of action…love it! I love the video as well. It’s authentic and natural.
I understand that self hypnosis can work for anyone IF they want it to. But that seems to be the rub. What happens if someone tries to do this and they don’t seem to get it. Are there results that should happen or is it different for each person?
Inquiring minds want to know…
Ken Pickard recently posted..What the Klout, How Does This Score Help you?
Ha Ha Ken!
The subconscious mind is a tricky little thing. I do believe that everyone can benefit from hypnosis. Once when I was under hypnosis with my therapist all I kept thinking is that this stuff is so not gonna work.
I left his office apprehensive of going back to my next $100 per hour scheduled appointment. I thought to myself that the $100 I am spending for this 50 minute hour can buy me and my husband a great dinner and I would immediately feel good!
It was issues about my self esteem. The next day, as I was getting ready to go out, I noticed the color blue of a sweater I was wearing and admired the color for the first time. Then I was putting on mascara and for the first time in my life I noticed the color of my eyes. I started feeling good about myself.
I kept the next appointment with much more enthusiasm…as you can see now what a blabber mouth I am. If you were to see me then, I was so not sure of myself.
Well, That’s my take on it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
I love this post Donna. I have found that the best time for me to do trainings is in the evening before bed. Then the things that I want to influence how I think are there as I sleep through the night. That is when I see the best results. I used to work the other way around where I trained in the morning and then worked in the afternoon, but I found that did not have the desired effect that I wanted it to have. Thanks for sharing your experience. It sounds like the system that you found is really helpful.
Gen recently posted..Time To Bring It All Together
Hi Gen.
I can figure out why it works before you go to bed now….the kids! lol
It is difficult to create a quiet atmosphere when you are raising the little ones. With all that you do, I wonder sometimes where YOU get the time for it all.
Thanks for visiting Gen,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Twitter: maryjstephenson
September 9, 2012 at 10:01 pm #
Hi Donna
I agree it is so easy to get distract and not get anything done. I like to make lists otherwise I find out that I don’t get nearly as much stuff done in a day.
I usually like to make a statement before I go to sleep at night if I am having issues with something…”I need some help with this”. Either in the wee hours of the morning or the following morning I acquire the answer as to what to do.
The problem is that I keep having more and more stuff to learn. I guess I will never be done with my education with this internet business.
Glad to hear you are having great success.
Mary Stephenson recently posted..The Slow Destruction of Our Self-Esteem
Hi Mary,
I don’t think we ever get our education done when it comes to the internet business lol. With changes every where – almost every day, we do need to keep up.
Sometimes I find myself learning a whole new thing and so happy, only to find out a system is down, or there are new rules on a platform… It will never end, so I take it in stride.
I like your idea of making that statement before you go to bed! That works for so many people.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
September 9, 2012 at 2:31 pm #
Hi Donna,
Isn’t it really cool? 🙂 Wow… Yeah, really. Can we build that much confidence after listing all of our to-dos? It’s our subconscious mind preventing and feeling us can’t do ’em all, right? Unlocking and changing our mind state can really do such. Sometimes unbelievable.
Yesterday I started building a website for one of my friends’ father, and now I’m already finishing it. I was very afraid to be on a completely unknown platform but today I learnt it and finishing it. Before starting what I was doing is relaxing, relaxing, relaxing and taking time to prepare myself. It improved my focus. If I just jump into that job, I know I ll take more than 3 days to learn and build that website. Really cool. And when I hear your story, I gain more confidence for myself too.
Great share Donna 🙂

Mayura recently posted..Share Your Computer Screen Instantly with Screenleap
I am glad you gained confidence in yourself Mayura,
Yes, If you relax completely BEFORE a task, it does get done much more quickly rather than doing it any other way. You were successful in learning a new platform to build that website because of the clarity in your mind.
Isn’t it wonderful?
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
September 14, 2012 at 4:08 pm #
Absolutely wonderful Donna 🙂 I can’t imagine I did it. I’d say “WOW” 🙂
Thanks for your kind words blend with inspiration dear 🙂
Mayura recently posted..Learn Web Development Technologies and Try Yourself at W3Schools
That is good news Mayura!
I am so happy for you
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
September 8, 2012 at 10:02 pm #
Hi Donna,
It looks like we are pretty much on the same accord experiencing the same type of results right now using similar tools.
I love self hypnosis and I really have been using it for the past few weeks and have seen some changes in my life and results as well.
I will definitely check this thing out you have here 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..How Can You Attract More Business – Part Four
Hi Sylviane,
I know..we couldn’t have even planned this at the same time ha ha ha
But I love hypnosis and good to see that it is working for you too!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Hi Donna,
Your audio sounds really great! I have been juggling alot of tasks lately and sometimes I feel overwhelmed. This audio has really helped you to focus and be clear on what you need to accomplish and you get it done. I will check it out. Thanks for sharing!
Shelley Alexander recently posted..Are You Living Life by Design or by Chance?
Hi Shelley,
This program did help me with “overwhelm” – Even though I have all the bells and whistles in place on my computer, on my list and even in my mind.
I am consciously aware of everything I need to do, but it still was overwhelming.
Using this system keeps me in the mindset that I enjoy even the smallest task. Take a peek and see what I mean.
Thanks for visiting,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Twitter: PJZafra
September 8, 2012 at 11:39 am #
Hi Donna,
This is a great thing you’re up to here. I love what you’re doing! Mindset change may sound hard or even impossible to achieve, it’s not. As long as we’re guided to the right path with a leader who’s an expert on that (Mp3’s) and we believe, it will happen! This is definitely something people need to consider and take a look at.
Thanks for sharing this Donna! Keep it up!
Pj Zafra recently posted..Help Others To Help Yourself
Thanks for your kind words P.J.
Oh…my very first MP3 lol! I can’t believe what I was missing all this time. I just have this thing about sticking things in my ears. Now I’m addicted he he.
I was just at the gym WALKING on the treadmill listening to symphonies. All around me were younger people running like the wind with their ear phones in. It was a funny site when I looked at the mirror ha ha ha
Thanks for visiting,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Hey Donna
This mind state change sounds intriguing.
If these audio’s can work on you, then maybe their is some hope for me.
Also never tried anything of this sort before so quite excited.
Simmeon recently posted..Blogging, Interrupted – What To Do?
Hi Simmeon,
Yes, it did work for me and I have done so many other kinds of self-hypnosis. What I like about this the best is that it is designed for our niche.
Check it out you may just find it beneficial.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Twitter: marquitaherald
September 7, 2012 at 11:01 pm #
Congratulations on finding a system that works for you Donna! As I’m sure you’ll agree, like so many things in life there are no ‘one size fits all’ time management systems. It sounds like you are an auditory learner so the audio was a winner for you. Someone else who has a visual learning style probably wouldn’t have the same level of success with that format.
Understanding how you process information can be a big help when it comes to selecting organization methods, and even gadgets and make a big difference in how successful you are at creating and sticking to systems and goals.
marquita herald recently posted..When You Need Something to Believe In, Start With Your Self
Absolutely Marty,
It is like going to a bookstore and looking for a specific topic. There will be loads of books on that, but only one will resonate with you.
I’ve been through a lot of this kind of self hypnosis methods, but not designed specifically to my needs. They were all great, but I needed that specific internet marketing goal.
Of course, now that this cut my time in half, I did take on a new project. Ha Ha it never ends!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
I use Bill Harris’s Holosync to keep me in the right frame of mind. They are meditation CD’s and they have been working great for me for over 10 years!
I just have to remember to do extra meditation when I hit that overwhelm state and things come back into perspective.
Carla McNeil, Social Media Manager recently posted..If Content is King, Then Pictures are Queen – 3 Sure Fire Ways to Boost Your Ranking with Pictures
I know how that feels Carla.
Sometimes when overwhelm hits, I forget too. It’s all part of a very large picture we call life lol.
Good to see another person that had success from meditation CD’s! As I noted before, I have undergone hypnosis with a therapist, and have purchased downloads to be more focused. But this one is designed for the internet marketer. That’s what I like about it the best.
I don’t flounder anymore when I sit in front of my computer and my work takes me half the time to do. So of course, I took on a NEW project lol!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
September 7, 2012 at 3:18 pm #
Ah, so this did end up working well for you Donna. I’m so thrilled for you.
I’m curious which audios you listened to. I had a marketer send me some hypnosis audios he had put together just for the internet marketer but my mind continues to wander when I listen to them and more then once I fell asleep but didn’t get up raring to go. In the past I’ve never had success with hypnosis, the same reason it took me two years before I was actually able to meditate. That darn brain of mine will not for the life of me shut off. It goes 90 miles an hour.
But, I’m curious so I’ll see you on the next page. Oh yeah, I’m no dummy…
Adrienne recently posted..HELP: In Search Of A New Plug-In
Oh Adrienne, You are so funny!
Hypnosis does work if you want it to. This one in particular is made for internet marketers. What I like about it the best is first, there is a module to help you focus, then another to help you enjoy what you are doing. It goes on and on and the last module is tailor made for the internet marketer.
I have finished all of it and am doing some again for reinforcement. That’s how it works for me. I am totally in love with this particular one.
And I’ve tried many lol.
So your brain is going 90 mph, but what about your subconscious? Hmmm I wonder!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
This post is so relevant to my life right now. I’ve just begun a journey in yoga and meditation and it has changed my mindset completely! I find myself so much more productive and the best part: I am less stressed and I have more time! The subconscious is a powerful thing.
Hi Melissa,
Yoga and meditation are awesome! I have been meditating for years. I also have undergone hypnosis and found it a powerful boost to stop those “blocks” we get.
And yes, the subconscious is a powerful thing!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
sounds interesting
am curious to know your secret 🙂
i just joined by adding my email , ill wait and see
farouk recently posted..The psychology of control freaks
Hi Farouk….
Yes, it is interesting. It has made me not only more productive, but also in a very calm focused way. I have done so much time management stuff, but this really put me into action.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Twitter: suejprice
September 7, 2012 at 2:26 am #
Hi Donna
This sounds amazing. Being focused with what I am doing sounds awesome to me. I find myself writing my next blog post while I walk like you said. I would like to be where I am, If that makes sense.
So I will have to check this out.
Thanks Donna
Sue Price recently posted..Passive Income from Affiliate Marketing
Thanks Sue,
I know what you mean! I like to keep focused on each and ever task I am doing from putting together a marketing plan to walking the dog. All with enjoyment and ease.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Twitter: DrErica
September 7, 2012 at 12:15 am #
Donna,That special audio sounds intriguing.As a former Professor of Health and Physical Education, I taught courses in stress management and yoga for years. I do know how to relax, breathe deeply and clear my mind – and I often follow what I know. But then there are those times when I take on more than I can handle and hold onto an expectation and stringent deadlines. The online \”gurus\” have added that pressure to my consciousness, that is, until I decided \”enough!\”I am no longer willing to pressure myself. Instead I have my list, I do what I can today and I allow some items to linger there as long as needed until I finally have the open space and energy to deal with them. Without the sense of pressure and urgency, I feel more relaxed and I do get much more accomplished.Warmly,Dr. Erica
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..Overcoming Adversity – What’s Love Got To Do With It?
I know EXACTLY what you mean. I’ve been a student of DBT, Hypnosis, meditation, etc. I do practice these modalities. Usually I can catch myself when I hit those “overload” days.
I was doing my list pretty accurately, but without the presence of calmness. I tried all the tricks in my magic bag, but then I ran into this program that really helped me quickly.
I know the pressures of internet marketers, they can get mislead by the “gurus” and all the shinny objects one encounters on a daily basis.
Also there are people who are in network marketing and start to fizzle out.
I like this program because it is something “to do” right before bedtime and I believe it will help those that don’t have the tools in action.
Thank you so much for your input.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change
Hi Donna
Your post is very timely. Only a couple of hours ago I watched a short video about how to work on changing the subconscious mind by repeating affirmative statements on areas of your life that you want to improve, just before you go to sleep. This is apparently the time when our subconscious is most receptive to change.
So I was really interested to hear about your results and I will definitely be checking this out. I could certainly do with more control in my life:-)
Louise recently posted..Why Every Local Business Needs A Mobile Version Of Its Website
Hi Louise,
I has worked for me and I usually listen to it a half hour before bedtime. I find that every task I am doing is going quickly with total focus.
I have been hypnotized before with a therapist and it was very costly. To me, this is a great deal and works well.
I even picked up a new project and am able to keep up with it. If you have any questions, just ask me.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Mind State Change