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Magical Blogging Words you must use

Magical blogging words you must use

Do you use magical blogging words in your articles? What are your favorite blogging words? By favorite, I mean ones that you use most often. You see, I read lots and lots of blog posts. I read other bloggers in my niche. And I read other niches, too, on topics that interest me. I also […]

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How YouTube can make your blog popular

How YouTube can make your blog popular

YouTube can help make your blog popular in various ways. Developing an active YouTube presence can be a big bonus for bloggers. In the last few years, video has become an essential medium for you to utilize. And there’s probably no better use of video than a YouTube channel. It’s the most visible and popular […]

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Wealth Building for Bloggers

Wealth building for bloggers

  While many bloggers struggle, others have learned the way to blogging wealth. General wealth building strategies are not something unique to bloggers. But bloggers do operate under special circumstances unique to blogging and digital businesses. Regardless of your monetization methods, understand that bloggers build wealth on the back end of their business. Rarely on […]

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Create a Winner Mindset

Create a winner mindset

You can create a winner mindset by making it a habit. There are specific mindset traits you must adopt. First you need to understand what these traits are. Then you must implement specific strategies routinely, until a winner mindset just comes naturally to you. Let’s look at what those traits are, and then I’ll show […]

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influential blogger fast

Become a highly influential blogger fast

Why would you want to become a highly influential blogger? Think this through with me for a moment. You have a blog. So you’re already a blogger. But maybe your traffic is not so great. Or maybe it is. But way too few of your visitors become your customers, clients or email list subscribers. Here’s […]

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Going Through the Motions in Your Business

Are you going through the motions in your business

Are you trying to build a business by carefully going through the motions? Think of your normal way of doing business. Do you focus on doing the same things every day? You could say it becomes very mechanical. It’s called a “routine.” Yes, entrepreneurs must settle into routines. Brick and mortar business Think if you […]

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Is Online business worth the risk

Is online business worth the risk

When you start an online business, there are certain risks you will have to take. That’s always the way it is when you are an entrepreneur. If you’ve been running your online business for years, now, you’re pretty familiar with all the risks. But that doesn’t make you immune to them. Every day, there are […]

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