An often overlooked issue in our industry is that of functional and inspirational workspace design for bloggers.
Is your home office or workspace conducive to your blogging creativity and productivity?
Many bloggers just take for granted that the space they are working in is limited to whatever it just happens to be.
But you don’t have to be limited to “what is” do you?
How about trying “what can be.”
Here’s the thing…
Working from home can have many distractions for bloggers.
It isn’t as easy as many people think it is.
We need to ask ourselves the question of how our home offices contribute to our productivity needs.
One thing to keep in mind is that bloggers do not all have the same requirements when it comes to workspace that is conducive to creativity.
That’s because bloggers all have different personalities and styles.
Let’s consider some of these.
Special: FREE Guide… 4 Things I Did To Build My Blog Using Only Free Traffic
The Minimalist
A home office needs to be neat and free of clutter for the minimalist blogger.
A clean desk and some office furniture will suffice.
Image Source:
Anything that doesn’t belong there will be distracting, thereby decreasing productivity.
A nice streamlined couch and chair would be a perfect added touch for her to take a break kick off her shoes and relax.
To be productive, she cannot work without taking periodic breaks.
She sits back, looks around the room. and is soothed by that perfect blend of colors.
It gives her pause to take a deep breath, finding peace and calm in an otherwise hectic day.
The Collector
Maybe you are one of those bloggers who loves to keep every book you have ever read.
You have memorabilia from athletes, entertainers, family or to just about anyone or anything you love.
As a collector, you will be happy to be greeted when you enter your office, by a sea of papers and cluttered walls, even stacks of books piled high in a lonely corner.
It might overwhelm and confuse another blogger, but you’re a collector.
Image Source:
You can concentrate better and produce more effective work in the sea of clutter you’ve created.
The collector loves to gaze at all the books she has read in her life.
She will take a break from her efforts and dwell on happy memories provoked by the memorabilia she has collected.
Then back to work she goes.
The Juggler
Are you a juggler?
Many bloggers are stay at home parents who need to juggle childcare, home keeping, yard work and errands along with their work from home responsibilities.
Oh boy… where oh where can she go to find a place to work?
Maybe that extra mother-in-law room can be turned into an office space.
Image Source:
There could even be a desk with a futon within reach to relax on… cool.
When mother-in-law comes over to visit, just open the futon up and there is a bed all ready for her.
The Juggler needs to slip in and out of her office and work in “productivity chunks.”
The City Slicker
Picture a building in New York City.
The space is tiny so everything must fit just right in order to have a small desk facing the window overlooking over the street view.
The City Slicker blogger may work on her blogging business within a limited amount of space, but she still needs a highly functional, designated spot to run her home-based blogging business from.
She can take breaks and gaze out her window for some open space and fresh ideas.
Ah, that desk fits just right against the window, allowing her to turn her back on the distractions of her otherwise tightly packed apartment.
No window space?
Image Source:
Facing the wall or even a quiet corner works to put some distance between yourself and visual distractions.
The Beach Babe Blogger
Whether on the beach or not, this gal needs to have an office that screams ocean.
It is decorated with a beach motif because that is what soothes and keeps her at peace.
A nice window with plenty of light coming in gives the illusion of staring out to the sea until the horizon disappears.
Different shades of blue and green adorn her home office.
The furniture is rattan …something a beach property would showcase.
As she gets up from her glass desk, she will pace up and down with eyes shut smelling the ocean (or even an ocean-scented candle).
This perfect office environment gives her incentive and insight.
It affords the beach babe blogger the focus she needs for creativity as well as productivity.
The Star Blogger
Want to be a star blogger?
You just might like to imitate some of the celebrity workspace tips I’ve recently discovered.
You never know…
Some of that “star” magic just may rub off on you 🙂
Workspace Design For Bloggers
Bloggers are well advised to be authentic in their content, and to build deep relationships with their readers.
They are also well advised to be true to themselves and connected enough to their feelings to design the kind of space that they are most comfortable with, and is most conducive to their creative impulses.
Remember, bloggers, when you design your “work” space, you need to be mindful of the “break-away” space you’ll need, too.
Helpful Tip: Take a few moments to learn the basic elements of designing your own workspace.
Blogging is an intense activity and the recess from your creative efforts is as important as your productivity.
It’s a time to relax and enjoy your environment, but also a critical period of rejuvenation.
Working from home can be something that slows you down if you are not in touch with who you are.
In order to be productive, you must create a space for yourself where YOU know you can perform to the best of your ability.
This will be a place where you can truly focus and create… whether it is an entire room or just a scented candle in the middle of the kitchen.
So, what kind of workspace do you have?
An office?
A kitchen table?
A corner desk?
What kind of Workspace Design For Bloggers works for you?
I’d love to have your comments below, and of course, I double-love it if you’d share this article on your social sites 🙂
Nice post Donna!! I appreciate all of your insights about workspace design here which are great for bloggers. Thank you for sharing this one!!
John Marc Ramirez recently posted..What Makes a Good and Effective Co-Working Space?
Hi Erika,
It is always so great to be writing when everyone is asleep. I find that the less distracting of all. It must be so nice to have that special place with lots of windows.
I need my own office not to only write, but to talk to clients. I have 2 dogs that are oh so noisy…so I need a quiet space with lots of plants, light, and a nice view. It keeps me focused even when the dogs are barking lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..36 Loyal Readers of Donna Merrill Tribe
Twitter: ErikaMohssenBey
October 30, 2016 at 8:04 pm #
Interesting how many different names the workplaces have 🙂
I may be a minimalist who needs to walk around often 🙂 I never was
able to sit a long time . I do not need much and only if I write a post
I need a time without distraction , my favorite time is in the night when
all others sleep 🙂 this was always this way not only with the laptop.
I have a special place where I sit with lots of windows but could do
what I want to do everywhere.
In my opinion, where there is a will or need there is a way.:)
Thank you for this interesting insights.
Erika Mohssen-Beyk recently posted..How To Get Started To Improve Your Self – Self Improvement
Twitter: lydiajbrown
October 30, 2016 at 4:37 pm #
Hey, Donna, I am the juggler and the collector but I so want to be the minimalist. I fail at every attempt why because I hoard everything. Books, notes, magazines. It probably wouldn’t be so bad if I was organized but a huge thumb down there. When I do clear things up and with a struggle get rid of things I love the look it seems so peaceful but it only lasts a few months. I think in another life I was in a prison or lived in a place that each person only had small space, or maybe I had to protect my property. I’m saying this because all my personal space are like my office because I work from each area. I have to have my things near me and where I can see them. My side of the couch and my side of the bed.
My dear husband cleaned my night stand off as a surprise and I almost cried. Thanks for this post really enjoyed it.
Lydia recently posted..Jersey Girl a Recovering Addicts Interview
Hi Lydia,
I wish I can come over and organize you lol. I say if you can work in an unorganized space then do it. My husband does, but when I go into his office I have to look down at the floor or else I will get dizzy … really!
My advice to you is to buy some storage boxes…they have the cutest ones out now…. and organize things you need. You can keep them right by your side, but each drawer will have a label on it. This way you can have things around you and it will look nice.
Donna Merrill recently posted..36 Loyal Readers of Donna Merrill Tribe
Twitter: lydiajbrown
November 2, 2016 at 4:53 pm #
Thanks Donna I saw some nice storage boxes at Marshalls so funny at the time I could not think of what I would use them for. That is how my brain works lol
Lydia recently posted..Senior Citizen Gambling is a Serious Problem
Hi Lydia,
I just purchased a few storage containers at TJ Max aka Marshalls too lol. I am having company over and don’t have drawer space for them, so I purchased a few gorgeous boxes for my guest room. At least they won’t have to live out of a suitcase and it will be organized.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Write A Roundup Post To Drive Traffic and Build Blog Engagement
Hi Sanjay,
Welcome to my blog and thank you for your means a lot to me.
Donna Merrill recently posted..36 Loyal Readers of Donna Merrill Tribe
I first time visit in your blog. Really your blog so nice & very useful articles in your blog about online marketing.
Thanks for sharing & I’m respect you and your work!
Twitter: AlmostPractical
October 22, 2016 at 8:19 am #
Hi Donna,
In my heart I am a minimalist blogger – I need a beautiful, clean, uncluttered space to work. Reality is quite different though. Too many papers and the color scheme is all wrong.
I have read that it is better to have 2 separate workspaces – one for blogging/work and one for paperwork related to home/personal. This would be ideal for me – but I don’t have that luxury yet.
Very inspiring article. Maybe it’s time to break out a little paint and make some changes. 🙂
Hi Neena,
Maybe you’re on the right track, here… a little paint is all it takes to transform a space.
Sometimes it’s not even that complicated… just a new picture on the wall, a mirror, new curtains on the window, just a new cushion on your chair.
It doesn’t always need to be difficult to give you a little more focus on being productive and inspired 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan Biddulph
Twitter: ikechiawazie
October 20, 2016 at 8:09 am #
Hi Donna
Since I juggle between the office and my home, I never really observed the kind of work space that inspires me. I do know that I love to work without noise and a cool environment
So it is interesting to see different types of workplace design based on people’s personality. I kind of like the Minimalist design.
Thanks for sharing. Take Care
ikechi recently posted..4 Crazy Things You don’t Know When You Waste Your Life
Hi Ikechi,
Everybody seems to prefer the minimalist. Me too.
Maybe it’s a blogger thing.
We’ve got so much noise and distraction to wade through online, maybe we just need a clear mind when it’s time to work.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Use Your Blogging Skills To Make Money Online
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
October 19, 2016 at 5:04 pm #
You did such an elegant job addressing an often overlooked or neglected subject Donna!
And it is so important, to create a work space and develop a reliable routine,
to help you become and stay productive.
Anyone working from home on any type of basis, definitely needs a designated
area, where distractions are minimized, and their work area is as clutter
free as possible.
In fact, just maintaining a clutter free designated work space environment,
will help relieve any daily stress, plus help spur your natural creativity!
I love the images for each type of blogger you described Donna!Thanks!
Mark recently posted..Email Marketing: How These Five Simple Changes Will Boost Your Results Fast!Part Two
Hi Mark,
I agree.
Office space and design are ultimately ONLY about helping you focus your energy on what you are doing, what you are working on.
The aesthetics is a nice touch, but it won’t make you a great blogger or marketer. Focusing on your top priorities and productivity.. day in and day out… will.
Glad this helps.
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Crazy Simple Ways To Become A Successful Blogger | Interview With Marquita Herald
Twitter: atishranjan
October 19, 2016 at 3:38 pm #
Hi Donna,
Nice post. Different bloggers have different ways of working. Initially, I worked sitting on my bed keeping my lappy on my lap but gradually, I shifted myself to table and chair, and later I shifted my whole work to a separate room to avoid distractions.
Though in my rented flat, I don’t have a great set up but yes I do have a separate room for working, and I enjoy working in that.
I always wanted to have a bookshelf and keep the books, but I rarely read books now as I am addicted to read online 😛
Thanks for the awesome post, Donna. Have a great day ahead.
Atish Ranjan recently posted..12 Best DSLR Cameras in India
Hi Atish,
You show us that even in a small space, your work space and work design is really important… no matter the simplicity.
Donna Merrill recently posted..35 Best Types Of Blog Posts To Get Free Traffic | Neil Patel
Twitter: iamkaranbhagat
October 19, 2016 at 7:02 am #
Hey Donna,
Those pictures are quite cool, the minimalist and the collector are my favorites among all other pictures you have posted.
As far as my taste is concerned I love my desk stay clean with hi-tech gadgets placed on it and drawers filled with project files and papers.
Karan Bhagat recently posted..Funny Wifi Names-Best Wifi Names For Your Network
Hi Karan,
The minimalist is my fav too.
Seems to me we both work the same way. It increases production when we create a space that we can work in.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Influencer Marketing To Grow Your Blog
Lovely pictures, Donna. I would dearly love to have that first minimalist one as my workspace. I’m sure it would hugely increase my productivity. It’s a great thing you’re doing here, focusing not just on the usual “how to get more sales” pitches, but also on the many ways in which we can work better and enjoy it in a nice working environment.
Anand recently posted..How an Online Lead Conversion App Can Increase Your Sales
Hi Anad,
It takes so much in order to get sales. It starts with our mindset….our surroundings…our knowledge…so much goes into it in order for us to be sharp and focused
Donna Merrill recently posted..Influencer Marketing To Grow Your Blog
Twitter: askdrho
October 16, 2016 at 7:21 pm #
If I were to place myself into a specific category I would say that I am a minimalist. Having said that I have little bits and bobs of several of the other categories too.
I have a corner desk that is a beautiful red. I am surrounded by pictures and quotes that make me happy. I also have several zen type pieces and a couch too 🙂
Dr. Elise Cohen Ho recently posted..Enjoy Great Times at Laguna Canyon Winery
Hi Elise,
I don’t thing we can fully be in one specific category….like you mention you would say you are a minimalist but have quotes around you that make you happy and several zen pieces and a couch too.
I’m sue if I walked into your office it would be a relaxing place.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Influencer Marketing To Grow Your Blog
Twitter: sueken
October 16, 2016 at 12:33 pm #
I tend to ignore everything when I’m on the computer. Doesn’t matter if my desk is cluttered or tidy. However, I do like a place for everything, for when I do tidy up/do the filing.
We have a spare bedroom room and a self contained flat downstairs (now occupied temporarily by my step daughter) but we chose to use the dining part of one of our living areas as an office, because it has sea views. The sofas in there were handy for clients, when hubby was working. We used to have two different, well worn, wooden desks but I wanted matching desks and returns with enough storage room. I settled on Ikea desktops, and drawer units for legs, because I could get exactly the right sizes to fit the space. (plus they were affordable!) My hubby and I sit side by side most of the time – we even talk to each other occasionally. Both of us get so wrapped up with what we are doing. 🙂
Sue Bride recently posted..Free ebook – The Whys & Hows of Business Success with Instagram
Hi Sue,
Our office is all set up in the “spare room” upstairs too. But our futon doubles for a guest room when needed.
It’s great where you use the dining part of the area as an office because of those sea views. It is important to glance up from our computers to see something pleasant…you are a lucky gal to have that view.
I like the idea of matching desks. In theory I would love to do that with David, but I work with minimum stuff around me and he works with bunches of stuff around himself. It would drive me mad he he he.
It is fun to work home with our hubby’s. We do bring our laptops down to the dining room in the morning and talk for a bit side by side.
We are blessed.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Influencer Marketing To Grow Your Blog
Twitter: SMITdebtb
October 16, 2016 at 11:13 am #
As usual, I can’t be in just one category, lol!
Typically, I enjoy working on my laptop on the patio when the fall and winter season arrive. It’s too hot in late spring or summer so I love this time of year.
I also work sometimes in the living room so I can chat with my husband as he works long hours and I can still accomplish some designing work or writing while visiting with him.
When it comes to my home office, I’m “Beach Babe” for colors, “City Slicker” for limited but organized space, and “The Collector” but my collection of books and other things are all to inspire, not distract. 🙂
Another thought provoking article. You are right, many people don’t consider how their surroundings influence their mood or productivity.
Hi Deborah,
Wow, you are a gal that can adapt to many things. As the laptop lifestyle we live can afford us to pick up and go anywhere, I like to keep it to two places in my home. I can’t have the TV on and concentrate. I watch David do it all the time and it amazes me.
You amaze me my friend.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Influencer Marketing To Grow Your Blog
Twitter: lisalisathom
October 15, 2016 at 10:00 pm #
Hi Donna, this is a really nice post. I think I’m a collector or maybe a combo between collector and beach babe 😉 My desk is always cluttered. I go through phases of tidying and filing, but it doesn’t take long to get back to the clutter-LOL. It’s organized chaos, I like to think. The pictures you’ve shared are lovely examples. Our work space really does inspire our creativity.
lisa thomson recently posted..HBO’s Divorce-Raw and Funny
Hi Lisa,
My husband works like you….organized chaos. If he needs to write something down I see three pens on his space. Papers are loaded everywhere on his desk. But the one thing that baffles me is when I ask him for something, he knows right where it is in the pile of rubble.
This is why we need to have separate offices lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Influencer Marketing To Grow Your Blog
Twitter: trafficcrow
October 15, 2016 at 9:01 am #
Hai Donna…
I love working with a laptop once I have started working on the laptop I don’t look after any other things, it may be said either as an advantage or disadvantage but according to me it is great. That was my thought until I saw your post.
After reading it I came to know that workplace is also very important while we are working on the particular stuff.
Thanks for giving such a valuable post about the workplace mam.
Keep posting……
Hi Sathish,
It’s true that the internet allows us to work anywhere, and I certainly bounce around a lot with my laptop.
On the other hand, though, for some intense work like creating a digital course or writing an eBook, and so forth… people often need to lock themselves away into their own little “cave” in order to focus for extended periods of time.
Sometimes, an office space is the perfect place to retreat to get some real intense work done.
It doesn’t have to be fancy or elaborate, but it needs to shut out distractions.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Create Your Own Product To Sell Online
Twitter: yonderwillow
October 14, 2016 at 11:27 pm #
Hi Donna. I don’t like to be stuck in one place, so I move all over my house to work. I can sit in bed it’s early or late. I have a card table set up in my bedroom as an “office space.” I have sat at the table in the kitchen. I have an arrangement set up so that I can stand and work in the living room, or sit and put my feet up in a comfy chair. I sometimes work outside on the front porch in the evening. About the only thing that is consistent from one space to the next is me, my computer, and natural light whenever possible.
Ben recently posted..Why Fresh Air is Good for You
Hi Ben,
When I first started out I used to be just like you. But I don’t know if I got adhd or just getting old but for the past two or three years, I need to have my own space with white noise sound on.
Go figure….I just go with the flow.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Influencer Marketing To Grow Your Blog
Twitter: HustawSEO
October 14, 2016 at 10:27 am #
Hey Donna,
Loved this post, it is really one of these overlooked issues by people who work online, not only bloggers.
As one’s online business gets bigger, he/she needs to try to set the workspace that suits the needed tasks.
Living a laptop live style doesn’t mean that we only need a laptop, still we need to have a private place, from which we can manage our business, and do some office tasks.
Thanks for sharing the great post, Donna!
Have a great weekend!
Hussain Omar recently posted..How to Do Blog Commenting for Traffic and SEO Ranking
Hi Hussain,
I feel the same way. We can live that laptop lifestyle, but I personally find it easier to work with all my stuff in one place.
A place where I can decorate to my needs and comfort and especially some inspiration.
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Crazy Simple Ways To Become A Successful Blogger | Interview With Marquita Herald
Twitter: TalwarSonal
October 14, 2016 at 1:49 am #
Hi Donna
Never thought that there could be so many different kinds of home offices. I like lots of books and magazines in my closet.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful insight!
Hi Sonal,
Aha…you are a bookworm lol. My mom is too and she has more books and magazines than I can ever count. I purchased a wall unit for her with glass enclosures because she is allergic to dust and has asthma. Since then, her condition has subsided.
Keeping them in your closet is a great idea.
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Crazy Simple Ways To Become A Successful Blogger | Interview With Marquita Herald
Twitter: brokenbarcode
October 14, 2016 at 12:11 am #
It’s definitely a beautiful place to work right there, but with the internet, it’s really enable us to work anywhere just with a laptop and an internet connection.
Hi Louis,
I love having the laptop lifestyle and be able to work just about anywhere I want. However, I do have a problem with concentration sometimes, so I get distracted quite quickly. I like working in my home office because I get more productive that way. I can take breaks and come back in and resume whatever I am working on.
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Crazy Simple Ways To Become A Successful Blogger | Interview With Marquita Herald
Twitter: rachellavern
October 13, 2016 at 4:04 pm #
Hi Donna,
You are talking one of my favorite things–design (I used to have an interior design business)! Interestingly, I thought about writing a post about home office design…great minds think alike, eh?
I turned one of my bedrooms into a dedicated home office. While I do like it, I think it is time to give it a face lift. I wish I could move it to the beach. Now that would be heaven here on earth!
Rachel Lavern recently posted..How to Just Say No
Hi Rachel,
Wow…I just love interior design. I do believe great minds thing alike lol.
I too need to give my home office a face lift. Sometimes we just need our surroundings to “grow” with us. It is a large room and is comfortable. But…Maybe I just need a new color? Hmmmmm Or a different desk…. It has been on my mind.
Moving to the beach is great but the one thing I still need to get used to is all the sand that comes into the house no matter how much you take your shoes off. It gets stuck on the dogs paws and it is never ending. But hey, can’t complain because it is a slice of heaven up here….even in the winter.
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Crazy Simple Ways To Become A Successful Blogger | Interview With Marquita Herald
Twitter: rachellavern
October 16, 2016 at 7:48 pm #
You are right Donna…sometimes a fresh coat of paint is all that is needed. Please tag me if you post photos 😉
Rachel Lavern recently posted..6 Blunders Female Entrepreneurs Make That Keep Them Stuck, Stressed & Strapped
Indeed Rachel.
A new color can make a huge difference. I tried taking a pic of the room but it will take a few shots to see the whole thing….I will tag you when I do
Donna Merrill recently posted..Influencer Marketing To Grow Your Blog
Twitter: notnowmomsbusy
October 13, 2016 at 2:35 pm #
Hi Donna,
I used to have an office but I had to pass it on to my daughter when she moved back in. Oh and I loved it so. It was a woman-cave – I had candles, flowers, and a cute chair I found at a yard sale. Now I dedicated some space in my bedroom to fit my desk, cabinet and still manage to keep my candles and flowers but my chair no longer fits. :(.
I was reading Bren’s set up and I would love something like that. 🙂
Great post as always! I hope you’re having a great week!
Cori Ramos recently posted..Crafty Ideas for Your Home Office
Hi Cori,
I love my “woman cave” too. I do allow David in and he doesn’t mind all the plants and candles. He knows it’s my turf. He is more of “have laptop will travel” and can work anywhere in the house. As for me…I need total focus otherwise I get distracted.
That man can even concentrate with the TV on and do two things at once….my brain won’t work that way lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Crazy Simple Ways To Become A Successful Blogger | Interview With Marquita Herald
Twitter: darrellharris41
October 12, 2016 at 6:06 pm #
Hello Donna
Great post ! I would say my office space is between minimalist like Ryan and functionality like Mitch. My actual workspace is actually my Mac sitting on my living room table. And when I drift off I have the huge picture window and my 7 ft. cat tower to watch my cats.
Those celebrity office spaces of Ellen Degeneres and Martha Stewart really looked great though. And those are some really super points you mentioned,I definitely feel when I make my workspace less cluttered I will become more productive. Again thanks for wisely pointing this out and for this cool post.
Darrell Harris recently posted..6 Fears Businesses Have about Social Media
Hi Darrell,
So, you’re a clutter bug, huh?
My husband is, too, and I’m always after him to clear things out so I can think.
It definitely helps me keep on track, and even though he tends to clutter, he tells me he is more focused, too, after clearing things out of his visual space.
Something to work on 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Start And Run A Blog By Yourself
Twitter: mitch_m
October 12, 2016 at 2:21 pm #
Truthfully, my office isn’t designed for maximum comfort, but functionality. It’s only 10×10, not counting the appropriated closet space, where I keep my TV and some of my supply cabinets. The best thing I did for myself was have my room painted red; the best decision I “allowed” was letting my wife tell me I couldn’t paint the ceiling black. lol
However, if I ever hit the lottery and we get to redesign this house, the first thing I do is double the size, then add some “real” windows to bring in some light from the outside, and finally get the kind of desk I’ve always wanted, which wouldn’t fit in this room at the present time. We can dream can’t we? 😉
BTW, interesting that you’ve set things up so we can’t copy our comments before we post them, which I always do since I’ve had so many blogs eat them up. Luckily, I’m me… just sayin’… lol
Mitch Mitchell recently posted..30 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Blog
Hi Mitch,
I love that your office is red. A black ceiling is awesome if your room was huge. I stayed in my friend’s guest room and it was painted those colors with gold trim. Surprisingly it made the room look enormous. But it was a huge room.
As long as you are comfortable in your work space it can be at the kitchen table….That’s where I started so many years ago. I was juggling kids, cooking, an offline business and jumped into an online one too. I was comfy there for a while.
Hmmm I didn’t know my blog did that. I am in the habit of copying my comments too when I’m on many blogs because it gets eaten up.
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Crazy Simple Ways To Become A Successful Blogger | Interview With Marquita Herald
Nice post,
I’m still using a small desk and I was planning to shift to a new desk and seems like these workspace designs are quite impressive.
Hi Osho,
Whatever works is cool.
It depends, of course, on the space you’re in… small apartment, huge house, rented office etc.
Glad you enjoyed the designs.
It’s fun to get your imagination spinning 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Crazy Simple Ways To Become A Successful Blogger | Interview With Marquita Herald
Twitter: cheryschmidt
October 11, 2016 at 8:42 pm #
Hello Donna! When I started my first business I set up a nice office in a corner in the basement, a new desk,chair file cabinets, boards, the works. Then found out I hate sitting, so I then set up a standing station at the bar in the other corner of the basement.
This was all fine and dandy but then came summer time and I needed light HEHE So upstairs to my kitchen table.. it is actually more of a bar counter. So I can either stand or sit.
I also find myself sitting in my robotic chair a lot of the time too??
I guess come winter I will be back downstairs..
I actually don’t know what is BEST! LOL
How about for you Donna? Interesting topic indeed.
Chery :))
Hi Chery,
Sounds like you bounce around all over the place.
Me, too.
Laptop lifestyle, haha, I grab it when I’m on the couch, take it into the kitchen when I’m waiting for the pasta to cook… you name it, that’s where you’ll find me 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..Use Your Blogging Skills To Make Money Online
Twitter: mrsdeegee
October 11, 2016 at 8:26 pm #
Hi Donna,
Ughhh, I really don’t have much of a workspace.
I would so love a cool, effective one though. Just never created it. The days go by and I don’t give it much thought – until I see a post like this and realize I’m SOOOO missing out.
I’ll have to take the time to put some thought and effort into this. I’d want something simple without a lot of clutter. But of course, something inspirational nearby as well.
Thanks for the inspiration. 🙂
Dana recently posted..What is My Purpose?
Hi Dana,
Indeed you will have to have something inspirational by your side because that’s who you are. But it can be anything. Sometimes it doesn’t necessarily have to be a separate room, but a cute desk like the picture of the “City Slicker” above.
Lay your laptop on the desk part and have a plant on top, for life energy, and the nooks can be filled with things that inspire you.
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Crazy Simple Ways To Become A Successful Blogger | Interview With Marquita Herald
Twitter: ryanbiddulph
October 11, 2016 at 5:21 pm #
Hi Donna,
Since we are usually traveling we are minimalist, all the way! Sweet set ups here. I’d like to go more pro in many ways but know, added stuff adds clutter, and clutter distracts me. Give me a roof over my head, lap top, and solid internet connection. I can get busy with these basic factors. Or, call it a freaking survivalist’s approach to blogging LOL! I need little to get things going. But I also know many bloggers need the pro, formal set up to make things go. Whatever floats your energetic boat, for it. No need to go digital nomad bare bones like the BFP guy 😉
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Ryan Biddulph recently posted..10 Blogging Limiting Beliefs You Must Kill to Succeed
Hi Rayn,
I like the survivalist’s approach lol. As a digital nomad I am sure you are a minimalist. You have to be!
I too need the minimalist decor. Too much stuff around gets me crazy. Call it ADD or ADHD, but I get confused with too much stuff around me. I can only do one thing at a time when I’m working. But it works for me!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan Biddulph
Twitter: KathieMac
October 11, 2016 at 4:26 pm #
Hi Donna,
I just loved your article. I am a closet decorator. That means I have lots of Decorating magazines in my closet. lol
Create your work space just for you. My office has expanded from a spare bedroom to take over my entire living room.
My desk in one corner and my husbands in the other. Lots of house plants ( he refers to it as the jungle) in between.
I have many collections on and in bookcases. I have everything I need in my office area. I love working there, which is a good thing as I am there so much. I even took some new photos after reading your article. Wonder what your office looks like Donna?
Kathryn Maclean recently posted..Having A Mentor
Hi Kathryn,
You mentioned plants….I have my own little “jungle” in my office. I need that living energy around me. I also like a lot of light and have windows to look out of. I do have a small desk to put my laptop on. I also have a futon in my office because sometimes I like to stretch out and type.
I also like to take my laptop down to my dining room when I’m cooking – love to cook – and I have ample room to juggle both. I too am a closet decorator.
I should have taken a picture of my office….maybe I just will and post it up on Facebook.
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Crazy Simple Ways To Become A Successful Blogger | Interview With Marquita Herald
Twitter: marquitaherald
October 11, 2016 at 2:32 pm #
I love this post and the timing couldn’t be better! I left most of my furniture behind when I moved to Oregon because I wanted to start fresh so I’ve been shopping for office furniture. The funny thing is how much my thinking has changed since I arrived.
For example, I had convinced myself that a standing desk just wasn’t for me. But since I moved in I’ve been using the counter that divides my dining room and kitchen to work on my computer. I have bar stools so I have the option to sit, but it’s really wide, just the right height and I’ll be darned if I haven’t discovered I actually like standing up at least half the time. Anyway, there are other things, but they all point to your tip about being true to ourselves and now that I’ve discovered some new things about myself I’m more excited than ever to set up my new office! 🙂
Marquita Herald recently posted..How to Build Your Capacity to Manage Adversity
Hi Marquita,
It is amazing how we find out so much about ourselves when we are designing our space. Our work space is so important. Weather we are sitting or standing is one good point you have brought out.
I like to look out the window here and there when I need to collect my thoughts. This is why I needed to use the room where trees were right out my window. I also like the beach, so when I open my windows I can smell it when the wind blows.
All these things generate clarity in my mind.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Most Bloggers Never Create Their Own Products
Twitter: Virtual_Bren
October 11, 2016 at 2:16 pm #
Hey Donna,
Didn’t know there were so many different types of home offices! I have a spare bedroom converted into an office for two. 3/4 of it is for me and my work and 1/4 for the hubs when he does the bills and such. It’s fully equipped with all-in-one printers, laptops, keyboards, and extra monitors. It totally is a fully functional office. Good thing because I can claim it on my biz taxes 🙂 Regardless what your space may be, as long as it’s functional and works, that’s most important.
Thanks for a great post! Happy Tuesday!
Bren Pace recently posted..3 Things To Do When You Get The Blogging “Blues”
Hi Bren,
That’s wonderful. I’m sure the way you have designed your workspace it works well. Like you mentioned: It is fully functional. That is what is so important. Tons of folks are working hodge podge and not taking time to do what you have done.
To be able to have productivity we need to set things up first. I like the way you have done it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..35 Best Types Of Blog Posts To Get Free Traffic | Neil Patel
Twitter: ryanbiddulph
October 11, 2016 at 7:33 pm #
Wow sounds like quite the set up Bren! I’m kinda jelly over here LOL 😉 Smart on the tax write off thing too. I write off so much – even with a bare bones office – because just think of all investments we pay for, related to our blogging businesses. Cash in. Reap the benefits of being a small business owner.
Ryan Biddulph recently posted..10 Blogging Limiting Beliefs You Must Kill to Succeed
That is Smart of Bren to write her office off Ryan.
I have an office in New York where my friend runs our offline business, and a home office too.
The office in NY is a better write off lol. But I think in 2017 I’m going to switch things up and will be writing off my home office.
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Crazy Simple Ways To Become A Successful Blogger | Interview With Marquita Herald
Twitter: ryanbiddulph
October 14, 2016 at 11:52 am #
Oh yes I am SURE the NYC office is a big write off LOL!
Ryan Biddulph recently posted..Are You Excited to Become a Successful Solopreneur Blogger?
It sure is Ryan he he he
Donna Merrill recently posted..Influencer Marketing To Grow Your Blog
Twitter: SusetteSnippets
October 11, 2016 at 2:10 pm #
Hello, Donna
A random blog post about the futility of blogging impacted me so adversely, I quickly lost heart and totally stopped blogging. Not only did I stop, I was constantly assailed by all sorts of ensuing negative emotions – I doubted, I disbelieved, I was disheartened, I retreated back into my shell and let the grass grow under my feet – for almost 10 months!
I was afraid too, and felt like a failure (still feel that way, actually).
Then Glenn Shepherd recommended reading through your blog – and wow, wow, WOW, Donna! I could happily spend hours here, it’s hard to quit browsing your amazing content. I’d need to be super-disciplined here, with timer set (repeatedly)to pull me away, hahaha!
How weird, rather, divinely provident – that for my very first visit, I should land on your post about workspace design – perhaps my workspace isn’t conducive to blogging creativity and productivity! Yes, I’ve limited myself to “what is”. It will take me a huge mindset shift to try “what can be”, hahaha!
Aahh, I’ve seen some things here that make me feel good and don’t scare me away! I can proudly put my hand up to being a Minimalist. I can also smugly say that I’m NOT a collector (though I love reading books and have a tendency to put yellow stickes on pages that resonate with me – followed by my greatest weakness of jotting down notes about it. This is a very time-consuming habit that gets me nowhere!
Juggler, that’s also very much Me!
I’d love to be a Beach Babe blogger, but then I’d be just watching the sunrises AND the sunsets, AND basking in the sun all day in-between just appreciating and being grateful for my surroundings – I wouldn’t get any work done!
For now, I have a make-shift table against a white wall, but I am tremendously grateful that I can swivel around and look out of two windows simultaneously, one framing a tee with vibrant colored leaves (before the tree totally sheds its leaves in the Fall) and the other window framing a rooftop with a large expanse of blue sky and white clouds, depending on the weather!
Now for that scented candle as you suggest, and hopefully …. I’ll be creative and productive – and give YOU all the credit, Donna – seriously!
Thanks for this post and the amazing value you give throughout! I’m so glad I plucked up the courage to comment – I’m normally a quiet, shy person. With Glenn Shepherd’s encouragement, here I am! Not for an ulterior motive though, but genuinely just to learn from you – you are undoubtedly an expert, besides being an extraordinarily charismatic personality!
Thanks again, Donna!
Hi Susette,
Welcome to my blog and I’m so happy Glenn nudged you to come on over. I love love love your comment my new friend. You share so much and I know my readers will love your feedback.
Never give in to fear! Never stop blogging unless you have something else up your sleeve to do. That’s my two cents.
We are each blessed with our unique style and purpose. So why not? What do you have to loose? Blogging is a great way to connect with others…see we just did it here 🙂
I am so glad Glenn is encouraging you especially to comment. Comments are the backbone of our blogs I always say. And your comment is wonderful. I am so glad you came on over.
Aha…a minimalist like me! Isn’t it nice to have windows to look out of to get our thoughts together when we are writing.
As for the Beach Babe…I’m one. Well..a mile from the shore, but I am tempted to be there all the time in all kinds of weather. But I had to learn to discipline myself to get my work done then reward myself with a nice walk on the beach almost every day. I live where there are 4 seasons and even when it’s cold out, I’m there! Something magical about it.
I’m so glad you have come on over and I am heading to your blog right now!
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Crazy Simple Ways To Become A Successful Blogger | Interview With Marquita Herald
Twitter: SusetteSnippets
October 14, 2016 at 1:20 pm #
I feel so honored and privileged that you responded to my comment, AND visited and commented on my recent blog post. It gave me renewed enthusiasm to continue blogging!
Thanks for your very valuable and precious two cents on fear, hahaha!
I love your friendly, approachable, happy-go-lucky personality, Donna! You have a natural knack for instant, warm engagement with your readers. You make me feel wonderful and happy that I connected with you and overcame my fear.
Looking out of windows sends me off into a train of appreciation and gratitude – doesn’t really get my thoughts together for writing, unfortunately. (Incidentally, apologies for the typo in my previous comment – “tees” should be “trees”!)
Enjoy your walks on the beach, Beach Babe. Now, wouldn’t it be awesome if you had a “Beach Workspace Design” too, hahaha! I’d be tickled pink if you DID come up with this eventually!
Once again, thank you Donna.

Susette recently posted..This will Make you Zap the 3 Deadly Sins
Hi Susette,
Just noticed this and I appreciate your kind words. Yea…I’m a happy go lucky type I think lol. I just love people. I like to engage with them and do have a genuine interest.
I make it a point to always go to a person’s blog when they leave a comment before I answer it. It just makes sense to me. When a visitor comes to me and leaves a good comment, why not connect?
I am so glad you overcame your fear. And remember what a wise man once said: “There is nothing to fear but fear itself”
Donna Merrill recently posted..Influencer Marketing To Grow Your Blog
Twitter: ravichahar27
October 11, 2016 at 1:31 pm #
Hey Donna,
It varies person to person. Some people prefer to keep their home office clean whereas others don’t even care.
Some are jugglers, some prefer to keep the book with them. Well, it’s hard to say which is better.
Thanks for this post.
Have a great week ahead.
Ravi Chahar recently posted..How To Add Post Formats To WordPress Theme Using Theme Support?
Hi Ravi,
There is not one type better than another. We reflect who we are and what we are doing when we look around to see how we design our workspace. Some just put their laptop under their arm and go to a coffee house. Others work great under pressure or clutter.
Others need to have everything clear and neat. It all depends on our personality. I do find that when I created my office space it turned out to reflect me. People who visit me always say “This is so you”
It is just a matter of comfort.
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Crazy Simple Ways To Become A Successful Blogger | Interview With Marquita Herald