You can gain massive traffic through Pinterest when you put a solid plan into action.
Now, who doesn’t need more traffic, right?
Yes, there are some insider secrets for getting traffic to your blog that you should learn about.
Effectively marketing your content through social media is one of them.
And Pinterest is certainly one of the major social media platforms you should be using.
But many bloggers just don’t think of Pinterest as a primary traffic generation strategy.
So you might be surprised to see how powerful it really can be.
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That’s why I’ve asked a social media expert to go through some of the basics on this topic.
And she did a great job with it.
So listen carefully now.
And take notes.
And then implement, my friends.
I’ll bet you’ll be creating some highly popular pins on Pinterest in no time.
But you must understand that no strategy or technique will get you any results until you take some serious steps to implementing it.
So now, let me turn this article over to my guest writer.
She’ll show you exactly how to gain massive traffic through Pinterest.
How To Gain Massive Traffic Through Pinterest
by Elmira Assiyeva
After Facebook, Pinterest is the highest referral lead generation and traffic-driving social media platform.
With more than 200 million users, the platform offers endless opportunities for getting public exposure.
So if you are a blogger, housewife, gamer, business owner, or just a fashionista owning a personal website or blog, Pinterest could serve you as a perfect traffic generator.
If you are already utilizing social media to gain traffic to your blog or your website, you should know that this is one of the best ways to acquire new contacts and forge useful relationships.
But what is it that makes Pinterest so special as compared to the rest of social networks like Facebook, and Twitter?
The best thing about Pinterest is that your posts don’t blur out of the spotlight like posts on other social media.
The life span of a pin is one week!
Wait, what?
You’ve heard it right.
You get an absolutely huge time exposure.
As a result, you can gain massive traffic from Pinterest in ways that are not as likely from other social media platforms.
For example, you can certainly generate much more traffic than compared to that of 24 minutes for Twitter or 90 minutes for Facebook.
Image source: Shopify
Moreover, unlike other social channels, Pinterest is less crowded.
It consolidates more reliable audiences who might actually be interested in your expertise and become your long-term subscribers later on.
Keeping all these things in mind, this is the time you should start utilizing Pinterest.
But first, you need to know how you can leverage its potential for your blog or website promotion.
Here are a few tactics you can make use of to elevate your marketing strategy and gain some massive traffic through Pinterest.
#1 Optimize your Pinterest Profile and Claim your Website
Since Pinterest is a visual search engine, individuals can without much of a stretch discover you as long as you improve your profile.
Just like you optimize your content and product pages, you ought to optimize your Pinterest presence too!
Consider Pinterest like Google – you want people searching for your keywords to find your pins, profile, or boards.
Here are three important things you need to have for an optimized bio:
- a title with keywords
- information about what you do, and a
- call to action
For example, Myra the owner of My Blessed Life blog, has several keywords after her name:
Source: My Blessed Life on Pinterest
Verify Your Website
After optimizing your Pinterest profile, keep in mind to get your website verified on Pinterest.
Doing this could enable your users to recognize your blog and your posts that you pin.
It will also help you gain the trust of consumers.
In order to add and verify your website, tap on your Pinterest profile picture in the upper right corner and select “Settings”.
Here, you’ll find the option to add your website domain.
Once your account gets verified, a red tick will appear in front of it.
Like this…
Source: Amazon on Pinterest
#2 Create a Pin Worthy Image
If you want to gain massive traffic from Pinterest, the first and foremost step is to research the best and the most suitable type of images for your niche.
Pages with valuable content are most likely to be shared on Pinterest.
Therefore, your business should focus on adding pin-worthy images on such pages.
For instance , Louise Myers from Visual Social Media, updates her social media cheat sheet all the time.
Take a look:
Source: Louise M .com
Create Pin-Worthy Images
But what makes for a pin-worthy image?
Do some competitor research here.
If you search carefully, you will get a fair idea of what type of images to post by looking at images shared by websites similar to yours on Pinterest.
Here are a few things that you should consider doing to get your images pinned on Pinterest:
- Pinterest is a visual platform, so think about using high-resolution, high-quality images that could enable you to stand out. Abstain from utilizing low-quality images or the images that are excessively occupied.
- Remember to add the elements of newness to your images to get people excited about your ideas.
- Pinterest feed is mostly white, so images with bright and strong colors will stand out.
- The vertical images with the aspect ratio of 2:3 (600px wide x 900px high) will probably stand out as the pins are organized into the columns.
- If an image does not provide enough context itself, consider using text overlays.
- Using the images with specific stats and data on a particular topic could also prove to be advantageous.
#3 Make use of the Pinterest ‘Pin It’ Button
Utilizing the Pinterest ‘Pin It’ button is an incredible method to drive extra sharing on Pinterest.
That alone can successfully drive massive traffic to your website.
The ‘Pin It’ button has made it simpler than ever for you and your website visitors to create a pin out of practically anything that exists on your site.
Source: Yellow Owl Workshop
Image sharing buttons can likewise be directly added to your website’s images.
A Pinterest Pin It button will show up over your website’s images, making it simple for individuals to pin that image.
#4 Enable Rich Pins
You may want to display extra bits of information on pins.
And you might want to have more control over the details associated with your products and content.
Rich pins could prove to be beneficial to you.
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Plus, they’re free to use.
Learn how to enable Rich Pins here.
There are four different types of Rich Pins:
- Product
- Recipe
- Article, and
- App
A regular pin just incorporates a description of the pin in the comment field.
But Rich Pins, additionally provide a clear title.
And they guarantee that product information doesn’t get changed or removed.
In one business example, increased their traffic by 70% using Rich Pins.
How To Gain Massive Traffic Through Pinterest
If managed appropriately, Pinterest could prove to be a potent tool for driving traffic to your blog.
It requires a little more effort.
And it requires an entirely different strategy to promote your blog or website on Pinterest.
But the results are tremendous.
Pinterest is not just for images anymore.
It has a vibrant community of readers.
Don’t miss the developing opportunities to expand your global reach through this exciting social platform.
By sticking to the tactics mentioned above, Pinterest gives you the chance to drive
massive traffic to your blog.
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What are your favorite ways to leverage Pinterest for more traffic?
What strategies have worked for you?
Now tell me… are you ready to gain massive traffic through Pinterest?
Please give me your comments below, and share this article on your social sites.
About the Author
My name is Elmira.
I am a content developer at Statusbrew.
I’m fascinated by storytelling, entrepreneurship and travel.
I love to write about Social Media and Digital Marketing strategies.
Thanks, Elmira for sharing the valuable tips for increasing the traffic
I have been considering adding Pinterest.
thanks for the information
Pintrest is the top level free and organic traffic platform. You will get high authority organic and massive traffic to your blogs.
Thanks for sharing such a nice article.
Hello Elmira,
Pinterest is the emerging search engine which is attracting lots of audiences. So, it would be profitable to work on Pinterest and let them aware regarding their blogs and generate leads.
As coming to the article, it is very well written. Thanks for sharing and looking forward for more articles.
Thanks Elmira! I know more about Pinterest more now than 10 mins ago, great pointers and who knew there were four types of RICH PINS!?
You’re a life saver! Thanks to Donna as well, fantastic article put together!
Twitter: enstinemuki
November 12, 2018 at 9:47 am #
Hey Elmira,
Good to have you here and thank you Donna for give the floor to her.
A lot is happening on Pinterest and I have been sitting behind. Initially, I was with those who took this for “the ladies’ place” but it turned out I was wrong.
I have some communities created already on the platform and I look forward to really dedicating some time to get these exposure benefits.
Thanks for the awesome post I’m reading this Monday
Enstine Muki recently posted..WPX Hosting Black Friday Discount – 95% OFF or 3 Months FREE!
Twitter: zoomwings
November 12, 2018 at 6:26 am #
Pinterest is one of the most amazing & helpful social media networks, I have been a Pinterest user for a long time & I know how Pinterest is effective to use.
Twitter: ChrisDeeWaard
November 9, 2018 at 4:53 pm #
Hi Elmira,
I have to admit that I don’t do enough with Pinterest.
I will make sure to follow your tips listed here in the future.
I just added the pin it extension to my chrome browser.
I don’t do a lot with images on my blog posts but I do see that visuals, images and videos, are what seem to be driving traffic these days. Time to implement them.
I read something not too long ago about using rich pins and will be implementing that technique also.
Thanks for sharing this info with us.
Have a good one……Chris
Chris DeeWaard recently posted..One Blogging Lesson I Learned While Dining Out
Thanks Elmira for sharing.
Anyone struggling with growing their social media traffic will definitely find this very helpful.
Right now, where we are focused on is getting more search engine traffic. If we can make it 85% of our traffic source before the year is over, it will be something worth celebrating.
Google User Intent has been helping but however, I’m going to add “Pin It” button to see if it can really helpful since we don’t have a budget for creating infographic.
Thanks one more time. Keep it up, Donna.
Hi Donna,
Pinterest plays an important role in contributing to traffic. Every blogger want more and more traffic. It is the wise idea to optimize the content to gain massive traffic through Pinterest.
Glad you have shared this.
Twitter: trafficcrow
November 7, 2018 at 3:48 am #
Pinterest is highly relevant to a variety of industries, Pinterest can help in creating an incredible surge in traffic for free. If anyone is looking for a free and simple method to drive incredible traffic to the site we can surely read this post
Sathish Arumugam recently posted..Best High DA Dofollow Web 2.0 Sites List 2018 – {Top Authority}
Twitter: techofweb
November 5, 2018 at 11:51 am #
pinterest can prove awesome in sending huge traffic to your blog. but the thing is how you are promoting your pins
Rich Pins concept I was not aware of. Thnks for pointing
seems i have to enable that for myself too
Atul Bansal recently posted..Benefits of Blog Commenting and Why you should Leave a Comment?
Twitter: VineetSaxena4
November 4, 2018 at 3:29 am #
Hi Donna,
I do submit my posts on Pinterest but frankly speaking, I am not getting any traffic from it. Although I have only 4-5 pins yet. I basically do it for link building and SEO only. I have updated my profile and will take some of the steps you mentioned above. Is claiming a website different process than just updating it in the profile?
Vineet Saxena
Vineet Saxena recently posted..5 Steps to Start Your Affiliate Marketing Business
Twitter: lorrainereguly
November 4, 2018 at 2:27 am #
I enabled rich pins on my Pinterest account for my business website, Wording Well, but I just checked and learned that I didn’t do this for my author site. Thanks for the reminder! I just applied. 🙂
Pinterest gives a lot of bloggers tons of traffic… if those bloggers use Pinterest correctly. My freelance writer friend, Elna Cain, skyrocketed several of her websites by using Pinterest. The results were unbelievable!
I really need to get a Tailwind account.
Lorraine Reguly recently posted..12 Benefits of Being a Freelance Editor
Twitter: krsaurabht
November 3, 2018 at 11:15 pm #
Thanks a lot for sharing! As Google shuts down Google+, now looking for ways to improve my Pinterest strategy to get more traffic to my blog.
I Will try these step by step on my Pinterest. Just have a Question, How many pins I can Post Per day? Pins of your own content/blog, or re-pins of others’ stuff?
Twitter: ebusinessroom
November 3, 2018 at 8:23 pm #
Thank you so much, Elmira.
I have tried boosting my traffic that comes from Pinterest but seemed not to work for me. But with this guide, I will try again to see if I will have some good increase.
Good to have you on Donna’s blog.
Emenike Emmanuel recently posted..All You Need to Know About Commercial Property Insurance
nice post thanks for sharing
Twitter: ravishingravism
November 2, 2018 at 8:15 pm #
Hi Donna,
Pinterest plays an important role in contributing to traffic. Every blogger want more and more traffic. It is the wise idea to optimize the content to gain massive traffic through Pinterest.
Glad you have shared this.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..Benefits of Local SEO for Optimizing Your Business
Hi Gaurav
I can’t argue with that… “every blogger wants more traffic”
I think what people often overlook about Pinterest is that it really is a big search engine… like Google and Bing.
So you can find a whole different audience, especially niche audiences who are on Pinterest.
Look around and find your crowd!
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Productivity Hacks to be a Top Blogger
I have been considering adding Pinterest, but making sure it is relevant to what I do is also important to me. Great article!
Hi Susan
Oh yea, it must be relevant to what you’re doing, for sure.
Sometimes that can be a challenge if “what you do” is not visual, since Pinterest is all about posting images.
But Elmira gave you some great suggestions to work around that dilemma, too.
Donna Merrill recently posted..When Bloggers Should Not Follow their Passion
Twitter: MosClement
November 2, 2018 at 9:46 am #
Hi Elmira,
Interests is an incredible source for traffic besides Google, and if used correctly you can drive tons of traffic to your site. For me its not being consistent on the platform, but that in working on as well as claiming my site on Pinterest.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Moss,
Elmira certainly gave some great ideas for creating a product Pinterest presence.
But, yea, it takes work and especially consistency.
So try it for a while and see what your results are.
Like you point out, it is a great alternative to Google because really, Pinterest is a search engine as much or even more than a social media channel in the way that something like Facebook is.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Who is your Perfect Client for your Blog?
Hi! Elmira
This is worth reading your post. Pinterest is best for driving traffic in compare to Facebook or Twitter.
You listed down good and useful tips that should consider getting good engagement on a blog.
Hi Binod
A lot of people have found Pinterest to be more productive than Facebook and Twitter for driving traffic.
But, of course, being active on those 2 big social media sites is still essential to marketing your content effectively.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Top 5 Hacks to Create Smarter Blog Content that Sells in 2019
Twitter: PraveenTemok
November 1, 2018 at 4:28 am #
Glad to read this post. You have provided effective tips on how to gain massive traffic through Pinterest. Pinterest can be one of the best places to drive massive traffic to your site if utilized in a better way. Most people usually go with Twitter, Facebook and other social media channels because they are not aware what Pinterest can do.
Interest can generate more traffic and sales compared to any other social media channel if you know the best strategies to get more from it.
Thank you for sharing this post.
Have a great day ahead.
Praveen Verma recently posted..8 Things to Consider If You’re Buying an Ecommerce Business
Hi Praveen
Pinterest really is one of the best social media sources of traffic, but like you say, most people run to Twitter and Facebook first.
That’s because so many bloggers and marketers are taught, from day 1, that those are the big social media channels that they must have a presence on.
But having a presence is not always the same as converting it to traffic.
Pinterest is a great source for traffic, and Elmira has given some good insights into using it properly.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Welcome – How Is This Blog Different?
Pinterest is one of the finest social media out there. If used and utilized correctly, it can do wonders and provide you with huge traffic. I have seen people generate thousands of visits/day just by carefully utilizing the marketing tips.
Awesome post
Hi Vijayan
For sure… Pinterest can drive huge traffic.
But as you say… it needs to be “utilized correctly.”
I think Elmira did a great job in this article to point you in the right direction with your Pinterest strategy.
Donna Merrill recently posted..What’s the Best Email Autoresponder – GetResponse Review
Twitter: Lisapatb
October 31, 2018 at 4:51 am #
Hi Elmira, thanks for the tips here at Donna’s place. I started using Tailwind this year and have seen some results but I haven’t put enough time into to it to become one of my top traffic sources. Twitter is still my #1 source.
I know I have to work on my images more for Pinterest as well. My social warfare plugin has me create an image for Pinterest for each blog post I do. I will go over the size chart you provided as well to come up with more for future pins.
How does one engage well on Pinterest? I’d love to know more about that part of the social network. Thank you Elmira and I hope you both had a great day and Happy Halloween!
Hi Lisa
Tailwind is a great tool to use along with Pinterest.
Of course, images is always the big issue.
You spend much more time creating pins than actually engaging.
I think of Pinterest like a “space ad” such as FB ads… it just grabs people’s attention to get them to your blog or website.
That’s when the engagement begins.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Do I need a Big Audience before I Start A Blog?
Twitter: imbhawnak
October 31, 2018 at 3:11 am #
Hii Elmira,
I am a firm believer of Pinterest and have been using it before I started blogging. RIght now I am getting around 500-700 visits from pinterest and it is really awesome.
Some of my pins have gotten huge response and lot of traffic.
Thank you for resourceful tips.
Bhawna Kaushik recently posted..28 Things To Do In Kashmir To Make Your Visit Memorable
Hi Bhawana
Thanks for sharing your experience with Pinterest.
Sometimes people can’t relate to why something is good to do for their blog… until they hear someone’s story of how it has worked for them.
500-700 visits is reason (and inspiration) enough to explore this.
Thanks again 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Go Live on Facebook
Twitter: brainpundits
October 31, 2018 at 3:09 am #
Hey Elmira,
Pinterest is one of the finest social media out there. If used and utilized correctly, it can do wonders and provide you with huge traffic. I have seen people generate thousands of visits/day just by carefully utilizing the marketing tips.
Awesome post

Bikram Kalsi recently posted..Effective and Easy Study Hacks for an Excellent Score
Hi Bikram
So true.
You really can use Pinterest as your main traffic source.
But you do have to “carefully utilize” the tips and tactics that Elmira has given you here.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How Do You Start a Blog to Make Money?
Twitter: ryanbiddulph
October 30, 2018 at 10:32 pm #
Smart Pinning advice here Elmira. Like all networks, seems to me the more you give, the more you get, on Pinterest. Keep Pinning helpful posts not on your blog. Then do all the rocking onsite optimizing you note here. Winning combo on a winning network that is turning into a monstrously popular search engine. Excellent post.
Hi Ryan
As you point out… “the more you give, the more you get.”
That’s pretty good advice no matter what you’re doing, right?
Pinterest is a great way to promote your blog, but you do have to do it consistently.
And the more you “pin” the greater your return flow of traffic will be.
Donna Merrill recently posted..This is the Perfect Time to Reboot Your Blogging Business
Hi Ryan,
It’s great to know that you liked the post. I have been a regular reader of your blog and I have learnt a lot of online tactics reading your blog. As pointed by Donna, Pinterest is a great source to build traffic but you need to be consistent.
So true because I also believe that being consistent & unique with your pins matter the most if you want to drive traffic from Pinterest
Twitter: ryanbiddulph
November 7, 2018 at 8:29 am #
Well said Elmira. And thanks so much for following my blog.