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Learn to be a wildcat blogging entrepreneur to build a profitable blog

Be a Wildcat Blogging Entrepreneur to Build a Profitable Blog

Learn to be a wildcat blogging entrepreneur if you really want to become a successful blogger.

If you are just focused on the creative aspect of writing articles and posting videos to your blog, then how will you build an audience?

People have to know who you are, what your core message is, and how you can help them solve their problems.

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They have to see your blog as a key resource to improving their lives in some way.

Then, they will want to visit your blog, support it as a loyal reader, and start buying the products and services you link to in your blog posts.

So what is a blogging entrepreneur, exactly?

The Blogging EntrepreneurAnd what can you do to be a wildcat blogging entrepreneur?


The rewards for turning yourself into a wildcat blogging entrepreneur can be pretty substantial.

To understand this, you need to know what I mean by the term “wildcat blogging entrepreneur.”

It derives from speculative oil well drilling in the early 20th century.

When a prospector put money and resources into drilling in territory that was not known to have any oil reserves, it was called “wildcatting.”

The prospector was called a “wildcat” for investing his time and resources into new, unproven territory.

This risk was high.

But the rewards were enormous.

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Since the territory was not expected to yield much if any oil, it was a highly speculative undertaking.

So the land could be purchased at a bargain price.

And if, in fact, it did yield oil, the wildcat driller stood to make a huge windfall profit.

Wildcat blogging entrepreneur

Now, I’m not suggesting that you risk any money, time or other resources that you cannot afford to risk.

But I am saying that if you invest in your blog, even though it is not a proven money maker, you can earn tremendous rewards.

I’m not saying you will.

But that you can.

And very few bloggers ever become successful without investing in their blog, and in themselves.

Still, understand that when you invest in a blog domain, hosting and an email autoresponder, you are putting money into an unknown entity.

That unknown entity is your blog.

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You have no idea if you can make it profitable, but you are willing to speculate that you can.

And, of course, you can.

But first, you have to be willing to give it a try, and invest in it.

If you decide it’s too risky, you will be safe in not even trying.

But you will also be giving up on the potential rewards.

In fact, you’re probably spending money on your blogging business, or at least some aspects of it, right now.

How “safe” is your current blogging investment level?

How Do You Spend Money Blogging

How do wildcat bloggers build a profitable blog?

Wildcat bloggers build a profitable blog in the same way that all bloggers do.

They promote and sell affiliate products.

Affiliate blogging is a great way to get a new blog to start making money.

Affiliate Marketing for beginner bloggers

Or they develop their own service like freelance writing, social media consulting or anything related to their niche.

There are many ways to sell your services on your blog.

7 proven ways to sell services on your blogThey might even create their own digital products and sell them.

Create Your Own Product To Sell OnlineThere are lots of ways to profit from your blog, but here’s the thing.

The more of your assets that you are willing to invest, the more risk you are taking.

After all, things might not work out, right?

On the other hand, the more you invest, the greater your reward potential.

Wildcat blogging entrepreneurs are willing to take the risks involved because they know that there are very few businesses that can become as profitable as an online business.

And since their blog is like an “unproven territory,” with unknown value… the windfall can be considerable.


While the rewards may be great, wildcat blogging entrepreneurs need to be willing to take risks to be successful.

Wildcat blogging is not a “safe” game.

It is not an easy road to riches.

But it can be very rewarding if you are willing to take the risks involved.

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Even when taking risks, though, your focus should not be on the risks, but on the rewards of your potential success.

In other words, you must have the right mindset.

Prosperity Mindset

Actually, the very first thing you need to be a wildcat blogging entrepreneur is the right mindset.

What is that “right mindset?”

Well, for one thing, it is a prosperity mindset.

Prosperity MindsetEverything you do has to be planned carefully for the purpose of building a profitable business.

That’s what wildcat blogging entrepreneurs do.

They strategize carefully to drive traffic to their blogs for the purpose of selling products and services.

Sometimes, that might even mean developing new and “off the beaten path” sources of traffic.

The Unconventional Guide to Increase Blog TrafficBut if you just blog without purpose, or just to share information… you are not wildcat blogging with a prosperity mindset.

Building a profitable blog is not just about the money

Don’t be confused here.

Wildcat blogging is not just about the money.

Not even when you are trying to build a profitable blog.

Wildcat blogging just for the money is definitely the wrong place to begin as an entrepreneur.

3 Reasons You are Blogging Wrong and How To Fix ItThat might sound confusing… build a profitable blog, create a prosperity mindset, but don’t blog just for the money?

That’s right.

True prosperity is not just about the money.

It is about profitability, but not just that for it’s own sake.

Wildcat blogging entrepreneurs understand that they can only be truly prosperous to the extent that they help people solve their problems and have better lives.

If you’re a serious blogger, I hope you have learned that.

That’s because when you blog to help others, you are building a business, not just selling a product.

Building a highly profitable business is what makes you a wildcat blogging entrepreneur instead of just one more ordinary blogger.

And I know a lot of bloggers who spend every day trying to help their readers and their audience.

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Those are the ones who are the real wildcat blogging entrepreneurs.

Learn to be a wildcat blogging entrepreneur to build a profitable blog

If you want to learn the tricks of the trade, and figure out what risks have better potential than others…

…don’t do it by just poking a stick in the ground.

Wildcatters may take risks on doing things that others don’t think can work.

But they don’t do it by being clueless.

They develop a strategy.

Then they  implement it every day.

And to make sure they are on the right path, they seek the guidance of a highly competent, professional consultant, coach or mentor.

I’ve been coaching bloggers for years, now.

Usually, clients tell me they never thought they needed a coach, or that they thought they couldn’t afford one.

Does that sound familiar?

If you’ve been holding yourself back for any reason at all, this might be the perfect time to stop procrastinating.

Top Tier Coaching

Are you ready to be a wildcat blogging entrepreneur to build a profitable blog?

Leave me a comment below and let’s talk about it.

Also, share this article on your social sites.

I appreciate it 🙂


Donna Merrill
Donna is a well known blogger and creator of "Blogging Magic" - an intensive guide to blogging. "Blogging Magic" is for beginners who are trying to figure out how to bring their blogs to life with tons of visits, comments and social media interaction. It's even for advanced bloggers looking to reach new levels of authority and engagement with their audience.

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17 Responses to Learn to be a wildcat blogging entrepreneur to build a profitable blog

  1. Amar Kumar October 15, 2019 at 7:20 am #

    Hello Donna,

    Affiliate marketing is the easiest way to make money because you can promote a wide-variety of products. However, it’s not nearly as lucrative as it once was and it requires a lot of traffic to be truly profitable.

    Many bloggers create and sell their own digital products. Digital products are great because they don’t require inventory and can be distributed quickly and easily.

    Thanks for sharing, “wildcat blogging” – sounds amazing.

    With best wishes,

    Amar Kumar

  2. Moss Clement
    August 8, 2019 at 5:18 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    I love the phrase you use, ‘WILDCAT ENTREPRENEUR.” To become a successful blogging entrepreneur involves risk, but it pays off later if you take action and apply what you’re learning. However, many bloggers are not willing to take that risk, which is investing in their blogs to make it to the next height. So, why are they not ready to take the risk? The fear factor is the answer; they are afraid of losing money, forgetting that the investment they today will pay off big time later.
    Thank you for sharing this insightful post.

    Moss Clement recently posted.. How to Build Brand Trust on Social Media to Attract More Leads

    • Donna Merrill
      August 25, 2019 at 10:49 am #

      Hi Moss

      Yes, so true… being a successful blogger involves risk, but it does pay off “if you take action.”

      Most people I know who say that blogging “didn’t work” for them, really didn’t work themselves.

      They just posted some content and then walked away, waiting for some magical results to happen.

      I guess, like you say, many of them are just filled with fear of failure and disappointment.

      You can get “magical” results, but you’ve got to make them happen.

      They don’t happen by themselves.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to give your blog a fresh new startMy Profile

  3. Lisa Sicard
    August 6, 2019 at 6:21 am #

    Donna, I love your story about the oil drilling. You are so right about investing in yourself and your blog. It’s a must today to start making any money from it. There is more competition than ever before and you must stay on top of your game.
    Too many don’t invest in themselves because they think of it as wasting money or spending money, not INVESTING.
    I hope you are having a great week up there and take care!
    Lisa Sicard recently posted..One Year Since My Feet Left the Day Job and What I Learned For You My FriendMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill
      August 25, 2019 at 10:36 am #

      Hi Lisa

      It’s true, as you say… that people think they are “spending” rather than “investing.”

      It’s a big difference.

      When you spend money, it’s gone.

      When you invest, it’s money that reaps rewards far greater than your initial outlay.

      Excellent point, my friend.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to start a blog for financial securityMy Profile

  4. Vishwajeet Kumar
    August 6, 2019 at 4:52 am #

    Hello Donna,

    Great post. Blogging definitely needs investment. If you want to become a successful blogger then you have to accept your blog as your online business and a Business needs investment that returns a profit for you. Today, Newbie bloggers don’t want to put money on their blog and won’t profit from it. That does go so long. I really like the way of doing wildcat blogging.

    Vishwajeet Kumar
    Vishwajeet Kumar recently posted..How this Comedian Teaches You to Be a Successful BloggerMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill
      August 25, 2019 at 8:57 am #

      Hi Vishwajeet

      Investing in yourself is the best thing you can do.

      Nobody else will make things happen in your business, so put your money on your top bet: YOU.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to be natural on videoMy Profile

  5. Sheen Ben August 1, 2019 at 2:18 am #

    Hi Donna,

    This is the first time I have visited your blog, and the first thing that caught my eye was ‘wildcatting’. Never heard of the term. So to see you explain its historical significance, as well as the deeper message it conveys to bloggers (and people of other fields), is not only interesting but inspiring too.

    You are right when you say that even quality content written with obvious talent can be buried if bloggers do not promote themselves. I have learned that the hard way. It is an often repeated term, but having ‘hustle’ can take a blogger from a small-time writer to a thought leader. Lover your article, and learn something new. Wildcatting!

    • Donna Merrill
      August 4, 2019 at 12:23 pm #

      Hi Sheen,

      Yes, you have to hustle out your blogging content.

      Make sure you to put out great content, yes… but then make sure to work even harder to promote it and share it.

      That’s the way to make your mark.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to make the first video for your blogMy Profile

  6. James McAllister July 31, 2019 at 9:15 am #

    Hi Donna!

    Like a lot of things in life, you’ve got to balance the risk and the reward. Unfortunately so many people, especially those who are fairly early on to blogging or entrepreneurship often swing to one of the two extremes.

    When it comes to bloggers, more often than not it’s being too timid. Not willing to invest in tools. Not willing to release their own product. Not willing to hire someone like you to be their mentor, despite the fact that it could literally save them years of time and get them on a more profitable path straight away.

    At the same time, I really have to keep things in perspective myself. My companies are at the point now where investing what would be seen to most as a lot of money, is no longer a big deal. We try things out that are total flops, but the projects that succeed cover all of them and so much more.
    However, I remember when I would worry for days about spending $20 a month on some tool, even when I knew that I needed it.

    Failure is part of the game, but so is winning. When you’re able to push through the failures, your inevitable wins will make everything worth it.

    That’s why the wildcats kept doing what they did – they knew it would eventually payoff.

    Thanks Donna!

    – James McAllister
    James McAllister recently posted..Repeat After Me: I Will Never Compete On PriceMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill
      August 3, 2019 at 12:21 pm #

      Hi James,

      Good observations.

      Too many bloggers are way “too timid” for sure.

      They want to have a successful blog without investing in the tools coaching necessary to make it happen.

      In my experience that is exactly because they are afraid of failing.

      But as you say, “failure is part of the game, but so is winning.”

      You’re so on target there 🙂

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Affiliate Marketing for beginner bloggersMy Profile

  7. Marquita Herald
    July 30, 2019 at 5:49 pm #

    I was nodding “yes” with you while reading your post Donna! I can’t help but think of all the times I dreaded doing something only to find after I took the first step, that first small risk, and discovered I could DO IT after all. I used to avoid anything of a technical nature like it was the plague because I had no confidence in my ability to deal with things like that. But after the first time I tried, I got a little braver and tried something else, and so on. Now there are tools and resources I once shied away from that I use almost daily. Risk doesn’t have to be scary if you do your homework, have a good guide, and get that first step under your belt. Inspiring as always my friend!
    Marquita Herald recently posted..The Path to Stress ResilienceMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill
      August 2, 2019 at 12:16 pm #

      Hi Marquita,

      Risk-taking does build your confidence, doesn’t it?

      It’s like you take a chance ice skating, fall all over yourself, can’t stand up, then slowly it starts coming together.

      Now you’re skating backwards, in circles, and full of confidence.

      But it all started by risking failure and looking foolish.

      Sweet to see how you tackled that “technology” phobia, fear or whatever you might cal it.

      Not so scary once you dive in.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How beginner bloggers become successfulMy Profile

  8. Ryan K Biddulph
    July 30, 2019 at 4:28 pm #

    I like the analogy Donna. Recently I have been writing about how being generous as an investment brings sweet returns on investment, through increased exposure and greater skills. Skilled bloggers with great exposure bring in money through their blogs. But you need to develop your prosperity consciousness – as noted – to be generous, to release expectations, to have fun blogging and to trust the process of seeing generosity investment turn into financial gain. Like those wildcatters who stuck with it and thought abundantly, you too will make your fortune as you give freely, cut strings and scale.


    Ryan Biddulph recently posted.. How to Accept a Sponsored Post

    • Donna Merrill
      August 2, 2019 at 11:59 am #

      Hi Ryan,

      Being generous and releasing expectations are key to building that prosperity mindset.

      This will go a long way to helping your blogging business.

      And it will give you the confidence to start investing in yourself and in your business.

      It’s all a big part of successful blogging.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How to make money with a blog for beginnersMy Profile

  9. Gaurav Kumar
    July 30, 2019 at 4:18 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    It is not easy for many people to be a wildcat in blogging industry because they fear of saying what they actually wanted to say. I have encountered with hundreds of bloggers in past few years who are afraid of taking risks. they are so afraid that they do not even invest on their own blogs.

    This is surely the best guide ever to become a wildcat entrepreneur. thanks for sharing.
    Gaurav Kumar recently posted..Natural Link Building: 12 Impactful Ways to Earn Links Without Doing OutreachMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill
      August 2, 2019 at 9:34 am #

      Hi Gaurav,

      Yes, so true… you must be willing to invest in your blog in order to see growth and success.

      Blogging costs practically nothing to set up and get running, but at some point you need to invest in tools, coaching, software… things that give you a real, viable and profitable business.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Why should you start a niche blog?My Profile

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