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How to Find People Interested in What You Do

How to Find People Interested In What You Do

You need to know how to find people interested in what you do in order to build your business.

This is the only way to put your blogging brand in front of a new crowd.

In this article, you are going to learn where to find those people.

Then I’m going to show you how to get them to want to do business with you.

But start by considering this scenario.

You are trying hard to run a successful blogging business.

All your articles are written for people who you consider to be your “target audience.”

After you’re done writing a blog post, you try to share it everywhere you can think of.

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But let’s face it.

Until you can find people interested in what you do, you won’t be building much of a business, will you?

So first, let’s talk about “what you do.”

What do You “Do?”

Let’s say you are a “social media manager.”

That means you want people to hire you to run their social media campaigns.

Post their tweets, do Facebook ad campaigns or whatever.

So ask yourself this… what do you  “do?”

Answer: you manage people’s social media sites and campaigns.

In order to have a profitable business doing that… you need to find people interested in hiring someone to run their social media sites for them.

But where can you find these people?

Well, a good starting place is to locate other social media managers.

In other words, locate your competitors.

Find Your Competitors

You call people your “competitors” because they offer products or services similar to yours.

For that reason, they are trying to find people interested in precisely the same thing that you are doing.

That’s pretty cool.

So, all you have to do is find your competitors, and they will open the doors to their followers.

And remember, their followers can also be yours since you offer similar products or services.

But first, you have to find your competitors.

Who are they?

Where are they?

Well, let’s continue using the same “social media manager” example.

Simple Searches Yield Big Results

How will you find your “social media manager” competitors?

You have to do a “search” for them.

Do things like utilizing “Facebook search” to locate other social media managers.

Also, you might do a Google search for “social media managers.”

You could find them on YouTube; or Instagram; or Pinterest; or LinkedIn; etc etc.

Just think like a prospect for a moment.

Like you were a potential client for your competitor.

What would you do?

How would you go about finding a “social media manager” for your business?

I’ll bet you’d go beyond simply searching for the term “social media manager.”

You’d probably want to see who is good at doing some of the things you want done.

And you might search for something like:

  • How to run Facebook ads
  • The best way to use Twitter to get hired
  • Is it a good idea to promote my services on YouTube?

When you enter long-form searches like that, you’ll start finding people who have written about exactly the types of things you want to hire them to do for you.

So you go to their blogs.

Or to their video channels.

In other words, you go to wherever they are.

You see what they have to say.

Do they sound authoritative?

Think of whether or not they seem to know their business.

Are they offering their own services?

Does it seem like they are making some profit from what they’re doing?

If so, you have just found a competitor.

Rinse and repeat, as they say.

Build up a list of your competitors.

Find the Right Platform

So, to build your “social media manager” business, you are going to want to find the best platform for finding clients.

This is where you need to spend most of your time looking for people interested in what you do.

Should you set up a LinkedIn profile and spend all your time connecting with people on that platform?

You could.

But maybe 3 months or hard work later, you’ll find out that you’re just not making good connections there.

So now you’re ready to hop onto another platform.

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You could try Facebook or Instagram.

Well, you’re kind of shooting in the dark aren’t you?

In fact, you’re really just guessing, and giving it a try.

And you’re assuming that whatever you’re doing to “give it a try” is the right thing.

Or the best thing.

So why not start with a platform and a strategy that’s already a proven winner?

Well, fine.

But who’s going to show you exactly where to go and what to do to find people interested in what you do?

Good question.

And my answer is… your competitors, that’s who.

You’ve already got your list of competitors by doing what I told you above, right?

So now it’s time to learn a thing or two from them.

First of all…

Where do they hang out to find new clients?

On their blog, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, some niche forum?

Take note of what they’re doing and where they’re doing it.

Join the “In Crowd”

Then follow them on some of the platforms where you feel comfortable.

So if you like Facebook, find social media managers with a Facebook page, maybe even a Facebook group.

Now get actively involved with their crowd.

To do that, you’ll have to “like” their page, or “join” their group, for instance.

That will get you “on the inside.”

Now, you are “in” with the “in crowd.”

And “in crowd” in this case, consists of exactly the people interested in what you do.

As an insider, you get to see everything that’s going on with your competitor’s efforts to build his/her business.

But there’s a lot more than that.

This is an opportunity to actually connect with your competitor’s audience.

how to find people interested in what you dohow to find people interested in what you doRead more
How To Find Your Target Audience And Create The Best Content That Connects

(by Ben Sailer, on the CoSchedule Blog)

You can talk to them as often as you want.

Ask them questions, offer your help and let them know who you are.

You can even let them know how to connect with you.

If you do this consistently enough, these people will get to know you.

And they will start to see you as an authority in your chosen niche.

The 3 Top Problems

Now here’s where you really get to score big points.

Once you’re involved as an insider with your competitor’s crowd, you will get to know exactly what their challenges and problems are.

That’s because every day you’ll be talking to them.

They’ll be asking questions and telling you what their struggles are.

And if you’re not getting any information you want, all you have to do is ask for it.

Just open a discussion anytime you feel like it and say “hey who’s having a problem with this issue?”

You can even get the information by posing your own question.

Something like “does anyone know how to …”

That will generate a lot of conversation from people with the same problem that you have posed.

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So what I recommend here is that once you get involved in your competitor’s group, you make it your business to find the top 3 challenges people are having.

Or you could call it the top 3 problems.

This is invaluable information.

Now you know exactly what problems this crowd struggles with most.

If what you do involves solutions to these problems, then you have just found the exact crowd of people you were searching for.

These will be precisely the people interested in what you do, if what you do involves solutions to any one of those Big 3 Problems.

Now, of course, you might find out that you don’t have solutions to their problems.

Maybe what you do is actually not a match for this crowd.

In that case, it’s simply time to move on and search out a new crowd.

Find another competitor whose crowd may be more likely to be responsive to what you do.

The Top Solutions

Now, if you have found a crowd of people whose problems you are in the business of solving, then you’re in the right place.

The next thing I’d suggest you do is to find out how your competitor goes about solving those 3 problems.

As you go about researching one competitor after another, you will start seeing a full range of possible solutions to those big problems.

This will help you determine how to stand out in a crowd of competitors.

You can tweak your “solutions” to make sure they are better than anyone else’s.

Or maybe your solutions can be made bigger, easier or more affordable.

Find ways you can offer people the solutions they want in a better way than your competitors.

This is how you can position yourself as a standout authority in your niche.

And this is not only how to find people interested in what you do.

It’s also how to convince those people that you have the solutions they need, to make their lives better.

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How to Find People Interested in What You Do

I think you can see how critical it is to get this right.

Without finding the right people, the best prospects for your business, you will be writing all your great content for the wrong people.

For people who will never become your clients or customers, no matter how great your content is.

So how do you go about this?

Leave me a comment below.

Tell me how you get readers to your blog and attract prospects to your business.

I’d like to hear if this article has given you a better idea of how to find people interested in what you do.

Thanks so much!


PS: I’d be so happy to have you share this article on your favorite social sites, too.

Donna Merrill
Donna is a well known blogger and creator of "Blogging Magic" - an intensive guide to blogging. "Blogging Magic" is for beginners who are trying to figure out how to bring their blogs to life with tons of visits, comments and social media interaction. It's even for advanced bloggers looking to reach new levels of authority and engagement with their audience.

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22 Responses to How to Find People Interested in What You Do

  1. Cristofer Odqvist June 10, 2019 at 10:07 am #

    Hi, Donna!
    Really sobering stuff. Getting the right people to the blog and making sure the posts are actually helpful
    to them is key and something I need to think about every day. Looking forward to diving into part 2 to 4!
    All the best,

  2. Dal Saru January 13, 2019 at 9:51 am #

    wow! very nice article for every blogger who wants to generate traffics to the blog. Yes, it is the best way to bring the real visitors related to the post.
    Thank you, Donna for sharing your best knowledge!

  3. Moss Clement
    December 16, 2018 at 12:17 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    Your article is fantastic, and I agree with Ryan’s comment which you called “reciprocation.” This strategy has worked well for me. Reaching out to others in your industry help you get noticed. And as they notice you, you they’ll show interest in what you do. But let’s be honest, not all will be interested in you, but those who show interest will be willing to do business with you.

    Interesting article, Donna!

    • Donna Merrill December 17, 2018 at 10:32 am #

      Hi Moss

      Reciprocation takes time and effort, for sure.

      But it’s the core to your blogging business.

      It’s certainly not a place to cut corners.

      As you say, not everybody will be interested in what you do, or want to do business with you.

      That’s okay.

      Just keep putting your message out there to new prospects, wherever you locate them.

      Some people fall away, but there are always many more who will be ready to join your crowd if they’re truly interested in what you do.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Welcome – How Is This Blog Different?My Profile

  4. Marios Tofarides
    December 15, 2018 at 11:14 am #

    Hey Donna,

    Thanks for some really great advice. I think that all bloggers want to answer the question you are so thoroughly answering. I’ll try your advice and let you know the results.



  5. Marquita Herald
    December 13, 2018 at 3:32 am #

    Great advice Donna. I’ve pulled away from social media in recent months and your post perfectly relates to what sparked that decision – I was investing too much time with the wrong audience. So, I’m refocusing and making some year-end decisions on how to move forward. I feel I’m ready for a change and it’s going to be fun to see where this itch takes me. Enjoy the season and Happy New Year!

    Marquita Herald recently posted… The Empowering Effect of a Personal Manifesto

    • Donna Merrill December 17, 2018 at 10:26 am #

      Hi Marquita

      It’s so important to keep your “core message” pointed at the right audience.

      The right audience is those people interested in what you do.

      Really interested, ready to commit, ready to buy, ready to join or whatever your touch points are.

      And that always changes.

      People may be interested in your niche topic one day, and then fall off the wagon.

      Gotta always be reinventing, rediscovering your hot audience.

      End of the year seems like a perfect time to reinvent, right?

      Good luck with it my friend.


      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to Accelerate Your Productivity in 2019 to be a Top BloggerMy Profile

  6. Kathryn
    December 12, 2018 at 3:54 pm #

    Hi Donna,
    You know it’s weird but you seem to quite often write an article that is so in tune with what I am into at the moment that it’s just perfect for me.
    Very likely I am not the only one who feels this.
    I am taking a course that is teaching exactly what you mention in your post.
    Know your target audience, whose problems you are in the business of solving.
    Check out competitors to see how they go about solving the same problems.
    Look at the full range of possible solutions to those big problems.
    Give your slant that others do not offer and it will show how you stand out in a crowd of competitors.
    My solutions can be made bigger in scope, easier to implement or offer an affordable payment plan.
    Finding ways to offer people solutions they need in a better way than my competitors.
    This is how you can position yourself as a standout authority in your niche and this is how to find people interested in what you do.
    It’s also how to convince those people that you have the solutions they need, to make their lives better.
    Great post just in time. Happy Holidays.

    Kathryn Maclean recently posted… Exciting Innovative Company Goals for the New Year

    • Donna Merrill December 15, 2018 at 1:34 pm #

      Hi Kathryn

      I’m glad this “spoke to you” 🙂

      It’s really the essence of building a successful blog, or any business for that matter.

      It you can’t connect with those who are interested in what you’re doing, you won’t be able to build an audience, or profit for that matter.

      It would be like a butcher trying to promote his business at a vegan expo, haha.

      Enjoy your Holidays, too.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..What is the Best Way to Make Blogging Easy?My Profile

  7. Gaurav Kumar
    December 12, 2018 at 12:29 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    Blogging is about building connection. When I say build connection it means to build strong relationship not just with the influences but also with the readers.

    You have to understand buyer personas to easily find people interested in what you do.

    To understand buyer personas you can follow “Eagle eye concept for bloggers and SEO”, use content scoring and improve customer outreach.

    Gaurav Kumar recently posted..How to Improve Customer Outreach and Your Business ReputationMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill December 14, 2018 at 3:17 pm #

      Hi Guarav

      Absolutely… we must understand all we can about the reader persona for or ideal client…

      the “one” who is genuinely interested in what we do…

      the “one” for whom we create the content we do…

      the “one” who is a perfect fit for our products and services.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Productivity Hacks to be a Top BloggerMy Profile

  8. Eki Ayemenre
    December 12, 2018 at 10:59 am #

    I like this, Donna! The reason will are in business is to generate revenue by giving the right service to the right audience. Failure to identify and locate the right audience will simply lead to a total loss of time and resources. This is a wonderful resource. Thanks.

    Eki Ayemenre recently posted… 9 Easy Ways to Drive Massive Free Traffic Through Social Media

    • Donna Merrill December 13, 2018 at 11:57 am #

      Hi Eki

      So true..

      You’re really wasting your time with the content you labor so hard over, if you’re trying to deliver it to the wrong crowd.

      The wrong crowd, of course, is all those people who might think your content is interesting, but really don’t care about what you do.

      They’ll never be your customers, clients or even brand ambassadors.

      Find the people who DO care about what you’re doing, and your business will heat up fast.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Simple Ways to Get Way More Prospects with Far Less WorkMy Profile

  9. Sharon T McLaughlin
    December 12, 2018 at 10:06 am #

    This makes sense, I appreciate your valuable post. Time to study other businesses.

  10. Lisa Sicard
    December 12, 2018 at 7:26 am #

    Hi Donna, LOVE it! I do this with social listening all the time. It is a grea way to know what people need for your business as I’m in the social media management business as your example here.
    Another way for me is referrals. The more people I have as accounts or get to know me the more referrals I have and they always end up purchasing my services.
    I would say 90% of business comes from that method. But as you may guess, I’d like to branch out too and get some new blood in my business in case one sector goes down I’d like another. With that too I will need to hire more freelancers.

    I like using social listening tools like Brand 24 and Awario. They send emails and you can really learn things quickly on many of the social channels without even going to them unless you see something that catches your attention!

    Thanks for the tips here Donna, they are really invaluable! Have a great day and rest of the week there. Hey, do you have snow yet?

    Lisa Sicard recently posted… 4 Things That May Be Holding Your Business Back

    • Donna Merrill December 13, 2018 at 11:53 am #

      Hi Lisa

      No snow at the moment, but we’ve already had plenty 🙂

      “Social listening” is a critical skill.

      It’s really the way you put your “ear to the ground” and learn what’s going on in your niche.

      And it’s certainly an invaluable strategy for finding those people who are truly interested in what you do.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..When Bloggers Should Not Follow their PassionMy Profile

  11. Ryan K Biddulph
    December 12, 2018 at 7:02 am #

    I like it Donna.
    I found noticing people in my niche inspires people to notice me, and as more folks notice me, I find more people interested in what I do. Actively promoting bloggers, commenting on blogs and also being active on FB Groups related to my niche accelerated this process. Take interest in bloggers from your niche and they take interest in you and your services.

    Ryan K Biddulph recently posted… Are You Spotting Successful Blogging Patterns?

    • Donna Merrill December 13, 2018 at 9:12 am #

      Hi ryan

      It’s called reciprocation.

      When you outreach to others, they will usually reciprocate by supporting what you’re doing.

      People are always more interested in what “you” do, when you first let them know you’re interested in what “they” do.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Who is your Perfect Client for your Blog?My Profile

    December 12, 2018 at 1:45 am #

    nice post for all of us who are trying to figure out how to bring their blogs to life with tons of visits, comments and social media

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