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How beginner bloggers become successful

Beginner Bloggers Become SuccessfulBeginner bloggers become successful by coming to grips with what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

As a beginner blogger you probably think of yourself as an entrepreneur, right?

Well it’s true.

All bloggers have to be good entrepreneurs to become successful.The Blogging Entrepreneur

But more than that, you have to understand that as a beginner blogger, you must know what is required of an entrepreneur.

Beginner blogger as entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur, the first reality to comprehend is that you are in charge of your own business.

When I coach beginner bloggers, they often come to me with questions about how to proceed with their business.

They want to know what to do next.

Ad, of course, they’re looking for a simple, step-by-step blueprint they can follow.

Here’s the problem though.

As an entrepreneur, you don’t get a step-by-step blueprint.

Nor do you get an exact strategy to implement.

You have to start with a good strategy, see how well it works or not, and make adjustments along the way.

If you confidently maintain consistent effort in this way, you put yourself on the path to success.

Getting past bewilderment

All beginner bloggers go through a period where they simply think they’re doing everything wrong.

That’s because they have tried to stick to some kind of a “proven step by step guide” that somebody gave them to follow.

Proven Step by Step Systems for Bloggers Suck

When you try to stick to a plan that’s given to you, then you probably will end up bewildered and disappointed at some point in time.

That’s because every plan comes from somebody else.

Just because the plan may have worked great for them, doesn’t mean it will work for you.

And almost no plan is going to work for you until you first develop the mindset of a true entrepreneur.

Master the technology

Most beginner bloggers think that the most important thing to master is the technology of blogging.

They want to have the right blogging platform, a great blog design, affordable but effect blog hosting, top notch security to prevent hackers, list building popups, landing pages, and many other things

Often times they get stuck on trying to figure out what the best of this, that or the other thing is.

Or how to use it.

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How about tools that they’ll need to develop videos or podcasts?

They look for systems to share their blog posts on social media.

All these tools are important.

And figuring out how to put them to the best use is critical.

But technology and tools are not the core issues to blogging.

The beginner blogger must know that every piece of technology they apply to blogging is just one little tiny piece of the puzzle.

Building a strategy to make these thing effective is where they really need to be focused.

Be Decisive

Being an entrepreneur requires that you be decisive.

Don’t spend so much time trying to figure out what to do, that you never get fully in the flow of actually doing it.

Develop a Strategy

The key here is not the technology, but how you use it to build your business.

Entrepreneurs cannot get stuck in just learning how to use a bunch of tools.

They must learn just enough about a tool to make it useful.

Putting it to use to achieve your goals is what is critical.

Try out a variety of tools and technology.

If things work out for you, fine.

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If not, then scrap it and move on to the next tool or the next strategy.

Beginner bloggers are entrepreneurs.

That means they must always be in motion.

Things always change.

Technology, systems and tools come and go.

Strategies must always change to meet the circumstances of the moment.

Always be ready and willing to switch gears at a moment’s notice.

Implement Your Strategy

Once you have settled on a particular strategy for your business, you must put it into action every single day.

Always work from a system that works for you… your own blueprint or to-do list.

Don’t just expect to be inspired to do the right thing with every passing hour.

It will never happen.

Be decisive.

Make things happen.

Know what you have to do and decide you’re going to do it.

Just get down to business every morning and make sure that you attend to the most important tasks first thing off.

Don’t let anything stand in your way.

Once you choose your strategy… make it work.

And in order for it to work… you must work on it.

Implementation is the most important part of blogging success for all beginner bloggers.

Be Resilient

No matter how hard you try to avoid them, you will always have to face new challenges.

These are not things that happen once in a while.

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They arise as an ordinary and daily way of doing business.

Beginner bloggers become successful by always rising to the occasion.

They don’t throw up their hands and say “this is too difficult.”

And they don’t turn their backs on the daily implementation of their main strategy simply because they just don’t know which direction to turn next.

That would just return them to the bewilderment stage that we talked about earlier.

The key thing, here is to bounce back when things go wrong.

Always bounce back.

That is what Marquita Herald calls “the power of resilience.”

Emotional resilience

Read more from Marquita Herald on her Emotionally Resilient Living blog

Developing the power of resilience is absolutely essential to a beginner blogger’s success.

Embrace Failure

The first thing you’re going to encounter as a beginner blogger is an endless stream of little failures.

I’ve never come across any successful blogger who didn’t have to struggle through tons of little failures before finally figuring out how to reach their Big Goal.

Those “failures” are not really failures at all… just temporary setbacks as you march toward success.

If you’re the type of person that runs and hides at the first sight of a tough challenge, then you really don’t have the entrepreneurial mindset.

You’ve got some work to do on that front.

A true entrepreneur knows that every “little failure” is just one more step toward “big success.”

And beginner bloggers learn and actually grow from those failures on their way to reaching the next level toward ultimate success.

Have Fun

If this all sounds like a lot of hard work oh, well it is.

But it’s also fun.

Beginner bloggers need to see their business as being fun and fulfilling.

It has to be something you are eager to work on every day.

Now, this is not just so you enjoy what you do.

It’s because if you have to work too hard on something that you don’t enjoy then you’re very likely to give up when things get tough.

You won’t be able to sustain a level of excitement and enthusiasm.

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At that point, you’ll make every excuse you can to avoid doing what you see as the “drudgery” of your daily implementation.

That’s why it’s so critical that you really enjoy what you’re doing.

Be authentic

You must be interested, if not passionate, about your niche and your topic.

And you must work effortlessly every day without the thought of monetary success.

I know every blogger wants to make money from their blog.

But that cannot be what’s foremost in your mind.

Making money is not nearly as much of a motivator as enjoying what you’re doing.

Ryan Biddulph talks about this on his blog all the time.

He’s probably one of the most passionate bloggers I know.

He strongly believes that you must have fun blogging.Blogging for funRead the entire article…
Ryan Biddulph On Blogging For Fun and Finding Success
(at Rob Powell Biz Blog)

Ryan always has lots of fun blogging on Blogging from Paradise.

It’s what makes his blog so compelling.

And it’s why he’s built such an engaged and loyal audience over the years.

They can feel that he’s having fun.

Beginner bloggers will not attract an eager audience by going about their businesses as though it is drudgery and misery.

Nobody wants to attach themselves to that kind of energy.

Everybody wants to be with somebody that’s enjoying themselves.

They want to see them having fun and loving what they are doing.

It makes them feel better about themselves.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of having fun in your business.

If you can’t be passionate about what you do… then there’s very little chance that you will reach the kind of blogging success you are striving for.

How beginner bloggers become successful

Beginner bloggers become successful by being dedicated and consistent in their business.

They become successful by loving what they’re doing and sharing that excitement with their audience.

What kind of success are you having as a beginner blogger?

Top Tier Coaching

Do you an entrepreneurial attitude and habit?

Has this article helped you see what it takes to become successful as a beginner blogger or even as an advanced longer?

I’d love to hear your comments below.

Also, please share this article on your favorite social sites.


Donna Merrill
Donna is a well known blogger and creator of "Blogging Magic" - an intensive guide to blogging. "Blogging Magic" is for beginners who are trying to figure out how to bring their blogs to life with tons of visits, comments and social media interaction. It's even for advanced bloggers looking to reach new levels of authority and engagement with their audience.

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30 Responses to How beginner bloggers become successful

  1. Anil Agarwal
    August 22, 2019 at 8:19 am #

    Hi Donna!

    You’ve been one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever known. I appreciate your motivational article. One must be passionate and love what you do. That’s the only way you can spend countless hours discovering more.

    One of the bitter truth all beginners must take is the fact that there is no blueprint to successful blogging. Everything is about testing and analyzing. And be decisive instead of just giving up on what’s not right for a moment.

    We all face confusion at one point but that’s the time we have to be strong and embrace the failures. We must learn to overcome the fear of failure and look ahead.

    Anil Agarwal

    Anil Agarwal recently posted.. How to Create An AdSense Friendly Website That Makes $100 Per Day

  2. Erika Mohssen-Beyk
    July 8, 2019 at 4:25 pm #

    Hi Donna,
    It is right what you say, for blogging there is no simple blueprint. It is not like knitting, for example, there I need the material, the needles, and the pattern to get the exact result. ut blogging is not dealing with material, it is dealing with tools, technology and especially people. It is about experimenting and not being afraid of mistakes because they tell what does not work. But anyways having a coach who can guide makes things easier.
    Most important is dedication and being persistent and connecting.
    Thank you for telling the reality

  3. Ryan K Biddulph
    June 10, 2019 at 8:07 am #

    Donna thanks a bunch! We can hit the ground running by building a tribe. New bloggers believe they are alone, going solo, and struggle being lone wolves. Make friends, guys. Be a team. Build a team. Have fun helping people. Even new, you accelerate your success by building a tribe around you. All starts with being generous, helpful and energetic. Even newbies have success; just need to learn how to count blogging wins, all day long.

    Ryan Biddulph recently posted.. 11 Fundamentals of Successful Blogging Audio Course

    • Donna Merrill June 11, 2019 at 8:41 am #

      Hi Ryan,

      Having a “tribe” is so important when it comes to blogging. One needs to get out there and read, comment and share other blogs. In turn they will come over to your place and reciprocate in time. This is how we build our own “tribe” and it is amazing who we attract…people from all over the globe. As we get to know them better, it is amazing because we would never cross paths if it wasn’t for our blogs.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to make money with a blog for beginnersMy Profile

  4. Jayanta Bhowmick June 10, 2019 at 2:47 am #

    Hi Donna.
    Nice article for beginner bloggers.
    I am newbie in this blogging industry.
    I really like your point on embrace failure. This point is not only true for blogging it is a fact of life.
    Keep writting good articles like this…
    Jayanta Bhowmick

    • Donna Merrill June 11, 2019 at 8:34 am #

      Hi Jayanta,

      Being a newbie yourself, it is so important that we all learn from our mistakes. When we “fail” at something, there is a huge lesson we must embrace and move forward. We can never give up if we fail at something.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to make money with a blog for beginnersMy Profile

  5. Shamsudeen Adeshokan
    June 9, 2019 at 12:34 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    Very motivational and informative post for beginners bloggers.

    One of the bitter truth beginners bloggers need to accept is the fact that there is no “blueprint” or “handout” to a successful blogging career. Is all about tweaking, testing, analyzing, and finding what works from what’s not.

    Most of these will come from your own personal experience with your blog business and reading from other people’s blogging journey. Competitors analysis is a very good marketing strategy which I believe beginners can leverage to find success quickly and replicate what’s already working for top bloggers in their niche.

    Thanks, Donna, nice read.
    Shamsudeen Adeshokan recently posted..5 Blogging Myths You’ll Need To Debunk Right NowMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill June 11, 2019 at 8:33 am #

      Hi Shamsudeen,

      So true that there is no real “blueprint or handout” to be a successful blogger. We must learn by testing, analyzing and finding out what is working and what is not.

      Seeing what is working for others in your niche and learning that marketing strategy can surely help the beginner blogger.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to make money with a blog for beginnersMy Profile

  6. Gaurav Kumar
    June 8, 2019 at 11:18 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    Beginning is always the first step to success. You cannot think of becoming a successful blogger without starting a blog. A newbie blogger need to adopt many things from successful bloggers such as entrepreneurship, connection building, creating market value and social engagement.

    I believe that a newbie blogger should always follow the successful bloggers and learn from them.

    Gaurav Kumar recently posted..How Can Your Restaurant’s Renovations Help Your Business Grow?My Profile

    • Donna Merrill June 11, 2019 at 8:24 am #

      Hi Gaurav,

      It is so true that newbie bloggers will do so well if they follow successful bloggers and learn from them.

      They do have to learn so much from writing skills to marketing techniques.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to make money with a blog for beginnersMy Profile

  7. Emenike Emmanuel
    June 8, 2019 at 12:05 pm #

    Hello Donna,

    It’s been a long time. Good to be on your blog again.

    I love the part you talked about being authentic and decisive as a beginner blogger. They really helped me when I started out.

    I didn’t dwell too long at a spot overthinking any issue that needed to be done to grow my blog. Once the idea pops in, I execute them. No wasting of time.

    Analysis paralysis has left so many beginner bloggers struggling.

    Thanks for your deep insight.

    Emenike Emmanuel recently posted..5 Signs That You Are Now Ready to Become a FreelancerMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill June 11, 2019 at 8:20 am #

      Hi Emenike,

      I like the way you see things especially when an idea pops up you execute it. You don’t waste any time.

      If we dwell on things, we do get that analysis paralysis that will leave us struggling.

      Thanks for your input here.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to make money with a blog for beginnersMy Profile

  8. Sathish Arumugam
    June 8, 2019 at 5:43 am #


    Happy to see such a motivational article from you to help beginners to become the entrepreneurs. As Jitendra said, using the right tools and strategies are highly imperative. Above all, consistency and interest be the game changers. One must be more passionate about blogging and breathe it.

    Sathish Arumugam recently posted.. Anchor Text Ratio Guide: Don’t Over Optimize & Hit By Google Penalties

    • Donna Merrill June 10, 2019 at 4:10 pm #

      Hi Sathish,

      We can’t forget those who are beginners. There are so many of them and sometimes we write things that are way over their heads. This is why I try to write things that are good for beginners as well as the seasoned blogger.
      Indeed, we must be passionate about blogging and breathe it!

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to make money with a blog for beginnersMy Profile

  9. Aakash Patel
    June 8, 2019 at 4:21 am #

    Hi Donna,

    Glad to be back again on your blog by reading amazing article. I started blogging 2 years back and still, I enjoy a lot. Blogging is the best way to connect with your readers. It doesn’t matter if beginner bloggers make a money from their blogs in beginning, They should focus on building loyal audience and authority blog. That will give you money over time.

    Btw, coming with a detailed practical guide on reducing page load time. I think, that will help you a lot. 🙂


    Aakash Patel recently posted.. Why You Should Focus On Page Load Speed in 2019

  10. Karan Mehta
    June 7, 2019 at 1:24 am #

    Hey Donna,

    I am a beginner in this field, Be authentic & enjoy your Work is the key points that I am following right now.
    I have many fail attempts but learned a lot from it. “Failure will teach you more than your Success”
    every point in this blog is 100 % true. It helped me a lot
    & gonna help others too.


    • Donna Merrill June 11, 2019 at 8:43 am #

      Hi Karan,

      Being new and following being authentic and enjoying your work will get you far in this field. It is so refreshing to know that you believe that “failure will teach you more than your success” because it is so true.
      I’m so happy that this has helpd you a lot.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to make money with a blog for beginnersMy Profile

  11. Lisa Sicard
    June 6, 2019 at 6:37 am #

    Hi Donna, YES, you must LOVE what you do! That’s the only way you can spend countless hours learning more, and doing what you need to succeed. I’m always learning new things and set aside time for that. I also have gotten out of my comfort zone and starting doing videos weekly which is needed to grow my fanbase and business. If I’m telling clients they need to do video I’ve got to be out there doing it too! I believe in doing what you preach to others whether blogging or for social media.
    I love meeting people from all over the world via blogging and those nearby like YOU! I can’t believe I’ve known many bloggers for almost a decade. It’s amazing how it all happens.
    I heard a quote from Tony Giordano training that really stuck out for me ” A digital relationship is 100 times more powerful than a real-life relationship in the same period of time…. ” in the same period of time is the key phrase. Amazing, isn’t it?
    Have a great day Donna!
    Lisa Sicard recently posted..20 Blogging Tools You Need to Build Your Awesome Blog TodayMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill June 10, 2019 at 3:55 pm #

      Hi Lisa,

      I remember the time you were too frightened to do videos and I was preaching to you why it is so important. I think it was about two years ago when we got together. But here you are, like a pro at it and doing it once a week. I know we have to practice what we preach. As you know, I’ve done so many live videos from Twitter to Facebook Live that I am busy coaching others lately and hardly get a chance to do my own he he he.

      It is so amazing meeting folks from all over the world and the quote you shared clarifies what we feel when we do that.


      P.S. I’m so glad we got together off line a few times. I treasure those moments my friend.
      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to make money with a blog for beginnersMy Profile

  12. Jitendra Vaswani
    June 5, 2019 at 11:04 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    Becoming successful in blogging is not that hard when we use right kind of tools and strategies for our blog. But I think for blogging, we should keep loving the blogging do and come with more content for our audience.

    By the way, you have shared such a great piece of content. Keep posting such awesome content. Thanks for sharing the post.

  13. Cristofer Odqvist June 4, 2019 at 4:05 am #

    Hi, Donna! Another great post! What really stuck in my mind were two things. Firstly, sticking to your strategy once you’ve developed it. Some call it a system (I guess it’s the same thing when you’ve developed and tried out the system yourself; I did read your post on step by step systems though …) and I hear more and more people claiming that they’ve stopped focusing on the goal and just put all their focus into implementing the system/strategy.

    The second thing is the having fun part. I think so many people overlook the benefits of staying in that almost naive sense of joy and amazement when working. This is where the strategy/system becomes super important to keep your focus while in this state.

    Oh, and I’m getting into the embracing failures part more and more also. Success is fabulous but sometimes not the best teacher.

    All the best,
    Cristofer Odqvist recently posted..Don’t Get Too Comfortable!My Profile

    • Donna Merrill June 10, 2019 at 3:45 pm #

      Hi Cristofer,

      We need a goal, but cannot always focus on that. Once it is etched in our minds, then we do have to pay attention to our system we put in place and work it.

      Having fun is necessary because if we are not doing it, we will stray and even give up. Having fun with our strategies is the key to success.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to make money with a blog for beginnersMy Profile

  14. Marquita Herald
    June 3, 2019 at 12:07 pm #

    Such an inspiring post, and what an honor to be included. Thanks, Donna, I have learned so much from you over the years we’ve known each other!
    Marquita Herald recently posted..Defining Your Guiding Rules For LifeMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill June 3, 2019 at 3:01 pm #

      Hi Marquita,

      I too have learned many things from you and your blog over the years. You always make me think and that my friend is a wonderful thing. I just had to include you in this post and hopefully my readers will visit you and learn a thing or two.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to make money with a blog for beginnersMy Profile

  15. Moss Clement
    June 3, 2019 at 12:02 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    I appreciate knowing since I have learned a lot reading your blog, and this article is taking me back memory lane. We all face bewilderment, that is true, of course. I remember, at one point in my blogging journey when it became so complicated that I sat on my desk and began to wonder if this is really what I want. If one can get past that stage, there is no stopping because that is where you get to take decisive action to make the wise decision that will lead to blogging a success. Thus, if i weren’t resilient, i would have given up long ago.
    Thank you for sharing

    Moss Clement recently posted.. 5 Elements of An Epic Blog Post That Will Engage Readers

    • Donna Merrill June 3, 2019 at 3:00 pm #

      Hi Moss,

      I do believe that many of us during our blogging journey will sit there and wonder if it is all worth the time and energy we put into it. But as you mention, if one can get past that stage, there is no stopping. We make a decision to continue and become dedicated to it. Taking action is key. And yes, if we are not resilient, we would give up.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to make money with a blog for beginnersMy Profile

  16. Vishwajeet Kumar
    June 3, 2019 at 9:47 am #

    Hello Donna,

    Great post. Blogging is now one of the best ways to connect with people across the globe and connect with your audience. Many newbie bloggers are rush for money despite choosing what they are passionate about. Choosing a relevant niche is very important to become a successful blogger. Being a blogger, I am very happy that I am able to connect with many helpful bloggers like you, Ryan, and many others. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips.

    Vishwajeet Kumar recently posted..Different Ways To Embed Twitter Feeds On WebsiteMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill June 3, 2019 at 2:57 pm #

      Hi Vishwajeet,

      Blogging sure is a great way to connect with people all over the globe. This is what fascinates me the most. To meet people like you, who I would normally never run across in life and here we are….Blogging Buddies!

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to make money with a blog for beginnersMy Profile

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