Some people are upset that Facebook has gone corporate. They tell me that their posts don’t get the organic social reach they once did. While that may be true, I still think that Facebook is a marketer’s dream.
I’ll give you a few reasons why I say that, then I’ll share with you a short video I put together to show you how I’ve started using Facebook for marketing.
Now, let me be clear about one thing. When I say that I use Facebook for marketing, I’m talking specifically about Facebook pages, often referred to as “fan pages.” Here’s why I think that Facebook “pages” are so much better to develop than your Facebook profile (your personal feed).
- Unlimited Growth. The number of Facebook “friends” you can have on your personal profile is limited to 5,000. But your Facebook pages can have an unlimited number of “fans”. Also, you can only have one profile, but an infinite (or at least far more than you’ll ever need) number of fan pages. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like limits set on my business. So if I’m going to spend a ton of time, effort and “ad spend”, I want to know that my growth is limited only by my ability and resources, not by some arbitrary set of rules.
- Commerce. Pages can be used to build your business. You can sell products, market services and your own business brand. There’s many built in Facebook tools that even help you do that, like “Insights,” “Facebook Ads” and “Custom Audiences”. You can even use custom apps to build a mailing list and boost your Facebook likes. These activities are expressly prohibited on your profile.
- Privacy. While your personal profile is built to feature your personal information and activities, your fan page only shows things you post for the consumption of your clients, customers and followers. Does your kid have a birthday coming up? All those details can be confined to your profile for family and friends, but can be kept private and hidden from your fan page consumers. This helps keeping your “private” world separate from your business world… not an easy thing to do if you’re only using your profile on Facebook.
- Professionalism. If you’re sending customers, blog visitors and the like to your personal page, you don’t look like you’re running a business. If you send them to your business or fan page, you appear to be far more professional, and will likely attract a more serious minded clientele.
- SEO. Fan pages, like any other web pages, can be ranked by the major search engines. That means, they stand a chance of gaining greater exposure, and you stand a chance of getting a lot more traffic to your page, your offers and even your blog if you point people in that direction from your fan page. So, make sure your pages are “search engine optimized” to build an even bigger following.
Now that you have an idea of WHY I’m working on developing my Facebook fan page, let me show you HOW I’m doing it.
What do you think?
Has Facebook become a marketer’s dream… or nightmare?
Do you have a Facebook fan page? Have I inspired you to create one, or have I given you some ideas for making better use of the one your have? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. PS: Don’t forget to share this article on your social sites, and even on your Facebook pages!
Twitter: saraharrow
April 21, 2014 at 1:57 pm #
I think the only thing Facebook has going for it is the custom audiences that allows you to target your adverts better. The reach on pages has fell through the floor, now I wouldn’t usually mind as its a free platform but FB over the years have actively encouraged us to build an audience there. Now they have out audience and won’t let us reach them… I’m just thankful that FB isn’t part of my marketing strategy!
Sarah Arrow recently posted..100 Quick Email Marketing Tips
Hi Sarah,
Facebook has changed. But there is a bit of strategy that can be used as of this writing that I did apply, other than what I mention here. So far, so good. But you just never know when things will change.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Have You Come A Long Way, Blogger?
Twitter: workingonthego
April 20, 2014 at 6:37 am #
Hi Donna,
So true Facebook is well worth using to reach customers . It also it a very good tool for reaching customers for local and industry events online and offline.
Wishing you continued success with your page.
Kind Regards
Rosemary O’Shaughnessy recently posted..Trust An Important Study !
Hi Rosemary,
Sorry for the late response to your comment. It sure is a wonderful place for local customers and events on and off line!
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Have You Come A Long Way, Blogger?
Twitter: cheryschmidt
April 29, 2014 at 3:07 pm #
Hello Again Donna! I just wanted to stop back in to Thank You for this great idea! I am going to implement this strategy right away.. You’re so Awesome!! Sorry about last night Hope I can take a raincheck. Looking forward to chatting with you.. Have an Awesome Day!! Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..Discover How To Build A Successful Online Brand
Hi Chery,
Just noticed you here…sorry for the delay! Glad I could help and get in touch with me any time Girl!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Persistence For Online Success
Twitter: cheryschmidt
April 17, 2014 at 1:47 pm #
Hello Donna, great article as well as your video, Contests sound like a great way to reach your audience, You have done a great job here, I also think it would be worth $5 to advertise on FaceBook. I do have more engagement on my timeline vs my fan page though.
I was wondering how you made your banner go to that form Perhaps you can share this with us n one of your blog posts :))
Have a Great Easter and thanks for all you do.
Chery :))
Hi Chery,
Sorry for the delay in my response. I too have more engagement on my timeline than my page, but sometimes I share something like a question or an image from my page to my timeline and people come on over to like my page.
It’s taking some time, but the engagement is increasing.
My banner? I had someone do it for me.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Have You Come A Long Way, Blogger?
Twitter: rachellavern
April 14, 2014 at 8:27 pm #
Hi Donna,
It sounds like you are enjoying the process of building your Facebook Fan Page 🙂
I have considered using my Facebook Fan Pae to accelerate building a list for my business, which I think is the number one thing you can do for your business. Even with a budget of just $5 a day, you can be adding a dozen or so subscribers every day to your list. All you need to start is a simple email autoresponder sequence ready to go.
Rachel Lavern recently posted..The Winners Dig Deeper
Hi Rachel,
I think that’s a good idea. Right now anyway. When marketing, we have to jump in like cats because things change so quickly.
So far so good for me…. As long as I’ve kept up my 80/20 rule, I have been getting new subscribers from my tab.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Have You Come A Long Way, Blogger?
Twitter: melaniedyoung1
April 14, 2014 at 6:26 pm #
I have a fan page that I created when I was involved with a fitness mlm. I’m sure it can be re-purposed with no problem. Having a fan page does keep you from spamming the crap out of your friends and family who probably have no desire to see what you had for lunch everyday.
Melanie Young recently posted..Here Come The Pink TuTu’s
Hi Melanie,
You sure brought out a great point. It does keep out those family and friends that you don’t want to deal with. As for spamming…it can happen, but it is sure easy to kick them out.
Donna Merrill recently posted..My 200th Blog Post Celebration
Twitter: hollyfulfordjef.
April 14, 2014 at 4:02 pm #
I can’t say as I have a Facebook fan page yet, but you’ve explained rather well ( at least for my sake) the differences and why you feel that it’s a great place to be! I haven’t set up a fanpage yet, but will one day.. Thanks for the great info as to why I would want to!
Holly recently posted..Why Workout?
Hi Holly,
If and when you do set up a Fan Page, It is a great way to sell your products and/or services.
Donna Merrill recently posted..My 200th Blog Post Celebration
Twitter: ArtaGene
April 14, 2014 at 12:21 am #
Hi Donna,
Have several Facebook Fan pages that I use, most active is my Internet Money Store which I have linked to my blog…sort of!
Did a $5.00 promo about a month ago when I had posted a decent post and shared hoping
to get my likes up!
Was actually working to get my likes on the page above 100, but the ad didn’t do it
for me.
What did do it for me was posting in several groups where people share their
pages and posts and state very plainly…I need some likes on this a comment and
I’ll return the favor!
Feel like I am finally nearing the top of the hill. Don’t have anywhere near your figures, but
if you go from none to 10 to 15 people reading a post..that is progress.
What is amazing, a lot of my older posts that had no views are now showing views…didn’t realize it would work on something posted a month ago (sometimes more!)
Guess the best thing is to just keep posting and learn as you go!
Thanks for the share!
Cararta recently posted..Leverage Your Marketing Skills: Social Marketing Works
Hi Carata,
What an excellent way you have created to get your posts noticed. Joining groups is the best way to do it.
I belong to two groups and as long as they are faithful…it works well. So happy for you!
Donna Merrill recently posted..My 200th Blog Post Celebration
Hey Donna,
Ok, you just inspired me with this post. I have a fan page set up, but I just haven’t been active on it. I didn’t know they have all of these extra features such as tracking on it. I had started using the $5 promotion, but I don’t know why I stopped. I guess it’s because I was like an octopus on roller skates, meaning I was going in every direction but not getting anywhere LOL. But I vow that this was the year that I streamline my marketing and tie everything together so I can take my time and add a strategy at a time so I can get the full potential of generating traffic, leads and sales! Thanks for sharing this and I will definitely have to come back to this post!
Take Care and have a great week!
Hi Sherman,
Glad I inspired you my friend. It will take some time, but following a plan on our Facebook Pages will bring more to you.
But this is just one part of it. The real fun starts after a while and then you can place some ads in front of whomever you want!
We do have to get noticed first so then people can respond to the paid ads we can do on Facebook.
Donna Merrill recently posted..My 200th Blog Post Celebration
Hi Sue,
There is a method to my madness! Boosting a post for five bucks is worth it to me. I boost every blog post I write so I can get some eyes on it. I may even boost something from my page that entices engagement. Like “what is your favorite____” Making my page more active.
Marketing on Facebook these days is pretty hot. I don’t Boost any posts that are for sales purposes, instead each week I remind my followers to “press the red button” which is my sales page.
There is a way where we can “scrape” certain people that follow something similar to what we market. Then we can place the add in front of them. Long story….
I don’t always post promotional posts, but mix it up a bit. Plus making it a bit of fun running contests.
And of course, I’m always sharing other peoples stuff on Facebook. It’s the old 80/20 rule to be followed here, as everywhere.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: sueken
April 12, 2014 at 9:17 am #
Nearly all of the friends and followers on my personal FB profile are business related. I keep in touch with personal friends and family via a different account. I tend to concentrate more on my profile than my page, partly because my page views have gone down so much.
I have thought of paying for for promotional page posts but this concerns me. If the only posts that many people see are promotional ones won’t this put them off following you and lead to them unliking your page?
Your video has shown me that it is best to also pay for posts that will elicit a good response; when people feel that they are getting benefit from it rather than helping to promote someone another person’s product or service?
I will make more of an effort with my page and try and follow your excellent example, Donna.
Twitter: sarupashah
April 12, 2014 at 8:59 am #
I agree about pages on FB – bit there is so much about them that is also limiting – and that includes them being less likely to show up on people’s FB streams…I think FB advertising is the way to go … people are uncomfortable with it – but it is a free platform and like you say a marketing dream – and the clever ones invest to stand out 🙂
Sarupa Shah recently posted..How to use your vision board to manifest!
Hi Sarupa,
Yes, less and less of our stuff is showing up. But people who want to market something need to learn a few tricks of the trade in order to build their business on a FB Page.
Advertising is pretty cost effective. But things are always changing, so this is why I wanted to alert my readers of how great it could work.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: WellGal
April 11, 2014 at 5:21 pm #
Hello Donna.
These are fantastic suggestions for how to boost your Facebook business page, which I must admit is one area I really need to work on.
I especially like the idea of doing a contest. Also, the tip on when to do a post was super useful. I plan on employing both these suggestions as a start!
In terms of boosting your posts, have you found that that converts to more followers? Also, do you know if the results are tied to how many current followers you have?
Karen Peltier recently posted..Boost Your Digestion & More With a Tropical Pineapple-Kiwi Spa Smoothie!
Twitter: bihar
April 9, 2014 at 2:45 pm #
Hi Donna
I think it is a dream considering what’s happening in the SEO world. SEO is changing every month. One month its OK and the next month, its different. Sometimes you just wonder what is right and what’s not. Enter the Facebook, I think it has lots of potential. I tried it once but I can’t be too sure. Perhaps I did not use it in the right way. Remember the children’s book on India, which you also bought, I promoted that book and that month it did sell a bit. So done correctly, it can work.
Shalu Sharma recently posted..Interview with traveler Irene Turner
Hi Shalu,
Like anything else in marketing it takes patience and persistence. It never happens overnight. There are many great ways to market on Facebook right now. Yes it is a large learning curve to do it effectively.
I spent a month building my FB Page, now it is time to hit the marketplace.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Hi Donna,
you are providing fantastic information on the many benefits Facebook and especially pages has.
Your video gives a great demo of how you can use this and the Page modo contest.
I was lucky to win a lifetime membership with Jo Barnes which includes a contest app with a magic url and points. Will yet have to use it.
Thank you so much for sharing your expertise.
Yorinda Wanner recently posted..Super Better introduction to the Game for getting better
Hi Yorinda,
Glad you enjoyed this post. Facebook has been a topic of debate lately. But, if used wisely, it can be a Marketer’s Dream come true.
Just like anything else, we have a tool, but we need to know how to use it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: Allen L Elkins III
April 8, 2014 at 1:49 pm #
I Hello Donna ,
I usually only use my facebooks personal page
now i think i will try creating a fan page thank you
for the lesson
Hi Allen,
Yes..creating a page will be great for you. You can put your products there as a Facebook friendly place
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: 344pmstyle
April 8, 2014 at 12:32 pm #
Hi Donna
THANK YOU THANK YOU Donna! Yet another great post and I learned a lot. I do have a FB fan page, I do boost my blog posts- same thing I spend $5, and I do try and intersperse asking questions.
However, I have not added my product (wardrobe consultations) to my FB page…. I’ve also not been great about promotions…. Two takeaways from your post / video that I know I need to work on.
What are your thoughts on google+? I know they don’t nearly have as many people in g+ as facebook, but it seems to be growing and the engagement (not sure if its the right engagement though) seems to be there…
Thanks! – Monisha
Monisha recently posted..Stylish Work Outfits
Hi Monisha,
Firstly, I would put your product on a tab on your FB Page. Keep doing what you are doing and once in a while encourage people to click that tab!
As for Google+….I love it! There are more people on Google+ than on Facebook these days and it is a great place to be.
Join communities on there in your niche. Engagement rates are wonderful, so start getting yourself on that platform girl.
P.S. Where the heck is your gravatar? You know I’m going to bug you about that per our phone call lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: GarSpecialties
April 8, 2014 at 11:54 am #
Donna- I know it is important for a Facebook presence. I had one of my employees create it for me and and instead of going after a target market or corporations she focused on mommies group. Therefore I find facebook useless. I am actually thinking of someone to hire to manage my facebook page. I have over 20000 products so if products is what will work I can do that. At the moment I don’t see any value in Facebook as my site stands.
Arleen recently posted..Why Companies Trademark Everyday Words
Hi Arleen,
Wow you have many products to offer! There is a way to do Facebook marketing effectively these days. This is just a start of a slow growing free way.
When Facebook Marketing, there is a way to target specific audiences by the use of “scraping” and put it in front of people who purchase certain products.
In your case, there are too many products to handle. If there was one specific product that lead into a sales funnel, yes it would be profitable.
There is always the good way and the wrong way. Right now it is a Hot marketplace, but for those who specifically want a target audience.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: glennshep
April 8, 2014 at 7:12 am #
Hi Donna,
I really enjoyed this post. I’m still getting to grips somewhat with the marketing side of Facebook and still have a lot to learn and implement, but you’ve given me a few ideas and opened my eyes to a couple of things I didn’t even know about.
Love it or hate it, with Facebook’s reach it certainly makes sense to incorporate it as part of your marketing strategy. I’ve seen a lot of Marketers even focusing more and more on Facebook as their central hub for their businesses rather than having a blog or standalone site.
Many thanks for this, Donna. I also enjoyed the video too. And yes, I shall definitely be sharing! 😉
Glenn Shepherd recently posted..The Tale of a Newbie Internet Marketer
Hi Glenn,
This is only a small part of where to start when Facebook marketing. It is the almost free way to do it.
Then comes the marketing strategy of putting up ads! What fun that is. I’ve taken 2 courses on it and testing it as I write. There are some cool things we can do out there for now! Like “scraping” certain individuals that are appropriate to your product and putting the ad in front of their eyes.
There is a learning curve, but worth it! Hmm maybe my next post!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: takechargebecc
April 7, 2014 at 11:49 pm #
I am still not a fan. I don’t have a product to sell and get very little visibility from there, where as previously I used to get a lot of people over from my page. The most valuable thing I have for my blog are page views and this has been reduced now.
Becc recently posted..Feeling all Zen
Hi Becc,
Lots of people are walking away from Facebook and joining Google+ these days. I find Facebook great if marketing a product. That’s why I chose this platform for now.
Things change quickly, so I don’t know how long I’ll be there lol.
Good to see you,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
April 7, 2014 at 11:03 pm #
Hey Donna,
First I want to say thanks again and I was SO excited to win the contest. I know it was a random draw which I think was even more surprising to me that I actually won. Can’t wait to get it.
I totally understand what you’re saying and when it comes to promoting your product then of course you have to spend money sometimes to make money. I just don’t feel like I want to spend my time building up my fans knowing that I’ll have to continue to spend money down the road in order for my content to be seen. I have fun on Facebook and I love the contacts I’ve made but I think I can do better elsewhere.
As Carolyn had mentioned here, Google+ is taking advantage of Facebook’s changes and more and more people are moving over there because they’re getting more views. Of course we also know that because it’s owned by Google then you’ll show up in the search engines probably with a much better chance and I don’t doubt that eventually they may start charging for things too.
I just don’t want to invest more in a site that I feel is only going to get worse with time and by that I mean gouge us with having to pay for ads just for our stuff to be seen. I’m not going to abandon my fan page but I’m not going to waste my time building it up either.
I’m thrilled though that you’re having so much luck with yours and if it’s benefiting you in the long run then that’s all that matters. I’m sure there are still plenty of Facebook lovers out there who are more than happy to give this a shot too.
Appreciate the video, great share.
Adrienne recently posted..Why Blogging Relationships Always Win Over Traffic
Hi Adrienne,
I can see your point very well. As you know I am using Google+ all the time. But when setting up an ad campaign, and investing money into it, Facebook right now is doing a good job.
This post is explaining how to use a FB Page and do some soft selling. But when doing an ad campaign, it is amazing what can be done. I’ve taken a few courses and am currently testing. Doing quite well.
But ad campaigns are a whole different story which I will explain in a future post. It is great for targeting certain groups of people to get it in front of their peepers. So far so good.
You haven’t seen it because I didn’t target people I know already. Pretty tricky stuff. But I know it won’t last long. That’s why I jumped into it. Facebook changes like the wind, so I’m going with the flow right now.
On another note: I’m so happy you have won my contest! Thank you for all the support.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
April 7, 2014 at 6:54 pm #
Wow, Donna, you’re the Facebook queen.
I don’t even know how to add that little option that links to your product. I think I used to, but forgot how, and can’t figure it out now.
I only wish I had close to 300 likes on my pages 🙂 but I think it takes time and efforts. I was actually thinking of paying for post boost on facebook just to see how it did. Like you said, 5 bucks it’s not a big deal and anyone can try that.
Thank you for this great share. Donna.
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..Interview With Successful Blogger And Online Business Man Enstine Muki
Hi Sylviane,
I was experimenting boosting my posts on Facebook and found that it does well. For five bucks it gets in front of many people.
Working our Facebook Page for marketing a product is awesome!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: wiarbu
April 7, 2014 at 3:57 pm #
Hi Donna,
There are no shortage of people advising what works best for their campaigns, or doesn’t work. Some swear Facebook is a nightmare for marketing, but it’s likely you know something they don’t. 🙂
So it’s nice to hear a positive review for Facebook marketing.
Personally, I have not created a Facebook Fan Page, but I see the value of everything you’ve explained and I appreciate the video too. Have a great week.
William Butler recently posted..The Trouble With Traditional Thinking: Can You Afford It?
Hi Bill,
This is only a snippet of a way to market on Facebook. It all starts with our page and try to grow it with a select group of people that are interested in us, what we do and what we offer.
Now, there is a huge learning curve of marketing on Facebook which I didn’t get into here. I just addressed the importance of the page.
It is astounding how we can select certain people and put ads in front of their eyes right now on Facebook.
That will be talked about in a future post!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
April 7, 2014 at 3:17 pm #
Hi Donna:
Thanks for sharing this very informative post. You stressed two really important points, that sadly, far too many wannabe entrepreneurs (aka) small business owners forget or way too often simply overlook!
They complain that “Facebook” ( or X) has gone corporate!
Hello! Facebook first and foremost is a profit seeking business! And now (like it or not!) they have profit seeking shareholders they must also answer to!
And the other point you made, was you said you don’t want your ability to grow and prosper to be stifled by some arbitrary set of company rules!
Bingo! Let’s not forget, our job and goal as savvy marketers, is to strategically leverage whatever technology is available to us!
Whether it be social media and or Google etc.
Your post and (end game) marketing strategy, is a prime example of doing just that! Thanks for sharing your profitable insights!
Mark recently posted..Three Really Simple Ways To Increase Your Targeted Website Traffic In Seven Days Or Less!
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your wonderful input. We do have to realize that Facebook is not what it used to be. But as a marketer, it is great for us! Well, at this time lol. Change happens fast and we have to be up to date with the latest marketing trends.
Right now, I’m using the FB platform as a marketing place. I didn’t get into how efficient it is by placing ads, but that will come in a later post.
Of course, we do have to have our feet in all other platforms. Never keep our eggs in one basket.
And yes, always keep our eye on the end game!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: kcbusymom
April 7, 2014 at 2:25 pm #
I struggle off and on with my FB page … however, when I look at my analytics, I find out that I get a LOT of traffic through that media network!
Heather recently posted..F – Family Bonding
That’s Great Heather!
As long as you are getting traffic..its a good thing. Now..what are you doing with your traffic you get? Aha That’s the question.
Are you keeping your “end game” in mind i.e. your product and services? As long as you do that, you can receive some opt-ins to your services.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: kylenelson24
April 7, 2014 at 1:34 pm #
Hey Donna,
I have recently started playing around with facebook pages for seo reasons. It is amazing how well they rank in the search engines and what is great is how engaging facebook pages are. Your other points are very valid and will keep in mind with my facebook adventure!
Kyle Nelson recently posted..The Good And Bad Habits Of Smart People
Hi Kyle,
Indeed those Facebook pages rank in the search engines! They also take into account how many times we post (you can pre-schedule posts) Also, the activity level on the page.
That’s the idea of the contests. For a few bucks a week, I encourage folks to come on over, win a prize and get some conversations going on my page.
Questions on our pages also can create some buzz. The thing is…we need to get the followers, but not just any followers. Sure we can do a campaign where we can get one thousand page likes, but who are they?
I rather have people come over that I can engage with…just like we do on our blogs.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: kgauraw
April 7, 2014 at 12:11 pm #
Hi Donna,
What an excellent post and relevant to what I am working on for my next blog post (or may be for next Monday). I will reference to this post in my blog now that you already have written about something I wanted to talk about 🙂
By the way, your blog looks so much better! May be, you should also consider adding Top Commentators to your sidebar widget, just to add a bit more spice!
Personally, I use both. I use profiles because many people like you and me, like to connect at a personal level and interact and so I can’t say no. Plus, I need to please search engines, so I can’t avoid pages. So, I decided to use both and so far, it has worked out great.
Thank you for sharing. More, in my upcoming post!
Kumar Gauraw recently posted..65 Tips To Boost Your Website Traffic, Engagement And Brand Image
Hi Kumar,
That would be great to reference this post on your next one. It’s a bit of a teaser to get people to be aware of Facebook Marketing.
There is so much involved, but it does start with our FB Page. Once we start a campaign, FB does consider how much “action” we have on our page.
This is why I like to boost my latest post to gain more exposure and work on my page in order to give people not only some content, but some fun too. I also have my product there on a tab and do a call to action 20 percent of the time for my “fans” to opt in.
We must remember that not everyone we know comes to our blog. This is why I chose to start my campaign with the FB page. The know, like and trust factor…..
I think I will add the top commentors on this blog. It is a good idea.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: cudjoe1991
April 7, 2014 at 10:21 am #
The power of Facebook can’t of course be under estimated in terms of marketing. It is my next line of action for my affiliate site.
Emmanuel recently posted..How to Make Money from Your Blog Without Adsense
Hi Emmanuel.
Good for you. Facebook marketing right now is Hot!!! And it is affordable with running ads. I know I didn’t address that issue of ads here, but will in a later post.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: madlemmingz
April 7, 2014 at 10:18 am #
Hi Donna
Some interesting info on Facebook I am not a big fan for my personal life online. But for business I am starting to warm up to it a little. It is getting a little hard to share posts on there, but I just started using advertising and it is extremely powerful.
In fact I just wrote a post on that today. It has really got me excited. And combined with the info that you shared, I have even more to do.
Ashley Faulkes recently posted..Advertising on Facebook: Tips For Expanding Your Audience
Twitter: NandaRahmanius
April 7, 2014 at 7:30 am #
Hi Donna,
Some time ago, in a comment on my blog, you said that you’re doing Facebook marketing right now, and in this article I can see you’re really serious in doing it. If you are using the correct technique, then Facebook marketing can be a great choice for you, of course in doing business.
I enjoyed reading this article, so I share it to my social media 🙂
Keep up the spirit and hopefully you achieve your success!
Have a nice week ahead.
Nanda Rahmanius recently posted..Stop Using These 5 SEO Techniques Immediately
Hi Nanda,
This is just one piece of the puzzle of Facebook Marketing. It is all about building a good following on our FB Pages. Works kind of like an opt in on our blogs. We need to find people who are interested in what we do and start a following….like a list.
Then comes the real deal…the ads! I’ll explain that in future posts.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: angeld0ve
April 7, 2014 at 6:29 am #
Hey Donna,
I woke up in an ungodly hour because when I check on my iphone after waking up, I had a message that I needed to answer and I needed to embed THAT video on my blog instead of just linking it on my post, so a friend can read it… Anyway, too complicated to explain…so I digress.
Like I said on facebook, I read your blog before going to bed but I was unable to make a comment from my tablet coz sometimes I don’t like writing a comment from my tablet due to it’s always hard to type there and I prefer my laptop for making comments.
Anyhoo, I’ve learned something new from you. I didn’t know that you can have UNLIMITED likes or followers on Facebook Business Page. That’s AWESOME!!!! However, I do have one question…
I wanna ask you…how do you feel Facebook algorithm here as far as their Edgerank is concerned they want you to pay HERE now in order for your viewers to SEE what you post? Say if I have 300 likes here, once I post something on my Business Page, only 7-10 will see my post UNLESS I pay facebook, that’s the only time they would allow my post to be seen by so much viewers on my list. Please give me your feedback. (this is the same one I typed on my facebook business page just awhile ago…)
Okay, me going back to bed now and get more sleep. Looking forward to your response. xoxo
Angela McCall recently posted..Video Blogging Challenge 3
Twitter: wonderoftech
April 7, 2014 at 9:38 pm #
I agree, Angela, I am very disappointed about the drop in the exposure Facebook is giving to unpaid posts. The views have dwindled to single digits for many of my posts. Facebook has gone from being my second largest source of traffic to about seventh.
Meanwhile Google Plus is publicizing the number of views to pages and personal profiles and the numbers are very big. What’s interesting is that the number of views for my blog Google Plus page is much higher than my personal profile, even though I have far fewer followers on my blog page.
It seems to me that Google is taking advantage of Facebook’s change to reduce the number of views of non-promoted page posts. I don’t blame Facebook, it’s a business after all. But I also don’t blame those who abandon Facebook for Google Plus.
I’m glad you’ve had success on Facebook, Donna and I hope that others who join you on Facebook will have similar success!
Carolyn Nicander Mohr recently posted..Amazon Fire TV and Dash – Your Voice Just Became Much More Powerful
Twitter: angeld0ve
April 8, 2014 at 1:21 pm #
Hey Carolyn,
Wow…really? Your Google+ page view is much higher than your personal. I do have a “page” at Google+ but I haven’t added people there and I haven’t posted anything there either. I’m kinda leery. Thinking about what happened to Facebook’s edgerank, how do I know that Google+ will not do the SAME thing what Facebook did? After all, they are here for business and not just for entertainment.
I still have my facebook business page, I didn’t delete it although I was tempted to delete it. Lisa and Adrienne said, just keep on posting there till no one can see your page anymore. And so that’s exactly what I do now. Everytime I post on Google+…Friends+Me automatically posted it for me on Facebook page, Linkedin, Twitter, and Tumblr. Nowadays, I just keep my facebook personal profile JUST FAMILY & FRIENDS.
Seems like Google only sees my Facebook business page on #1 page and I cannot find my personal profile. So yeah…I just keep it to keep my advertising on SERP.
Angela McCall recently posted..Video Blogging Challenge 3
Hi Carolyn,
I’m sure active on Google+ but right now as things are what they are on Facebook, I find it a good marketing platform.
Yes, indeed, gone are the social days where we can all meet and greet on another. It has become a paid platform.
There are many ways to market, especially with PPC, whereby we can choose who will see our ads too. That’ I’ll get into on a later date.
But right now, us “little guys” stand a good chance with this marketing platform. Yes, I think Facebook will change for higher rollers, but for now, it can work for a marketing edge.
We have to be on all social platforms, especially Google+ to get exposure. But how long will this opportunity last with FB? Hmmm Not so long I think. Just time to jump in and market there.
Remember the old days when Google marketing was hot? Then it became impossible. I think Facebook will eventually follow that trend.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Hi Angela,
You always make me laugh! Anyhoo….yes the algorithm has changed and ya gotta love it or hate it!
As a marketer, It’s great because if you spend $5 to “boost your post” so you can get some “peepers” on it. Also make your Facebook Page more inter-active. Ask a question, post something that would appeal to your visitors. Then you can share it on your personal FB and people will see it comes from your Page. Encourage them to visit because that’s where you can sell your products/services.
Keep that 80/20 rule in mind and when you want your followers to take action and purchase, put up a pretty picture with words on it telling them to press the “whatever” tab you have that is linked to your product/services.
Then there is more to marketing with ads…I’ll get into that one later!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: marquitaherald
April 7, 2014 at 5:10 am #
Excellent post Donna and I love the look of your FB page. I have to say it’s also nice to see someone actually achieving the results they talk about. The other day I read an article by someone bragging about all the great activity on her FB page so I clicked through and while it was true there were a lot of posts – every one was by her and there was no interaction with readers. I don’t fault her for the results or approach, only that she held them up as an example to promote herself.
I’ve recently launched a FB page associated with my new website and I’ll admit I’ve spent little time promoting it – maybe I am suffering from FB burnout like many others, but I do recognize there is value in having a presence on Facebook. You’ve given me some great ideas so now it’s up to me. Thanks!
Marquita Herald recently posted..On Becoming the Person You Aspire to Be
Hi Marty,
Glad you found this helpful. We need to keep our Facebok Page as our “business” and treat it as such. Sure we can have some fun with it. But we want to encourage some interraction with it also. I found that one little thing like posting a contest, is a benefit to people.
They come on over, and then see other posts and things I share for them, not to them lol.
Of course I do remind them once in a while to hit that “red button” to expose them to my product.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: harleenas
April 6, 2014 at 10:57 pm #
Hi Donna,
Oh yes…you are SO right about all that you’ve written 🙂
There’s a lot you can do with your Facebook Fan page, if you are really interested to build it up. Though I’m not into marketing or selling of any kind, I do hop over once a day and share my things with my fans, and I know a lot more can be done but time’s a major problem for me, so I stay away from much of interaction on Facebook.
I’ve seen your giveaways and questions, and of course Adrienne’s too, and they are awesome ways to start great conversations. I’d started that when I started my page too, but the number of notifications, messages, and the non-stop feedback kept me busy there and my work started taking a backseat, which led me to decide to slow it all down. I’m happy with the 3000+ fans as they come in whenever there’s a post up.
Yes indeed, your profile should be very separate from your fan page, and also what all you share on both places. I recently started my blog page too, which is where I share most of the other blogs I visit – just to make it a little different from the rest of the pages. So, with 3 places to manage on Facebook – it certainly isn’t easy! More over, you also need to concentrate on G+, which people say is coming up in a better way than Facebook. One can’t say as of now, but we just balance things out and devote the same time on both of these places, besides Twitter.
Ah…I already feel exhausted with the thought of my social media presence at times, Donna. Wish things were easier and we didn’t have to spend so much time on these networks. But without them too, life wouldn’t be so good because we meet so many people and make new friends, and these people might or might not be your blog readers. That’s why sharing your posts on the various FB groups and G+ communities is another good idea, though another time consuming job. 🙂
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..6 Time Saving Tips to Avoid Being Overworked [Infographic]
Hi Harleena,
Things can be exhausting when we put our time on social media. But there are many “short cuts” to make if we follow a strict plan.
Take Facebook Page for instance. I just take time to schedule my posts on it for the week” Then I’ll “share” a few of the posts on my personal FB.
The reason right now is my end game which is marketing my product. The more people come to my page and engage, the better they get to know me and I have had some folks I just have met starting to build a relationship with. Some have even “pressed that red button” which is my product and have opted in. That’s the end game of my marketing on Facebook. 🙂
Indeed Google+ is not ignored by me. I’m pretty active on there too. Love the platform but again must limit my time.
But…if one is not interested in marketing, it can be a time consuming job!
Thank you for your input, it is appreciated.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: GeriRecommends
May 12, 2014 at 12:27 am #
Hi Donna,
I love this video! I didn’t realize that boosting a post was so cheap. That is awesome info. Going to take advantage of this right away.
Contests are also a good ice breaker. I saw who your winner was. 🙂 Congrats, Adrienne!
I love the questions, as well. There is just so much to do with social media, I haven’t been good with FB.
Lately, I haven’t been good with any of it. LIFE happened so, trying to catch up and am about ready to release my product. So much work!!!
Glad I came to visit your FB fan page. Lots of great info here, Donna :).
Geri Richmond
Geri Richmond recently posted..Solo Ad Black Book Guy Matt Bacak