Facebook page posts are a great way to drive traffic to your blog. My clients are always asking me how to get traffic, or how to increase the flow of traffic to their blogs. As usual, they are most interested in free or very cheap methods for doing this. In other words, organic methods. Facebook page posts are a very effect means for driving steady traffic to your blog.
As with all traffic driving methods involving social media, you need two essential things to make it work.
1. Consistency
You need to develop a plan and work at it consistently. So, if you decide that posting to your Facebook page 3 times a day is your best strategy, you have to do it!
That doesn’t mean that you should post 5 times a day for a week, then take 3 days off, return to post once a day for a couple days, then finally get on target with 3 times, before taking a week off to do other stuff, then get back to 5 times a day for 3 days, then forget about it for a month… you get the idea.
If you do things haphazardly, traffic flow to your blog will be haphazard. If you develop a good plan and then implement it consistently, you will start driving traffic to your blog consistently.
I’m not just talking about “traffic”, though. I’m talking about high quality traffic.
You’ll find that the highest quality traffic is the traffic that sees you on a regular basis, knows you are serious and dedicated because of your consistency, and therefore starts to follow you.
Some people just respond to a flashy contest you run on your fan page, or happen to click over to your blog because of a single Facebook post you put up one day. This kind of traffic will tend to be far less targeted, and will likely be “bounce” or one-time traffic only. That’s because, you didn’t attract them to your blog by consistently staying on point with your niche content. You just happened to draw them to your blog one time because of an isolated thing you did on your fan page.
Consistently working your Facebook page will bring you the most consistent, long-term, repeat and eager to follow you traffic. Another way of saying it is: consistent content attracts consistent traffic.
2. A Plan
Doing the wrong thing consistently will not get you far, of course.
So, let me give you the basis for developing a good Facebook page strategy. Use this strategy to develop a plan that you can begin implementing right away.
Facebook Page Post Strategy
I’ve only been working on my Facebook page for a short time. So, I didn’t really know the best way to get it to a point of driving traffic to my blog.
After a bit of research, I found a strategy that I’ll share with you.
I learned most of this through trainings I did with Dr. Ben Adkins and Travis Petelle. So they’re really not my own ideas (I don’t think any of us ever come up with “new” ideas. We just learn from others, and pass it on).
The most important thing you need to do, is to “rotate” your posts.
On Facebook pages, people respond to a consistent flow of content. This is for the same reason that you need to put posts on your blog according to a regular schedule.
Schedule Your Posts
So, schedule your Facebook posts. I think the biggest problem I’ve seen with my clients trying to get traffic from Facebook pages is that they don’t schedule posts. They just put them when they get “inspired”. If you only post when you’re inspired to, I can pretty much guarantee that Facebook pages will not drive a lot of traffic to your blog. Schedule your posts in a way that you think makes sense.
I suggest you think of posting to your Facebook page at least 3 times a day. Spread it out. Typically, morning, afternoon and evening works best.
Now you know you need 21 posts a week (3 posts for 7 days).
Over a month, you know you’ll need 84 posts (21 posts for 4 weeks).
Over a 60 day period, that translates into 168 posts, and over 90 days you’ll need to post 252 times.
Wow! That’s a lot of posts.
Here’s how you can make that manageable.
Categorize Your Posts
Use several categories. Here’s a good structure to work with.
Content posts
These are information or simple sharing posts. Depending on your niche, they could be about horses, vitamins, sculpture or anything else. As with most things, the more narrowly you define your niche, the more highly targeted you followers will be.
So, if your Facebook page is about “dogs”, then people who like dogs might follow you. But if it is about “poodles”, you right away speak to a more tightly defined audience. That means that peole who come to read your blog posts will be red hot consumers of your “poodle blog”.
Just make sure, of course, that your Facebook page niche is the same as your blog. I’ve seen people create fan pages in a much different niche than their blog. That really won’t help you get traffic to your blog. If people are consuming all your poodle content, and then go to your blog to find that you’re talking mostly about “household pets”, they’ll probably be disappointed.
So be consistent with your niche choices.
Engagement posts
These are posts designed to get people talking about your page, giving it “likes” and “shares”. There are lots of ways to encourage engagement. The best is usually to just clearly state a call to action. So, you might ask a question. The call to action is for people to answer it.
You might ask people to tell your their favorite _____, or if they like “A” more than “B” and why. The call to action here, is to give you an answer in the comments. This translates to “talking about” on Facebook pages, which is a Facebook indicator for engagement.
If you have interesting and fun engagement posts, you could easily get a big boost in page likes and shares.
Giveaway posts
Occasionally, you might give people a free ebook, or a phone consultation or any other lead magnet you might have in your arsenal. People love getting things for free, and if you do this consistently, they’ll be encouraged to visit your
Facebook page often to see what offers might be floating around.
You can get even more organized with this and offer “contests” or “sweepstakes”. This will involve an investment on your part, of course. If you say “give me your favorite poodle name and win a poodle mug”, you have to buy the mug and have it shipped to the winner of the contest.
“Go To My Blog” posts
Occasionally, you will promote your blog. Tell people to click the link to your blog post, and tell them why. For example, “to learn what I use to clean my poodle’s teeth, click here”. This is a direct plea for folks to visit your blog, get involved, leave comments, share your posts and hopefully, opt in to your email list.
This is the main goal of your Facebook page. But if you only had posts that asked people to read your latest blog post, not too many people would visit your Facebook page on a repeat basis. That’s why it’s only one of the posting categories that you need to develop. That’s also why it must be carefully interwoven into your overall post rotation plan.
Rotate Your Posts
This is where you make all your Facebook page posting manageable. I base my posting activity on the Pareto principle. As you must know by now… I just love the Pareto principle and use it everywhere in my online business!
According to the Pareto principle, 80-90% of your posts should be pure content, value and giveaways.
Only 10-20% of the time should you ask for something in return. That means promoting your blog, or even your Facebook page itself.
If your Facebook page exists primarily to drive traffic to your blog, then your biggest promotion will result from your “Go To My Blog” posts.
So, let’s say that 10% of your blog posts will ask people to “Go To My Blog”. If you consider “giveaway” posts to be promotional, let’s say another 10% of your posts are “Giveaway”. Now, remember we said we need 84 posts for the first month?
Using this formula, about 16 posts will be promotional.
The remaining 68 will be either “Content” or “Engagement”.
The key to rotating your posts is that the 68 content and engagment posts can be recyled. That is, you can use the exact same posts in every month that follows.
Let’s say you posted with content about “how to bathe a poodle” or “my favorite poodle collar is the type that…” These are posts that can be repeated every single month. Why not? Even if people see the same content on a repeat basis, it’s still good and valuable content.
If you don’t want to repeat content every month, then repeat it every other month, or even every third month. That only means that you’ll need to have a deeper reserve of repeatable posts. For a 2 month rotation, for instance, you’d need to develop 136 content posts instead of 68.
So, the only posts that need to be updated from month to month would be the “Go To My Blog” and “Giveaway” posts.
That’s it.
Again, thanks to Dr. Ben and Travis Petelle for teaching me how to use these systems.
Now, I hope you can put them to good use, too.
Please let me know in the comments below if you think this article will help you drive traffic to your blog using Facebook
page posts.
Hi Harish,
I always share my blog on all social sites, and Facebook is the place where most of my readers are. I share it on my Page as well, and Boost the post sometimes for a further reach.
When done well, we can gain a good reach on Facebook, no matter how much it changes.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Take The Next Step
hi donna merrill,
now a days social media plays very important role in marketing any product.while it comes to blogging also facebook is a good market to gain main viewers from there.for that create a new facebook page for your blog and share every post of your blog into your facebook page.by hat more viewers will come for our blog,and traffic to our blog will be increased.thank you for your post…
harish recently posted..How to unlock Idea Netsetter
Twitter: atishranjan
May 15, 2014 at 2:43 pm #
Great post on traffic generation Donna. Facebook is the second most traffic source of my blog. I manage to get good traffic from Fan page posts and group posting but I haven’t done any creative thing. I just share the post with few of my words but I think you have jot down a lot of things here in the post which can simply increase the traffic from there.
Thanks for the nice post Donna. Keep writing.
Atish Ranjan recently posted..What I have Learnt after 3 Years of Blogging?
H Atish,
Lately I have been focused on Facebook, even though people have mixed feelings about it. So far I am seeing good results. This is why I just wanted to share my own experience.
Now I am setting up advertising campaigns and it is fascinating! I will be writing about that one in the future.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Persistence For Online Success
Hi Donna,
Good info on driving traffic to your site from Facebook. Facebook used to send a lot more traffic to my site and now since they keep changing the metrics and wanting business pages to pay it has changed. I still post daily and schedule posts but I am more focused on Pinterest, Google+, and Twitter because they send more traffic to me than FB. Thanks for the tips.
Shelley Alexander recently posted..Energizing Cherry Cashew Chia Smoothie
Hi Shelley,
Most people I know are migrating to the different social sites. I like Facebook for advertising right now. There is a great way to use some “magic tricks” to get folks into your list.
Yes, it is paid, but so far so good…until things change!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Have You Come A Long Way, Blogger?
Twitter: Daringblogger
April 23, 2014 at 9:38 am #
Great tips, Donna 🙂
I don’t use FB for blogging/promotional purposes, but I can certainly adapt these tips for other sites, where I am active – like Google Plus.
I do have a plan, but I don’t always follow it. I just go with the flow and see what I feel like doing. Sometimes, I share content…sometimes, tips, or quotes or something else.
But, having a plan (and following it) can help 😀
Also loved how you categorized the types of posts. Right now, my categories are sharing (my content – once a week, I will definitely change that, once I have published more posts at my own blog), others’ content, quotes (I do love sharing quotes, and adding my own thoughts to it) and tips/tools of the week (Just started doing this recently).
I also like commenting/engaging on posts shared by others (sort of like comment reciprocation..those folks will come back and comment on my posts). For the most part, it has been working well.
Anyways, thank you for this post, Donna 🙂 Appreciate it!
Jeevan Jacob John recently posted..How Do You Conclude Yours Posts?
Hi Jeevan,
Glad to know you enjoyed this post. The same can apply to Google+ also. There comes a time when we need a plan.
I remember once I was lost and didn’t know what direction I wanted to take with my life. An older woman said to me, “don’t stress out…all you need is to have a plan.”
Now that stuck with me for years. So weather it is business, or where I want to live, or anything else, I remember those words.
Having a plan does help!
Donna Merrill recently posted..My 200th Blog Post Celebration
Twitter: WellGal
April 21, 2014 at 5:34 pm #
I absolutely love the suggestion of rotating your posts! I honestly never thought of that, but am going to try to set up a schedule and post much more frequently now. By the way, Donna, I have a question about Facebook posts. If you are sharing links on Facebook, what percentage do you suggest should be yours versus others? In other words, how much content is from your blog versus other blogs/websites? Is there a tried-and-true formula?
Karen Peltier recently posted..How to Do a Detoxifying Dead Sea Mud Body Mask or Wrap at Home
Hi Monna,
I’m glad you found this of help. Consistency…just remember life does happen, like a computer breakdown, an illness, etc.
Heck, I was out of the loop for a week. But we cannot let that get us down. It is like falling off a horse and getting back on again.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: msellithorpe
April 20, 2014 at 9:58 pm #
Hi Donna,
Great post. I’m going to be saving these ideas to look back on. Consistency is one of my problems. I get on a schedule and do very well and then something happens (like computer problems) and then I’m off of my routine; but I don’t give up.
Thanks for sharing your great information. Monna
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted..Find an Affiliate To Get Your Sale – Affiliates Helping Affiliates
Twitter: bihar
April 20, 2014 at 8:52 pm #
Interesting ways to drive traffic to your website. You mentioned about categories. Do you mean to say that you must choose several categories for one blog post? I like the idea of posting several times a day. Do you think we can automate this somehow?
Shalu Sharma recently posted..What happens when 20 Indians are asked to kiss on camera?
Hi Shalu,
When it comes to your Facebook Page, you have to think of it as your business page. When posting several categories, it doesn’t necessarily have to do with your blog post, but things that are relevant to it.
Just like your last post about kissing in India (which was fabulous) You can put up that post and pin it to the top of your FB Page. Then As a question like “Do you think kissing in public is OK?”
Then a picture of lips kissing, and so on.
You can time them on your page so they will automate several times a day. I suggest 4 a day. You can do this all at on sitting.
Hope you found my answer to the question well.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: nickcatricala
April 20, 2014 at 8:16 pm #
Donna my friend,
I come to your site to learn more about something new.. but since you have this article I took the opportunity to read more carefully what you wrote .. and again, got sooooo muuccchhhh.. I am sure I have to come back again to be able to “get it” as I should..
Another great reason why I like to be here is that I give you more things to do this next week when you start your “normal’ life again after all your Easter Guest are away 🙂
I check for you and you have 16 comments including this one to reply.. hope your fingers are not tired after writing so much and you have water ready to drink so you do not get dehydrated for the laughter after reading my comment here hahah 🙂
HAPPY EASTER … and Happy Pasquetta if you remember what it is 🙂
nick catricala recently posted..Follow Me….
Hi Nick…
Happy Pasquetta to you too! After all the celebrations and restaurants I took my family members to on their visit…I need gallons of water.
I’m glad you came back because you always lift my spirit.
I have one more guest to go…this afternoon! Then I can roll up my sleeves and get back to work. I can also get back to my simple diet. When we have so many people around, it is easy to go out to eat. The comes the cooking!
Everyone knows I don’t cook any meat in the house, but they all enjoyed the meals I made.
Thank you Nick!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
April 19, 2014 at 11:23 pm #
Hi Donna,
I had a crazy week and I had totally missed this post of yours, and I didn’t see it on the group.
I will read this over again and take notes. How interesting that I’ve just created two new facebook pages to drive more traffic to my blogs and businesses.
As a matter of fact my post on Monday will be about that 🙂
Thank you for sharing this Donna, and sorry for being so late.
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..How To Manage Your Time Like A Pro For Your Home Based Business
Hi Sylviane,
I am glad you got a lot out of this post. It is just one part of Facebook Marketing Strategy.
It is something I have been testing for a while and it is working well for me. So I wanted to share it for those who found it interesting.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
April 19, 2014 at 7:07 am #
Hi Donna,
I really love the Facebook Page Post Strategy you have came up with 🙂 It seems very easy to follow, but I know it’s not easy as it seems. But effortless once get used to it I believe.
You know, with everything suggested online about getting the best out of Facebook, I’ve always seen popular brands always get the most out of it. I don’t know if they follow the same strategies, using paid solutions or someone taking care of it.
Apart from that I’ve seen how Adrienne, Harleena and few more bloggers being engaged. Now I can see what’s going on your page too 😉 There I find combination of consistency and smart plan definitely pays off.
It’s not a secret you have been experimenting with your Facebook page lately, with promoted posts and starting from the Facebook Page Challenge you have been taking 😉 You have been through many strategies (paid / non-paid) and now came up with what really works for most too.
I’ve been scheduling my posts from some time, but the engagement is low though my reports indicate Facebook is one of top referrals. Yet I haven’t bothered much to take action with stuff going on, as you noticed I’m crawling through blogging due to other priorities. However I’m gonna save this for sure and may start experimenting with your idea, Donna.
BTW do you think it would be enough if I don’t use images, but text posts on different topics?
You have a fabulous weekend dear 🙂
Mayura recently posted..Show Related Posts on Blogger with LinkWithin
Hi Mayura!
With all the work you have on your plate, it is a wonder how you do all that you do! As for Facebook, you have been there and see what I’ve been doing.
The engagement strategies start by me going to another Facebook Page and liking and commenting. In return, people will come to my page. The strategy is working well.
As for content versus pictures? Hmmmm Many say that pictures do work. Now I use a program Pagemodo that is just for Facebook. I get really cool pictures and write my own messages on it.
I like to keep things as personal as possible. BUT….when I get the time to really get creative, I use a program called Pixelmator. I grab a photo I have taken, write a text on it, then link it to my blog.
This gets into Google Images. That’s where some people find me too! I have even received emails for permission to use my photos. Absolutely…because they link to my blog.
I’m a tricky little thing aren’t I? he he he
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: cudjoe1991
April 19, 2014 at 5:43 am #
I recently tried Facebook advertising and was disappointed. It appears I am not doing something
right and this is one post which has revealed a lot of things.
Emmanuel recently posted..Why Ipage Hosting will always Beat Hostgator, Bluehost and Arvixe Combined!
Hi Emmanuel,
This is just a small part of a strategy on Facebook Marketing. I’ve been doing it and it has been working for me. I just thought I would share it.
When really hitting the marketplace, there is so much more to learn!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: ColeWiebe
April 18, 2014 at 8:48 pm #
Hi Donna,
Thanks for sharing the Pareto principle, as it applies to social media. The 80/20 rule aligns with my own findings, and it’s nice to have my conclusions validated.
– Cole
Cole Wiebe recently posted..How Do You Get a Brand New Website Noticed?
Hi Cole,
That 80/20 rule to me applies to just about everything! It is one proven system I find that does the work!
There is nothing worse for me than to read all the “buy me” stuff!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: NandaRahmanius
April 18, 2014 at 12:18 am #
Hi Donna,
Good advice, indeed!
I like these words “consistent content attracts traffic consistent”
If you see it like that, what you say is true then.
Consistent did provide a lot of good things as a result. It’s can be said as a determination. If only, Thomas Alva Edison did not consistently perform his experiments, well, I never imagined it 🙂
Thanks for sharing this informative article, Donna.
Nice share!
Nanda Rahmanius recently posted..12 Essential Tips For Network Marketing Success
Hi Again Nanda,
Consistency….If first you don’t succeed, try try again! 🙂
Most people will just give up if something doesn’t work. But then there are those who keep on trying. A little key to success!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
April 17, 2014 at 6:06 pm #
Hi Donna,
I’m glad you’re getting so much from what you’ve been learning about Facebook pages.
I’ve never done a giveaway but I didn’t want to just get fans because of something free I was sharing with them. I wanted them to like my page because of the value they were receiving or the enjoyment from the interaction. I’m weird that way of course.
You know I’m all about consistency and posting on a regular schedule. When people can count on you then they’ll know when to check out your stuff if you do that at certain times of the day. You are definitely spot on about that Donna, I so agree and I’m still posting consistently there even though my views have really slacked off. Now if they stop entirely I might think twice but that time hasn’t come yet.
I did read something I think it was yesterday that said that on Facebook people don’t want to read your posts. Look down the newsfeed and see what all everyone is sharing. Instead, grab a sentence from your post, insert that into an image and then share the link back to your post and it will get much more attention then just sharing the post link with the blurb. I read that yesterday but didn’t have time myself to do that for my post today. I’m thinking though of still posting that tomorrow and just see how that goes. Test test test right!
Thanks Donna for sharing this with us and way to go girl. Love it!
Adrienne recently posted..How You Can Become A Blogging Rock Star
Hi Adrienne,
I love that idea you have given! Seems to me that it will work like a charm. It always comes down to testing doesn’t it?
As for my “prizes” I get people to engage that way. I found via my testing experience that people who come over to “like” my page start to get to know me that way.
So far so good lol
PS thanks for that tip!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: wiarbu
April 16, 2014 at 9:40 am #
Wow Donna, you’ve really covered it all here. I think consistency is the key to all great accomplishments.
I am embarking on a project that will require this knowledge. So, happy to have this really great resource for driving traffic to your blog through Facebook page posts. 😀 Thanks so much!
Kind Regards,
William Butler recently posted..Inspiration From 25 Top Thought Leaders Of Then and Now
Hi Bill,
Actually this is but a tid bit of what I’m doing. But I found it helpful to me, so I wanted to share it. I only wish I could have written more 🙂 If you are going to use Facebook as a platform, this stuff worked for me…hope it does for you.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: amitirothstein
April 16, 2014 at 3:38 am #
Hi Donna,
This is really a great post with awesome insights! Even if you picked them up from someone else, as someone following your page on FB, you are doing a great job, and making everyone see how useful a Facebook page can be!
Amiti recently posted..Feedweb Launches your New Favorite Website
Hi Amiti,
I’ve been doing this myself. The only reason why I like to share it is because it is working for me. If some want to use Facebook as a platform, this is a tid-bit I wanted to share that is working.
I do like to share things that I find working and analyzing.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: kgauraw
April 15, 2014 at 12:34 am #
Hi Donna,
Wow! This is a masterpiece! Loved the way you laid out the whole process. In fact, what I picked up from your post is, it is important to match the niche of Facebook pages with the theme of our blogs to stay consistent. Now, that makes sense absolutely and I am amazed to know I never thought of this point unless you mentioned about it.
Last but not the least, as Rebekah said, you are truly a go giver and that is why you have so many admirers. You do a great job of sharing what you know, helping others out of your way and I admire you for being who you are. Thank you!
Kumar Gauraw recently posted..Top 10 SEO Bloggers To Follow For SEO, Traffic And Conversion Tips
Hi Kumar,
I am so glad you got some good ideas from this post. Yes, it is so important to be mindful to connect what we put on Facebook and all social media sites to our blog.
We have to have our “end game” in mind all the time.
Go giving? I just love to share what I learn and apply. If it works for me and I test it out, I love to spread the news to others. Maybe they will like it, or maybe not. But when I get so excited about something that does work, I blog about it.
Thank you so much for your kind words,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: nickcatricala
April 14, 2014 at 6:27 pm #
I noticed many of the things that you wrote here.. and I am happy that you shared your strategy with all of us to learn what we can.. (I talk about my self ok??) I am not as diligent as you and so even reading your strategy, that does not mean I can follow it.. terrible to follow plans 🙂
From what I know about you and David, you are both successful doing what you do and I am truly happy for you.. you deserve it because you are studying and learning and sharing and take action…
For the moment I keep doing what I can… at the same time think of the future and see how can I improve and on what direction..
Thanks so much as usual for all you contribute to support others.
nick catricala recently posted..Follow Me….
Hi Nick!
I wrote this specific post for many people who were asking me “how to’s” on Facebook. Marketing is one the things David and I are doing a lot of these days.
I find that when I find something that is working for me, I like to share it with others that are trying to do the same!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: saraharrow
April 14, 2014 at 5:29 pm #
Hi Donna, a great read as always. How do you propose we counteract Facebooks rules for lowering the reach of posts that have a call to action such as “like this post of you agree” or posts that encourage shares? I have to say after this last round of changes I’m not recommending Facebook marketing to clients unless they have a budget for custom audiences as well.
Sarah Arrow recently posted..The 5 Excuses That Keep Bloggers Broke
Hi Sarah,
One must have a budget for Facebook Advertising. There is no free lunch on that platform anymore. It reminds me of the old days where we could have run Google ads, but then it all panned out. The time is Now if one has some money to spend.
I use my Facebook Page to get people to do a call to action. I do “boost” posts and do share on my personal page to encourage shares.
I keep my comments open so people can join in and not just share. I want to have more conversations there.
So far, so good. Then there is the contests I use. I received many more “likes” on my page for those who are interested in what I do.
The main point is getting them to press my red button to opt in to what I’m selling. I’m also running Facebook Campaigns.
Yes it does cost money, but it’s a certain way to do so. I would have to do an ebook for that one. lol.
Also, I have more people interested in my blog from doing what I am on Facebook.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: rebekahradice
April 14, 2014 at 3:22 pm #
Hi Donna! I too live by the Pareto principle and can tell you, that is one of the big reasons for your continued success.
You’re a giver and that’s evident in everything you do. You give an amazing amount of value, just like the tips above, without any thought of receiving something in return.
No matter the changes, there’s still a lot of value to be found on FB!
Rebekah Radice recently posted..10 Ways to Use Social Media to Virtually Crush the Competition
Hi Rebekah,
Oh that old Pareto principle works so well! And yes, no matter of the changes going on right now on Facebook, it is a fun platform to market on.
I always say “go to where your followers are on” – most of mine are on Facebook. Some are moving over to Google+ But I’m there too lol.
Thanks so much for your kind words.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: thefoodcurator
April 14, 2014 at 6:29 am #
Donna, Great tips here, I especially love the rotation and scheduling! I will be looking at my FB strategy and implementing some of these ideas, thanks for sharing this 🙂
The Food Curator recently posted..Jane-Tira Thai Street Food, Soho – review
Hi Michael,
Rotation works so well. All we have to do is put a little work into it once a week for one month. Then we can start rotating the posts that do well, according to our insights.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
If we are planning to utilize social media for traffic then consistency and exact time when most of your readers and followers are online.
Traffic from Social Media is completely different as compare to search traffic, so if you are not consistent then traffic is hard to get.
To be frank even I have never tried a traffic strategy through Fb, but now i think a try is a must…
Over to you Donna
Pradeep recently posted..download wechat for pc free
Hi Pradeep,
There are so many ways to get traffic. It all depends on which strategy one is using. Actually I get most of my traffic via social media.
Someone could see something on twitter for instance and come over to my blog to see what its all about…Or Facebook. These days I find many on that platform, so that is where I “hang out” most of the time and engage people.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: takechargebecc
April 14, 2014 at 12:36 am #
You have described perfectly why my facebook page is so very lacking! I think this post needs to be bookmarked.
Becc recently posted..Writing crisis
Hi Becc,
I appreciate that! If one wants to market on Facebook, this is only some strategies.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: SusanPCooper
April 13, 2014 at 6:54 pm #
Hi Donna, You always do an amazing job of outlining the things we need or should know. This is especially helpful for us newbies. The fact is, we can’t do it all, all the time and having someone like you be there to guide us in our online journey really helps smooth the way. That said I will use this as checklist when I start to seriously working my Facebook account. Thank you… again… You are the best. 🙂
Susan Cooper recently posted..Award Winning Blog Continues Winning
Hi Susan,
Thanks for your kind words! I only wish I could do an ebook about this because there is so much more involved. But the time I finish, it would be outdated lol.
These are some techniques I have used and proved to be beneficial. Once I do something that can benefit me, I do love to share it with others.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: DrErica
April 13, 2014 at 3:21 pm #
This post is amazing. I have never strategized for my Facebook pages. In fact, I am one of those inspirational types, posting here and there as I get inspired without a plan set up in advance. I have many loopholes and leaks in my sales funnels and marketing online. So this is my year to tigthten up and strengthen each piece I am doing.
I love your strategy for setting up the Fan page posts and then repeating them in cyles. So you do not have to keep creating brand new material once you have a basic set completed.
I also like the way you suggested setting up categories and varying the types of posts, along with the 80-20 rule in place. I will need to do some heavy thinking and organizing to get this going smoothly.
Are you using a program to automate your posts onto your Fan page?
Dr. Erica
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..I Love You … I Love You Not
Hi Erica,
Glad to know you found this of interest. No I don’t use any automation. What I do each week is set up my posts at different times of the day. Once that is all done, it goes up at the times I set it for.
I’m focused more on my fan page than just those streams of Facebook jokes and so on. Sure, I do scan them and like and also leave a comment. But that is on the lighter side. I spend little time on that.
I use Facebook groups as my main place to go to share blog posts and ideas.
But a Facebook page is there for business. That 80/20 rule works fine for me! Plus there is so much more to learn about these strategies, it would take me an ebook to write.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: marquitaherald
April 13, 2014 at 2:29 pm #
I really like how you plan out your posts Donna. I will admit that I tend to lean toward Google+ and Twitter, but I haven’t given up on Facebook yet. One area I struggle with is the engagement posts because I am not a fan of the endless stream of social ‘chatter’ in the news feed and writing it is definitely out because I won’t try to pretend I’m someone I’m not just to attract a few readers who aren’t even my target audience. Still you’ve given me something to think about …
Marquita Herald recently posted..Inspiring Thoughts on Creating New Beginnings
Hi Marty,
Facebook has become quite annoying for many people these days. However, marketing on Facebook is hot right now. Who knows how long that will last?
There is a lot of social media chatter that I have to skim down to. But once I built up my fan page, It is slowly but surely working because those folks find what I put on there interesting, then come over to my blog.
There are many strategies, This is just one of them.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: angeld0ve
April 13, 2014 at 11:49 am #
Hi Donna,
I agree with Bren and Harleena, very interesting post and I love the way you include every details on this fanpage. But I’m not sure I wanna put any more money on FB. I have done a campaign there before and found out that the word-of-mouth works better than advertising on FB.
My biggest traffic source is Twitter, Triberr, and Google+. Also, beginning to have traffic too on Linkedin. I guess for different people it works different ways. So for now I’ll stick to what I have.
I hope you have a great weekend.
Angela McCall recently posted..Video Blogging Challenge 4 | Celebrating My 100th Post
Hi Angela,
It all depends where your traffic is. If you are getting your traffic from Twitter, Triberr and Google+, that’s where you need to stay girl.
Just keep in mind your marketing strategies and you will do so well.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: TheAweSamsauce
April 13, 2014 at 8:33 am #
I hear a lot of counsels to move away from FB and focus on the other platforms. Perhaps I will need to over time. Right now, FB seems to be the source that *IF* I can get my posts seen, traffic seems to continue coming as it gets shared. I love the structure and steps you’ve outlined. I find that I’m more successful when I can operate from a framework. Thanks for such great suggestions- I’m going to implement them on several platforms.
Samantha recently posted..15 Powerful Questions That Could Reduce Your Anxiety
Twitter: NandaRahmanius
April 13, 2014 at 2:29 am #
Hi Donna,
Glad to see you making this article. I can see you making your article gradually. The strategies in this article is going to make the traffic will increase for our blog. It’s nice strategies 🙂
Consistent is the most important factor in any case. Without consistent, you will not achieve anything. That’s what I believe.
Thanks for sharing your strategies with us, Donna.
I’m sure,strategies like these are needed by many people 🙂

Nanda Rahmanius recently posted..6 Ways To Avoid Your Website From Google Algorithmic Penalty
Hi Nanda,
There are so many strategies to this, it would take an ebook or course to find out what to do. But, I do like to share what I’m doing and what is working for me.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: harleenas
April 13, 2014 at 2:11 am #
Hi Donna,
I agree with Bren, a very interesting post and I loved the way you shared your strategy with us here 🙂
I know you’ve just started doing things on your Fanpage and the results are truly amazing, so it is surely working well for you – great going indeed! I used to do that when I started my Fanpage, but have lessened down to sharing just once or twice a day now, though I am consistent with that, and not just on FB, but also on G+ and of course Twitter is never ending.
I haven’t done any giveaways or contests as yet, but they seem like a good idea and people always love free stuff, though you need to know where and what to offer for free to them. Need time to check out all of that too. Content posts, and even quotes or inspirational images with quotes are something that have always worked better for me, or perhaps I haven’t moved away from there and have mainly shared both of these kinds for long now.
Engagement posts are great way and they do build up the engagement and people add up to your fanpage, but I honestly don’t have so much of time for putting them up, due to the notifications and comments that follow up later, as I’d mentioned earlier. But yes, it’s certainly an option I might reconsider for having on weekends or when there’s a little time one can take out. I guess my engagement happens a lot when I share my posts on many FB groups too, and those people join my FanPage, so that’s another way 🙂
I guess it all comes down to how much time you can devote on your Fanpage and how soon you want to increase your fans. I am actually pretty alright with the few that keep trickling in daily and I think they come from all over the other social media platforms also like G+ where I have over 12,000 or Twitter because if you link up all your social profiles with each other, that helps too. Yes, once they visit the blog and see your profile there, that directs them to your social media profile too, isn’t it?
Thanks for sharing these tips with us. Have a nice weekend 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..Getting Google Adsense Account Approval Easily
Hi Harleena,
Just like any platform, if we are going to work one with marketing involved, we have to give it our all. I don’t have thousands of followers, nor do I want them. However, I do want people that are interested in what I can offer on my FB page. From there, I always “boost my post” so others can see my latest blog.
Then they come over to my blog, and we start engaging. Sometimes, I even get people opting in to my product I offer on my FB page. Yes, I do contests because, well, they are fun! It also helps with the engagement process.
donna merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: JustBrenLee
April 12, 2014 at 6:34 pm #
Very interesting Donna and great tips! I have just about given up on FB pages. My group is more successful for one blog and the other, writer’s page, has just begun. I think it depends on how much time you have to put into your page. I’ve found Twitter and Stumbleupon to be my bigger sources of traffic than FB pages. Twitter is my main baby and I do try and spend most of my time there. FB, I like it but the more changes they make, the more I wanna drop em. 🙂
Bren recently posted..Betrayed | “I’m Tired”
Hi Bren,
I always say go to where your traffic is. Twitter and Stumble upon are great platforms and if more of your followers are there, for sure, keep it up.
Facebook groups are tricky. Some are fabulous wile others are those drop and run places.
donna merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream